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Remilia Scarlet
ɽemiɽia sɯ̥kaːɽetto (♫) Remilia Scarlet | |
![]() Remilia Scarlet in Scarlet Weather Rhapsody The Scarlet DevilMore Character Titles | |
Species | |
Abilities |
Manipulation of fate |
Age |
Over 500 years old |
Occupation |
Mistress of the Scarlet Devil Mansion |
Location |
Scarlet Devil Mansion, was originally from the Outside World |
Music Themes | |
Appearances | |
Official Games | |
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Print Works | |
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Miscellaneous Works | |
"Looks like it's going to be a fun night." |
"Looks like it's going to be a long night." |
— Remilia Scarlet and Reimu Hakurei (Embodiment of Scarlet Devil Stage 6.) |
Remilia Scarlet (レミリア・スカーレット Remiria Sukāretto) is a vampire who is the head of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, the sister of Flandre Scarlet, and the mistress of Sakuya Izayoi, Hong Meiling and the fairy maids. She first appears as the Stage 6 boss of the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
General Information
Remilia first appeared as the Final Boss in Embodiment of Scarlet Devil. She later became a playable character in Immaterial and Missing Power, Imperishable Night (along with Sakuya as a duo) and Scarlet Weather Rhapsody. She was also a Stage 7 target in Shoot the Bullet and a Final Day boss in Impossible Spell Card, along with been in the background of Hopeless Masquerade. Due to being a vampire, she usually appears at night, indoors or under a parasol when the sun is out. She is seldom seen without a parasol on a sunny day outdoors.
While her appearance (and often speech and behavior) may portray her as childlike and non-threatening, she has fearsome magical powers and a reputation to match. According to Akyuu she evaporates when exposed to sunlight (although Hieda no Akyuu mentioned that she can reabsorb the lost residue). However, it was shown in Silent Sinner in Blue that she only begins to smoke under sunlight, and didn't suffer any lethal injuries after being hit with Amaterasu's light. Regardless, she typically remains inside the Scarlet Devil Mansion (which has few windows to prevent light getting in) during the day and emerges during the night. While she is naturally known to drink human blood, with a particular preference for B-type blood, her light appetite means her victims rarely die from their wounds. However, since she tends to stain her clothes a deep scarlet from the blood, she is also known to be called the Scarlet Devil (紅い悪魔 Akai akuma).
While she tries to cultivate the image of a mysterious and frightening vampire aristocrat, she is surprisingly polite. Her long lifetime has only served to make her prone to boredom and as a result she prizes anything she finds novel, frequently indulging her own childish whims in order to create entertainment for herself. In Silent Sinner in Blue she allows herself to be manipulated by Yukari Yakumo, simply because the alternative would have been boring. The other residents of the Scarlet Devil Mansion spend much of their time catering to Remilia's odd whims (including numerous parties), though she does make an effort to appreciate and respect their patience.
Remilia is respected by most youkai of Gensokyo and so she's said to have a charismatic personality. However, in reality this is only because of the fear they have for her kind. While she can act in an overblown and grandiose fashion, she usually only does it during incidents or for important matters. Otherwise, she tends to exhibit childish behavior[1]. She enjoys novel things and isn't above playing along in silly games[2] or allowing herself to be manipulated if it means staving off boredom.
Her behavior may be due to the fact she actually has the wisdom of a 500 year old being with the whims and patience of someone who has yet to fully mature. Yet, it remains to be said that she has an overflowing and charming personality that even makes most fairies stick around as employees despite their freedom to leave at any time.

- Abilities as a vampire
Remilia has tremendous physical abilities (superhuman strength and speed) and magical power. According to Perfect Memento in Strict Sense, vampires have tremendous physical abilities and magical power, that allow them to uproot a thousand-year-old tree single-handedly and to run through the Human Village in a flash. While the true extent of these capabilities is unknown, Remilia's profile in Immaterial and Missing Power describes her as being "faster than the eye can follow, and strong enough to crush boulders"[3], and in Silent Sinner in Blue she claimed that she was able to fly around the Moon (or at least around its "fantastic" version) in an extremely short period of time. Vampires also have the ability to summon and manipulate a great number of devils with a single shout[4][3], and to turn into a swarm of bats or even mist to escape or dodge an attack. Additionally, as long as their head remains intact they can regrow the entire body in just one night. Because vampires possess all of these capabilities, they are among one of the strongest species in Gensokyo.[4]
Like most vampires, Remilia has the power of shape-shifting at her disposal and can change into a bat. However, unlike most vampires, her wings remain visible even when she is in human form, making it impossible to pass herself off completely as a human.
Because she has the ability to summon and manipulate devils, it would be natural for her employing them in great numbers. However, the Scarlet Devil Mansion currently only has one little devil, usually seen around the library of the mansion, in employment. It remains a mystery as to why so many fairy maids are employed instead.
Vampires like Remilia are also immortal, as they forfeit growth and maturity in exchange for eternal life.[5]
- Manipulation of Fate
In the current world view of Gensokyo, there isn't detailed information concerning this ability nor an instance where Remilia clearly used it. Consequently, what this ability actually entails is quite uncertain. If the power is as potent as it suggests, then for any enemies that she confronts, she should be able to change fate to her advantage so that she would always win. However, since Remilia does sometimes lose, this does not seem to be the case. This could just be because of the spell card rules, however (similar to how Reimu Hakurei is not allowed to easily win any battle by using her ability to float out of reality before Marisa Kirisame came out with Innate Dream, which has a time limit and thus is not completely unbeatable). It is unclear whether Remilia manipulates it intentionally or if she can only change the fate of things around her without being aware of doing so. Thus, there exist speculation as to whether she truly can use it. The best representation of this ability being used would be in several of her spell cards where she uses red chains that chase the enemy (chains are commonly associated with destiny).
According to Hieda no Akyuu in Perfect Memento in Strict Sense, it seems to be that those in her vicinity will be followed by bad fortune. This may be a "use" of her ability similar to Hina Kagiyama's ability to spread curses and misfortune by merely being close to someone. However, this is not an effect that can be quantified. Akyuu also states that Remilia can bring great changes in one's daily life with nothing more than a word but as mentioned before, it is still something that can't be measurable. As such, no one can know when or if she's actually doing it. In Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red, according to her little sister Flandre Scarlet, the true nature of the ability may simply be to know what happens in the future. However, Flandre also said that it's just that "she [Remilia] just likes to talk that way" and thus may just be an act of pretense.
Official Profiles
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○永遠に紅い幼き月 レミリア・スカーレット |
Eternally Young Scarlet Moon Remilia Scarlet Ability: Manipulation of fate The final boss. She's been the mistress for about 500 years. She doesn't tell you directly and only hint during the game, but she is a vampire. She blanketed Gensokyo with a magic mist in order to cut off the sunlight. Although she has been alive for 500 years, her personality is that of a selfish child. She is respected by most youkai, but her charisma doesn't stem from her personality; rather, it comes from the fear that they have for her kind. She has one younger sister; nothing else is known about her family. She is a light eater. In other words, she can drink only a little blood at a time and must leave the rest behind, so the humans off of whom she feeds become a bit anemic, but usually stay alive. Due to that fact, she always fails to increase the number of her kind. She swears that she is a descendant of Tepes, but nobody is certain whether she is truly related to the Vlad "Dracula" Tepes. Total of ten card attacks. |
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○永遠に赤い幼き月 レミリア・スカーレット |
Eternally Young Scarlet Moon Remilia Scarlet |
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○紅い悪魔 レミリア・スカーレット 紅魔館に住む吸血鬼。 |
The Scarlet Devil, Remilia Scarlet
A vampire who resides in the Scarlet Devil Mansion. She can manipulate fate. She has apparently lived for over 500 years. Considering how long she has lived, she acts rather childishly. Creatures of her kind forfeit their growth and maturity in exchange for eternal life. In other words, she can live forever because she never grows up. It goes without saying that she is weak against sunlight, can't cross flowing water, hates garlic, and despises sardine heads. Crosses have no effect on her. It puzzles her to hear that her kind are supposed to be weak against such a thing. She uses bats and arrows as her weapons. She can spawn an unlimited number of bats from herself.
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○紅い悪魔 レミリア・スカーレット |
The Scarlet Devil Remilia Scarlet Species: Vampire On the shore of a lake in Gensokyo, there is a scarlet mansion. She is very childish even though she has been alive for more than 500 years. Devils, including vampires, are hated with a passion by both humans and youkai, because their kind tend to be self-centered and selfish. Remilia indeed is no exception. Type-B blood tastes the most delicious to her. |
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レミリア・スカーレット (れみりあ・すかーれっと) 吸血鬼/運命を操る程度の能力 湖畔の傍らに建つ洋館「紅魔館」の主。見た目は幼い少女 |
Remilia Scarlet (Remilia Scarlet) Vampire/Ability to manipulate fate
Master of the "Scarlet Devil Mansion", a European-style building located by the shore of a lake. She looks like a young girl, but in fact she's a vampire who has lived more than 500 years. Her personality and behavior are as childlike as her appearance, though. She takes pride in her tremendous physical abilities as a vampire, and additionally she has the ability to manipulate fate. It appears that any person nearby her will have an unfortunate fate, even if Remilia herself is unaware of them. |
吸血鬼がボスというお話は鉄板で、弾幕STGでも格好悪くなる筈がない! と思って作り始めましたが、よくよく考えたら、超人的な身体能力や吸血といった能力はRPG向けでしたね。弾幕を作るには苦労しました。 |
"Vampire as the last boss is one of the best tropes in video games, no way this suddenly won't work in a bullet hell!" That's what I thought when I started making the game. Now I think of it, that superhuman toughness and vampiric ability are only suited for roleplaying games. Making bullet patterns for vampires ended up very difficult. |
レミリアは当時から人気があるキャラです。 しかし、設定上、昼間の屋外に出す事が出来ず、 ゲームや作品に出しにくいキャラでもあります。 永夜抄は舞台が夜だけで良かったですね。 まあ、咲夜と一緒なら傘を差して貰えば大丈夫なんですけどね。 |
Remilia has been a popular character ever since. But she's set to be a character who cannot go out during daytime, which makes it tricky to introduce her into other works. Very convenient that IN's stage is set at night. Although it wouldn't be too much of a problem even if it weren't at night since she's with Sakuya and Sakuya can just hold an umbrella for her. |
Name | Translated | Comments | Games | Usage | ||
Total: 13 | ||||||
デーモンロードウォーク | Demon Lord Walk | IaMP SWR |
236A/B Default 236B/C | |||
サーヴァントフライヤー | Servant Flier | IaMP SWR |
236C Default 214B/C | |||
デーモンロードクレイドル | Demon Lord Cradle | IaMP SWR |
623A/B Default 623B/C | |||
デーモンロードアロー | Demon Lord Arrow | IaMP SWR |
214A/B/C Default 22B/C | |||
「ナイトダンス」 | "Night Dance" | IN | Familiar: 「サーヴァントフライヤー」Servant Flier | |||
ヴァンパイアクロウ | Vampire Claw | SWR | Alternate 236B/C | |||
チェーンギャング | Chain Gang | SWR | Alternate 214B/C | |||
ロケットキックアップ | Rocket Kick Upper | SWR | Alternate 623B/C | |||
シーリングフィア | Ceiling Fear | SWR | Alternate 22B/C | |||
デモンズディナーフォーク | Demon's Dinner Fork | SWR | Alternate 214B/C | |||
トリックスターデビル | Trickster Devil | Soku | Alternate 236B/C | |||
バンパイアキス | Vampire Kiss | Soku | Alternate 623B/C | |||
スティグマナイザー | Stigmanizer | Soku | Alternate 22B/C |
Spell Cards
Name | Translated | Comments | Games | Stage | ||
Total: 35 | ||||||
天罰「スターオブダビデ」 | Heaven's Punishment "Star of David" | EoSD GoM |
St. 6: N — | |||
冥符「紅色の冥界」 | Nether Sign "Scarlet Netherworld" | EoSD | St. 6: N | |||
呪詛「ブラド・ツェペシュの呪い」 | Curse "Curse of Vlad Tepes" | EoSD GoM |
St. 6: N — | |||
紅符「スカーレットシュート」 | Scarlet Sign "Scarlet Shoot" | EoSD | St. 6: N | |||
「レッドマジック」 | "Red Magic" | EoSD IaMP GoM |
St. 6: N Story — | |||
神罰「幼きデーモンロード」 | God's Punishment "Young Demon Lord" | EoSD | St. 6: H/L | |||
獄符「千本の針の山」 | Hell Sign "Mountain of a Thousand Needles" | EoSD | St. 6: H/L | |||
神術「吸血鬼幻想」 | God Art "Vampire Illusion" | EoSD | St. 6: H/L | |||
紅符「スカーレットマイスタ」 | Scarlet Sign "Scarlet Meister" | EoSD GoM |
St. 6: H/L — | |||
「紅色の幻想郷」 | "Scarlet Gensokyo" | EoSD | St. 6: H/L | |||
紅符「不夜城レッド」 | Scarlet Sign "Nightless Castle Red" | IaMP IN SWR GoM |
Use Use Use — | |||
紅魔「スカーレットデビル」 | Scarlet Devil "Scarlet Devil" | IaMP IN SWR |
Use Use Use | |||
必殺「ハートブレイク」 | Certain Kill "Heart Break" | IaMP SWR |
Use Use | |||
神槍「スピア・ザ・グングニル」 | Divine Spear "Spear the Gungnir" | IaMP SWR GoM |
Use Use — | |||
夜符「デーモンキングクレイドル」 | Night Sign "Demon King Cradle" | IaMP SWR |
Use Use | |||
夜王「ドラキュラクレイドル」 | Night Lord "Dracula Cradle" | IaMP SWR |
Use Use | |||
符の壱「バッドレディスクランブル」 夜符「バッドレディスクランブル」 |
Sign I "Bad Lady Scramble" Night Sign "Bad Lady Scramble" |
Story Use | |||
符の弐「マイハートブレイク」 | Sign II "My Heart Break" | IaMP | Story | |||
符の参「ヘルカタストロフィ」 | Sign III "Hell Catastrophe" | IaMP | Story | |||
夜符「クイーン・オブ・ミッドナイト」 | Night Sign "Queen of Midnight" | IaMP SSiB |
Story Ch.16 | |||
「スカーレットディスティニー」 | "Scarlet Destiny" | IN | LW | |||
魔符「全世界ナイトメア」 | Devil Sign "All the World in Nightmare" | StB | St. 7 | |||
紅符「ブラッディマジックスクウェア」 | Scarlet Sign "Bloody Magic Square" | StB GoM |
St. 7 — | |||
紅蝙蝠「ヴァンピリッシュナイト」 | Scarlet Bat "Vampirish Night" | StB | St. 7 | |||
神鬼「レミリアストーカー」 | God Devil "Remilia Stoker" | StB SWR |
St. 7 Story | |||
運命「ミゼラブルフェイト」 | Destiny "Miserable Fate" | SWR SWR |
Use Story | |||
夜符「ボンバードナイト」 | Night Sign "Bombard Night" | SWR | Story | |||
蝙蝠「ヴァンパイアスウィープ」 | Bat "Vampire Sweep" | SWR | Story | |||
「ミレニアムの吸血鬼」 | "Millennium Vampire" | Soku | Use | |||
悪魔「レミリアストレッチ」 | Devil "Remilia Stretch" | Soku | Use | |||
「フィットフルナイトメア」 | "Fitful Nightmare" | ISC | St. 10 | |||
「きゅうけつ鬼ごっこ」 | "Duck, Duck, Bat" | ISC | St. 10 | |||
紅魔符「ブラッディカタストロフ」 | Scarlet Devil Sign "Bloody Catastrophe" | Co-owner with Flandre | VD GoU |
Nightmare Sunday - 1 — | ||
紅星符「超人ブラッディナイフ」 | Scarlet Star Sign "Superhuman Bloody Knife" | Co-owner with Byakuren | VD | Nightmare Sunday - 3 | ||
神紅符「ブラッディ十七条のレーザー」 | Divine Scarlet Sign "Bloody Laser of Seventeen Articles" | Co-owner with Miko | VD | Nightmare Sunday - 5 |
Remilia's past prior to her arrival at Gensokyo is unclear, but her name, appearance, house, and clothing imply she is European in origin, and she has been stated to have come from "the west"[6]. She has been the mistress of the Scarlet Devil Mansion for about 500 years. She claims to be a descendant of one of the world's most notorious vampires: Count Vlad Ţepeş Dracul. However, unknown to the people of Gensokyo, this is a complete lie.
Remilia and "The Vampire Incident"
It is not known how Remilia came to Gensokyo in the first place, but the Scarlet Devil Mansion (and thus presumably Remilia herself) were in Gensokyo at least as early as 1998. It is also known that when she came to Gensokyo, the Great Hakurei Barrier (erected in 1885) had been in place for a while, as at this point in Gensokyo's history, the youkai had lost much of their power from being unable to attack humans.
Upon arriving in Gensokyo, Remilia quickly gathered many subordinates and proceeded to go on a rampage. However, she was eventually defeated by powerful youkai. They settled on a devil's contract where the youkai would give her humans for food, and in exchange she would not attack the humans of Gensokyo. Such prohibition proved distasteful to many youkai, which led to talks with Reimu Hakurei to establish a set of ground rules for battle (It is unclear if Remilia was involved in these discussions). This culminated in the creation of the spell card rules. In 2003, almost immediately afterwards, another plot of Remilia's would lead to the first incident that used the system.
At the time In Perfect Memento in Strict Sense, Remilia was never directly stated to be the vampire behind "the Vampire Incident" (where a vampire first arrived and went on a rampage), so it was technically unconfirmed whether it was Remilia. Hieda no Akyuu states that any reference to the vampires in Gensokyo must be referencing the Scarlet family, which could mean the reader was supposed to assume the vampire in question is Remilia.[7] Later on, it was finally confirmed in Strange Creators of Outer World 2 that Remilia was indeed that vampire in the Vampire Incident.
Character Design

Her full name is Remilia Scarlet (レミリア・スカーレット) which, unlike most Touhou Project characters, gives a strong western feeling, likely French or British. The name "Remilia" is likely made-up by ZUN as a variant of "Emilia", which means "Rival; Emulating". "Scarlet" refers to a bright shade of the color red with a slight hint of orange and is a variant of "Scarlett" as a surname. The middle dot (・) in the middle of her name is used in foreign names to show where the next word begins.
Despite having a name, she is more commonly known as "the vampire", "the Scarlet Devil" (紅い悪魔) and sometimes "the mistress". It's actually quite uncommon for other residents of Gensokyo to refer to her proper name. However, Patchouli calls her Remi (レミィ).
In Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Immaterial and Missing Power and Scarlet Weather Rhapsody's official art, Remilia has red eyes, short light-blue hair and a light-pink mob cap with a red ribbon decorated with white stripes. She wears a light-pink dress with a red ribbon on both sleeves (is seen with red trimmings in Embodiment of Scarlet Devil), a large red ribbon behind her waist with white stripes and a necklace featuring a Caduceus-like centerpiece. She also has a pair of large black bat-like wings on her back with a wingspan wider than her height. In Imperishable Night, she is seen without the necklace.
She is said to be about as tall as a girl in her early teens (10 to 14 years old).[8]
- Alternative Outfits
Her alternate outfit in a palette from Immaterial and Missing Power and Scarlet Weather Rhapsody has her dress red instead of pink and her hair blond. This color scheme looks similar to her sister's, Flandre Scarlet.
- Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
In Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Remilia decided to release a mist over Gensokyo to block out the sun and let her move freely during the day; after her scheme was discovered and halted, she was forced to use a parasol to shade herself when she wanted to move around during daylight hours (as mentioned in Immaterial and Missing Power). A speculation from Hieda no Akyuu, however, is that Remilia actually staged the entire incident and lost on purpose in order to show Sakuya Izayoi, who was having trouble adapting to Gensokyo's environment (possibly culture, given the context), that humans could be friends. There is nothing to prove this to be true, but nothing to really disprove it, either.
- Main articles: Reimu Arc and Marisa Arc
Remilia does take her loss with amazing stride in every single ending, where the only hint of anger she shows about losing was jokingly ribbing Marisa Kirisame that things would have been cooler with the mist, though in the Marisa B ending Sakuya does hide Marisa in the library so Remilia can't find her. In the Reimu A ending, Remilia comes to the shrine with a parasol of her own volition and doesn't seem annoyed at having to use a parasol, causing Reimu to ask why she bothered with the mist in the first place. Unfortunately, Reimu starts playfully(?) grappling Remilia before Remilia can answer.
- Imperishable Night
- Main article: Imperishable Night Scarlet Team's Scenario
In Imperishable Night she heads out with Sakuya to punish the ones who took the full moon from the night sky since the fighting would be at night.
- Immaterial and Missing Power
- Main article: Immaterial and Missing Power Remilia's Scenario
During her story mode, Remilia leaves the Scarlet Devil Mansion after convincing Sakuya that she should handle it herself. After running into Marisa Kirisame and beating her up, she claims that she will be the "star" of the upcoming feast. She goes to the Hakurei Shrine afterwards and defeats Reimu, repeating her intentions. She then defeats both Youmu Konpaku and Yuyuko Saigyouji. Finally she meets Yukari Yakumo, and demands to know who is behind the feasts happening every night. In the end Suika Ibuki appears and the vampire defeats her as well. During her ending, she tries to enjoy a full moon with Sakuya and they discuss what it means to have class.
- Shoot the Bullet
In Shoot the Bullet, Aya Shameimaru encountered Remilia on stage 7 and took photos of her danmaku.
- Scarlet Weather Rhapsody
- Main article: Scarlet Weather Rhapsody Remilia's Scenario
In Scarlet Weather Rhapsody, she settles her "own" investigation by ordering Sakuya Izayoi to drag the suspects to her, in order to find the culprit, figuring later that the culprit is above the mountains, where she is very prone to the light.
- Touhou Hisoutensoku
- Main article: Touhou Hisoutensoku Story
If SWR is connected with Touhou Hisoutensoku, then Remilia can become a selectable character to play with, although she appears in no scenarios. If the player places a custom parasol system card in Remilia's deck, she'll be able to fight in stages that has sunlight, although she isn't shown with a parasol on-screen.
- Hopeless Masquerade
Remilia appears as a background cameo in Hopeless Masquerade on the Hakurei Shrine stage. She is sitting on a chair with Patchouli Knowledge and Sakuya Izayoi drinking some tea. She has a Fairy Maid hovering above her holding a parasol to block the sunlight.
- Impossible Spell Card
- Main article: Impossible Spell Card: Story
After apparently reading the newspaper by the tengu about a mischief-making amanojaku, she becomes one of the many strong youkai and humans to try and stop Seija Kijin on the final day. She uses spell cards that are considered impossible to dodge.
Aya Shameimaru writes an article about the scarlet mist that Remilia used to cause the Scarlet Mist Incident, describing the weird red rainbow it creates and it's wing-like pattern (more specifically, angel wings, that would clash with Remilia's position as a Devil). However, when interviewed, Remilia only explains the cause of the rainbow, saying that she doesn't know anything about the pattern and thus it had no real meaning. Patchouli Knowledge intervenes and after giving a more complete explanation about the scarlet rainbow, explains that the pattern is only a coincidence and it happened because Remilia releases the mist from her fingers, making it following the shape of the fingers themselves.
- Main article: Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red/Flandre
Aya interviews Remilia, along with her sister, to get some informations about the meteorite that exploded in the sky. While Flandre just describes how she destroyed the thing, Remilia explains that the meteorite was fated to fall on her mansion right in the moment it happened, and that Flandre was also fated to be there destroying it. In a successive interview, Remilia re-explains that it not only was fated to fall there, but also that the event was caused artificially and that someone forced it to do so, showing a fragment of the meteorite covered by magical runes.
With the help of Patchouli, Remilia is able to travel to the Moon together with Reimu, Sakuya and Marisa, using the Moon Rocket that uses Reimu's power. There they meet Watatsuki no Yorihime with various Moon rabbits and pick a fight with them, but since both sides don't want to create a bloodshed, they fight using the spell card rules. After Yorihime defeats all of them, Remilia and the others (except Reimu) return to Earth. Despite suffering a crushing defeat from the Moon Princess, Remilia doesn't seem to be really bothered by it, and finds another way to pass time and amuse herself by building a fake indoor sea in the Scarlet Devil Mansion.
In Chapter 6 of Forbidden Scrollery, Remilia tells Reimu that she has found a rare animal from the outside world, a tupai, and is currently raising it. However, it goes missing, and it's assumed that it's behind the sake disappearances in the Human Village. In Chapter 7 this "tupai" is revealed to be a chupacabra named Tupai.
Residents of the Scarlet Devil Mansion
- Flandre Scarlet

Flandre Scarlet is Remilia's younger sister. Flandre is stated to respect her sister, and Remilia cares for Flandre as shown where she is considering getting her a good tutor in Imperishable Night, but it is unknown how often the two interact. Perfect Memento in Strict Sense states that it's rare (but not nonexistent) to see Flandre and Remilia together. However, they are seen depicted together many times such as in Forbidden Scrollery chapter 7 when they were looking at their pet Tupai and in Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red, which also shows that Remilia will at least allow Aya Shameimaru to interview Flandre in the first place. They also show up together in The Grimoire of Usami, Violet Detector, and Foul Detective Satori. The interview shows that although Flandre might respect her older sister, it's to the extent you'd expect a snarky child to. She is willing to outright state when she thinks Remilia is just spouting nonsense, at which point Remilia comes in with a comment that she shouldn't be talking about her older sister like that.
- Sakuya Izayoi
Sakuya Izayoi serves Remilia Scarlet as the Head Maid without question, a servitude with which no one knows why either trusts each other so much (Perfect Memento in Strict Sense gives the most popular theory). She is often assigned to run errands relating to the current incidents, as Remilia cannot go outside without an umbrella. Sakuya follows Remilia's requests even when she knows it won't work, such as catching Lily White to catch Spring in Strange and Bright Nature Deity, because that's what her mistress wants. When Remilia playfully criticizes Sakuya for her failure to catch spring, she takes it in good stride and doesn't disagree. They are shown to be close friends, as Remilia forgives Sakuya even though she is not always competent in keeping away unwanted visitors, seen through her defeat by two humans in Embodiment of Scarlet Devil. She will also do things for Remilia if Remilia doesn't even ask, like accompanying her in Imperishable Night and Immaterial and Missing Power. Despite her absolute subservience to her mistress, Sakuya is not afraid to lightly speak out on occasion, such as when she chastises Remilia in her Scarlet Weather Rhapsody and Immaterial and Missing Power victory quotes for sneaking out food or playing around too much.
- Patchouli Knowledge
Patchouli Knowledge is Remilia's friend. In Perfect Cherry Blossom ending, Remilia called Patchouli Pache (パチェ). The two have been depicted having tea and casual conversation together in Silent Sinner in Blue, Oriental Sacred Place and Strange and Bright Nature Deity, where Patchouli offhandedly commented that they're both creatures of the night. As stated in Perfect Memento in Strict Sense, Patchouli's role at the mansion is to solve problems (and to cause them), although it is uncertain if that means she's officially an employee or not. Regardless, Patchouli will often volunteer her services when she sees Remilia in need of them (such as causing a rainstorm to keep Flandre Scarlet confined to the Scarlet Devil Mansion when Flandre was trying to get out in Embodiment of Scarlet Devil). It is unknown how Patchouli came to live at the Scarlet Devil Mansion, but she has been there for about one hundred years.
- Hong Meiling
Hong Meiling guards the gate of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, and is thus an employee of Remilia's. Meiling serves her mistress faithfully and loyally (but not necessarily competently all the time), apologizing to her not-present mistress when she fails to defeat Reimu Hakurei or Marisa Kirisame in Embodiment of Scarlet Devil. The only known depiction of an actual interaction between Meiling and Remilia in an official work is their win quotes to each other in Immaterial and Missing Power as well as Touhou Hisoutensoku, which depicts their interactions as a generally friendly one. Other interactions are stated in other works, however. Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red shows that Remilia likes to play pranks on Meiling quite often (the latest in the article being an order for Meiling to restore the garden to normal despite how Remilia knew it was beyond Meiling's ability to do so). Perfect Memento in Strict Sense also mentions that Remilia enjoys watching Meiling's duels with challengers at the gate. It is unknown how Meiling came to be under Remilia's employ or who hired her (an advertisement in Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red shows that Sakuya Izayoi is the one currently in charge of hiring at the Scarlet Devil Mansion, but that doesn't mean she was the one that hired Meiling).
- Other servants

Similar to Meiling, the Fairy Maids must put up with Remilia's outrageous requests from time to time, as stated in Perfect Memento in Strict Sense, and Remilia gets frustrated with her fairies in Silent Sinner in Blue when they turn out to be quite useless during their battle against Watatsuki no Yorihime and her rabbits. Punishments, however, are never mentioned or depicted, with Remilia only going so far as to make an angry comment on the subject. Presumably, Remilia knows how to manage her employees' needs well, as in Strange and Bright Nature Deity Chapter 1, Remilia tells Sakuya Izayoi to let the maids relax, because if they get worked too hard, they'll get mental health issues. This chapter shows the maids conversing in an official work, where they're worried about an upcoming soy bean festival because those tend to put the mistress in a bad mood (and are difficult to clean up). Perfect Memento in Strict Sense states that employees of the Scarlet Devil Mansion are allowed to leave their jobs at any time, yet most end up staying. This also could imply that the employees of the Scarlet Devil Mansion are not bound by a devil's contract (not including Sakuya).
Following the events of Wild and Horned Hermit chapter 16, Remilia employs a number of hofgoblins as servants.
Koakuma is a devil seen in the library of the Scarlet Devil Mansion during Embodiment of Scarlet Devil. The relationship between her and Remilia is unknown, her official profile says that she lives in the Scarlet Devil Mansion so it could be said that she is technically under the employment of Remilia indirectly.
Tupai is Remilia's pet chupacabra. It is implied that she somehow mistook it for an actual tupai, but still called it the "Tupai" anyway.
Reimu Hakurei
Remilia was indirectly involved in the discussions with Reimu Hakurei that led to the creation of the spell card rules. Certainly, Embodiment of Scarlet Devil was where Reimu first met the other residents of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, and also where she discovered that Remilia was the mistress. Reimu's actual dialogue with Remilia herself, however, does not necessarily indicate whether they knew each other prior to that meeting or not. At any rate, after their battle in Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Remilia often drops by the Hakurei Shrine to hang out with Reimu. She is one of several youkai depicted when Reimu complains about youkai hanging around her shrine in Wild and Horned Hermit, and Reimu successfully argues in an early chapter of Strange and Bright Nature Deity that she should be allowed into a party at the Scarlet Devil Mansion because Remilia always comes to her shrine. Although Remilia is fond of Reimu, she still has a rivalry of sorts with the Shrine Maiden too and is more than happy to get into a duel with her, as shown in Imperishable Night and Remilia's storyline in Scarlet Weather Rhapsody.
Aya Shameimaru
Like most characters, Remilia has been interviewed by Aya Shameimaru and is an involuntary source of news for her. Unlike other characters, however, Remilia seems to actually enjoy Aya's visits. Remilia plays along with Aya in Scarlet Weather Rhapsody pretending to be a monster in the Scarlet Devil Mansion, and afterwards requests that Aya tell her if or when it gets in the news. She asks if she could be allowed to write an editorial for Aya's newspaper in her victory quote to Aya. Aya remarks to Hong Meiling in her Touhou Hisoutensoku quote that she has a lot to thank the Scarlet Devil Mansion for due to its mass subscriptions to her news paper and providing lots of scoops. Remilia still gets annoyed when Aya just assumes she can come into the Scarlet Devil Mansion without being invited at the end of Silent Sinner in Blue, but lets her come along anyways.
Yukari Yakumo
Yukari Yakumo used Remilia as part of her scheme to extract the residence tax and get revenge on the Lunarians in Silent Sinner in Blue. Patchouli reveals Remilia knew she was manipulated but didn't care, because she was bored. Remilia herself has an unexplained rivalry of sorts with Yukari, wanting to get to the Moon in her own way before Yukari could to surprise her. This rivalry might be due to the power struggle mentioned in Perfect Memento in Strict Sense's Vampire article, possibly starting with the Vampire Incident. The rivalry is mostly on Remilia's part, though Remilia has no objections to Yukari staying for the party at the end of Silent Sinner in Blue or assisting her with investigating in Scarlet Weather Rhapsody.
Dialogue in Immaterial and Missing Power seems to imply they've already known each other before that game. It is possible they met at the Vampire Incident, and that Yukari was the one that signed "the contract" with Remilia.
Remilia in Curiosities of Lotus Asia
Remilia in Curiosities of Lotus Asia
Remilia in the Strange Creators of Outer World Vol. 2 cover
Remilia artwork from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
Remilia artwork from Immaterial and Missing Power
Remilia artwork from Imperishable Night
Remilia artwork from Scarlet Weather Rhapsody
Remilia pre-battle artwork from Immaterial and Missing Power
Remilia's different color palettes from Touhou Hisoutensoku. The 2nd one corresponds to her second color palette in Scarlet Weather Rhapsody, while the 3rd one corresponds to her Immaterial and Missing Power palette.
Remilia's crouching block in Immaterial and Missing Power
Another illustration of Remilia in Patchouli's article from Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red
Remilia in Perfect Memento in Strict Sense
Remilia in Silent Sinner in Blue
Remilia in Silent Sinner in Blue
Remilia in Cage in Lunatic Runagate
Remilia and Flandre from Who's Who of Humans & Youkai - Dusk Edition
Remilia in Strange and Bright Nature Deity
Remilia in Strange and Bright Nature Deity
Remilia and Sakuya cameo in Extra of the Wind
Remilia in Silent Sinner in Blue
Remilia party outfit in Silent Sinner in Blue
Remilia with swimsuit in Silent Sinner in Blue
Remilia in Foul Detective Satori
Remilia's sigil in The Grimoire of Marisa
Remilia's sigil from Touhou Hisoutensoku
Additional Information
- Due to "The Young Descendant of Tepes", the title of the prelude theme to the final boss stage of Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, she has been sometimes linked to Count Dracula's lineage. This is because Dracula's full name is Vlad Ţepeş Dracul. While Remilia herself asserts that she is a literal descendant of Ţepeş, ZUN claims that she is lying.
- Remilia is not only Sakuya Izayoi's master but the one who gave Sakuya her name, according to Perfect Memento in Strict Sense. Considering Sakuya's murky past and the unlikelihood of a human becoming a vampire's servant, the leading theory is that Sakuya was once a vampire hunter, and Remilia earned Sakuya's servitude by besting her in combat.
- Based on her being around 500 years old during the events of EoSD, Remilia was probably born sometime in the late 15th century.
- The name of her spell card "Red Magic" is very likely a reference to a MORI Hiroshi novel "All become F" (すべてがFになる Subete ga F ni naru ~The Perfect Insider). In the novel, Redmagic is a name of an advanced OS developed by the genius Shiki Magata.
- One of Remilia's spell card is named after Gungnir, the spear of Odin described as having the ability to always hit its mark.
- It is quite coincidental that Remilia's appearance was in the 6th game of the Touhou Project. She is the Stage 6 boss, and the player will fight through 6 spell cards on that stage on any playable difficulty above Easy (Remilia has 5 spell cards total and Sakuya has 1 in her midboss appearance). When these numbers are all put together, it reads "666", which is often associated with the Devil in pop culture.
- Remilia's theme starts the same as Beethoven's Piano Sonata no.8 Pathetique, "3rd Movement".[9]
- In Curiosities of Lotus Asia Chapter 4, Reimu Hakurei comments that Remilia should go back to her coffin. Remilia retorts that coffins are for the dead, indicating that she doesn't sleep in a coffin. In Imperishable Night's Scarlet Team Scenario, before battling Reimu, Remilia once again reminds her that she doesn't sleep in a coffin. Finally, in Oriental Sacred Place Chapter 15, released 7 years later, what's apparently the first canonical depiction of Remilia's bedroom is shown, and that she sleeps in a coffin (on a bed).
- Her first 5 alternate pallets in Touhou Hisoutensoku resemble Flandre Scarlet, Patchouli Knowledge, Hong Meiling, Sakuya Izayoi and Koakuma, respectively.
- Despite her childish-girly appearance, she uses both a haughty "mistress" (~かしら?、~だわ) and a strong manly (~か?、~だ) speech patterns in her original Japanese lines. Unfortunately most of these nuances cannot be translated into English.
- Since Remilia is a corruption of the name Emilia, a rather common name in France, and Scarlet is an alternative spelling to Scarlett, a common French surname, it's possible (but not certain) that Remilia is from France. Her sister's name, Flandre, is further evidence; Flandre is a French term for people from the province of Flanders, a region that, while today is in southern Belgium, was historically a part of France.
- Shibata Masahiro's manga series "Sarai" seems to be a big inspiration for many of the characters from EoSD . Sarai is a manga about superpowered maids fighting youkai and monsters in a dystopian future. The series was published from 1997 to 2007 in Japan only.
- In Sarai there are two small maid girls with red hair and wear mob caps. This is likely what inspired Remilia and Flandre.
- Remilia's pose in Embodiment of the Scarlet Devil resembles Nudge's pose in Volume 8 of Sarai.
Official Sources
- 2002/08/11 Embodiment of Scarlet Devil - Stage 6 dialogue; おまけ.txt
- 2004/04/03-2004/05/01 Curiosities of Lotus Asia - Chapters 4, 5
- 2004/08/11 Imperishable Night - Scarlet Team Scenario; Scarlet Team Extra Stage; キャラ設定.txt; Manual
- 2004/12/30 Immaterial and Missing Power - 上海アリス通信.txt
- 2005/08/11 Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red - Article and Interview: Remilia
- 2006/05/26 Strange and Bright Nature Deity - Chapter 1
- 2006/12/27 Perfect Memento in Strict Sense - Remilia Scarlet
- 2007/03/25 ~ 2007/04/26 Strange and Bright Nature Deity - Chapters 7-8
- 2007/06/08 ~ 2009/04/09 Silent Sinner in Blue
- 2007/12/26 ~ 2008/01/26 Strange and Bright Nature Deity - Chapters 15-16
- 2008/05/25 Scarlet Weather Rhapsody - chara.html
- 2009/07/28 The Grimoire of Marisa - Remilia Scarlet's Spell Cards
- 2013/04/26 Forbidden Scrollery - Chapter 6
- 2013/08/12 Double Dealing Character - (Ending No. 5)
See Also
- ↑ Scarlet Weather Rhapsody - Remilia's Scenario
- ↑ Scarlet Weather Rhapsody - Stage 4 of Aya's Story Mode
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 Immaterial and Missing Power - Remilia's Profile
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 Perfect Memento in Strict Sense - Vampire
- ↑ Imperishable Night - Manual
- ↑ Symposium of Post-mysticism - Afterword by Hieda no Akyu. "the vampires that came from the West"
- ↑ Perfect Memento in Strict Sense - Remilia Scarlet
- ↑ ZUN's E-mails
- ↑ a video of Beethoven's Piano Sonata no.8, Pathetique, 3rd Movement on YouTube
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- Violet Detector
- Characters playable in Touhou
- Characters in Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
- Characters in Immaterial and Missing Power
- Characters in Imperishable Night
- Characters in Shoot the Bullet
- Characters in Scarlet Weather Rhapsody
- Characters in Touhou Hisoutensoku
- Characters in Impossible Spell Card
- Characters in Violet Detector
- Characters