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Phantasmagoria of Flower View/Story/Eiki's Script
Eiki defeats Reimu
Eiki |
妖怪を退治すること。 |
Exterminating Youkai. |
Eiki defeats Marisa
Eiki |
貴方のため込んだガラクタを土に還すこと。 |
Returning those sundries you gathered back to the earth. |
Eiki defeats Sakuya
Eiki |
人間との繋がりを強くもつこと。 |
Building strong bonds with humans. |
Eiki defeats Youmu
Eiki |
貴方のお嬢様の言葉を毎日聞くこと。 |
Listening to your mistress's words every day. |
Eiki defeats Reisen
Eiki |
丸い物を集め、それをお供えすること。 |
Gathering round things and offering them. |
Eiki defeats Cirno
Eiki |
様々な所へ出かけ、世間を知ること。 |
Going to different places and knowing the world. |
Eiki defeats Lyrica
Eiki |
目上の方を尊敬すること。 |
Respecting your elders. |
Eiki defeats Merlin
Eiki |
もっと墓場で演奏する回数を増やすこと。 |
Performing more in the graveyard. |
Eiki defeats Lunasa
Eiki |
妹達の音を上手くコントロールすること。 |
Controlling your sisters' sounds well. |
Eiki defeats Mystia
Eiki |
自分の歌の力を理解すること。 |
Understanding the power of your own song. |
Eiki defeats Tewi
Eiki |
貴方の家族を大切にすること。 |
Taking care of your family. |
Eiki defeats Aya
Eiki |
積極的に良いニュースを取り上げること。 |
Actively picking up good news. |
Eiki defeats Medicine
Eiki |
人間に対する憎しみの念を消すこと。 |
Losing your hatred toward humans. |
Eiki defeats Yuuka
Eiki |
もっと人間に恐怖を与えること。 |
Terrorizing humans more. |
Eiki defeats Komachi
Eiki |
あ、こら待ちなさい! |
Hey, wait a minute! |
Eiki defeats herself
Eiki |
は~あ。暇ねぇ…… |
Huh, so bored... |
Eiki defeats someone
Eiki |
少しは善行を積んでいるかしら? |
So, did you do some good deeds? |
Eiki |
貴方達みたいに素直ならやりやすいん |
If only all were as honest as you people. Trials would be so much easier. |
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