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Phantasmagoria of Flower View/Story/Komachi's Scenario
< | Prologue | Translation |
Komachi vs. Cirno (Episode 1)
Komachi |
この辺は変化は無いな。 |
This place hasn't changed. |
??? |
あ、誰か来た! |
Ah, someone came! |
Cirno ENTERS | ||
氷の小さな妖精 チルノ |
Little Ice Fairy | |
Cirno |
見かけない奴ね。 |
I haven't seen you before. |
Komachi |
そんなに暇はないんだけど…… |
I don't have that kind of free time... |
BGM. おてんば恋娘の冒険 |
BGM. Adventure of the Tomboyish Girl in Love | |
Cirno |
お、やるかい? |
Oh, you wanna go? |
Komachi wins
Komachi |
さてと、 |
Now then, |
Komachi loses
Cirno |
弱いね。 |
Pretty weak. |
Komachi vs Reisen (Episode 2, 4 or 5)
Komachi |
自殺する愚か者はいねーかねー |
Are there any fools who want to commit suicide~? |
??? |
って |
... |
Reisen Udongein Inaba ENTERS | ||
狂気の月の兎 鈴仙・U・イナバ |
Moon Rabbit of Insanity | |
Reisen |
貴方はなまはげですか。 |
Are you trying to scare people or something? |
Komachi |
ちょっと様子を見に来ただけよ。 |
I just came to check out this place. |
BGM. 狂気の瞳 ~ Invisible Full Moon |
BGM. Lunatic Eyes ~ Invisible Full Moon | |
Reisen |
そう言って、仕事をサボっているのが |
You're saying that but it's obvious |
Komachi wins
Komachi |
少しくらい休憩しないと保たないじゃないか。 |
If I don't take a short break I won't hold up. |
Komachi loses
Reisen |
自殺なんてしませんから、さっさと戻って |
I'm not going to commit suicide, |
Komachi vs. Tewi (Episode 2, 3, 4 or 5)
Komachi |
あら、いつぞやの毒兎。 |
Oh, if it isn't the poisonous rabbit. |
??? |
だーかーらー |
Listen to me already! |
Tewi Inaba ENTERS | ||
幸運の素兎 因幡てゐ |
The Bare Rabbit of Good Fortune | |
Tewi |
最初から自殺するなんて言ってないでしょ? |
I never said anything about killing myself, right? |
Komachi |
竹の花ももうすぐ散る。 |
The bamboo flowers are almost falling. |
BGM. お宇佐さまの素い幡 |
BGM. Lord Usa's Elemental Flag | |
Tewi |
もうすぐじゃないの? |
Aren't you almost done? |
Komachi wins
Komachi |
花が元に戻れば、自殺したがる者も減るだろう |
Once the flowers return to normal, the number of suicidal ones will most likely drop. |
Komachi loses
Tewi |
貴方が仕事をさぼっていたら、花は元通りに |
If you're always slacking off your job, |
Komachi vs Sakuya (Episode 3)
Komachi |
この辺ももうすぐ元に戻るはず…… |
They're supposed to be almost back to normal around here... |
??? |
あー、 |
Ahh, |
Sakuya Izayoi ENTERS | ||
完全で瀟洒なメイド 十六夜咲夜 |
Perfect and Elegant Maid | |
Sakuya |
また仕事をさぼってからに。 |
You're slacking off again. |
Komachi |
あ、自殺せずに頑張っているね? |
Ah, so you're working hard instead of being suicidal? |
BGM. フラワリングナイト |
BGM. Flowering Night | |
Sakuya |
しませんよ。 |
Of course I am. |
Komachi wins
Komachi |
あまりにも多すぎる仕事量を見ると、 |
When I see someone working so much, |
Komachi loses
Sakuya |
こんな所で油を売っていて良いのかしら? |
Are you sure you should be wasting time loafing around here? |
Komachi vs. Youmu (Episode 4 or 5)
BGM. 東方妖々夢 ~ Ancient Temple |
BGM. Eastern Ghostly Dream ~ Ancient Temple | |
Komachi |
あの世は普通か…… |
The world beyond is normal, huh... |
??? |
あれ? |
Hm? |
Youmu Konpaku ENTERS | ||
半人半霊の半人前 魂魄妖夢 |
Half-human Half-ghost and Half-baked | |
Youmu |
この間、あの世が大変になる、とか言っていま |
Recently you said the afterworld was headed for trouble, |
Komachi |
いや、あたいは頑張っている。 |
Well, I'm working hard. |
Youmu |
あの世が忙しくない分にはいいんですけどね。 |
It's fine if this world isn't so busy. |
Komachi wins
Komachi |
いかん。 |
This is bad. |
Komachi loses
Youmu |
って、何で攻撃するのよー。 |
Why did you attack me? |
Komachi vs. Marisa (Episode 6)
Komachi |
竹の花も、もうすぐ見られなくなるんだ。 |
The bamboo flowers are going to drop soon. |
??? |
あれ? |
Huh? |
Marisa Kirisame ENTERS | ||
普通の魔法使い 霧雨魔理沙 |
Ordinary Magician | |
Marisa |
サボタージュの泰斗じゃないか。 |
If it isn't the Master of Slacking. |
Komachi |
誰がそんな呼び名を付けたのよ。 |
Who the heck gave me that name? |
BGM. オリエンタルダークフライト |
BGM. Oriental Dark Flight | |
Marisa |
私だ私。 |
I did, me. |
Komachi wins
Komachi |
ま、どんな巫山戯ていようとも、自らの |
Well, however you play is fine, |
Marisa |
説教は別に良いけどさー、 |
Save the lecture, |
Komachi |
おおっと。 |
Whoops. |
Komachi loses
Marisa |
いいな。 |
That's nice. |
Komachi vs. Yuuka (Episode 7)
Komachi |
って、ここは幽霊も花も全然改善 |
Ah, the ghosts and flowers here |
??? |
あら、 |
Oh, |
Yuuka Kazami ENTERS | ||
BGM. 今昔幻想郷 ~ Flower Land |
BGM. Gensokyo, Past and Present ~ Flower Land | |
Yuuka |
こんな所にいたって、三途の川は遠いわよ? |
You're here but, the Sanzu River is pretty far away. |
Komachi |
よ、様子を見に来ただけだ。 |
I, I just came to check this place out. |
Yuuka |
様子を見ても仕事が進むわけではないでしょ? |
Checking places out won't get your job done any faster, right? |
Komachi |
いや、仕事は慎重な方が良いんだ。 |
Well, you know, slow and steady wins the race. |
Yuuka |
だから、夏までには向日葵に憑いた霊も彼岸に |
Listen, if you don't send the ghosts possessing the sunflowers |
Komachi |
大丈夫。 |
It's alright. |
Yuuka |
なんだか、貴方を見ていると誰かとイメージが |
You know, something about you reminds me |
Komachi |
誰が巫女なんだよ! |
Who's the shrine maiden here!? |
Yuuka |
ああ、そうね。 |
Ah, that's right. |
Komachi wins
Komachi |
ここの向日葵に憑いた霊は陽気な霊ばかり |
All the ghosts possessing the flowers are carefree, |
Yuuka |
あら、そう言うものなの? |
Oh, that's how it is? |
Komachi |
気が鬱いでない者は、視野が広いんだ。 |
Ones who don't fear death are open-minded. |
Yuuka |
それは陽気っていうか、頭悪そうね。 |
That sounds like they're stupid rather than carefree. |
Komachi loses
Yuuka |
向日葵だって、咲きすぎると疲れちゃう じゃないの。 |
Even for sunflowers, blooming too much is tiring. |
Komachi vs. Reimu (Episode 8)
BGM. 彼岸帰航 ~ Riverside View |
BGM. Higan Retour ~ Riverside View | |
Komachi |
さ、幻想郷の現状を色々と見てきたが、 |
Alright then, I've checked all over Gensokyo. |
??? |
のんびりしてるわねぇ。 |
You sure are taking it easy. |
Reimu Hakurei ENTERS | ||
Reimu |
幽霊の量は、全く減った感じが |
It doesn't feel like the number of ghosts |
Komachi |
おお? |
Trying to kill yourself again, huh. |
楽園の素敵な巫女 博麗 霊夢ー |
Wonderful Shrine Maiden of Paradise | |
Reimu |
誰が自殺するのよ。 |
Who's going to commit suicide? Do you want me to? |
Komachi |
しないならいいけど、仕事の邪魔を |
If you're not then that's good, |
Reimu |
仕事しているように見えないけどねぇ。 |
You don't really look like you're working. |
Komachi |
それはお前さんが、サボタージュの泰斗 |
That's because you're the Master of Slacking. |
Reimu |
どっちがサボタージュなのよ。 |
Who's the one slacking? |
Komachi wins
Reimu |
って、またサボっているんだから! |
Hey, you're slacking off again! |
Komachi |
おっと、流石に休みすぎたな。 |
Whoops, I guess I relaxed too much. |
Reimu |
サボる人の言い訳はみんな同じね。 |
All slackers have the same excuse, huh. |
Komachi loses
Reimu |
遊んでいないで、幽霊を彼岸に送りなさい! |
Stop playing around and ferry those ghosts back to Higan! |
Komachi vs. Eiki (Episode Final)
Komachi |
ふう。 |
Haah. |
??? |
どこが良く働いた、なのよ。 |
Where's this hard work, hm? |
Komachi |
きゃん! |
Kyan! |
Eiki Shiki, Yamaxanadu ENTERS | ||
楽園の最高裁判長 四季映姫・ヤマザナドゥ |
Highest Judge of the Court of Paradise | |
Eiki |
さっきから全然川を渡って来ない |
You haven't crossed the river at all. |
Komachi |
あ、あー、いや。 |
Ah, aah, er, well. |
Eiki |
霊が? |
The souls were? |
Komachi |
霊がー、そう生前引きこもりで妬みだらけの |
Souls were... that's right, |
Eiki |
いい加減な言い訳を言わないの。 |
Stop with the half-hearted excuses. |
Komachi |
来ましたか? |
Did any come? |
Eiki |
来るわけ無いじゃない。 |
Of course not. |
BGM. 六十年目の東方裁判 ~ Fate of Sixty Years |
BGM. Eastern Judgement in the Sixtieth Year ~ Fate of Sixty Years | |
Eiki |
そう、貴方は言い訳を付きすぎる。 |
That's right, you make too many excuses. |
Komachi |
すみません!すみません! |
I'm sorry! I'm sorry! |
Eiki |
このままでは、貴方を首にしないと示しが |
At this rate, if I don't fire you, |
Komachi |
すみません! |
I'm sorry! |
Eiki |
一度、私の裁きを受けてみる? |
Would you like to experience my judging once? |
Komachi wins
ENDING No. 13 |
Komachi loses
Eiki |
さ、さっさと働くの。 |
Now, hurry up and get to work. |
< | Prologue | Translation |
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