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Phantasmagoria of Flower View/Story/Mystia's Script
Mystia defeats Reimu
Mystia |
巫女巫女レイムッ |
Miko Miko Reimu! |
Mystia |
神社は赤色、外れ者~♪ |
Shrine's red, outsider~♪ |
Mystia defeats Marisa
Mystia |
黒い人間、何故黒い~♪ |
On this black human, what is black~♪ |
Mystia |
あっかるーい、なっしょなー♪ |
Bright, nationa-♪ |
Mystia defeats Sakuya
Mystia |
メイドといえばメイドさん~ |
You say Maid and I say Miss Maid |
Mystia |
おなかが空いたらメイドさん~♪ |
When I'm hungry I call for Miss Maid~♪ |
Mystia defeats Youmu
Mystia |
もういーくつ寝るとーおそうしーきー♪ |
How long have you already been sleeping, it's a funeral♪ |
Mystia defeats Reisen
Mystia |
かーごめかごめ。 |
Ka-gome, Kagome. |
Mystia defeats Cirno
Mystia |
妖精はお呼びでない |
I'm not calling for a fairy. |
Mystia |
あんたに聞かせる歌は無いわ~ |
I don't have a song for you to listen to~ |
Mystia defeats Lyrica
Mystia |
ソーレイがお空でソーラーレイ♪ |
The soleil gives out solar rays in the sky♪ |
Mystia defeats Merlin
Mystia defeats Lunasa
Mystia defeats herself
Mystia |
今日はユニゾン記念日よ~ |
Today is a holiday of unison~ |
Mystia defeats Tewi
Mystia |
タラッタ、ラッタラッタ |
Taratta, rattaratta |
Mystia defeats Aya
Mystia |
しんぶんし~♪ |
"Shi-n-bu-n-shi~♪" |
Mystia defeats Medicine
Mystia |
人形一家だ、スーズランラン♪ |
It's the doll family, Su-zuranran♪ |
Mystia defeats Yuuka
Mystia |
お日様おやすみ向日葵回る~♪ |
Goodnight Mr. Sun, the sunflowers are turning~♪ |
Mystia defeats Komachi
Mystia |
さんんずのぉーわーたあし~♪ |
I of Sanzu~♪ |
Mystia defeats Eiki
Mystia defeats anyone
Mystia |
私の歌で惑わない人間は居ないわ! |
There's no human I can't lure with my song! |
Mystia |
歌い手は喉が命 |
The throat of a singer is their life, but you're fatal. |
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