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Phantasmagoria of Flower View/Story/Youmu's Script
Youmu defeats Reimu
Youmu |
貴方がのんびりしているから、異変が |
Since you're so carefree, I wonder if the disaster is worsening? |
Youmu defeats Marisa
Youmu |
浮かれてばっか居ないで、少しは異変の |
Please don't just make merry, won't you investigate the disaster a little? |
Youmu defeats Sakuya
Youmu |
そう、貴方のご主人様も何も言わないのですね |
That's right, your master has said nothing of this disaster. |
Youmu defeats herself
Youmu |
幽霊道とは死ぬことと見つけたり。 |
I have come across death on the path of a phantom. |
Youmu defeats Reisen
Youmu |
貴方の家の人は何にも言わないの? |
Have the people of your house said nothing of this disaster? |
Youmu defeats Cirno
Youmu |
貴方の冷気と、幽霊の凍れる温度。 |
Your chill and the freezing temperature of phantoms. |
Youmu defeats Lyrica
Youmu |
あら、また宴会の時はお願いしますよ? |
Ah, will we be having you at the banquet? |
Youmu defeats Merlin
Youmu |
今度の宴会の時を楽しみにしています。 |
I'm looking forward to the banquet. You'll be coming, right? |
Youmu defeats Lunasa
Youmu |
今度は何処でライブを行うのでしょうか? |
Where are you going for a concert this time? |
Youmu defeats Mystia
Youmu |
今晩のおかずは…… |
The side dish for tonight is.... |
Youmu defeats Tewi
Youmu |
貴方は、何で髪の毛が黒いのですか? |
Why is your hair black? |
Youmu defeats Aya
Youmu |
みんな新聞なんか読む暇が無いくらい忙しいの |
Everyone is much too busy to have free time to read the newspaper, surely. |
Youmu defeats Medicine
Youmu |
幽霊は余り毒が効かないかと思いきや…… |
Phantoms are not really susceptible to poisons... or so we thought, but we're actually quite weak to them. |
Youmu defeats Yuuka
Youmu |
貴方を見ていると、誰かを思い出すのです。 |
When I look at you, it reminds me of someone. |
Youmu defeats Komachi
Youmu |
お疲れ様です。 |
Much appreciated. |
Youmu defeats Eiki
Youmu |
あ、お疲れの所申し訳ございません。 |
Ah, I'm sorry for all the troubles I've caused. |
Youmu |
あ、そうだ。 |
Oh, that's right. |
Youmu defeats someone
Youmu |
こんな所で遊んでいても、 |
Playing around here |
Youmu |
幽々子様はなんか知っていそうな感じだったん |
Feels like Miss Yuyuko might know something.... |
This page is part of Project Translations, a Touhou Wiki project that aims to ensure the quality of translations of all official material in the Touhou Project. |