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Phantasmagoria of Flower View/Story/Mystia's Scenario
< | Prologue | Translation |
Mystia vs. Cirno (Episode 1)
Mystia |
生水飲むと~おなかを壊す~♪ |
Drinking raw water will make your stomach hurt~♪ |
??? |
なんだなんだ? |
What do we have here? |
Cirno ENTERS | ||
氷の小さな妖精 チルノ |
Little Ice Fairy | |
Cirno |
騒がしいのがやって来たね。 |
One pretty loud pest. |
Mystia |
もしかして妖精? |
Are you a fairy? |
BGM. おてんば恋娘の冒険 |
BGM. Adventure of the Tomboyish Girl in Love | |
Cirno |
湖の上で誰を呼ぼうとしたの! |
Who the heck would come above the lake?! |
Mystia wins
Mystia |
ここはハズレ。 |
This place is a dud. |
Mystia loses
Cirno |
最近みんなおかしいよ。 |
Everyone's been weird lately. |
Mystia vs. Tewi (Episode 2, 3 or 4)
Mystia |
タラッタラッタラッタ、うさぎのダンス~♪ |
Tala-tala-tala-ta, a bunny dance~♪ |
??? |
タラッタラッタラッタ、可愛いダンス~♪ |
Tala-tala-tala-ta, a cute dance~♪ |
Tewi Inaba ENTERS | ||
幸運の素兎 因幡てゐ |
The Elemental Rabbit of Good Fortune | |
Tewi |
えらく陽気な化け鳥が現れたもんね。 |
A rather cheerful monster bird showed up, huh. |
Mystia |
兎はお呼びでない。 |
I wasn't calling any rabbits. |
BGM. お宇佐さまの素い幡 |
BGM. Lord Usa's Elemental Flag | |
Tewi |
兎の歌を歌ってたじゃないの。 |
You were singing a bunny's song, were you not? |
Mystia wins
Mystia |
何処まで飛んでも景色が変わらなーい。 |
Everywhere I go, the scenery doesn't change at all. |
Mystia loses
Tewi |
雀になんかに幸運を分けてやらないからね! |
I'm not going to spare any good fortune with a sparrow! |
Mystia vs. Lyrica (Episode 2 or 3)
Mystia |
お空の上はマッハの時代~♪ |
The era of Mach is above the skies~♪ It tastes like westernization~♪ |
??? |
珍しいねぇ。 |
This is rare. |
Lyrica Prismriver ENTERS | ||
騒霊キーボーディスト リリカ・プリズムリバー |
Poltergeist Keyboardist | |
Lyrica |
こんな小鳥が雲の上までやってくるなんて。 |
A little bird flew all the way above the clouds. |
Mystia |
あれ? |
Huh? |
BGM. 幽霊楽団 ~ Phantom Ensemble |
BGM. Phantom Band ~ Phantom Ensemble | |
Lyrica |
音楽で勝負して負けたいのね? |
You want to challenge me in music and lose? |
Mystia wins
Mystia |
こんな雲の上じゃあ、人間が通りそうも無い |
I can't lure any humans if I'm above the clouds. |
Mystia loses
Lyrica |
ああ、鳥が墜ちていく風切り音も |
Ah, a bird falling through the wind sounds |
Mystia vs. Youmu (Episode 3 or 4)
Mystia |
もういーくつねるとー、おーしょうがつー♪ |
I've sle~pt so much, it's now new year's~♪ |
??? |
気の早い歌が聞こえてくる…… |
It is coming a seasonally festinate song... |
BGM. 東方妖々夢 ~ Ancient Temple |
BGM. Eastern Ghostly Dream ~ Ancient Temple | |
Youmu Konpaku ENTERS | ||
半人半霊の半人前 魂魄妖夢 |
Half-human Half-ghost and Half-baked | |
Youmu |
まだ春だから、結構寝ないと正月は来ないわ、 |
"It's still spring, so if you don't sleep enough new year's won't come." |
Mystia |
いいや、人間は一回寝ればお正月! |
Nah, if humans sleep once then bam, new year's! |
Youmu |
む。化け物のたぐいね! |
Hmph. A monster has come! |
Mystia wins
Mystia |
この道で一回眠れば、 |
If you sleep once on this road, |
Mystia loses
Youmu |
なんだ、鳥か…… |
Oh, it was just a bird... |
Mystia vs. Reisen (Episode 3 or 4)
Mystia |
何をおっしゃる、うっさぎさん~♪ |
What are you saying, Mr. Bunny~♪[3] |
??? |
誰……? |
Who...? |
Reisen Udongein Inaba ENTERS | ||
狂気の月の兎 鈴仙・U・イナバ |
Moon Rabbit of Insanity | |
Reisen |
何か、歌声のような会話の様な声が |
I can hear a kind of conversation-like singing voice... |
Mystia |
地上を這う生き物は、空を飛ぶ生き物には |
The ones who crawl on earth are no match for ones who fly in the skies. |
BGM. 狂気の瞳 ~ Invisible Full Moon |
BGM. Lunatic Eyes ~ Invisible Full Moon | |
Reisen |
小鳥の襲撃!? |
A little bird is attacking!? |
Mystia wins
Mystia |
人間通らないなぁ…… |
No humans around, huh... |
Mystia loses
Reisen |
この辺の化け鳥も浮かれているわね。 |
Even the monster birds around here are going nuts. Is today bird stew? |
Mystia vs. Marisa (Episode 4 or 5)
Mystia |
悲しみに包まれて妖精郷はぁ~ |
The land of fairies wrapped in sadness~ |
??? |
ロックだな。 |
That's rock, huh. |
Marisa Kirisame ENTERS | ||
普通の魔法使い 霧雨魔理沙 |
Ordinary Magician | |
Marisa |
でも、少し五月蝿いぜ。 |
But it's a little noisy. |
Mystia |
五月蝿い五月蝿いも静かなうちよ~ |
"Noisy-noisy" is in range of silence~[4] |
BGM. オリエンタルダークフライト |
BGM. Oriental Dark Flight | |
Marisa |
五月蝿い黙れ! |
Ah, shut up already! |
Mystia wins
Mystia |
歌が静かじゃ、お経の方がマシってもんよ! |
If you want a song to be quiet, might as well read a sutra! |
Mystia loses
Marisa |
折角花見で騒ごうと思ってるのに、先に騒がれ |
And I thought I'd finally get to party out at flower viewing, but with someone already here partying it really kills my excitement. |
Mystia vs. Sakuya (Episode 5)
Mystia |
ヒトッ、ヒトッ、ヒトをッ! |
A person, a person, a person! |
??? |
春よねぇ。 |
It sure is spring. |
Sakuya Izayoi ENTERS | ||
完全で瀟洒なメイド 十六夜咲夜 |
Perfect and Elegant Maid | |
Sakuya |
妖怪もおかしな妖怪ばっかね。 |
Full of youkai and weird youkai. |
Mystia |
人間を喰うのは妖怪の務め! |
It's a youkai's job to eat humans! |
BGM. フラワリングナイト |
BGM. Flowering Night | |
Sakuya |
残念、妖怪を退治するメイドでした。 |
Too bad, I'm a maid that exterminates youkai. |
Mystia wins
Mystia |
メイドかぁ、残念。 |
A maid huh, too bad. |
Mystia loses
Sakuya |
この花で覆われた幻想郷。 |
Gensokyo covered by these flowers. If it's going to be full of these kind of youkai, I'm going to be sick. |
Mystia vs. Reimu (Episode 5)
Mystia |
そこのけそこのけ鳥さん力持ち~♪ |
Outta the way, outta the way, this bird is strong~♪ |
??? |
何よそれ。 |
What the heck is that. |
Reimu Hakurei ENTERS | ||
楽園の素敵な巫女 博麗 霊夢ー |
Wonderful Shrine Maiden of Paradise Reimu Hakurei | |
Reimu |
昼間から不穏な歌、歌ってんじゃないわよ |
Just because you're bored, don't sing restless songs. |
Mystia |
花見には歌がつきものなのよ~♪ |
Songs are an essential part of flower viewing~♪ |
BGM. 春色小径 ~ Colorful Path |
BGM. Spring Lane ~ Colorful Path | |
Reimu |
歌って答えるな。 |
Don't answer me singing. |
Mystia wins
Mystia |
私の歌が聞こえる範囲内に入ったことが、 |
You went into the range of my song, so it's your loss. |
Mystia loses
Reimu |
鳥さん大往生~♪ |
The little bird meets its maker~♪ |
Mystia vs. Reimu (Episode 6)
Mystia |
この辺も行き飽きたわね~♪ |
I'm tired of flying around here~♪ |
??? |
おかしいわ。 |
That's strange. |
Reimu Hakurei ENTERS | ||
楽園の素敵な巫女 博麗 霊夢ー |
Wonderful Shrine Maiden of Paradise Reimu Hakurei | |
Reimu |
何処に行っても異変に大差ないなんて…… |
No matter where I go there's not a single difference with this outbreak... |
Mystia |
そう、何処に行っても大差ないのか~ |
That's right, everywhere you go there's no difference~ |
BGM. 春色小径 ~ Colorful Path |
BGM. Spring Lane ~ Colorful Path | |
Reimu |
もう、鳥とか妖精とか兎とか…… |
Agh, birds and youkai and rabbits.... |
Mystia wins
Mystia |
何処に行っても大差ないのなら、普段は |
If there's no difference everywhere you go, |
Mystia loses
Reimu |
この辺じゃ無いのかなぁ。 |
Nothing around here, huh. |
Mystia vs. Medicine (Episode 7)
Mystia |
翼が傷つき倒れても~♪ |
Even if my wings are injured and I fall~♪ I can't sleep here~ Suzuran's dreams~♪ |
??? |
騒々しいわね |
You sure are noisy. |
Medicine Melancholy ENTERS | ||
小さなスイートポイズン メヂイスン・メランコリー |
Little Sweet Poison | |
Medicine |
お花畑に歌いながらやってくる奴なんて、 |
Only a crazy weirdo or pathetic loser would come |
Mystia |
歌の邪魔をする奴が多すぎるぅ。 |
There are too many people who butt into my singing. |
Medicine |
嘘ばっかり。 |
Stop lying. |
Mystia |
歌は元気の元。 |
Songs are the source of spirit. |
Medicine |
でもー疲れるわー貴方の歌。 |
But your song is tiring me. |
Mystia |
じゃ、元気が回復する歌を歌うわ。 |
Then I'll sing a song to make you energetic again. |
Medicine |
歌うな! |
Don't sing! |
Mystia |
傷ついた翼にまわる~…… |
Circle around to my injured wings~... ...eh, ah, aah~... |
BGM. ポイズンボディ ~ Forsaken Doll |
BGM. Poison Body ~ Forsaken Doll | |
Medicine |
ふふふ、ようやく毒がまわってきたようね。 |
Fufufu, the poison has finally taken effect. |
Mystia wins
Mystia |
ささ、早く脱出しないとー! |
Now's the time to run~! This place is full of poison and dangerous~! |
Medicine |
貴方は、何しに来たのかしら? |
What did you come here for? |
Mystia |
関係無い! |
Nothing at all! |
Mystia loses
Medicine |
神経に毒がまわると、きっと儚い歌も歌え |
With the poison flowing into your nerves, even you'll |
Mystia vs. Yuuka (Episode 8)
Mystia |
向日葵ぐるぐる向日葵ぐるぐる、 |
Sunflowers spin and spin, sunflowers turn and turn, |
??? |
そこで鳥はスパイシーに焼き上がる~♪ |
And that's where the bird is fried in spices~♪ |
Mystia |
誰よ! |
Who are you!? Continuing someone else's song like that! |
Yuuka Kazami ENTERS | ||
Yuuka |
あらごめんなさい。 |
Oh, I'm sorry. |
Mystia |
スパイシーに焼き上がるのは人間よー。 |
Humans are supposed to be the ones fried in spices. ...but how did you know that spice came after? |
BGM. 今昔幻想郷 ~ Flower Land |
BGM. Gensokyo, Past and Present ~ Flower Land | |
風見 幽香 |
Flower Master of the Four Seasons | |
Yuuka |
うふふ。 |
Ufufu. |
Mystia |
何をー? |
What does that mean? I wrote this song myself. |
Yuuka |
その証拠に次の歌の続きも予想できるわよ? |
As proof, I'll show you I can also predict the next part. Sunflowers spin and spin, sunflowers turn and turn... |
Mystia |
そりゃ、サビはループだからね。 |
Of course, that's because that's a loop. |
Yuuka |
ほら、周りを見て、 |
See, take a look around. |
Mystia |
うわぁ! |
Uwaa! |
Yuuka |
さあ、もう一度歌の続きを思い出すのよ。 |
Now then, remember what comes after? |
Mystia wins
Mystia |
ここも駄目だ~ |
This place is bad too~ |
Yuuka |
貴方は、何しにここに来たのかしら? |
What did you come here for? |
Mystia |
気持ち良く歌って飛んでいるだけなのに~ |
I just came so I could sing and fly around peacefully~ |
Yuuka |
そういう状態で歌っていると、霊の声を拾って |
If you sing like that, you'll pick up more |
Mystia |
脱出だ~ |
Escape~ |
Mystia loses
Yuuka |
向日葵ぐるぐる体当たり~♪ |
Sunflowers spin and spin, body blow~♪ And that's where the bird is fried in spices~♪ |
Mystia vs. Eiki (Episode Final)
Mystia |
さくら~、さくら~♪ |
Cherry blossoms~ cherry blossoms~♪ |
??? |
罪を憎んで人を憎まず。 |
Detest sins, not people. |
Eiki Shiki, Yamaxanadu ENTERS | ||
楽園の最高裁判長 四季映姫・ヤマザナドゥ |
Highest Judge of the Court of Paradise | |
Eiki |
紫の桜は果てしなく長い時間をかけて |
The purple cherry blossoms require an endless amount of time |
Mystia |
かすみかくもか~彼岸ににおう♪ |
A haze or a cloud~ a smell in Higan♪ |
Eiki |
人の話も聞きなさい! |
Listen when people are speaking! People tend to say good things. |
Mystia |
あれ? |
Oh? |
Eiki |
ここの桜は普段なら今の季節には咲きません。 |
The cherry blossoms normally wouldn't bloom during this season. |
Mystia |
何よ。 |
What the heck. |
Eiki |
貴方は、自分の歌が持つ力を理解していない |
You don't understand the power of your songs. |
BGM. 六十年目の東方裁判 ~ Fate of Sixty Years |
BGM. Eastern Judgement in the Sixtieth Year ~ Fate of Sixty Years | |
Eiki |
そう、貴方は少し混沌を呼びすぎる |
That's right, you stir up a little too much chaos. |
Mystia |
…… |
... |
Eiki |
このまま何も考えず歌い続ければ、 |
If you continue singing without thinking, |
Mystia |
せ、説教って訳? |
A-are you trying to lecture me? |
Eiki |
でしょうね。 |
I thought so. |
Mystia wins
ENDING No. 8 |
Mystia loses
Eiki |
紫の桜が散っていく…… |
As the purple cherry blossoms scatter... |
- ↑ This song is "Usagi no dansu".
- ↑ This song is "Oshougatsu", the most symbolic song of the arrival of new year in Japan.
- ↑ This song is "The Tortoise and the Hare". Original phrase is 何とおっしゃる、うさぎさん, but the variant was broadly used in joking mood in Shouwa generation.
- ↑ The phrase is based on the one "'No-no!' is in range of affection" (嫌よ嫌よも好きのうち), out-of-date expression. You might understand the meaning ― the woman resists in vain against man's aggressive sexual approach, while she must allow his romance quietly in heart. This phrase is used by sexually loose men when they are pursuing nice ladies importunately. The person saying this phrase is regularly sure of his badness, so Mystia's dialogue is also conscious about the harrassment of her noisiness.
- ↑ This song is "Sakura sakura".
< | Prologue | Translation |
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