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Phantasmagoria of Dim.Dream/Story/Mima's Scenario
< | Prologue | Translation |
Vs. Mode
Mima defeats Reimu Hakurei
Mima |
あいかわらず、弱いわね。そんなんで巫女やってるなん |
So weak, as always. I can't believe you're a shrine |
Mima defeats herself
Mima |
ふふ、あんただれ? |
Heh, who are you? |
Mima defeats Marisa Kirisame
Mima |
もっと修行しなさい、魔理沙。 |
Train harder, Marisa. |
Mima defeats Ellen
Mima |
あなたも人間ではないようね・・・ |
I see you're not human, either... |
Mima defeats Kotohime
Mima |
あなたも、変な人間のようね |
You're a rather strange kind of human. |
Mima defeats Kana Anaberal
Mima |
どこの人だい? |
Where are you from? |
Mima defeats Rikako Asakura
Mima |
今のは、なかなかだったわね。 |
That was actually quite good. |
Mima defeats Chiyuri Kitashirakawa
Mima |
なんなんだい?そのへぼい攻撃は。 |
What was that clumsy attack? |
Mima defeats Yumemi Okazaki
Mima |
避けられない攻撃ではなかったわ。 |
That was by no means an unavoidable attack. |
Story Mode
Stage 6
Mima |
ふふふ、靈夢以外は全て倒した。 |
Heheheh, I've defeated everyone but Reimu. |
Stage 7 (Decisive Match: Mima defeats Reimu Hakurei)
Mima |
まっ、そんなものね・・・・ |
Well, that's that... |
Stage 8 (Semi-Final Match: Mima vs. Chiyuri Kitashirakawa)
Mima |
やはり、私が1番か・・・ |
As I thought, I'm number one... |
??? (Chiyuri) |
そこを動かないで!! |
Don't move!! |
Mima |
何!! |
What!? |
??? (Chiyuri) |
君かい、最強の魔法使いは。 |
So, you're the strongest magician? |
Mima |
ほう、えらく挑戦的じゃないか。私とやる気かい? |
Hah, aren't you a defiant challenger. You wanna fight? |
??? (Chiyuri) |
ふっ、君と戦うつもりはないぜ。 |
Heh, I don't plan on fighting you. |
Mima |
いやと言ったら・・・? |
And if I say no? |
??? (Chiyuri) |
これは小さくても必殺の武器だ。[1] |
This may look small, but it's a lethal weapon. |
Mima |
いや♥ |
No. ♥ |
??? (Chiyuri) |
・・・・・・・・・(汗) |
......... (sweat) |
Mima |
そんじゃ、そういうことで。 |
Well, I guess that's that. |
??? (Chiyuri) |
こらこらこら(汗) |
Hey, hey! (sweat) |
Mima |
何よ、私いそがしいの。(嘘)あんたにかまってる暇なん |
What is it? I'm busy. (lie) I don't have time |
??? (Chiyuri) |
とっ、とにかく、一緒に来て貰うぜ。 |
A-Anyway, just come with me. |
Mima |
ちょっ、まっ |
Hey, wai- |
Yumemi Okazaki ENTERS | ||
ボカッ!! |
Whack!! | |
??? (Yumemi) |
だれが、そんなおもてなしをしろといったのよ(怒) |
Who told you to grant such poor hospitality!? |
??? (Chiyuri) |
だって~、このほうが面白いじゃん。 |
But it's more fun this way! |
ボカッ!!ボカッ!! |
Whack!! Whack!! | |
??? (Yumemi) |
せっかくのお客様がこわがるでしょ!! |
You're scaring the guest we've been waiting for!! |
Mima |
こわがっては無いと思う。 |
I'm not really scared at all. |
??? (Yumemi) |
あっ、失礼しました。変な対応しまして。 |
Ah, please forgive our odd reception. |
Mima |
それよりなになんだい、あんたたちは。 |
Anyway, who are you people? |
Yumemi |
私が、この船の船長の岡崎夢美です。 |
I am the captain of this ship, Yumemi Okazaki. |
Chiyuri |
私が、船員のちゆり、北白河ちゆりだ。 |
I'm her crew member, Chiyuri Kitashirakawa. |
Mima |
ちょっと、待て。いま、船って言わなかったか? |
Wait, hold on. Did you just say a "ship"? |
Yumemi |
そうですわ。 ただ、船っていっても、水の上でぷかぷ |
That's right. Well, we call it a ship, but it doesn't float along the water, or glide through the clouds, or drift through space, or anything like that. |
Yumemi |
この船は、可能性空間移動船とよばれるもの。 |
This ship is called a probability space hypervessel. |
Yumemi |
でも、早速みつかったわ♥ あなたのその力・・・。 |
That said, I found it quite quickly! |
Mima |
ついでにゆうと、私は人間ではないわよ。 |
Perhaps I should mention that I'm not human. |
Yumemi |
ええっ!? もしかして、動物? それとも宇宙人とか、 |
What!? Then are you an animal? Or maybe an alien, |
Mima |
怒るぞこら(怒) |
Annoyed is what I am! (angry) |
Yumemi |
つまり、さまよえる死霊、ってこと? |
So that means you're a wandering dead spirit? |
Mima |
死霊はないだろ(汗) |
Do I look like a dead spirit? (sweat) |
Yumemi |
悪霊? |
An evil spirit? |
Mima |
(怒) かえる! |
(angry) I'm going home! |
Yumemi |
待って~、私が悪かったわ(汗) |
Wait! I'm sorry! (sweat) |
Mima |
学会? |
The Academy? |
Chiyuri |
御主人さまは、この世に統一原理に当てはまらない力、す |
The captain subscribes to a theory that magic exists |
Chiyuri |
‘非統一魔法世界論’ |
and she announced her "Non-Unified Magic World Theory" to the Academy. |
Chiyuri |
そしたら、おもいっきりわらわれたんだ。 |
When she did that, she was laughed out of the place. |
Mima |
ふふ、そうかい。 |
Hehe, is that so? |
Yumemi |
・・・とにかく、あなたの魔力が本当に強かったら。私の |
In any case, if your magic is truly powerful, |
Mima |
いや♥ |
No. ♥ |
Yumemi |
ふふふ、いやとは言わせないわ。(もう言われてる(汗)) |
Heheheh, I won't let you say no. (even though you already did (sweat)) |
Mima |
どうしろって言うのよ(怒) |
What do you want me to do then!? (angry) |
Yumemi |
あなたの力を調べさせてもらうだけよ。 |
I just want you to let me study your power. |
Mima |
ふふ、たたかうだけならぜひ、やりたいわねぇ。 |
Oho, if you want a fight, then I'm all for it. |
Yumemi |
OKね。そんじゃ、がんばってね、ちゆり。 |
You're okay with it then. Well, good luck, Chiyuri. |
Chiyuri |
それって、もしかして・・・(汗) |
By that, you mean... (sweat) |
Yumemi |
あの娘とたたかえっていってるの(怒) |
I mean I want you to fight her! (angry) |
Chiyuri |
だ~、やっぱり~~~(汗) |
Man, I was afraid of that... (sweat) |
ボカッ!!ボカッ!! |
Whack!! Whack!! | |
Yumemi |
つべこべ言わず、さっさとたたかってきなさい!! |
Quit whining and defeat her this instant!! |
Chiyuri |
しょうがないなぁ・・・ |
No way out of this, huh... |
Mima |
気入れろよ~ |
Show me your best! |
Stage 9 (Final Match: Mima vs. Yumemi Okazaki)
Yumemi |
ちゆり!、負けるのが早過ぎよ!! |
Chiyuri! You lost too fast!! |
Chiyuri |
だって~。 |
Buut... |
Yumemi |
だっても、神曲もないわ! |
No "buts"! And no rear ends, either![5] |
Yumemi |
まったく。あなたが勝ってればこいつを気絶させてでも |
Geez. If you had won, we could have just put her under and taken her home!! |
Mima |
何だと?! |
What!? |
Yumemi |
そうよ、この世界で魔法という素晴らしい力をみつけた |
That's right; I've finally found the beautiful power called "magic" in this world. |
Mima |
無茶言うんじゃないよ。どうやって、私を倒すつもりなの |
Don't be ridiculous. How do you plan on beating me, |
Yumemi |
私の科学魔法も所詮、似非魔法・・・ やはり、本物には |
My scientific magic is, after all, merely an imitation of magic... |
Yumemi |
それは魔力を使わず、正の光子と光波から産み出しただけ |
It doesn't use magic - it is a thing born of only positively charged photons and light waves. |
Yumemi |
私には、魔力はないけど科学力はあるわ。 |
I don't have magic, but I have the power of science. |
Mima |
ふふふ、今度はあんたかい。さっきの奴より弱そうだがな |
Heheh, so this time it'll be you? You look weaker than that other one. |
Yumemi |
そうかしら?。まぁいいわ。あなたと勝負してあなたが勝 |
Is that so? Well, okay. I'll fight you, and if you |
Mima |
いや♥♥ |
No. ♥♥ |
Yumemi |
もっとも、いやといっても無駄だけどね。 |
You're in no position to argue this anyway. |
Mima |
どうせ、負けないよ! さぁ、やろうか! |
I'm not going to lose in the first place! Now, shall we start? |
Yumemi |
ちょっと、待って。戦闘用の服に着替えてくる。 |
Hold on just a moment. I need to change into my battle wear. |
Mima |
なんだい |
What? |
Yumemi |
いいわ、やりましょ。 |
Okay, I'm ready. |
Chiyuri |
マントはおってきただけ・・・・・ |
All you did was put on a cape... |
バキッ!! |
Slap!! | |
Yumemi |
気合入れてよ!死んじゃったら連れて帰れないんだから |
Give it your all! If you die, I can't take you back with me, after all. |
Mima |
さぁ? |
Okay? |
Yumemi |
本当にいくよ!! |
Okay, here I come!! |
Mima |
あんたが逝くよ。 |
You'll be the one to "go".[6] |
Translator's Notes
- ↑ This is a reference to a line from the manga Sayonara Parallel, written by Izumi Takemoto.
- ↑ This is a reference to Izumi Takemoto always using the word うじゃうじゃ in his afterwords.
- ↑ Punyumkin and Tukupuku are generic Japanese creature/alien names.
- ↑ The name of Marian Ezaki's cat in Izumi Sakemoto's manga Apple Paradise
- ↑ Yumemi uses a pun here on 神曲, which refers to Dante's Divine Comedy. Chiyuri uses the word "だって", spelled "datte", which sounds very close to Dante. I've taken the liberty of making the inevitable butt joke.
- ↑ Mima makes a pun on the word "come/go" here, which Yumemi just used, and a poetic word for "die", which sound the same.
< | Prologue | Translation |
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