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Sapphire Panlogism/Characters
Most of the characters in Sapphire Panlogism are original and non-existent in the Touhou Project. The following four are, however, officially part of the Touhou Project and are playable characters in Sapphire Panlogism. The rest below are the originals.
赤色の涙雨の巫女 Shrine Maiden of the Red Rain Reimu Hakurei
青色の豪雨の魔法使い Magician of the Blue Monsoon Marisa Kirisame
金色の天気雨の権化 Avatar of the Golden Sun Shower Shou Toramaru
虹の彼方の地獄の女神 Goddess of a Hell Over the Rainbow Hecatia Lapislazuli
Azure Swirl
Azure Swirl | |
Azure Swirl in Sapphire Panlogism Child of the Great Saltwater SeaNymph of the Great Saltwater Sea More Character Titles | |
Species |
Fairy (Nereid) |
Abilities |
Controlling the ocean's currents |
Music Themes | |
白波から上がるフェー達 |
Azure Swirl (アジュアスワール Ajuasuwāru) is the Stage 1 midboss and boss, as well as the Extra Stage midboss.
- Name
Azure is a color in between cyan and blue.
- Appearance
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Azure is the leader of a group of fairies (nereids).
At the time of the Saltwater Rain Incident, she and her fairies were performing tasks as underlings of Umehime and the rest of the Kazarashi clan. She has an encounter with the heroines who proceed to fight her, and once she's defeated, she gives a clue of the Expanse's location, which is in the clouds.
During the extra stage, the Kazarashi clan once again relies on fairies like her to prevent anyone from reaching Nusakoro, who's hiding within the Expanse in order to evade punishment.
Spell Cards
Name | Translated | Comments | Games | Stage | ||
Total: 7 | ||||||
混水「ディバインサリンレイン」 | Mixing Water "Divine, Saline Rain" | SP | St. 1: H/L | |||
霜符「フォウムブライニクル」 | Frost Sign "Foam Brinicle" | SP | St. 1: E/N/H/L | |||
「雲上の海の神水」 | "Divine Waters of the Sea Above" | SP | St. 1: E/N | |||
「蒼穹の上の水の循環」 | "Cycle of Water Above the Firmament" | SP | St. 1: H/L | |||
波符「マーメイドサーペント」 | Wave Sign "Mermaid Serpent" | SP | St. Ex | |||
環流「穹蒼洋ゴミベルト」 | Gyre "Expanse Trash Vortex" | SP | St. Ex | |||
「スキュラとカリュブディスの間に」 | "Between Scylla and Charybudis" | SP | LW |
Official Profiles
種族:妖精(ネーレーイス) 能力:海流を操る程度の能力 小隊からはぐれ、少しだけ遠すぎるところまで来てしまった。 あちゃー。 海流を操る能力を持つ妖精である。 その能力は実は非常に有力なものだ。 ……もちろん、霊夢達が彼女と出くわしたのが本物の海に少しでも近い場所だったら、の話だが。 いつもなら人間に親切な彼女だが、今回だけは仲間の妖精と共に上司の命令に従っているに いずれは小隊に戻るだろう。 ちなみに、気づきにくいかもしれないが彼女が持っている巨大なブルーベルは造花。 |
Species: Fairy (Nereid) Abilities: To control the ocean's currents. She wandered a biiit too far. Oops! A fairy with the ability to control the ocean waves. It's actually an incredibly potent power. Well, that would be so if Reimu and company encountered her anywhere near an actual ocean, anyway. Normally very friendly towards humans, it seems she and her fairy compatriots are only acting on the will of their superiors. She'll find her way back in the end, at the very least. The massive bluebell she's holding is fake, in case you didn't notice. |
種族:妖精(ネーレーイス) 能力:海流を操る程度の能力 やはり戻ってきた。 風嵐家は「あのもう一人の神様」を探している 海流を操る能力を持つ“妖精”である。 その能力は非常に有力なものだ。 今回、霊夢達が彼女と出くわしたのは穹蒼洋の中心だった。 相変わらず(無駄に)ご丁寧に人と絡もうとする。 ちなみに、気づきにくいかもしれないが彼女が持っている巨大なブルーベルは |
Species: Nereid Abilities: Control of the Ocean Currents She's back now. The Kazarashis are relying on her to filter out any intruders That "fairy" with the ability to control the ocean waves. It's an incredibly potent power. This time, Reimu and company encountered her right in the heart of the Expanse. She's still as cordial (and needlessly formal) as ever. The massive bluebell she's holding helps channel currents, in case you didn't notice. |
Jiriri Kim
Jiriri Kim | |
Jiriri Kim in Sapphire Panlogism A Hazy, Foregone ConclusionMore Character Titles | |
Species |
Aka-kuchi |
Abilities |
Producing omen-signifying clouds |
Music Themes | |
大空を汚すへージーオーメン (bonus track) |
Jiriri Kim (金 じりり Kimu Jiriri) is the Stage 2 midboss.
- Name
Jiriri (じりり) may be shorthand for jirijiri (じりじり), which is an onomatopoeia that describes something burning slowly. "Jiriri" can also describe the sound of an alarm bell ringing.
Kim (金) is a common Korean surname, written with a character meaning "gold".
- Appearance
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Jiriri, who was suspecting that an incident was occurring, was in search of someone who could help her overcome Sakkagumi.
She isn't a natural fighter, but ends up fighting the heroines anyway due to their insistence on combating her.
Spell Cards
Official Profiles
種族:赤口 能力:前兆の雲を生み出す程度の能力 雲に潜む奇妙な赤い舌。 よく凶兆だと言われているが、実は普通に徳義心が強い妖怪である。 異変が起こった時、何かがおかしいという直感が来た。 ぶっちゃけ、霊夢達と戦ったのはそっちの方から攻撃を仕掛けられたから、という理由だけだった。 |
Species: Aka-kuchi Abilities: To produce omen-signifying clouds. A strange red tongue in the clouds. They say she's a bad omen, but really, she's simply someone with a very good sense of morality. She had a natural intuition that's something was up. To be quite honest, she only fought Reimu and company because they were so insistent on fighting her. |
Sakkagumi Yamomo
Sakkagumi Yamomo | |
Sakkagumi Yamomo in Sapphire Panlogism Youkai Bodhisattva in PinkMore Character Titles | |
Species |
Ama-nyuudou |
Abilities |
Gathering and condensing grief |
Music Themes | |
ピンクサイレンスの誓い |
Sakkagumi Yamomo (八百 目実 Yamomo Sakkagumi) is the Stage 2 boss.
- Name
Her given name, Sakkagumi (目実), is comprised of characters meaning "eye" and "truth", both of which use nanori ("name-giving") kanji readings.
Her surname, Yamomo (八百), translates to "eight-hundred". In v0.01a, it was given the reading "Happyaku", though this was changed in v0.01b.
- Appearance
The two head-shaped clouds are in the shape of Nusakoro (left) and Akiwaza (right).
Sakkagumi is tasked with preventing anyone from finding the location of the Expanse, as per a contract made with one of its residents, Saga.
The idea was that, if Sakkagumi had succeeded at her job, then Saga and her associates might become devout practitioners of Buddhism.
Not taking into account that Saga and the other residents of the Expanse were already followers of a different religion, and the fact that Saga's not the most trustworthy of people.
She ends up failing at her task after being defeated by the heroine, giving out the location of the Expanse within an info-dump she made in distress.
Spell Cards
Name | Translated | Comments | Games | Stage | ||
Total: 8 | ||||||
哀符「メランコリックダウンプアー」 | Grief Sign "Melancholic Downpour" | SP | St. 2: E/N | |||
哀符「雲塗り空の涙」 | Grief Sign "Tears of Cloud-Painted Sky" | SP | St. 2: H/L | |||
幽閉「イミュアードアンコライト」 | Entrapment "Immured Anchorite" | SP | St. 2: E/N | |||
即身「マミファイドブダー」 | Self-mummification "Sokushinbutsu" | SP | St. 2: H | |||
焼身「フレーミングブダー」 | Self-immolation "Flaming Buddha" | SP | St. 2: L | |||
哀符「ゴッドヘッドエフィジー」 | Grief Sign "Godhead Effigy" | SP | St. 2: E/N | |||
哀符「菩提心ジザン」 | Grief Sign "Bodhicitta Gisant" | SP | St. 2: H/L | |||
菩提心「プールヴァ・プラニダーナ」 | Boshiscitta "Primal Vow" | SP | LW |
Official Profiles
種族:尼入道 能力:哀しみを集めて、凝縮する程度の能力 遠い昔に亡くなった尼僧の曇っている面影。 どうやら、その恐ろしく長かった人生の哀しみが死後に実体と自我を持つようになり 妖怪でありながらも、仏教における“現世離れ”の鑑である。 人間と妖怪の「哀しみ」を集めて、形のある物質として凝縮することができる。 さがの依頼で穹蒼洋への門を隠したのは、「手伝いをすれば、さが達が彼女の話を聞いて帰依するかも 属している宗派が大陸のものなので、命蓮寺の妖怪と別の者として働く。 ……どうやらこの最近、知らない方向から誰かの哀しみが彼女の身に流れ込み始めたらしい。 流石にショック死を減らしそうでもないし。 |
Species: Ama-nyuudou Abilities: To gather and condense grief. The cloudy visage of a long dead nun. The grief of a dreadfully long life seems to have made itself manifest upon her death, Even as a youkai, she manages to act as a perfect model of Buddhist detachment from physicality. She's able to gather the "grief" of both human and youkai and condense it into something physical. Her idea in concealing the Expanse for Saga was that, if she helped, then quite possibly Saga and her associates might listen to her. She practices a form of Buddhism from the mainland, and as such, presents herself as an entity separate from those at Myouren. ...It seems that as of recent, some other source of grief has begun to flow into her. It certainly doesn't help minimize the shock-induced deaths. |
Saga Kuramu
Saga Kuramu | |
Saga Kuramu in Sapphire Panlogism Wicked Fairy GodmotherMore Character Titles | |
Species |
Oceanid |
Abilities |
Creating magical, binding contracts |
Location |
The Expanse |
Music Themes | |
雲中に座っているキルケ― |
Saga Kuramu (眩 さが Kuramu Saga) is the first Stage 3 midboss and the Stage 3 boss.
- Name
Her given name, Saga (さが), is derived from Latin sāga, which means "female soothsayer" or, more concisely, "witch".
Her surname, Kuramu (眩), is written with a character that means "dazzling" or "dizzying". It is also a homophone of kuramu (クラム), which means "clam": a shellfish often associated with mermaids.
- Appearance
<add here>
One of Ummu's followers, and a subordinate of Umehime.
She was tasked with collecting fragments of Ummu's old body and helping her regain her divine power.
Saga fights with the heroine in order to prevent her from resolving the incident, but of course, she ends up defeated.
Afterwards, Saga escorts the heroine to Nakanotorishima, but the latter ends up losing Saga along the way. (Thankfully, the heroine
still ends up at Nakanotori Castle)
Spell Cards
Name | Translated | Comments | Games | Stage | ||
Total: 13 | ||||||
貿符「レデヴァンスコントラクト」 | Trade Sign "Redevance Contract" | SP | St. 3: E/N | |||
貿符「リベンジェンスコントラクト」 | Trade Sign "Revengeance Contract" | SP | St. 3: H/L | |||
貿符「ディアボリカルコンパクト」 | Trade Sign "Diabolical Compact" | SP | St. 3: E/N | |||
貿符「オスクルムインファーメ」 | Trade Sign "Osculum Infame" | SP | St. 3: H/L | |||
厄束「表面的な黙然」 | Unfortunate Pact "Apparent Muteness" | SP | St. 3: E/N | |||
厄束「静閑的な黙然」 | Unfortunate Pact "Deafening Muteness" | SP | St. 3: H | |||
奪声「人魚黙然」 | Stolen Voice "Mermaid Muteness" | SP | St. 3: L | |||
騙約「因幡の野兎」 | Duper Contract "Hare of Inaba" | SP | St. 3: E/N | |||
欺約「和邇の架け橋」 | Deceitful Contract "Wani Bridge" | SP | St. 3: H/L | |||
契約符「メーデイアの聖歌」 | Contract Sign "Hymn of Medea" | SP | St. 3: E/N | |||
誓約符「カリュプソーの聖歌」 | Covenant Sign "Hymn of Calypso" | SP | St. 3: H | |||
ベリト「キルケ―の聖歌」 | Berith "Hymn of Circe" | SP | St. 3: L | |||
アギマット「百万本の刃の人魚歩道」 | Agimat "Mermaid Walk of a Million Knives" | SP | LW |
Official Profiles
種族:オーケアニス 能力:魔法の契約を作る程度の能力 招かれざるともお祝い事に訪れる魔女。 というより、人の子供に悪影響を及ぼしちゃいそうな弁護士みたいな人。 実際には人魚でも空の娘でも海の魔女でもあるが、好都合なことにそれらはすべて 海の魔女として魔法の契約書を作ることができ、それ故にある程度の魔法的な 過去には無理難題の契約を遊び半分に作りまくって人をさんざん弄んだが、 今回では梅姫の部下として働いているが、それが名目上のことに過ぎない。 一番最近の契約は目実とのもの。 |
Species: Oceanid Abilities: To create magical binding contracts. A witch who goes uninvited to the christening. Really, more of a lawyer you wouldn't like influencing your child. Actually, she's a mermaid, a daughter of the air, and a sea witch, but that all quite conveniently sits under "Oceanid." Saga, as a sea witch, is able to develop magical contracts. Thus, she's able to grant magical wishes to a certain extent, In the past, she used to develop all sorts of impossible contracts simply for her own amusement. Right now, she's an underling of Umehime, but that doesn't mean much. She acts mostly with autonomy as she always has. Her most recent contract was with Sakkagumi. |
Iroha Tsubasa
Iroha Tsubasa | |
Iroha Tsubasa in Sapphire Panlogism Milky Way Will-o-WispMore Character Titles | |
Species |
Amabie |
Abilities |
Manipulating phantasmal flame |
Location |
The Expanse |
Music Themes | |
幻想激炎 〜 Set the Sea Ablaze!! (bonus track) |
Iroha Tsubasa (翼 彩波 Tsubasa Iroha) is the second Stage 3 midboss and the Stage 4 midboss.
- Name
Her given name, Iroha (彩波), means "colorful waves".
Her family name, Tsubasa (翼) means "wings".
According to the comment on her bonus track, she was originally named "Irohahime Kazarashi" early in development, at which time she was planned to be a younger sister of Umehime who could be fought as a boss.
- Appearance
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Iroha is encountered trying to warn the heroines of Padma's actions, but she ends up getting shot down before she could get the message out.
Spell Cards
Name | Translated | Comments | Games | Stage | ||
Total: 6 | ||||||
蛇符「フレーミングオロチ」 | Snake Sign "Flaming Orochi" | SP | St. 4: H/L | |||
未来「アンチェインドプロフェシー」 | Future Sign "Unchained Prophecy" | SP | St. 4: E | |||
未来「アンデッドプロフェシー」 | Future Sign "Undead Prophecy" | SP | St. 4: N | |||
未来「アンファゾマブルプロフェシー」 | Future Sign "Unfathomable Prophecy" | SP | St. 4: H | |||
未来「アンアテラブルプロフェシー」 | Future Sign "Unutterable Prophecy" | SP | St. 4: L | |||
魔炎「妖怪フー・ファイター」 | Demon Flame "Youkai Foo Fighter" | SP | LW |
Official Profiles
種族:アマビエ 能力:幻の炎を操る程度の能力 海の中を彷徨い、海の底に潜む精霊や妖怪の伝説は山ほどある。 彼女はその前者である。 明るい性格の持ち主だが、赤の他人である主人公達にはその一面がほぼ見えない。 年の割にそれなりに賢明ではあるが、大抵の場合は不安すぎて助言を与えるどころじゃない。 アマビエとして、美しい予言の歌を歌うこともできる。 実は風嵐家とも密接な関係を持っている。 |
Species: Amabie Abilities: Manipulation of phantasmal flame Legends tell of sprites and youkai that wander and lurk in the ocean depths. Iroha is benevolent. She has a cheerful disposition, though being strangers, the protagonists see little of it. She's rather wise for her age, though her anxieties typically prevent her from sharing her wisdom. As an Amabie, she's able to sing beautiful songs of prophecy. She’s actually closely associated with the Kazarashi household. |
Hammon | |
A Hammon in Sapphire Panlogism Baa Echoing Across the WaterMore Character Titles | |
Species |
Phantom (Etemmu) / Sheep(?) |
Abilities |
Causing rain(?) |
Location |
Nakanotorishima |
The Hammon are invincible enemies that appear throughout Stage 4 and the Extra Stage.
- Name
Hammon (はもん) is derived from Baal Hammon, a deity which the Hammon are said to be fragments of.
Additionally, hamon (波紋) is a word that refers to ripples on water.
- Appearance
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Official Profiles
種族:幽霊(エテム)/羊? 能力:雨を引き起す程度の能力(?) とある角の生えた神霊の散りばめられた残響。 穹蒼洋の水面をあてもなくぶらつき、食べられる物をパクっと食べてたり 結局、この神霊が受けられる信仰は底を突いてしまった。 神霊はいくつかのかけらに分かれ散り、人間と同じように寿命が尽きた。 梅姫はその一匹をペットとして飼っている。 |
Species: Phantom (Etemmu) / Sheep? Abilities: Capable of causing rain(?) The last, scattered remnants of a horned divine spirit. They wander the surface of the Expanse’s water, gobbling up whatever they can In the end, there was no faith to be left for this spirit. The spirit eventually became fragmented, and perished like a mortal. Umehime keeps one as a pet. Actually, they’re somehow able to help her cause rain. |
Umehime Kazarashi
Umehime Kazarashi | |
| |
Species |
Wani |
Abilities |
Manipulating phantasmal weather phenomena |
Location |
Nakanotori Castle |
Music Themes | |
綿津見の和太鼓デリュージ |
Umehime Kazarashi (風嵐 梅姫 Kazarashi Umehime) is the Stage 4 boss. She also makes a brief appearance during Stage 6 (Lunatic Mode only).
- Name
Her given name, Umehime (梅姫), translates to "plum princess".
Her family name, Kazarashi (風嵐), is a real-world surname consisting of characters meaning "wind" and "storm".
- Appearance
<add here>
One of Ummu's followers, alongside the rest of the Kazarashi clan.
She was tasked with causing saltwater to rain from the sky, mixing it with Gensokyo's freshwater in order to create a place
where freshwater and saltwater mingled. Should this plan succeed, something great would be promised for the Kazarashis.
She also has the task of managing anyone drawn to the Expanse, whether they've come to worship or combat their god.
She engages in battle with the heroine to prevent her from entering Nakanatori Castle, but ends up letting her through after being defeated.
In the Extra Stage, the Kazarashis task fairies such as Azure with fending against intruders to the Expanse going after Nusakoro.
Spell Cards
Name | Translated | Comments | Games | Stage | ||
Total: 17 | ||||||
暴雨「夢幻の赤色の涙雨」 | Tempest "Phantasmal Red Rain" | When playing as Reimu | SP | St. 4: E/N/H/L | ||
天涯「舞い降りる鈿女の雨」 | Canopy "Uzume's Gracefully Descending Rain" | When playing as Reimu | SP | St. 4: E/N/H/L | ||
龍怒「建仁四年の赤気」 | Dragon's Wrath "Red Aurora in Kennin 4" | When playing as Reimu | SP | St. 4: E/N/H/L | ||
「紅羊毛のファフロッキーズ」 | "Ruby Fleece Fafrotskies" | When playing as Reimu | SP | St. 4: E/N/H/L | ||
暴雨「夢幻の青色の豪雨」 | Tempest "Phantasmal Blue Monsoon" | When playing as Marisa | SP | St. 4: E/N/H/L | ||
天涯「スサノオストームスナイパー」 | Canopy "Susanoo Storm Sniper" | When playing as Marisa | SP | St. 4: E/N/H/L | ||
龍星「スーパーギャコビニインパクト」 | Dragon's Star "Super Giacobinid Impact" | When playing as Marisa | SP | St. 4: E/N/H/L | ||
「蒼羊毛のファフロッキーズ」 | "Cobalt Fleece Fafrotskies" | When playing as Marisa | SP | St. 4: E/N/H/L | ||
暴雨「夢幻の金色の天気雨」 | Tempest "Phantasmal Golden Sun Shower" | When playing as Shou | SP | St. 4: E/N/H/L | ||
天涯「毘沙門天の剣歯前線」 | Canopy "Bishamonten's Saber-Toothed Front" | When playing as Shou | SP | St. 4: E/N/H/L | ||
龍守「瑞龍寺の金剛力士像」 | Dragon's Guard "Kongou Rikishi of Zuiryuu Temple" | When playing as Shou | SP | St. 4: E/N/H/L | ||
「金羊毛のファフロッキーズ」 | "Golden Fleece Fafrotskies" | When playing as Shou | SP | St. 4: E/N/H/L | ||
暴雨「夢幻の虹の彼方の地獄」 | Tempest "Phantasmal Hell over the Rainbow" | When playing as Hecatia | SP | St. 4: E/N/H/L | ||
天涯「イーリスの極彩色の橋」 | Canopy "Iris's Iridescent Bridge" | When playing as Hecatia | SP | St. 4: E/N/H/L | ||
龍界「中つ国を囲む虹の蛇」 | Dragon's Realm "Rainbow Serpent Encircling Midgard" | When playing as Hecatia | SP | St. 4: E/N/H/L | ||
「霓羊毛のファフロッキーズ」 | "Opal Fleece Fafrotskies" | When playing as Hecatia | SP | St. 4: E/N/H/L | ||
異教雨「バアル・ハモンへの奉納」 | Pagan Rain "Offering to Baal Hammon" | SP | LW |
Official Profiles
種族:和邇 能力:幻の気象現象を操る程度の能力 遠い昔、大海原を渡る帆船は猛烈な嵐に見舞われていた。 和邇(わに)という種族はその荘厳な雰囲気に相応しく、複雑で高度に発達した縦社会での生活をする。 和邇という種族もまた、その享楽的な趣味に相応しく簡単で吞気な生活をする。 同族の仲間や周りの 正直に言うと、心に多少の矛盾を抱える種族ではある。 彼女は大実業家のような人物であり、ビジネスの腕はあるにはあるがそれ以外の才能は特にない。 風嵐家の総代として、中ノ鳥城の奥にその神様の為の神殿――“妖怪の神様”に相応しい神殿を建てた。 彼女自身は神様を崇拝しに来た下界の妖怪、そして神様と闘争しに来た下界の妖怪を両方相手に 関西弁のような口調でしゃべる。 |
Species: Wani Abilties: Manipulation of phantasmal weather phenomena Long ago, great storms would overtake sails above the seas of earth. The wani have a complex, high-developed hierarchy that benefits their rather majestic auras. The wani also have a simple sort of lifestyle that benefits their hedonistic pursuits. They also often waste their time collectively trying to prove something to themselves or to others, and engage visitors with an air of kindness. They’re really a conflicted sort of people, to be honest. Umehime is a tycoonlike sort of individual. She has a certain talent for business, but really only that. The face of the Kazarashi clan made a shrine for their god within Nakanotori Castle, one surely fitting for a god of youkai. She decided to manage both the youkai drawn to follow their god, and the youkai drawn to combat that god. She speaks in a Kansai-ben accent. |
Jami Wang
Jami Wang | |
| |
Species |
Jami |
Abilities |
Escaping from any trap |
Music Themes | |
Pocket Monster (bonus track) |
Jami Wang (王 ジャミ Wan Jami) is the Stage 5 midboss.
- Name
"Jami" roughly translates to "wicked spirit", and is a generic term used to describe evil mountain-dwelling spirits. They're a subset of chimi, but jami are much more renounced for their wickedness. Similar to characters such as Nue Houjuu and Satori Komeiji, Jami is named after her species.
"Wang" is a Chinese surname which translates to "King".
It is derived from "Wang Yao" (王遙), the name of a hermit who cured people by luring out and imprisoning the jami that caused them to fall ill, according to the Shenxian Zhuan.
- Appearance
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Jami is a youkai that finds great joy in antagonizing hermits and celestials, disturbing the peace wherever she goes.
She ended up in the Expanse after being pursued by one of those hermits on Youkai Mountain, where Padma discovered and imprisoned her alongside many other youkai.
She tries to escape the prison, running into the heroine in the process. After being beaten, Jami gets spotted by Padma, who then chases after her.
Spell Cards
Official Profiles
種族:邪魅 能力:ありとあらゆる罠から脱出できる程度の能力 失礼な態度を持つ、嫌われがちな生き物。 なんとなく穹蒼洋に迷い込んだあげくに閉じ込められてしまった山の妖怪。 ある意味、礼儀というものを理解できていない。 各地を彷徨い、仙人や天人に会うととにかく良い迷惑をかけることが趣味。 実際に始末できるほど 手錠をかけられ城の奥に閉じ込められていなかったら、今頃幻想郷の道士達に迷惑をかけようと頑張って |
Species: Jami Ability: To escape from any trap An obnoxious, rude sort of creature. A mountain youkai that managed to get locked up for wandering into the Expanse. She doesn't comprehend politeness, in a sense. She's made it a hobby to antagonize hermits and celestials wherever she wanders. If she weren't here right now, and not in chains, she'd probably be trying to find a way to harass the Taoists. |
Padma Raksasa
Padma Raksasa | |
| |
Species |
Vetala (former birdcage tsukumogami) |
Abilities |
Changing the nature of inanimate objects |
Music Themes | |
プリマドンナの焼け翼 ~ Wapurgis Nightmare |
Padma Raksasa (パドマ・ラクササ Padoma Rakusasa) is the Stage 5 boss and Stage 6 midboss.
- Name
"Padma" (पद्मा) is a girl's name of Sanskrit origin which translates to "lotus". It's known for being an alternate name for the goddess Lakshmi, the embodiment of beauty and charm.
"Raksasa" (राक्षस) are a type of legendary creature found in Hindu mythology, which have the ability to change shape at will, taking on the form of animals, monsters, or beautiful women (in the case of the females).
In addition, padma raksasa is an Indonesian term for Rafflesia arnoldii, a flower infamous for having a putrid odor like that of rotting flesh.
- Appearance
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Padma was once an ordinary birdcage tsukumogami without a physical body of her own. At one point, she had found her way into the Expanse and, subsequently, Nakanotori Castle. Fascinated by the religion of its residents and the casual, face-to-face nature between Ummu and her subjects, Padma had become a very devoted follower of Ummu's with the intention of receiving a physical body, locking up non-converts into cages affected by Padma's abilities. Ummu had transferred Padma's magical energy into a corpse, turning the tsukumogami into a vetala in the process. Ummu had intended to give Padma a proper body, but she would first need a divine script with which to write in the Tablet of Destinies, and so tasked Padma with recovering such a script.
Spell Cards
Name | Translated | Comments | Games | Stage | ||
Total: 14 | ||||||
妙影「虫籠の歩馬灯」 | Odd Silhouette "Insect Cage Zoetrope" | SP | St. 5: E/N | |||
奇影「虎檻の歩馬灯」 | Strange Silhouette "Tiger Cage Zoetrope" | SP | St. 5: H/L | |||
痛影「ジェイラーズジベット」 | Pained Silhouette "Jailer's Gibbet" | SP | St. 5: E/N | |||
苦影「アイアンメイデン」 | Agonizing Silhouette "Iron Maiden" | SP | St. 5: H | |||
「ベル・ラ・コリヴォー」 | "Belle La Corriveau" | SP | St. 5: L | |||
回影「パノプティコンモビール」 | Spinning Silhouette "Panopticon Mobile" | SP | St. 5: E/N | |||
旋影「キネティックパノプティコン」 | Whirling Silhouette "Kinetic Panopticon" | SP | St. 5: H/L | |||
舞影「復讐七变化」 | Dancing Silhouette "Revenge Drama in Seven Acts" | SP | St. 5: E/N | |||
疲影「サラリーマンが演じる赤い靴」 | Exhausted Silhouette "Salaryman's De røde Sko" | SP | St. 5: H | |||
「忠実な社畜の献身」 | "Corporate Livestock's Self-Sacrifice" | SP | St. 5: L | |||
鏡影「ゼルプスト・エアケントニス」 | Mirror Silhouette "Selbsterkenntnis" | SP | St. 5: E/N/H | |||
アリスの影「子供の反省会」 | Alice Silhouette "Child's Hansei-Kai" | SP | St. 5: L | |||
砕影「アメノウンムノミコト」 | Fragmented Silhouette "Ame-no-Ummu-no-Mikoto" | SP | St. 6: E/N/H/L | |||
忌影「悪魔の蠱毒死」 | Appalling Silhouette "Demon Kodokushi" | SP | LW |
Official Profiles
種族:ヴェータラ 能力:無生物の性質を変える程度の能力 存在すべきではないモノ。 鎖国の時代の終わりをきっかけに、日本と外国の間に多くの商品や小物が取引されていた。 それから百年後、壊れた鳥カゴがごみ埋立地に捨てられた。 彼女は元はその付喪神だった。 そこで会った中ノ鳥城の住人達は珍妙だが魅力的な独自の宗教を持ち、その女神は距離を置けずに その時、彼女はまさに心を奪われた。 「本物の体を手に入れる」という単純な望みを胸に、女神の熱心な信者となった。 どんなに小さなことでも ある日、女神は「無情のモノにさえ本物の命を吹き込む方法を見つけたが、利用するには他の要素が あの汚らわしい下界の山から異教徒が邪魔しに来た時、彼女はあっさりと牢獄に投げ込んだ。 なぜなら女神様が彼女の願い通りに造り物の体を用意し、彼女の本体である妖気をそこに移してくれた 彼女はその徳行により、神の子になるだろう。 |
Species: Vetala Abilities: Changing the nature of inanimate objects She's a thing that shouldn't be. Following the end of Sakoku, all sorts of trinkets and things were traded between the Japanese and foreign entities. A hundred years later, a damaged birdcage was forgotten in a landfill. Originally, Padma was a tsukumogami. She was an aimless spirit, amusing herself with her power to “change” objects. The religion of the inhabitants of Nakanotori Castle was charming. Their god manifested herself before her followers, and their interactions were rather casual. And so Padma was entranced. Padma became a follower, with a simple ambition: To receive a real body. One day, her god told her that she had found a way to breathe genuine life into objects, but that she needed something simple. When heathens tried to interfere, coming from that mountain on the dirtied land below, she swiftly locked them up. The god had transferred the source of her magical energy into an artificial body her god crafted, exactly as Padma asked. Through virtue, she would be the Child of God. |
Ummu Tzumazaru
Ummu Tzumazaru Unmu Tsumazaru More Alternative Spellings | |
| |
Species |
Wakemitama/Mikumari no Kami? |
Abilities |
Harnessing the power of salt water |
Music Themes | |
蒼玉母船 ~ Thalassic Izanami |
Ummu Tzumazaru (水混 祐毋 Tzumazaru Ummu), also known as "Ame-no-Ummu-no-Mikoto" (
Ummu is based on Tiamat, a primordial sea goddess in Babylonian religion and the wife of Abzû, the god of groundwater. She is considered a personification of the primordial sea of chaos from which all other gods were born. By mixing Tiamat's saltwater with Abzû's groundwater, the couple were able to birth the first generation of gods. These gods, in celebration of their material existence, decide to throw a grand party. The noise coming from said party had aggravated Abzû, who had made the decision to kill all of the youthful deities and be rid of their racket. Hearing of this plan, one of the gods, Enki, had enchanted Abzû and murdered him in his sleep.
Upon hearing of the murder, Tiamat, to avenge her husband and after being pressured into doing so by her children, had declared war on said children and birthed a legion of monsters in order to destroy them, which included the first Mesopotamian dragons. After a great battle ensued, Tiamat was slain by Marduk, the son of Enki, who then proceeded to divide her body, using the remains to fashion the Heavens and the Earth.
The Tablet of Destinies, a clay tablet with cuneiform inscriptions, was one of Tiamat's possessions, and it was said to hold prophecies of the future.
- Name
Ū (祐) translates to "divine protection", while Mu (毋) is a radical kanji which can translate to "mother". Therefore, her first name would mean "a mother who offers divine protection".
Tsumazaru (水混) translates to "mixing water".
Her alternate name, "Ame-no-Ummu-no-Mikoto", roughly translates to "Lord of Heavenly Existence", wherein "Ummu" (有無) can translate to "existence" or "presence or absence".
"Ummu-Hubur" is one of the names given to Tiamat, with "Ummu" meaning "mother", and "Hubur" (𒄷𒁓) being a Sumerian term which can translate to "river", "water", or "netherworld". This usually refers to the "river of the netherworld".
- Appearance
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After she had been vanquished at the hands of her children as Tiamat, her body had been split into multiple Bunrei, where she remained dormant as she faded out of history.
But eventually, modern humans had rediscovered ancient artifacts connected to Tiamat, bringing activity back into one of her Bunrei through sheer acknowledgement.
Even though she was fragmented, various youkai began worshipping her, giving her the name "Ame-no-Ummu-no-Mikoto". In return for granting Ummu's requests, Ummu would grant the wishes of her followers.
Things went this way for a while, but eventually, Ummu had a run-in with Akiwaza, who had given Ummu the Tablet of Destinies as per the request of some of Ummu's children who were sealed in the Underworld.
Ummu then came up with the plan to use her followers to regain her old body and once again wield the Tablet of Destinies. By flooding Gensokyo with saltwater that rained from the Expanse, mixing it with the local freshwater, Ummu would be able to use the tablet to create life as she used to.
After being defeated by the heroines, Ummu had learned to appreciate her current self and now resides in Gensokyo, making amends with those inconvenienced by her actions.
Spell Cards
Name | Translated | Comments | Games | Stage | ||
Total: 22 | ||||||
破片「ガイア哲理」 | Fragment "Gaia Philosophy" | SP | St. 6: E/N | |||
破片「ガイア仮説」 | Fragment "Gaia Hypothosis" | SP | St. 6: H/L | |||
破片「神様の絶息」 | Fragment "The Death of God" | SP | St. 6: E/N | |||
破片「全ての神々は死んだ」 | Fragment "Dead are All the Gods" | SP | St. 6: H | |||
破片「ゲッテルデメルング」 | Fragment "Gotterdammerung" | SP | St. 6: L | |||
破片「世界を喰い荒らすテホム」 | Fragment "Tehom, Eating at the World" | SP | St. 6: E/N | |||
破片「人類を喰い滅ぼすアバドン」 | Fragment "Abaddon, Consuming Man" | SP | St. 6: H | |||
破片「子供を喰い尽くすリリス」 | Fragment "Lilith, Devouring Child" | SP | St. 6: L | |||
破片「命を与えしトナンツィン」 | Fragment "Life-giver Tonantzin" | SP | St. 6: E | |||
破片「命を与えしプラ・メー・トラニー」 | Fragment "Life-giver Phra Mae Thorani" | SP | St. 6: N | |||
破片「古代の地母神アーシラト」 | Fragment "Ancient Matriarch Asherah" | SP | St. 6: H | |||
破片「偉大なる地母神プリティヴィー」 | Fragment "Vast Matriarch Prithvi" | SP | St. 6: L | |||
破片「蛇体の母親デルピュネー」 | Fragment "Serpent Mother Delphyne" | SP | St. 6: E | |||
破片「魔物の母親エキドナ」 | Fragment "Demon Mother Echidna" | SP | St. 6: N | |||
破片「恩恵の媧皇」 | Fragment "Blessed Wahuang" | SP | St. 6: H | |||
破片「神聖のガレル」 | Fragment "Sacred Galeru" | SP | St. 6: L | |||
神器「天命の書版」 | Divine Tool "Tablet of Destinies" | SP | St. 6: E/N | |||
神業「サファイアー・パンロギスム」 | Divine Act "Sapphire Panlogism" | SP | St. 6: H/L | |||
新符「ホーイーレディー・イン・ブルー」 | New Sign "Holy Lady in Blue" | SP | St. CF | |||
新符「ウォーターボーンアラディア」 | New Sign "Waterborne Aradia" | SP | St. CF | |||
新符「湖上の聖母の出現」 | New Sign "Marian Apparition on the Lake" | SP | St. CF | |||
「天空にのたくるリヴァイアサン」 | "Leviathan Wriggling in the Sky" | SP | LW |
Official Profiles
種族:分御霊 能力:塩水の力を生かす程度の能力 大昔、上の水と下の水は二つに分かれていた。 大昔、彼女の躯は上の水と下の水に分けて引き裂かれた。 神々の時代では、彼らが好き勝手に暴れて自分達の意思を世界に切り刻もうとした時期があった。 その道具の名前は『天命の書版』だった。 当時の彼女とその配偶神の手にかかれば、条件がむしろ安いものだった。 二人は己の聖書を神の その後の一連の出来事は、やがて人間の神話として伝承された家族劇だった。 怒りと悲しみに満ちた彼女は自分が生み出した神を殺そうと、今度は様々な悪魔や妖怪を造った。 最後の侮辱として、古代の神々はその死体をバラバラに引き裂き、砕かれた破片をそれぞれ違う異界 彼女の名前、子供達の名前、そして彼女の神性そのものがやがて人間の記憶の奥に消えていった。
と思いきや、何百年後にその一部が取り戻された。 自分に対する認知が強くなったばかりに、彼女の 現代の人間はその平凡で退屈な日常に飽きて、魅力のなくなった己の歴史をもう一度掻き探ろうと 全盛期と比べて力が流石に劣っていたが、昔の力が手の届かない場所に封印されたらそりゃ劣るものだ。 彼女は信者を求め、少しずつ集めてきた。 皮肉なことにその信者を我が子のように思うようになり、 穹蒼洋の妖怪からは『天有無命(あめのうんむのみこと)』と呼ばれていた。 彼女の真の名前は そしてそんな日常が何事もなく続いていた。
彼女は計画を練り始めた。 そうだ、天命の書版を使おう。 梅姫には海水と淡水が混ざり合える場所を用意してもらう。 パドマには書版に書くに相応しい神の そう、まさに素晴らしい計画だった。 彼女はもうすぐ元の姿に戻り、命そのものの力をもう一度振るうのだろう。 彼女はもうすぐ、彼らの母として戻るのだろう。 |
Species: Wakemitama Abilities: Harnessing the power of salt water In the days of old, the waters above were made separate from the waters below. In the days of old, her corpse was torn between the waters above and the waters below. There was a point in time during The Age of the Gods where the gods did as they pleased and carved the world around them to their very whim. They were absolute titans. The Tablet of Destinies was an ancient tool handed through generations of gods, usable only under the most pristine conditions. In return, it promised powers of creation and destruction unimaginable. In a family drama passed down in an old human legend, it eventually came to be that the very children Ummu parented came to be the murderers of Ummu's husband. Ummu, in rage and sorrow, fashioned a myriad of demons and youkai to slay the very gods she had birthed. And so those ancient gods, as a final insult, split Ummu's corpse and sealed it across a series of esoteric worlds, splitting her very divinity in the process into a multitude of Bunrei. And so her name and the names of her children faded into the memory of humans, and so did her divine person. Except, dozens of centuries later, it was recovered. Modern humans, tired of the mundane things around them, began searching through their own, once mysterious history. It wasn't as if she came back in full force. She couldn't, of course, if her former power had been sealed in places she had no chance of reaching. But she was still something that could be worshipped. She began gathering a following. In an ironic twist, she sought out children. Fairy, youkai, tsukumogami. The youkai called her "Ame-no-Ummu-no-Mikoto." And that was how things were. But one day, the Tablet of Destinies somehow slipped back into the hands of Ummu. She concocted a plan. She would use the Tablet of Destinies. Umehime would create a place where saltwater and freshwater mingled. Yes, truly it was a magnificent plan. Soon, she would be whole again, and once more wield the power of life itself. Soon, she would be their mother again. |
種族:水分神(?) 能力:塩水の力を生かす程度の能力 大昔、上の水と下の水は二つに分かれていた。 歴史の裏に潜む現代までの延長線なんて、所詮は幻のもの。 外の世界の人間が代わりとして でも時には自分を作り直してもいいだろう、と彼女が決めた。 なぜなら幻想郷はその名の通り、幻想の理想郷、最高の習合の場だから。 どうやら、自分で引き起こした異変の直後に来た別の異変を随分と楽しんだらしい。 |
Species: Mikumari no Kami (?) Abilities: Harnessing the power of salt water In the days of old, the waters above were made separate from the waters below. There was no uninterrupted line to the past for humans to find, and in its place, But it would be alright if she reinvented herself, she presupposed. After all, Gensokyo was a Land of Fantasy, an ultimate syncretism. She seemed like she had fun in the incident immediately following the one she herself caused. |
Nusakoro Pandora
Nusakoro Pandora | |
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Species | |
Abilities |
Creating kotodama |
Music Themes | |
アーケインアウグル |
Nusakoro Pandora (絆鑼 幣頃 Pandora Nusakoro) is the Extra Stage boss.
- Name
"Nusakoro" is derived from Nusa-kor-kamuy.
Nusa (幣) is a type of wooden wand used in Shinto rituals, decorated with paper streamers known as "shide". Koro (頃) can be translated in several ways, such as "time", "around", and "season".
Her last name, Pandora, is made up of the kanji for "restraints" (絆 ban) and "gong" (鑼 dora) .
It is also a pun on the name of the first mortal woman in Greek mythos, well known for opening up a forbidden pithos (or "box" in later translations), unleashing various evils onto the mortal world as a result.
- Appearance
<add here>
One of the people who had tried to solve the seawater rain incident before the four protagonists.
Nusakoro had been sealed away into an inau long ago for resisting to fight during a war between gods.
Some time after that, word got out that the Tablet of Destinies had been unsealed. The gods were sent into a panic, knowing that anyone holding the tablet would be practically invincible should it be properly wielded, and so Akiwaza had come up with the idea to unseal Nusakoro in order to engage in a peaceful negotiation with the opponent, since Nusakoro's ability to wield kotodama essentially made her a "universal omniglot". Tasked with calmly negotiating the retrieval of the tablet, she would be permanently unsealed if she succeeded, and resealed if she failed.
However, when going to negotiate with Ummu, the current wielder of the Tablet of Destinies, Nusakoro's abilities ended up having no effect on the titan, not only making the mission a failure, but making it so that Padma was able to recover a divine script as she was tasked. In a panic, Nusakoro had fled to Gensokyo in order to evade punishment, but she was eventually discovered by the heroines, who proceeded to battle with her.
After defeat, Nusakoro had directed the heroine towards the Human Village, where Akiwaza was engaging in a "Danmaku Festival" believed to be a plan to lure Nusakoro out of hiding.
Spell Cards
Name | Translated | Comments | Games | Stage | ||
Total: 11 | ||||||
祈願「アパウルシェーヤ」 | Invocation "Apaurusheya" | SP | St. Ex | |||
祈願「構成的他者のマントラ」 | Invocation "Mantra of the Constitutive Other" | SP | St. Ex | |||
祈願「エンシェントゼノグロッシア」 | Invocation "Ancient Xenoglossia" | SP | St. Ex | |||
黙示「動物のタラリア」 | Revelation "Animal Talaria" | SP | St. Ex | |||
祈願「ガブリエルの鳴り響く笛」 | Invocation "The Ringing Horn of Gabriel" | SP | St. Ex | |||
祈願「レヴェレーションライティング」 | Invocation "Revelation Writing" | SP | St. Ex | |||
黙示「ビーストインザール」 | Revelation "Beast Tanzil" | SP | St. Ex | |||
祈願「弾幕カムイノミ」 | Invocation "Danmaku Kamuy-nomi" | SP | St. Ex | |||
祈願「箱の底に眠る希望」 | Invocation "Hope at the Bottom of the Box" | SP | St. Ex | |||
黙示「有翼のヒエロファニー」 | Revelation "Winged Hierophany" | SP | St. Ex | |||
「さながら火のような舌」 | "Cloven Tongues Like As of Fire" | SP | LW |
Official Profiles
種族:カムイ 能力:言霊を作る程度の能力 彼女はかつて人から認められていた。 日本列島に古くから存在していた国の使者にして、その神々の使者の一柱である。 最も尊い伝達の神の隣で長く働いた者として、やがて彼女自身も言葉の力を扱えるようになった。 遥か昔、各国の神々が戦争をしていた時期があった。 当時の彼女は神として必死に、時には容赦なく戦わなければならなかった。 自分で選んだことじゃない 結局のところ、その抵抗がまるで意味のないもののように感じた。 大和の神々が勝利を得て、 伝達の象徴であるイナウの中に封印され、注連縄を付けられ、自分の民を遠くからしか見守ることが それから何百年後、恐ろしい力を持った“ある遺物”が再発見されたという情報が全世界の神々の耳に 遺物の使い道次第で相手がほぼ無敵になれることに気づいた彼らは、非暴力的な外交交渉を通じて こうしてイナウの封印が解かれた。 彼女に渡された任務は、遺物の現在の所有者と交渉して遺物を回収すること。 完成すれば なぜか失敗に終わった。 彼女が祐毋と会って、神々の意思を完璧に伝え切った。 その言葉が むしろ、その干渉のせいでより深刻的な問題になったとも言える。 このままじゃ帰れない…… そう思った彼女は、助けになれる人を探そうと幻想郷へと飛び出した。 |
Species: Kamuy Abilities: Creation of Kotodama It used to be that she was appreciated. One of the heralds of the gods of long ago, of the long forgotten countries that once sat upon the islands of Japan. As a close associate of the powerful deity who ferried messages across said bridge, she gradually learned how to invoke the power of words herself. There was a point in time when the gods of the land were warring. During this time, Nusakoro had been forced to fight fiercely, and at times, without mercy. In the end, it seemed that none of that truly mattered. The imperial gods won out. She was sealed into an inau, and bound by Shimenawa. She could do naught but watch over her people from afar. There came a time when it became known among the gods of the world that a certain powerful artifact had been unsealed. Realizing that, if the artifact were used correctly, their adversary would be almost invincible, The inau was unsealed. She was to calmly negotiate a retrieval of the artifact from whoever held it. If she succeeded, she would be permanently freed. But then she failed. Nusakoro had made the intentions of the gods quite clear to Ummu. In fact, it seemed as if Nusakoro had just made the problem worse. She couldn't go back. Not like this. So she fled into Gensokyo, seeking out someone who could help her. |
Hansa | |
| |
Species |
Bird |
Abilities |
Collecting information(?) |
Hansa (ハンサ) is Nusakoro Pandora's bird companion, who sits on her head and shoots danmaku during some of her nonspells.
- Name
Hansa (ハンサ) is the Japanese transliteration of haṃsa (हंस), a Sanskrit term for an aquatic migratory bird often considered to be a type of goose or swan. It's used in Indian and Southeast Asian culture as a symbol and a decorative element.
- Appearance
Hansa appears to be a small, round, pale blue bird.
Hansa is Nusakoro's companion who sits on top of her head. He also assists during some of Nusakoro's attacks.
He gives Nusakoro information about the Danmaku Festival held by Akiwaza.
種族:鳥 能力:情報を集める程度の能力(?) 幣頃の友達である(神?)鳥。 |
Species: Bird Abilities: Collection of Information(?) Nusakoro's (divine?) bird friend. |
Yachimata no Akiwaza
Yachimata no Akiwaza | |
| |
Species |
God (Kunado-no-Kami) |
Abilities |
Connecting any two points |
Music Themes | |
彼女の千歳飴 |
Yachimata no Akiwaza (八衢 明伎) is the Carrefour Stage boss.
- Name
Yachimata (八衢) means "eight crossroads". It is derived from Yachimatahime-no-Kami (八衢比売神), one of the Kunado-no-Kami on which Akiwaza is based.
Akiwaza (明伎) is comprised of aki (明), meaning "bright", and waza (伎), which means "skill", "technique", or, more historically, "performer".
The "no" (の) in the middle of her name indicates possession, or belonging to something. Therefore, her full name can be taken to mean "bright performer of the eight crossroads".
- Appearance
<add here>
The instigator of the Saltwater Rain Incident. She's a god with the ability to connect two points together.
This can range from connecting two locations together to help people navigate, to connecting the hearts of people and helping them to form bonds.
She was the one that had given Ummu the Tablet of Destinies, after she had encountered, during an errand run,
some divine spirits (i.e Ummu's children, as explained in Reimu's Carrefour ending) sealed in Hell who wanted to return the tablet to "someone they claimed to love".
Akiwaza decided to help these divine spirits, out of a desire to make herself useful in an age where people were relying more on GPS technology than gods.
As a result of her actions, the world of gods had been put into a panic. Akiwaza wanted to clean her mess up, so she came up with the idea of unsealing Nusakoro in the hopes that she could negotiate
the tablet out of Ummu's hands. She also ended up being the one put in charge of Nusakoro, so she ended up being the leader of the hunt for her when Nusakoro failed at her task.
She had set up a "Danmaku Festival" in the Human Village, which is supposedly a way to lure Nusakoro out of hiding, but it's really another way for Akiwaza to connect the hearts of people.
Nusakoro had directed the heroine to this festival, where she duels Akiwaza in order to keep Nusakoro from being sealed away again.
It works in the end, and the heroine agrees to join the Danmaku Festival that Akiwaza had set up.
Spell Cards
Name | Translated | Comments | Games | Stage | ||
Total: 15 | ||||||
新縁「奇跡的な出会い」 | New Connection "Chance Encounter" | SP | St. CF | |||
依縁「ジンメルの繋がり」 | Dependent Connection "Simmelian Tie" | SP | St. CF | |||
薄縁「友達の友達」 | Faint Connection "Friend of a Friend" | SP | St. CF | |||
海外縁「青い目の異国人形」 | Sea-crossed Connection "Foreign Blue-eyed Dolls" | SP | St. CF | |||
善縁「カルヤーナミトラ」 | Virtuous Connection "Kalyana-mittata" | SP | St. CF | |||
群縁「集合の意識」 | Group Connection "Collective Consciousness" | SP | St. CF | |||
禁縁「避諱のタブー」 | Forbidden Connection "Naming Taboo" | SP | St. CF | |||
恒縁「ダンスマカブル」 | Inevitable Connection "Danse Macabre" | SP | St. CF | |||
失縁「ファントムソウルメイト」 | Lost Connection "Phantom Soulmate" | SP | St. CF | |||
「 |
"Festival of the Roads" | SP | St. CF | |||
弾縁「運命の赤い糸」 | Danmaku Connection "Red String of Fate" | When playing as Reimu | SP | St. CF | ||
弾縁「魔女達の暗黒舞線会」 | Danmaku Connection "Pitch Black Coven" | When playing as Marisa | SP | St. CF | ||
弾縁「虎柄の大経典」 | Danmaku Connection "Tiger-Patterned Sutra" | When playing as Shou | SP | St. CF | ||
弾縁「カレイドスコープデイプノン」 | Danmaku Connection "Kaleidoscope Deipnon" | When playing as Hecatia | SP | St. CF | ||
「七次の隔たり」 | "Seven Degrees of Separation" | SP | LW |
Official Profiles
種族:神様(岐の神) 能力:どんな2点でも繋げる程度の能力 イザナギ自身から生み出された神様。 人間の道を守ることを存在理由とする、割とありふれたタイプの神様。 のんびりだが世話焼きな人物であり、時には仕事口調になってしまう。 外の神様でありながら、幻想郷の住人との共通点が多い。 彼女は幣頃と同じく、かなり年上の神様である。 その理由は、「自分の心をこっそり他の神々の心に繋げた」からだった。 狡猾な策略だったが、まだまだ自分にやれることがあるという義務感も抱いていた。 岐の神は元から人に親切な存在だで、離れ離れになった家族を再会させたり、消えた友達を探す者の 現代のソーシャルネットワークとやらのおかげで、人は神様よりもスマホやGPSを頼れるようになったようだ。 今回の異変が起こったしばらく前、彼女は混乱に満ちた地獄を駆け抜けていた。 地獄のずっと奥の 経緯が不明だったが、彼らはある時からずっと地獄に囚われていたらしい。 その一方、どこにも縛られない
案の定、糸をこっそり引っ張ることに長けていた彼女は幣頃の封印を解けようと提案した。 と言ってもまあ、本気で探そうとしていた訳ではない。 ついでに里の人間達の心を惹きつけて、幣頃を誘い出す為のイベント……という建前の弾幕祭りも 祭りが終わった後、おそらく幻想郷をあちこちぶらつくだろう。 (前にもそうしたことがあるし。) どうやらその弾幕を「二人の間にできる最も純粋な繋がりの形」、と思っている。 |
Species: God (Kunado-no-Kami) Ability: Able to connect any two points A goddess who sprang from Izanagi himself. Yet another god whose raison d'etre is defending the roads of humans. She's an easygoing but compulsive sort of person who sometimes speaks in a very business-like tone. Despite being an outsider, she's very much like the people of Gensokyo. Like Nusakoro, she's actually quite old. This was accomplished by "connecting" her heart to those of other gods. But she felt obligated to do more. It was already the nature of crossroad gods to be kind. Reuniting long separated families, carving a safe path With things like the "Social Network" in the modern age, it seems as if people don't need a god as much as they do a "Smartphone" or "GPS". But there were still some things even human technology could not remedy. Some time before the incident, she rushed through Hell in the midst of its ongoing conflicts and changes. They themselves were sealed into hells depths, for whatever reason. She wasn’t. Her resulting interactions with Ummu (which she has managed to keep confidential) put the world of the gods into a state of panic. Ever clever but cunning, she was the one who proposed to unseal Nusakoro. She was bound to have sympathy for another communicator. She also managed to charm the hearts of the Human Village, setting up a danmaku festival under the guise of doing something to lure Nusakoro out. She'll probably bum around Gensokyo. She’s done so before, so it’s nothing new, really. For whatever reason, she considers it to be "the purest display of connection between two people." |