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Phantasmagoria of Flower View/Story/Lyrica's Scenario
< | Prologue | Translation |
Lyrica vs. Cirno (Episode 1)
Lyrica |
さあ、ソロ活動の手始めに紅い奴らの所に行く |
Alright, I'll start off my solo performance by |
??? |
なんだなんだ、 |
What's going on? |
Cirno ENTERS | ||
氷の小さな妖精 チルノ |
Little Ice Fairy | |
Cirno |
朝から騒々しいね。 |
You're so loud in the morning. |
Lyrica |
まだ演奏を始めてないけどー |
But I haven't even started my performance yet. |
BGM. おてんば恋娘の冒険 |
BGM. Adventure of the Tomboyish Girl in Love | |
Cirno |
居るだけで騒々しいのに、 |
You're loud enough just by being here, |
Lyrica wins
Lyrica |
妖精相手に演奏したって無駄ね。 |
It's pointless performing for a fairy. |
Lyrica loses
Cirno |
朝から騒々しいのは妖怪か婆さんくらいだよ。 |
The only thing loud in the mornings are youkai and old hags. |
Lyrica vs. Mystia (Episode 2 or 3)
Lyrica |
この辺は私の演奏を聴かせる相手が |
I wonder if there's anyone who'll listen to my performance around here. |
??? |
あーもう! |
Ah, geez! |
Mystia Lorelei ENTERS | ||
夜雀の怪 ミスティア・ローレライ |
Mysterious Night Sparrow | |
Mystia |
私のテリトリーで何やら不穏な音を出している |
Who's the one making that annoying sound in my territory? |
Lyrica |
わたしわたし! |
Me, me! |
BGM. もう歌しか聞こえない ~ Flower Mix |
BGM. Deaf to all but the Song ~ Flower Mix | |
Mystia |
そんな雑音じゃあ、歌う気にならないなぁ。 |
I won't feel like singing at all with that grating noise. |
Lyrica wins
Lyrica |
あなたは歌う。私は手を使わずに演奏する。 |
You sing, I perform without using my hands. In a battle of endurance, I'm probably stronger right? |
Lyrica loses
Mystia |
やっと静かになった。 |
It's finally quiet. Now I can sing all I want~! |
Lyrica vs. Tewi (Episode 2 or 3 or 4)
Lyrica |
この辺は迷いやすいなぁ。 |
It's easy to get lost around here. |
??? |
あら、 |
Oh, |
Tewi Inaba ENTERS | ||
幸運の素兎 因幡てゐ |
The Bare Rabbit of Good Fortune | |
Tewi |
また迷子が迷い込んできたわー。 |
Yet another one becomes lost. |
BGM. お宇佐さまの素い幡 |
BGM. Lord Usa's Elemental Flag | |
Lyrica |
むむ、竹林には色んな奴が居るのね。 |
Hmph, there are a lot of kinds of people in the bamboo thicket. |
Tewi |
飛べるもんなら飛んでみても良いよ。 |
If you wanna fly then give it a shot. |
Lyrica wins
Lyrica |
うーん。 |
Hmm. Maybe it's better if I don't escape above. |
Lyrica loses
Tewi |
何が居るんでしょうねぇ。 |
What could be there? |
Lyrica vs. Reisen (Episode 3 or 4)
Lyrica |
地上は騒がしいわー |
It's so hectic down on the ground. |
??? |
あら、 |
Oh, |
Reisen Udongein Inaba ENTERS | ||
狂気の月の兎 鈴仙・U・イナバ |
Moon Rabbit of Insanity | |
Reisen |
こんな空の上にも何か居るのね。 |
There's even something this high above the clouds. |
Lyrica |
あーもう。 もう少し騒がしくなりそう。 |
Ah, geez. It looks like it's going to get a little more hectic. |
BGM. 狂気の瞳 ~ Invisible Full Moon |
BGM. Lunatic Eyes ~ Invisible Full Moon | |
Reisen |
何か秘密を持っていそうな霊ね。 |
This soul seems to be hiding something. |
Lyrica wins
Lyrica |
空にいても誰か来るんじゃ、 |
With someone coming even while above the clouds, |
Lyrica loses
Reisen |
何だ、大した秘密は持ってなさそうね。 |
Huh, there isn't much of a secret after all. |
Lyrica vs. Sakuya (Episode 4 or 5)
Lyrica |
地上は花景色というより妖精景色、 |
It's more like flower scenery on ground rather than youkai scenery, |
??? |
どうしたのかしら、 |
What's wrong, |
Sakuya Izayoi ENTERS | ||
完全で瀟洒なメイド 十六夜咲夜 |
Perfect and Elegant Maid | |
Sakuya |
こんな所に一人ではぐれて。 |
Lost in a place like this by yourself. |
Lyrica |
別に迷ってる訳じゃないよ。 |
I'm not lost or anything. |
BGM. フラワリングナイト |
BGM. Flowering Night | |
Sakuya |
お空への帰り道は真上よ。 |
The way back to the sky is right above. |
Lyrica wins
Lyrica |
空への帰り道くらい判るわよ。 |
I at least know the way back to the sky. |
Lyrica loses
Sakuya |
この騒ぎに、変な霊もおりてきたわねぇ。 |
Strange spirits have come because of this commotion. |
Lyrica vs. Reimu (Episode 4 or 5)
Lyrica |
この辺は迷いやすいなぁ。 |
It's easy to get lost around here. |
??? |
あ、いつも三人なのに今日は一人? |
Ah, you're usually together but you're alone today? |
Reimu Hakurei ENTERS | ||
楽園の素敵な巫女 博麗 霊夢ー |
Wonderful Shrine Maiden of Paradise | |
Reimu |
迷子ね。 |
You got lost, huh. |
Lyrica |
違うって、今日は一人で正しいの。 |
No, but you're right about me being alone. |
BGM. オリエンタルダークフライト |
BGM. Oriental Dark Flight | |
Reimu |
だから、迷子でしょ? |
Exactly, you got lost. |
Lyrica wins
Lyrica |
何だか幽霊が出そうなくらい、 |
It feels like ghosts might come out of this fog coming in. |
Lyrica loses
Reimu |
一人でも十分騒々しいわ。 |
You're noisy enough alone. |
Lyrica vs. Marisa (Episode 4 or 5)
Lyrica |
この辺は迷いやすいなぁ。 |
It's easy to get lost around here. |
??? |
あ、丁度良かったぜ。 |
Ah, perfect timing. |
Marisa Kirisame ENTERS | ||
普通の魔法使い 霧雨魔理沙 |
Ordinary Magician | |
Marisa |
永遠亭ってこの辺じゃなかったか? |
Was Eientei around here? |
Lyrica |
私に道訊いてるの? |
Are you asking me the way? |
BGM. オリエンタルダークフライト |
BGM. Oriental Dark Flight | |
Marisa |
そうか、攻撃しないと教えられないか。 |
I see, if I don't attack you won't tell me. |
Lyrica wins
Lyrica |
こんなもん、飛んでいればいつか辿り着くよ。 |
If I keep flying around, I'll eventually make it. |
Lyrica loses
Marisa |
ああ、思い出したぜ。 |
Aah, I remember. |
Lyrica vs. Youmu (Episode 6)
Lyrica |
地上は思ったより混乱していた、と。 |
It's a lot more chaotic on the ground than I thought. |
??? |
あれ? |
Huh? |
Youmu Konpaku ENTERS | ||
半人半霊の半人前 魂魄妖夢 |
Half-human Half-ghost and Half-baked | |
Youmu |
って、今日は演奏を頼んでいない気がするけど... |
But I don't think we've asked for any performances today... |
Lyrica |
あれ? |
Hm? |
Youmu |
そうだけど、何よ。 |
I have, so? |
BGM. 東方妖々夢 ~ Ancient Temple |
BGM. Eastern Ghostly Dream ~ Ancient Temple | |
Lyrica |
何か面白い音ネタを聞かせて欲しいわね。 |
I'd like to hear some interesting new sounds, that's all. |
Lyrica wins
Lyrica |
そう、やっぱり幽霊が多いわよねぇ。 |
Yeah, there are a lot of ghosts after all. |
Lyrica loses
Youmu |
音ネタ言われてもね。 |
Well, even if ask me. |
Lyrica vs. Aya (Episode 7)
Lyrica |
わーすっごい静か。 |
Wow, it's reaaally quiet. |
??? |
珍しいわね。 |
This is rare. |
Lyrica |
誰? |
Who are you? |
BGM. 風神少女 |
BGM. Wind God Girl | |
Aya Shameimaru ENTERS | ||
Aya |
でも、ここは静かなのが良いの。 |
But the good part about this place is its tranquility. |
Lyrica |
何だ天狗かー |
Oh, it's just a Tengu. |
Aya |
ではお忍びで休憩ですか? |
Then you're discreetly taking a break? |
Lyrica |
何なのよそれは。 |
What's with that? |
Aya |
私達? |
We? |
Lyrica |
ああそうね。 |
Ah, that's right. |
伝統の幻想ブン屋 射命丸 文 |
Traditional Fantasy Reporter | |
Aya |
音集めですか、こんな静かな所に来ても…… |
Gathering sounds, huh? Coming to a quiet place like this, though... |
Lyrica |
確かにねぇ。 |
You're right. |
Lyrica wins
Lyrica |
よし覚えたぞ! |
Alright, I remembered it! |
Aya |
音を集めてどうするのでしょう? |
What are you going to do with the sounds you gather? |
Lyrica |
色々覚えて新しい音を創るのよ! |
I'm going to remember a lot and make a new one! |
Aya |
幽かな音、ええ、外の世界の音ですね。 |
A faint sound, yes, the sound of the outside world. |
Lyrica loses
Aya |
突然攻撃を仕掛けられたから、思わず |
Whoops, I've been tricked into an attack, |
Lyrica vs. Yuuka (Episode 8)
Lyrica |
ここも凄いわ~ |
It's amazing here too~ |
BGM. 今昔幻想郷 ~ Flower Land |
BGM. Gensokyo, Past and Present ~ Flower Land | |
??? |
これはまた騒がしい霊だこと。 |
If it isn't another noisy spirit. |
Lyrica |
また誰か居た? |
Someone's here too? |
Yuuka Kazami ENTERS | ||
Yuuka |
居たわ。 |
Someone is. |
Lyrica |
それが仕事だもの。 |
That's my job after all. |
四季のフラワーマスター |
Flower Master of the Four Seasons | |
Yuuka |
貴方の騒がしさは幻想の騒がしさ。 |
Your noisiness is Gensokyo's noisiness. |
Lyrica |
うーん。 |
Hmm. |
Yuuka |
ほら、向日葵が貴方を注目し始めたわ。 |
Look, the sunflowers are paying attention to you. |
Lyrica |
ちょっとちょっと、 |
Wait a minute, what the heck, |
Yuuka |
それは、貴方も同じ霊だから。 |
That's because you're the same type of spirit. |
Lyrica |
達? |
Others? |
Yuuka |
さあ、私の可愛い向日葵達。 |
Now, my adorable sunflowers! |
Lyrica wins
Lyrica |
向日葵畑で騒霊ライブかー |
A live poltergeist performance at the sunflower field, huh~ |
Yuuka |
いつでもいらっしゃい。 |
You're welcome anytime. |
Lyrica loses
Yuuka |
まだまだ、そんなんじゃみんな満足しないわよ |
They're not going to be satisfied with just that. |
Lyrica vs. Eiki (Episode Final)
Lyrica |
そういえば、桜の音はまだ聴いていなかったわ |
Oh yeah, I haven't heard the sound of cherry blossoms yet. |
??? |
彼岸桜に彼岸花。 |
Higan cherries and the red spider lilies. |
Eiki Shiki, Yamaxanadu ENTERS | ||
Eiki |
こんな所に珍しい程、はっきりした騒霊達が |
It's almost too rare that |
Lyrica |
また、達ってー 今日は一人だってば。 |
Plural again~ |
Eiki |
あら、じゃあ後ろの二人は何なのかしら? |
Oh, then what are the two behind you? |
??? |
あ? |
Ah? |
??? |
折角、隠れてついてきてたのに…… |
After managing to hide this much too... |
Lyrica |
って!? |
Huh!? |
Lunasa Prismriver ENTERS | ||
Lunasa |
最初からずっと見ていたわ。 |
We were watching you from the beginning. |
Merlin Prismriver ENTERS | ||
Merlin |
面白そうな事してたから内緒でね。 |
You looked like you were doing something interesting, so we did it in secret. |
Eiki |
ほら、かしましい三人の霊達。 |
There, three noisy spirits. |
Lyrica |
何よー |
What the heck~ |
Lunasa |
危なくなったら出るつもりだったわよ。 |
We were going to come out if it got dangerous. |
Merlin |
そうそう。 |
Yes, yes. |
Lyrica |
今みたいに? |
Right now? |
Eiki |
ここの霊は外の世界の人間の霊。 |
The souls here are human souls from the outside world. |
BGM. 六十年目の東方裁判 ~ Fate of Sixty Years |
BGM. Eastern Judgement in the Sixtieth Year ~ Fate of Sixty Years | |
Eiki |
そう、貴方達は少し自己が曖昧過ぎる。 |
That's right, you three are a little too unclear towards yourselves. |
Lyrica |
…… |
... |
Eiki |
このままでは、貴方達は暴走するか、 |
At this rate, you three will either break down into chaos, |
Lunasa |
貴方は一体? |
Who exactly are you? |
楽園の最高裁判長 四季映姫・ヤマザナドゥ |
Highest Judge of the Court of Paradise | |
Eiki |
私は死んだ者の罪を裁く者、 |
I am the one who judges the sins of ones who have died, |
Lyrica |
何を言ってるのかしら。 |
What are you talking about? |
Merlin |
そうそう。 |
Yes, yes. |
Lunasa |
そう、ね。 |
Exactly. |
Eiki |
拠り所のない霊は非常に不安定です。 |
Spirits without a foundation are extremely unstable. |
Lyrica wins
ENDING No. 7 |
Lyrica loses
Eiki |
後ろの二人は攻撃に迷いがあるようね。 |
The attacks of the two behind you seem a little unfocused. |
- ↑ The kanji of triple "girl" (女) means "noisy" (姦 or 姦しい).
- ↑ 迷い can mean hesitation or doubt, but it's based on the word "lost", and thus carries that connotation, lost in one's mind, their lack of resolve or such. It's more of a mental thing. Because of this, it's a bit difficult to translate. When Eiki says "unfocused" and "hesitation", she is using this word.
< | Prologue | Translation |
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