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Phantasmagoria of Flower View/Story/Yuuka's Scenario
< | Prologue | Translation |
Yuuka vs. Cirno (Episode 1 or 2)
Yuuka |
私の手に掛かれば、こんな寂寥たる湖にも |
If I'm right, then even on this desolate lake |
??? |
湖のどこに、 |
Where exactly on the lake? |
Cirno ENTERS | ||
氷の小さな妖精 チルノ |
Little Ice Fairy | |
Cirno |
花が咲くって言うのよ。 |
Are flowers growing? |
BGM. おてんば恋娘の冒険 |
BGM. Adventure of the Tomboyish Girl in Love | |
Yuuka |
見てなさい。 |
Watch. |
Yuuka wins
Yuuka |
うーん。 |
Hmm. |
Yuuka loses
Cirno |
花が、湖に花がー。 |
Flowers... On the lake, flowers are- |
Yuuka vs. Mystia (Episode 1 or 2)
Yuuka |
一言に桜と言っても、様々な色があるわ。 |
They're cherry blossoms alright, in various colours |
??? |
桜を切ったら叱られた~♪ |
When I cut the cherry blossoms I got scolded~♪ |
Mystia Lorelei ENTERS | ||
夜雀の怪 ミスティア・ローレライ |
Mysterious Night Sparrow | |
Mystia |
正直に言ったら感動された~♪ |
When I said it honestly I was moved~♪ |
Yuuka |
こらこら、歌詞は間違えないの。 |
Hey, hey, don't mix up the lyrics. |
BGM. もう歌しか聞こえない ~ Flower Mix |
BGM. Deaf to all but the Song ~ Flower Mix | |
Mystia |
え? |
Eh? |
Yuuka wins
Yuuka |
あら、言の葉じゃ違いが分からないわね。 |
Oh, I can't tell if there's a mistake just from the lyrics. |
Yuuka loses
Mystia |
桜の木を切ったことを言って、どこに感動する |
What kind of parents would be moved |
Yuuka vs. Lyrica (Episode 2 or 3)
Yuuka |
普段は花の咲くことのない雲の上。 |
This is a place where flowers wouldn't bloom normally--Above the clouds. |
??? |
あ、何か来たー |
Ah, something came~ |
Lyrica Prismriver ENTERS | ||
騒霊キーボーディスト リリカ・プリズムリバー |
Poltergeist Keyboardist | |
Lyrica |
何処に行くのかしら? |
Where are you headed? |
Yuuka |
勿論、花を咲かせに行くのです。 |
Naturally, to make flowers bloom. All over this world. |
BGM. 幽霊楽団 ~ Phantom Ensemble |
BGM. Phantom Band ~ Phantom Ensemble | |
Lyrica |
あら、早くも異変の犯人発見だわー! |
Wow, I already found the flower incident culprit! |
Yuuka wins
Yuuka |
桜は、地上の雲と呼ばれる程、密度の高い花。 |
Cherry blossoms are called, just as much as the clouds, high flowers of destiny. |
Yuuka loses
Lyrica |
あっさり異変解決ねー。 |
The incident quickly settled~! ...But now this isn't fun at all. |
Yuuka vs. Marisa (Episode 3 or 4 or 5)
Yuuka |
こんなところばかり飛んでいても、 |
Flying all around here |
??? |
おお? |
Oh? |
Marisa Kirisame ENTERS | ||
普通の魔法使い 霧雨魔理沙 |
Ordinary Magician | |
Marisa |
そうか、お前の仕業だったのか。 |
I see, this was all your doing. |
Yuuka |
貴方の方からやってこないから、 |
If you're not coming, |
BGM. オリエンタルダークフライト |
BGM. Oriental Dark Flight | |
Marisa |
途中を省けるのは楽で良いな。 |
Thanks for cutting short my travel distance. It's nice taking it easy. |
Yuuka wins
Yuuka |
異変が起きても楽しそうね。 |
It's still fun even with this incident in the air. |
Yuuka loses
Marisa |
さあ、さっさと元に戻すんだな! |
Now hurry up and change everything back to normal! |
Yuuka vs Sakuya (Episode 3, 4 or 5)
Yuuka |
人間は死ぬと花を飾ったりするんだってね? |
When humans die, they use flowers as decoration, was it? |
??? |
そうですねぇ。 |
That's how it goes. |
Sakuya Izayoi ENTERS | ||
完全で瀟洒なメイド 十六夜咲夜 |
Perfect and Elegant Maid | |
Sakuya |
でも目出度いときにもお花を飾りますよ? |
But they do the same for happy events, right? |
Yuuka |
花が目出度いのに死の象徴でもある理由は 判る? |
Do you know why flowers can be a symbol of death as |
BGM. フラワリングナイト |
BGM. Flowering Night | |
Sakuya |
何でこんな所で妖怪と立ち話をしているの |
Why am I having idle banter with a youkai here? |
Yuuka wins
Yuuka |
それは人間と同じだから。 |
That's because they're the same as humans. |
Yuuka loses
Sakuya |
それは、花が運命を占ってくれるからです。 |
That's because flowers predict fate. |
Yuuka vs Reisen (Episode 4 or 5)
Yuuka |
花と、幽霊と…… |
Flowers, ghosts... |
??? |
あ、もしや、 |
Ah, are you possibly... |
Reisen Udongein Inaba ENTERS | ||
狂気の月の兎 鈴仙・U・イナバ |
Moon Rabbit of Insanity | |
Reisen |
そのお花っぽい気の持ち主は! |
That flower-like atmosphere! |
Yuuka |
いかにも私は花を扱う者。 |
I am indeed one who dabbles in flowers. |
BGM. 今昔幻想郷 ~ Flower Land |
BGM. Gensokyo, Past and Present ~ Flower Land | |
Reisen |
用って、言わなくても判るでしょうに! |
Help! I don't even have to say it! |
Yuuka wins
Yuuka |
言わないで用件が伝わると思ったら大間違いよ |
If you thought I'd know without you even saying anything, big mistake. |
Yuuka loses
Reisen |
花の異変は、花の妖怪がやったに違いないわ。 |
There's no mistake that a flower youkai caused this flower outbreak. |
Yuuka vs. Tewi (Episode 3 or 4 or 5)
Yuuka |
竹林を飛ぶと、傘が傷つくから嫌なのよね。 |
It's kind of annoying flying around the bamboo thicket since my umbrella keeps getting damaged. |
??? |
じゃ、飛ばなきゃいいんじゃん? |
Then it'd be fine not flying at all, right? |
Tewi Inaba ENTERS | ||
幸運の素兎 因幡てゐ |
The Bare Rabbit of Good Fortune | |
Tewi |
雨も降っていないし、霧も出ているし、 何で傘を差してるのかしら。 |
It's not raining and it's foggy, |
Yuuka |
これは幽かな花の香りを集める曲線なの。 |
This curved shape is made for gathering the faint scent of flowers. |
BGM. お宇佐さまの素い幡 |
BGM. Lord Usa's Elemental Flag | |
Tewi |
へー、そうなんだ。 |
Aah, I see. |
Yuuka wins
Yuuka |
そんな訳ないじゃないの。 これは、幻想郷で唯一枯れない花なのよ。 |
Of course that can't be true. |
Yuuka loses
Tewi |
今は花の香りが強いから、 |
The flowers now have a strong scent, |
Yuuka vs. Youmu (Episode 4 or 5)
BGM. 東方妖々夢 ~ Ancient Temple |
BGM. Eastern Ghostly Dream ~ Ancient Temple | |
Yuuka |
地上に咲く花はその鮮やかさから |
The flowers that bloom above ground are very bright, |
??? |
また誰かが来たわ。 |
Someone came again. |
Youmu Konpaku ENTERS | ||
半人半霊の半人前 魂魄妖夢 |
Half-human Half-ghost and Half-baked | |
Youmu |
もー、地上の花が咲くと同時にみんな |
Geez, ever since the flowers started blooming above ground |
Yuuka |
同時に花の儚さより死の象徴でもある。 |
And at the same time, flowers are as transient as death, |
Youmu |
あの世は大して花は咲いていないわよ? |
There aren't many flowers blooming in this world. |
Yuuka wins
Yuuka |
あの世に無くても、今の地上の花は、死の香り |
Even if they're not here, |
Yuuka loses
Youmu |
死の象徴って、人間が葬式に花をくべるだけ |
A symbol of death? |
Yuuka vs. Reimu (Episode 6)
Yuuka |
花と幽霊と……、うーん。 |
Flowers and ghosts and..., hmm. |
??? |
あ、いたいた! |
Ah, there you are! |
Reimu Hakurei ENTERS | ||
楽園の素敵な巫女 博麗 霊夢ー |
Wonderful Shrine Maiden of Paradise | |
Reimu |
あんたが犯人でしょう? |
You're the culprit, aren't you? |
BGM. 春色小径 ~ Colorful Path |
BGM. Spring Lane ~ Colorful Path | |
Yuuka |
あの時は放っておいたら |
Do you think that ignoring the events back then, |
Reimu |
あの時は、あんたを倒したら元に戻ったのよ! |
Everything went back to normal when I defeated you back then! [1] |
Yuuka wins
Yuuka |
何を言っているのよ。 |
What are you talking about? |
Yuuka loses
Reimu |
あんたの方から出てきてくれて助かったわ! |
You saved me a lot of trouble coming out yourself! |
Yuuka vs. Aya (Episode 7)
Yuuka |
何処に行っても花、花。 |
Everywhere I go, flowers, flowers, and more flowers. |
??? |
じー |
*stare* |
Yuuka |
じー |
*stare* |
Aya Shameimaru ENTERS | ||
伝統の幻想ブン屋 射命丸 文 |
Traditional Fantasy Reporter | |
Aya |
いやまあ、隠れて観察していただけです。 |
Um, er, well, I was just hiding and observing you. |
Yuuka |
私は隠れないで貴方を観察していたの。 |
Well I was observing you without hiding. |
BGM. 風神少女 |
BGM. Wind God Girl | |
Yuuka |
貴方、天狗でしょう? |
You're a tengu, right? |
Aya |
私は主に妖怪向けの新聞記者なのですよ。 |
I'm a newspaper reporter that mainly focuses on youkai. |
Yuuka |
いくら欲しいの? |
How much do you want? |
Aya |
お金貰ったって、真実は記事にします。 |
Even if I receive money, I intend to record the truth. |
Yuuka |
そう、残念ね。 |
I see, that's unfortunate. |
Aya |
え? |
Eh? |
Yuuka |
残念なのは、それが嘘だという事よ。 |
What's unfortunate is that I was lying. |
Yuuka wins
Yuuka |
私に付きまとうなんて2~3年早い。 |
You'll need about 2~3 more years before you can stick to me. |
Aya |
記事になりそうなんですけど…… |
This feels like it'll be a good story, though... |
Yuuka |
貴方は神社にでも行って巫女の醜態でも |
Try going to the shrine and writing about |
Yuuka loses
Aya |
嘘とか言って、 |
You say you're lying, |
Yuuka vs. Komachi (Episode 8)
BGM. 彼岸帰航 ~ Riverside View |
BGM. Higan Retour ~ Riverside View | |
Yuuka |
さてと…… |
Now then... |
??? |
ボトルネック? |
Bottleneck? |
Komachi Onozuka ENTERS | ||
三途の水先案内人 小野塚 小町 |
Ferryman of the River Styx | |
Komachi |
何だそれは? |
What's that supposed to mean? |
Yuuka |
出てきたわね。 |
You came. |
Komachi |
何? 何の話? |
What? What are you talking about? |
Yuuka |
ね? |
See? |
Komachi |
そ、そんなこと無い。 |
Th-that isn't true. |
Yuuka |
何、寝言を言っているのよ! |
What nonsense are you blabbing about! |
Komachi |
うーん。 |
Okay. |
Yuuka |
今すぐ善処せよ! |
Take care of it right now! |
Yuuka wins
Yuuka |
これで少しは早く元通りになるかな? |
Maybe things will go back to normal a little faster with this. |
Komachi |
善処しますって~ |
I said I'll try to take care of it! |
Yuuka |
さてと、伝えることは伝えたし。 |
Now then, I've said what I wanted to. |
Yuuka loses
Komachi |
幽霊は頑張って彼岸に送るから。 |
I'll do my best and take the ghosts over to Higan. I'll take them, okay~ |
Yuuka vs. Eiki (Episode Final)
Yuuka |
当然と言えば当然だけど、 |
Although it's perfectly natural, |
??? |
紫の桜は、軫念の花を咲かせ、 |
Purple cherry blossoms bloom flowers of melancholy, |
楽園の最高裁判長 四季映姫・ヤマザナドゥ |
Highest Judge of the Court of Paradise | |
Eiki |
これは罪の輪廻なのです。 |
This is the endless cycle of sins. |
Yuuka |
でも、ずっと満開ね。 |
But it's been in full bloom for a while. |
Eiki |
それだけ罪人が多く死んでいるのです。 |
It shows just how many sinners have died. |
Yuuka |
なんでも良いわ。 |
It doesn't matter. |
Eiki |
こんな所で休んだら、それこそおかしく |
If you rest here, you'll become insane. |
Yuuka |
虐めただけよ。 |
I was just teasing them. |
Eiki |
生きる事はそれだけで罪な事なのです |
Living is that much of a sin. |
BGM. 六十年目の東方裁判 ~ Fate of Sixty Years |
BGM. Eastern Judgement in the Sixtieth Year ~ Fate of Sixty Years | |
Eiki |
そう、貴方は少し長く生きすぎた。 |
That's right, you've lived a little too long. |
Yuuka |
…… |
... |
Eiki |
このまま生き続けてもろくな事にならない。 |
If you continue living on like this, nothing good will come of it. |
Yuuka |
さっきから黙って聞いていれば |
If you were quiet and listened for a little, |
Eiki |
白黒つけるのは私の仕事です。 |
It's my job to discern black and white. |
Yuuka wins
ENDING No. 10 |
Yuuka loses
Eiki |
桜は…… |
Cherry blossoms... |
Additional information
- ↑ There's a slight mistake here, as Yuuka's portrait was displayed for this line.
< | Prologue | Translation |
This page is part of Project Translations, a Touhou Wiki project that aims to ensure the quality of translations of all official material in the Touhou Project. |