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Scarlet Weather Rhapsody/Story/Komachi's Scenario
< | Prologue | Translation |
Stage 1
霧雨の幽霊 川霧 |
A Phantom of Drizzling Rain River Mist | |
BGM: 以魚駆蠅 |
BGM: Swing a Fish to Drive Away Flies | |
Komachi |
ふふふ |
Heh heh heh, |
Marisa Kirisame ENTERS | ||
Weather changes to Drizzling Rain | ||
Marisa |
うわ、死神 |
Uwah, a shinigami. |
霧雨 魔理沙 |
Komachi |
ほほうお前さんは霧雨の気を持つのか |
Oh ho. So you hold the spirit of drizzling rain? |
Marisa |
何だと? |
What? |
Komachi |
霧雨は薄く、暗く目立たないが、 |
Drizzling rain is thin, gloomy, and unremarkable, |
Marisa |
えへ、照れるな |
Aw, don't make me blush. |
Komachi |
決して主役にはなり得ない幽霊になるだろう |
You'll become a phantom that's always in the background, I bet. |
Marisa |
……やっぱりお迎えに来たのか? |
...So you ARE here to take me away? |
Komachi |
ああ、そこまで期待してるのなら |
Aah, if you're going to be that impatient, |
BGM: 星の器 ~ Casket of Star |
BGM: Vessel of Stars ~ Casket of Star | |
| ||
Marisa |
死神に勝てば不老不死か? |
Do I become immortal if I beat death? |
Marisa Kirisame DEFEATED | ||
Weather changes to River Mist | ||
Komachi |
あっはっは、冗談だよ |
Ha ha ha, I'm kidding. |
Marisa |
お迎えに来たときにお前を倒せば |
If I defeat you when you do come for me, |
Komachi |
まず、私は船頭なんでお迎えに行ったりは |
First of all, I'm a ferryman, |
Marisa |
天人って…… |
Celestials, huh... |
Komachi |
え? 何で天人が神社の修復……? |
Huh? Why would a celestial be repairing a shrine...? |
Stage 2
曇っていますか? 川霧 |
Are You Feeling Overcast? River Mist | |
BGM: 風光明媚 |
BGM: Beautiful Nature Sight | |
Komachi |
ここにも人間がいた様な |
Looks like there's a human here as well. |
Sakuya Izayoi ENTERS | ||
Weather changes to Overcast | ||
Sakuya |
あらら、死神のお迎え? |
My, my. A shinigami has come for me? |
十六夜 咲夜 |
Komachi |
曇ってきたね |
It's gotten overcast. |
Sakuya |
何か失礼な事言っている気がする |
I'm getting the feeling I'm being slighted somehow. |
Komachi |
いいんだ、曇りってのは華やかさも豊かさも無いが、 |
Nah, it's alright. Cloud cover is neither brilliant nor rich, |
Sakuya |
あら、褒めているのかしら? |
Oh my, are you complimenting me? |
Komachi |
器用な幽霊の殆どは、生きていた時は処世術に長け、 |
While they're alive, most of these clever phantoms are skilled at |
Sakuya |
随分と未来の話ね…… |
That'll certainly be far in the future... |
Komachi |
まあまあ、そういわずにここはお一つ |
Now, now, don't say that. Let's have a quick test, eh? |
BGM: フラワリングナイト |
BGM: Flowering Night | |
| ||
Sakuya |
まだ死ぬ訳には行かないですわ |
I certainly can't go around dying just yet. |
Sakuya Izayoi DEFEATED | ||
Weather changes to River Mist | ||
Komachi |
大丈夫、誰も魂取ったりしないよ |
Don't worry, nobody's gonna take your soul. |
Sakuya |
じゃあ何で…… |
Then why... |
Komachi |
ん? |
Hm? |
Stage 3
蒼天の剣 川霧 |
Sword of Azure Sky River Mist | |
BGM: 日常坐臥 |
BGM: Usual Days | |
Komachi |
確かここにも面白い奴がいたねぇ |
If memory serves me right, this place has someone pretty interesting too. |
Youmu Konpaku ENTERS | ||
Weather changes to Azure Sky | ||
Youmu |
あれ? お疲れ様です |
Oh? Thank you for your work. |
魂魄 妖夢 |
Komachi |
そういえば、幽霊が斬られたりする事は |
Now that you mention it, there's been far fewer cases |
Youmu |
ええ、あれはどうやら天人の仕業みたいだった |
Yes, it seems like the whole thing was something |
Komachi |
なんだそれは |
Woah, what? |
Youmu |
今、神社に天人が来て直してたりするんですけど |
There's a celestial doing repair work down at the shrine at the moment, |
Komachi |
なんだって!? |
What was that!? |
Youmu |
? |
? |
Komachi |
あ、いや関係ない |
Oh, uh, nothing. |
Youmu |
暑くて嫌なんですよねぇ |
It's much too warm, though. |
Komachi |
こう蒼いと一暴れしたくなるねぇ |
Seein' such a deep shade of blue makes you wanna have a brawl, no? |
Youmu |
そうでもないですが |
Not particularly... |
BGM: 広有射怪鳥事 ~ Till When? |
BGM: Hiroari Shoots a Strange Bird ~ Till When? | |
| ||
Youmu |
ひとまず、幽霊を無駄に斬っているとの疑いが |
Well, I'm glad I'm cleared of your suspicion |
Youmu Konpaku DEFEATED | ||
Weather changes to River Mist | ||
Komachi |
蒼天は活動の象徴にして空虚 |
Azure skies are a symbol of both activity, and emptiness.
Obtaining such a temperament while alive is difficult, |
Youmu |
勝手に幽霊診断しないで下さいよ |
Please don't give me a phantom diagnosis out of nowhere. |
Komachi |
おっと、もうすぐこの遊びも出来なくなって |
Wuh-oh. Looks like I won't be able to play this game |
Stage 4
川霧 |
Lost World of the Bamboo Forest
River Mist | |
BGM: 放縦不羈 | BGM: Free and Easy | |
Komachi |
人が生きるという事は即ち迷う事である |
For a human, to be alive is to be lost. |
Reisen Udongein Inaba ENTERS | ||
Reisen |
道に迷ったのかしら? |
Are you, perhaps, lost? |
鈴仙・優曇華院・イナバ Reisen Udongein Inaba |
Reisen |
って、貴方は死神? |
Wait, you're a shinigami? |
Komachi |
ここで仕事してやろうかい? |
Shall I get down to work here, then? |
Reisen |
遠慮しておきます |
I'll have to pass on that. |
Weather changes to Mountain Vapor | ||
Komachi |
ほう、晴れているというのに風が |
Oho. The sky's clear, but wind |
Reisen |
? |
? |
Komachi |
風は心のバランスが悪い者に現れる気質 |
Windy temperaments manifest in those with poorly-balanced minds. |
Reisen |
何の話かしら? |
What are you talking about? |
Komachi |
しかし、お前さんの空は晴れている |
You, though-- your skies are completely clear. |
Reisen |
何だか知らないけど、迷ってるんじゃないのなら |
I don't understand what you're on about, |
Komachi |
まあまあそういわずに…… |
My, my, don't be like that... |
BGM: 狂気の瞳 ~ Invisible Full Moon | BGM: Lunatic Eyes ~ Invisible Full Moon | |
| ||
Reisen |
私は忙しいのです |
I'm rather busy. |
Reisen Udongein Inaba DEFEATED | ||
Weather changes to River Mist | ||
Komachi |
風が弱まってきたね |
Looks like the wind's died down. |
Reisen |
なんで死んだ後の事を考えないといけないのよ |
Why do I have to think about what to do when I'm dead? |
Komachi |
私の仕事だからね |
It is my job, you know. |
Reisen |
ま、普通に三途の河を渡ってのんびりしたいわ |
Well, I'd like to just cross the Sanzu River like normal, and take it easy. |
Komachi |
へえそうかい |
That so? |
Stage 5
復興する神社 快晴 |
The Reviving Shrine Sunny | |
BGM: 天衣無縫 |
BGM: Flawless Clothing of the Celestials | |
Komachi |
何だ、まだ全然直している気配もないじゃないか |
What the? This place doesn't even look close to being rebuilt. |
Reimu Hakurei ENTERS | ||
博麗 霊夢 |
Reimu |
あ、サボさん |
Oh, slacker. |
Komachi |
……あー暑いねぇ |
...Mmm, it's warm. |
Reimu |
時間が経てば天気は元に戻るって言ってたけど |
She said that the weather should return to normal after a while. |
Komachi |
快晴って事は有害な日光も地上の生気も全て素通りだ |
Sunny skies mean you're fully exposed to both harmful sunlight, and the earth's vitality. |
Reimu |
うるさいわね |
Oh, shut up. |
Komachi |
よく判ってるじゃないか |
Well read by you, I must say. |
BGM: 東方妖恋談 |
BGM: Eastern Mystical Tale of Romance | |
| ||
Reimu |
そんだけお金持ってるんなら |
If you have that much money, |
Reimu Hakurei DEFEATED | ||
Komachi |
さて、そろそろ仕事に戻るとするか |
Well then, I guess it's about time I got back to my work. |
Reimu |
いいなぁ |
It must be nice, |
Komachi |
その分仕事が多いのさ |
Because of that I always have a lot of work, though. |
Weather changes to Northern Lights | ||
Tenshi Hinanawi ENTERS | ||
Tenshi |
あら、何楽しそうな事をやってるの? |
My, what fun-looking thing are you doing? |
比那名居 天子 |
Komachi |
おや、お前さんは誰だい? |
Oh, and who might you be? |
Tenshi |
この神社の復興を頼まれてね |
I was asked to rebuild this shrine. |
Komachi |
という事はお前さんが……天人だね? |
That would make you... the celestial, right? |
Tenshi |
貴方は……? |
And you are...? |
Komachi |
そうだ、泣く子も黙る死神さ |
Yep. A shinigami whose presence silences cryin' kids. |
Tenshi |
死神なら天人の私には用はないでしょう? |
If you're a shinigami, then shouldn't you have no business with a celestial like me? |
Komachi |
天人だって、人間と同じ寿命はあるさ |
Even celestials have lifespans like humans do, after all. |
Tenshi |
うふふ |
Heh heh, |
Final Stage
有頂天の頭上華萎 極光 |
The Flower Crown Witherer of Bhavaagra Northern Lights | |
BGM: 有頂天変 ~ Wonderful Heaven |
BGM: Catastrophe in Bhavaagra ~ Wonderful Heaven | |
Tenshi |
死神のお迎えに惑わされる様な迷いはない |
My mind is free of hesitation. There's no way I'd be swayed by a shinigami's arrival. |
Komachi |
ま、お迎えは管轄外なんだけどねー |
Well, usherin' souls over is out of my jurisdiction. |
Tenshi |
船頭? |
Ferryman? |
Komachi |
そそ、あたいは勝手に人を殺したりはしないよ |
Right, right. I don't go out and kill people. |
Tenshi |
ほう |
Oh? |
Komachi |
聞いたよ、お前さんの仕業だって? |
I heard that it was all your doing, yeah? |
Tenshi |
これは面白いわ |
Now this is interesting. |
Komachi |
It'd be in your best interest to not underestimate a shinigami like me. |
Tenshi |
天人が恐れるのは五衰を与えられる事 |
What celestials fear are their five signs of decline. |
Tenshi Hinanawi COLLAPSES | ||
Final Spell ~ Weather changes to Evening Sky | ||
BGM: 幼心地の有頂天 |
BGM: Bhavaagra As Seen Through a Child's Mind | |
| ||
Tenshi |
所詮は船頭 |
You're just the ferryman, after all. |
Tenshi Hinanawi DEFEATED | ||
Komachi Ending |
< | Prologue | Translation |
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