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Phantasmagoria of Dim.Dream/Story/Marisa's Scenario
< | Prologue | Translation |
Vs. Mode
Marisa Kirisame defeats Reimu Hakurei
Marisa |
楽勝ね。あいかわらずそんな(どんな?)だから |
That was a piece of cake. You're always like that(how?), so you're weak. C'mon, start training more! |
Marisa Kirisame defeats Mima
Marisa |
魅魔様に勝っちゃった。うふ、うふ、うふふふふ |
I beat Lady Mima. Ufu, ufu, ufufufufu... |
Marisa Kirisame defeats herself
Marisa |
うふ、うふ、うふふふふふふふ |
Ufu, ufu, ufufufufufufufu... |
Marisa Kirisame defeats Ellen
Marisa |
あなたも魔法を使うのね・・・ 得体の知れない |
So, you use magic, too... An incomprehensible kind. |
Marisa Kirisame defeats Kotohime
Marisa |
・・・おひめさま~? ふふふ |
...A princess? |
Marisa Kirisame defeats Kana Anaberal
Marisa |
見かけない顔ね。何処の人よ。 |
I can't see your face. What human are you? |
Marisa Kirisame defeats Rikako Asakura
Marisa |
あなた・・・、かなり強い魔力をもってるのに |
You seem to have some pretty powerful |
Marisa Kirisame defeats Chiyuri Kitashirakawa
Marisa |
なによそれ。 |
What was that? |
Marisa Kirisame defeats Yumemi Okazaki
Marisa |
なかなか、おもしろかったわ。じゃぁね~。 |
That was pretty interesting. See you later! |
Story Mode
Stage 6 (Marisa Kirisame wins)
Marisa |
あとは靈夢だけ・・・・ |
Now there's only Reimu... |
Stage 7 (Decisive Match: Marisa Kirisame defeats Reimu Hakurei)
Marisa |
やっぱり、私が最強なのね。 |
Naturally, I am the strongest. |
Stage 8 (Semifinal Match: Marisa Kirisame vs. Chiyuri Kitashirakawa)
Marisa |
うふふふふ~、全員倒したわ~♥ |
Ufufufufu, I beat them all! ♥ |
??? (Chiyuri) |
そこを動かないで!! |
Don't move!! |
Marisa |
きゃっ? 何、何?? |
Eyaah!? W-w-what?? |
??? (Chiyuri) |
君かい、最強の魔法使いは。 |
So you're the strongest magic user, are you? ...Come with me immediately. |
Marisa |
なんだって!(宝塚口調) |
Say what!? (Takarazuka accent) |
??? (Chiyuri) |
これは小さくても必殺の武器だ。[1] |
This may look small, but it's a lethal weapon. |
Marisa |
・・・これって、遺跡じゃないみたいね。 |
...This doesn't look like a ruin. |
??? (Chiyuri) |
ちょっとちがう(汗) |
Uhhh, not quite. (sweatdrop) |
Marisa |
ちょっ、まっ |
Now, wai-- |
Yumemi Okazaki ENTERS | ||
ボカッ!!! |
Whack!!! | |
??? (Yumemi) |
だれが、そんなおもてなしをしろといったのよ(怒) |
Who told you to grant such poor hospitality!? |
??? (Chiyuri) |
だって~、このほうが面白いじゃん。 |
But it's more fun this way! |
ボカッ!!ボカッ!! |
Whack!! Whack!! | |
??? (Yumemi) |
せっかくのお客様がこわがるでしょ!! |
You're scaring the guest we've been waiting for!! |
Marisa |
なんなのよ~ |
What's going on? |
??? (Yumemi) |
あっ、失礼しました。変な対応しまして。 |
Ah, please forgive our odd reception. |
Marisa |
だれです? |
Who are you? |
Yumemi |
私が、この船の船長の岡崎夢美です。 |
I am the captain of this ship, Yumemi Okazaki. |
Chiyuri |
私が、船員のちゆり、北白河ちゆりだ。 |
I'm her crew member, Chiyuri Kitashirakawa. |
Marisa |
船? |
Ship? |
Yumemi |
そうですわ。 ただ、船っていっても、水の上でぷかぷ |
That's right. Well, we call it a ship, but it doesn't float along the water, |
Marisa |
風変わりな内装のお屋敷じゃなくて、 |
So, it's not some crazy mansion, |
Yumemi |
でも、早速みつかったわ♥ あなたのその力・・・。 |
That said, I found it quite quickly! |
Marisa |
魔法を見たことないの? |
You've never seen magic before? |
Yumemi |
私たちの世界では、全ての力が統一原理によって説明でき |
On my world, all power can be explained by the |
Marisa |
とにかく、良くわかんないけど、なんかくれるんでしょ? |
Wait, I don't get it. You're gonna give me something, right? |
Yumemi |
なんのこと? |
Give you what? |
Marisa |
このチラシに書いてあったじゃない! |
Didn't you write this pamphlet!? |
Chiyuri |
あー、それ私がかいたんだ。 |
Oh, I wrote those. |
Yumemi |
チラシ? どれどれ? |
A pamphlet? Here, let me see. |
Yumemi |
”いにしえの遺跡♥ |
"The Ancient Ruins" |
Yumemi |
この遺跡に訪れた方には、あなたをしあわせにする何かを |
Those who visit these ruins will be given a present to grant them happiness. We eagerly await your patronization. |
Yumemi |
・・・・・・・・なんだこりゃ。 |
...What is this? |
Marisa |
あはははははは(汗) |
Ahahahahahaha (sweatdrop) |
Yumemi |
・・・とにかく、書いてある以上仕方が無いわね。 |
...Well, I don't have much of a choice, seeing as how it's written here. |
Chiyuri |
でも、弱かったらいらない。 |
But if it's weak, we don't need it. |
Yumemi |
それでいいよね。 |
That should be acceptable, is it not? |
Marisa |
OK、OK、試したいわけね♥ |
Ok, ok, so you want to test me, then! ♥ |
Yumemi |
じゃぁ、ちゆり。がんばってね♥ |
Well then, do your best, Chiyuri! |
Chiyuri |
それって、もしかして・・・(汗) |
By that, you mean... (sweat) |
Yumemi |
あの娘とたたかえっていってるの(怒) |
I mean I want you to fight her! (angry) |
Chiyuri |
だ~、やっぱり~~~(汗) |
Man, I was afraid of that... (sweat) |
ボカッ!!ボカッ!! |
Whack!! Whack!! | |
Yumemi |
つべこべ言わず、さっさとたたかってきなさい!! |
Quit whining and defeat her this instant!! |
Chiyuri |
しょうがないなぁ・・・ |
No way out of this, huh... |
Marisa |
何を叶えてもらおうかな~ |
I wonder what I should wish for! |
Stage 9 (Final Match: Marisa Kirisame vs. Yumemi Okazaki)
Yumemi |
ちゆり!、負けるのが早過ぎよ!! |
Chiyuri! You lost too fast!! |
Chiyuri |
だって~。 |
Buut... |
Yumemi |
だっても、神曲もないわ! |
No "buts"! And no rear ends, either![3] |
Yumemi |
まったく。あなたが勝ってればこいつを気絶させてでも |
Geez. If you had won, we could have just put her under and taken her home!! |
Marisa |
なんですって?! |
What!? |
Yumemi |
そうよ、この世界で魔法という素晴らしい力をみつけた |
That's right; I've finally found the beatiful power called "magic" in this world. |
Marisa |
ちょっと、欲が出過ぎたのかしら。 |
Uh, that's pretty greedy, I think. |
Yumemi |
私の科学魔法も所詮、似非魔法・・・ やはり、本物には |
My scientific magic is, after all, merely an imitation of magic... |
Yumemi |
それは魔力を使わず、正の光子と光波から産み出しただけ |
It doesn't use magic - it is a thing born of only positively charged photons and light waves. |
Yumemi |
それなら、私の科学力であなたを倒し、あなたをもって帰 |
With that, I'll defeat you with the power of my science, and then bring you back |
Marisa |
物じゃないんだからさぁ。 |
I'm not just some "thing", you know... |
Yumemi |
あなたと勝負してあなたが勝ったら、予告 |
If you can manage to defeat me in battle, |
Marisa |
余裕でしょ。どうせ |
There's a chance, at least... |
Yumemi |
どうかしら? |
Are you sure about that? |
Marisa |
じゃ、たたかってみようじゃん。 |
Well, let's fight and find out then! |
Yumemi |
ちょっと、待って。戦闘用の服に着替えてくる。 |
Hold on just a moment. I need to change into my battle wear. |
Marisa |
早くしてよぉ |
Hurry it up... |
Yumemi |
いいわ、やりましょ。 |
Okay, I'm ready. |
Chiyuri |
マントはおってきただけ・・・・・ |
All you did was put on a cape... |
バキッ!! |
Slap!! | |
Yumemi |
気合入れてよ!死んじゃったら連れて帰れないんだから |
Give it your all! If you die, I can't take you back with me, |
Marisa |
あんたもな。 |
Same to you. |
Yumemi |
本当にいくよ!! |
Okay, here I come!! |
Marisa |
あはは~ |
Ahaha~ |
Translator's Notes
- ↑ This is a reference to a line from the manga Sayonara Parallel, written by Izumi Takemoto.
- ↑ This is a reference to Izumi Takemoto always using the word うじゃうじゃ in his afterwords.
- ↑ Yumemi uses a pun here on 神曲, which refers to Dante's Divine Comedy. Chiyuri uses the word "だって", spelled "datte", which sounds very close to Dante. I've taken the liberty of making the inevitable butt joke.
< | Prologue | Translation |
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