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Phantasmagoria of Flower View/Afterword
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■0.おまけのあとがきのもくじ | 0. Special Afterword Table of Contents | |
■1.おまけのあとがき | 1. Special Story | |
■1.おまけのあとがき | 1. Special Story | |
○明るく楽しい死後の生活を送る為に | *To live a bright and enjoyable afterlife | |
ふう。今回大しておまけを書く時間が無いくらい、テストプレイが楽しかった。まだ 遊んでは調整しています。 |
Phew. Test playing this game was so fun that I didn't have enough time to write the Omake. I'm still correcting things as I'm playing the game. | |
そんなわけで、今回のおまけコラムは簡単なテーマにしましょう。その内容は、明る く楽しい死後の生活を送る為にする事とは何か。いや簡単じゃないな。 |
So, this time I'll write about a simple theme in place of the Omake. It's about what we should do to live a bright and enjoyable afterlife. Oh, it's not a simple theme. | |
花映塚ではとあるキャラから嘘のような道徳がぽろぽろと出てきますが、果たして彼 女たちの言っていることは本当のことでしょうか。勿論、聡明なプレイヤーの皆さんは |
In Phantasmagoria of Flower View, all characters speak of seemingly-fake morality. Do you think what they're saying is true? Of course, you're all smart players, and you won't take everything they say literally... | |
今回のゲームは、終盤に向けて一方向に進んでいくのではなく、同じ事を繰り返し続 ける事になります。だから今回のような不思議なストーリーなのです(ってまだクリア |
This game is not about reaching a conclusion: It's about repeating the same thing over and over again. That's why the story is weird to you all (yet those of you who haven't cleared the game must try to clear the game). | |
そこで、(軽いネタバレになりますが)「死後の生活を良い物にしようという心が、 今の生活を善い物にする唯一の方法だと心得よ」と言うような台詞が出てきます。 |
While playing (small spoiler alert!), you'll get this line: "Trying to make your afterlife better is the only way to make your present life better." [1] | |
まあ、幻想郷の彼女たちの周りには相当長く生きている者ばかりですから、こういう 不可思議で理不尽な台詞に出会う事も少ないくはありません。 |
Well, you only get really aged people around girls of Gensokyo So they get to hear such bizarre and unreasonable quotes. But is this true? Wouldn't it be better to live a better life now than worry about your afterlife? | |
いいえ、これはあらゆる面において正しい事なのです。 | No, this statement is true in many ways. | |
ゲームを創るとき、様々な困難や誘惑、挫折がある事でしょう。その困難に立ち向か い、それを乗り越えていく事になります。それを繰り返していくうちに、困難を乗り越 |
As you make a game, you'll face some challenges, temptations, and failures. However, as you face these challenges, you'll get over them. As this cycle repeats, your goal usually becomes simply getting over these challenges, and that goal often becomes your ultimate purpose. | |
例えば、最もわかりやすい例は締め切りですが、「今行っている作業は何の為にやっ ていますか?」と問えば、ゲーム開発者の殆どの人が締め切りがあるからって言うと思 |
A good example would be the project deadline. If I ask you "Why are you working on your project right now?", then I think most game producers will answer "Because I have a deadline." This means when I ask them why they're making their games, they'll answer that it's because of their deadline. | |
これは特に悪いことではなく当たり前の事なのです。例えば上司に「今行っている作 業は何の為にやっているか?」と訊かれて、「面白いゲームを創るためにやっています」 |
Well, this isn't really some bad thing but simply something obvious. When you answer to your superior's question "Why are you working on your project" by saying "To make a fun game", then you'll get a nice smack to the head. Do you know the reason for that? | |
ゲームならば「面白いゲーム」「売れるゲーム」「自分が創りたいゲーム」と大きな 目標が存在します。そしてそれを達成させるためにはどうすればいいのか、と考えた時、 |
In making a game you'll have goals like "making a game that is fun, that sells well, or something that I wanted to make". But to achieve that goal, you'll think of the details on how to achieve that goal, upon which specific goals such as "when to finish the project" or "how large is the game" will be brought up, and finally you reach the conclusion of "by what day will I finish" which becomes your deadline. In the end, your saying that making the game to meet the deadline is no different from your statement of your goal to make a fun game. (However, it isn't true the other way round, so that's why I said you might get a smack to the head from your superior) | |
つまり、目の前の目標は、最終的な大きな目標のためにあるのです。当たり前ですね。 でもウッカリしていると、大きな目標を忘れる、もしくは最初から無い、という状態で |
In other words, the goal right in front of you is there for you to reach your ultimate goal. That's kind of obvious. However, there are cases when you lose your ultimate goal or start out without such. That is dangerous. For instance, your ultimate goal might be something meaningless like "Just to make a game". | |
「ゲームで人を愉しませたい」という目標も大きい目標ですが、それでも最大の目標 ではない。何故、ゲームで人を愉しませたいか、ゲームで人を愉しませたらその向こう |
Another large goal would be "making games to make people enjoy." and yet that is still not fit for the ultimate goal. Why do you want people to enjoy your game, and if you want them to enjoy your game, what's beyond that goal? Upon reaching that goal, would you want to set up another one to rid yourself of experience, the backbone of human growth and live a meaningless life? | |
最近では、刹那的に生きることが当たり前の様になってきています。あちこち、面白 いと思う所だけ取っては捨て、取っては捨てを繰り返す事が多くなっています。一つの |
Recently it seems like people are readily giving in to living for every single moment of their present lives. You only take out the fun parts and get rid of everything else, and you repeat the steps. You keep digging into one side of the project only to realize that you don't like it, and then you throw away everything and move them away. There are even people who don't have goals after getting into college or a new job. | |
これは今の目標の存在理由、つまり究極の目標が無いからそうなってしまうのです。 究極の目標、それは現実には容易に達成できない物である事が望ましいです。 |
That's because you don't have the ultimate goal. You should set up something that is unattainable in real life as your ultimate goal. | |
それが「死後の生活を良い物とする」です。 | And that is "to live a bright and enjoyable afterlife." | |
死後の生活を良くしたい。地獄に落とされないようにしたい。だから世の中に貢献 したい。だから多くの人を喜ばせたい。だから面白いゲームを創りたい。だからこの |
To live a good afterlife. To steer away from falling down to hell. To do so, you'll want to contribute to society and make other people happy. To do that, you'll want to make a fun game, and reveal this kind of game to people in such a world. That's why you want to finish this game by a certain date... and so forth, you'll produce a chain of goals. | |
この連鎖が途中から始まった場合、他人の心を傷つける様なゲームになったり、不 道徳な内容のゲームを創ってしまうかも知れない。あくどい方法でお金をせしめるゲ |
If this chain starts during your project, you might end up making a game that is hurtful to others, or contain immoral elements. You may end up making games for the sake of earning money. That would not be a good thing to happen. | |
何の為にゲームを創りたいのか? 何の為に面白いゲームを創りたいのか? |
What are you making games for? Why do you want to make a fun game? | |
と言わたら答えに窮する様ではいけません。 究極の目標を持っていないことがバレてしまいます。 |
You shouldn't simply laugh the question off. Others will realize you don't have an ultimate goal. | |
そう聞かれたら、これからは堂々とこう答えましょう。 | When someone asks you that question, answer like this. | |
「そう、明るく楽しい死後の生活を送る為に」 | "Well, to live a bright and enjoyable afterlife." |
初めまして、ZUNです。 | Nice to meet you. I'm ZUN. | |
上で言っていることは、入社試験とかでは言わないように(笑) あ、いや、案外面 白い奴だとか思われるかも知れませんが。 |
Please don't mention anything above somewhere like a job interview (lol). Err, wait. Maybe they'll just think you're a comedian. | |
いま入稿寸前です。余り書くことが出来ません。って言うのも何ですので、一言だけ。 | This is some last-minute stuff so I can't write for too long... that's kind of rude, so I'll just write a few words. | |
すんごく面白いゲームですよ? もし自分はゲームが好きなのに、面白さが判らない って言う人が居たらきっと一生判らないかも知れない。 |
What's that? This is such a fun game? If there are people who think this game isn't fun when you think it's fun probably they'll never understand for the rest of their lives. On the other hand, forcing them to play might have an adverse effect so don't do that. | |
でも、それはちょっとだけ損をしているかも知れませんね。 (逆に東方が好きって人にはどう思われるかは本当に謎) |
Well, that might be a loss. (I don't know how Touhou fans will think about it though) | |
ちなみにエキストラについて。 エキストラでは最初は残機がありません。全てをクリアするには、まずエクステンド |
Also, word on the Extra Stage. At the beginning of the Extra Stage you have no remaining lives. In order to clear the stage you'll have to earn extra lives. But simply attacking all enemies might make the game tougher later on. |
- ↑ Came out in Sakuya's story mode battle against Eiki.
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