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Perfect Memento in Strict Sense/Marisa Kirisame
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普通の魔法使い | Ordinary Magician | |
霧雨 魔理沙 | Marisa Kirisame | |
職業: 魔法使い | Occupation: Magician | |
能力: 魔法を使う程度の能力 | Ability: Use of magic | |
住んでいる所: 魔法の森 | Residence: Forest of Magic | |
魔法の森に住んでいる一風変わった魔法使い。 | A very unusual magician who lives in the Forest of Magic. | |
魔法使いと言ってもそういう職業なだけで、人間である。 | More specifically, magician is her occupation, but she is human. | |
黒い服袋を身に纏い、大きな黒い帽子を被り、神社に行くと頻繁に見る事が出来る。 | She's clad in mostly black clothes, wears an enormous black hat and can often be seen visiting the shrine. | |
余り人間の里には顔を出さない。 | She usually doesn't appear much in the human village. | |
人間の里にある大手道具屋、霧雨店の一人娘であるが、既に絶縁関系にあると言う(*1)。 | She is the only daughter of the proprietor of the successful Kirisame second-hand shop in the village, but it appears she's cut off all relations with them (*1). | |
彼女は、ただ森に住んでいるのではなく、本当は魔法関系の何でも屋「霧雨魔法店」をやっている。 | The forest isn't her only home; she also runs a general store, the "Kirisame Magic Shop". | |
ただ、魔法の森に入ってこの店を探すのは困難な上、元々何を引き受けてくれるのかさっぱり判らないので、仕事をしている姿を殆ど見た事がない。 | However, due to the difficulty of finding the store in the forest, and the fact that nobody has any idea what she really deals with in the first place, she has rarely been seen actually working. | |
性格は人を馬鹿にしたような態度を取り、思いやりがあるとは言い難いが、垢抜けており、一緒にいると面白い。 | Her personality is condescending as if trying to make fools of others, so it would be hard to exactly call her considerate, but she has a sophisticated side to her, and being with her tends to be interesting. | |
能力 | Ability | |
魔法を使う事が出来る。 | She has the ability to use magic. | |
彼女は主に光と熱を持つ魔法を得意とする。 | She specializes primarily in heat and light magic. | |
「派手でなければ魔法じゃない。 弾幕は火力だぜ」が口癖。 | She likes to say, "It ain't magic if it ain't flashy. Danmaku's all about firepower." | |
そんな彼女が使う魔法は見た目が派手だが、それを使うまでは地味である。 | The magic she uses does appear flashy, but their source is relatively simple. | |
まず、魔法の燃料は化け物茸であり、これは地道に生えているのを探して摘み取るしかない。 | First, she has to hunt for monster mushrooms to use as the fuel, which only grow in the wild. | |
さらに、茸は独自の調理法で何日も煮詰めてスープになる。 | Next, she has a peculiar way of preparing them that involves boiling them for several days into a concentrated soup. | |
そのスープを数種類使ってブレンドし、数日掛けて乾燥させ固形物にする。 | She'll create blends of many kinds of soups and dry them into a solid mass over the course of a few more days. | |
それでようやく魔法の実験開始である。 | At that point they're ready for magical experimentation. | |
後はその固形物を投げつけたり加熱したり山の水で戻したり色々実験する。 | She will run all sorts of experiments, including throwing the masses, heating them or submerging them in mountain stream water. | |
そうするとごく稀に魔法らしい魔法が発動する事があるのである。 | Very rarely, she'll discover a truly magical reaction in the course of these experiments. | |
成功しても失敗しても本に纏め、また茸狩りから再スタートである。 | She'll record both failures and successes in her records, and then begin gathering mushrooms once again. | |
彼女にとっての魔法は、派手で見場も良く美しいものの、裏では地味な努力を重ね、人前では決してその努力を見せないようにするもの。 | Her magic is extremely flashy, and indeed quite beautiful, but it's backed up by a considerable amount of her own effort, which she goes to great lengths never to show others. | |
つまり巨大な打ち上げ花火である。 | In other words, it's not unlike a gigantic fireworks show. | |
ただ、人間でここまで魔法が使える者も珍しい(*2)。 | Still, it's quite unusual for a human to be able to use magic to this extent (*2). | |
これも、魔法の森の影響と彼女は言う。 | She says this is also due to the effects of the Forest of Magic. | |
霧雨魔法店 | Kirisame Magic Shop | |
彼女の本業。 | Her main occupation. | |
らしいが、殆ど仕事をしている所を見た事がない。 | Or so she says, but she's almost never been seen actually working. | |
店舗は彼女の家だが、迷いやすい魔法の森に存在している上に、留守がちという最悪な条件が揃っている。 | The shop is at her house, but it has the worst possible set of conditions: not only is it located within the Forest of Magic, where it's easy to get lost, but also she's often not even home. | |
まるで商売する気がある様に思えない。 | It is as if she doesn't seem to be concerned at all with conducting business. | |
さらに、店内も想像を絶する散らかり様で、小さな魔法の森の様になっていると言う。 | Furthermore, the shop's interior is disorganized beyond imagination, almost as if it's a miniature Forest of Magic in itself. | |
仕事の内容は、半丁賭博の予想から異変解決まで幅広く受け付けているという。 | She undertakes a wide variety of work, ranging from making gambling predictions to the resolution of serious incidents. | |
だが、彼女の魔法を見る限り、夏の花火大会でも依頼した方が良いのかも知れない。 | However, if you want to see her use magic, requesting her to put on a summer fireworks display might be a good idea. | |
報酬は成功払いで、失敗の場合は一切お金は取らないと、意外と良心的である。 | Since she typically accepts payment on success, she won't take any money at all in the case of failure, which is surprisingly forthright of her. | |
彼女が使う魔法 | Her Magic | |
魔法の何でも屋と言うが、実際の所何でも出来るほど多彩な魔法が使える訳ではない。 | She says she's a jack-of-all-trades, but in reality she is not so versatile that she can do any kind of magic. | |
彼女の魔法は、物を破壊する程度にしか効果は無く、依頼出来る仕事も妖怪退治が関の山だ。 | Her magical skills are generally limited to destruction, so there isn't much she can do besides youkai extermination. | |
ただ、弱点の少ない魔法で、どんな妖怪にも人間にも同等に効果があるので、純粋に破壊力だけ求めた場合は彼女の右に出る者はいない(*3)。 | However, her magic generally has few weaknesses, and has the same effect regardless of their target, be they human or youkai, so if you are looking for pure destructive power, there is no one better than her (*3). | |
普段、神社にいる事が多く、博麗の巫女に妖怪退治をお願いしようとすると、何故か勝手に彼女が引き受けてしまう。 | She spends a lot of time at the shrine, and whenever someone requests that the Hakurei shrine maiden take care of a youkai, for some reason she often decides to do it herself. | |
ただ、妖怪退治の腕は中々の物で、特にスペルカードルールが成立してからは、その派手な魔法という能力を遺憾なく発揮している。 | Due to her considerable skill as a youkai hunter and especially since the establishment of the spell card rules, she flaunts her showy magic abilities every chance she gets. | |
巫女と競い合う様に妖怪退治をするので、お互いの修行にもなっている。 | Since she competes with the shrine maiden at youkai extermination, they help improve each other. | |
泥棒家業 | Occupation as a Thief | |
彼女のもう一つ仕事が泥棒稼業である。 | Her other occupation is as a common burglar. | |
むしろ何でも屋より熱をあげている様である。 | She seems to be more enthusiastic about that than being a jack-of-all-trades. | |
彼女のモットーは、正々堂々と正面から突入し、正々堂々と「借りてくぜ」と言いながら持っていく事である。 | Her motto is openly breaking in from the front and openly saying "I'll just be borrowin' these" while carrying things away. | |
特に本類は持っていく事に罪悪感を覚えていないのか、被害に遭いやすい。 | Books are a particularly common target; she seems to feel little guilt in taking them. | |
稗田家の幻想郷縁起は今のところ被害にあっていないが、この本の存在が明るみに出れば危険である。 | The Gensokyo Chronicles of the Hieda family have not, as of yet, incurred any losses, but it would be dangerous if the existence of this collection were to become public knowledge. | |
道具 | Tools | |
魔法使いは、時として道具を使う。 | Magic users occasionally use tools. | |
彼女が使う道具は、魔法の箒、小さな火炉、お手製魔導書等がある。 | The tools this particular magician uses include a magic broom, a miniature furnace, and handmade grimoires. | |
魔法の箒は、彼女が勝手に魔法使いに必須だと思って使っている乗り物である。 | She uses the magic broom to ride around on because she believes it's an essential tool for a magician. | |
元は只の竹箒だったが、振り回しつつ魔法を使っている内に影響を受け、奇妙な成長を始めた箒である。 | It was originally a normal bamboo broom for cleaning, but it was affected by her constant use of it in magical rituals and began an unusual growth of its own. | |
既に死んでいる筈なのに、柄の部分から葉が生えてきたりするらしい。 | Leaves appear to be sprouting from the handle, even though it is already dead. | |
その事は魔法には関系ない。 | This is unrelated to her magic. | |
火炉は、彼女の最大の武器であり魔法の実験にも調理にも欠かせない道具である。 | The furnace is her strongest weapon, and is an indispensable tool for both her magical experiments and cooking. | |
幻想郷でも類を見ない小型で強い火力を持つ道具である。 | It's a miniaturized source of immense firepower, unparalleled in Gensokyo. | |
魔力を燃料とし、一晩中煮込む様なとろ火から、山火事を起こすぐらいの強火まで自在に調節できる。 | Fueled by magical power, she is able to adjust it freely, from a gentle flame for simmering pots overnight to a blaze powerful enough to cause bushfires. | |
なお、彼女の自作ではなく、香霖堂が作った物である。 | However, it's not an item of her making, but was created by Kourindo. | |
魔導書は、成功失敗問わず、魔法の実験結果をマメに記録した物である。 | The grimoires are a careful recording of the results of all of her magical experiments, regardless of their outcome. | |
魔導書とは名ばかりで、只のメモ帳である。 | They're grimoires in name only though, and are really just notebooks. | |
魔法使いは本を持つ物だと思っているのだろう。 | She probably believes that magicians need to have books. | |
他には、ちょっとした小物などは、帽子の中かスカートの中に隠し持っているらしい(*4)。 | In addition, she seems to have various other small implements that are hidden away in her skirt or her hat (*4). | |
*1: プライベートな話だから詳しくは記述しないが、霧雨家は魔法の道具を扱っていないから、その辺に何かあるとか。 | 1: As this is a private matter the details are unclear, but it may be related to the fact that the Kirisame family doesn't deal in magical items. | |
*2: 将来的には(妖怪の)魔法使いになるのかも知れない。 | 2: It's possible that in the future she may become a (youkai) magician. | |
*3: 人間の中では。 | 3: Among humans. | |
*4: 投げたら爆発する様な物を隠すのは危ないと思う。 | 4: I think it's dangerous to hide things that explode when thrown. |
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