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Scarlet Weather Rhapsody/Story/Marisa's Script
Marisa wins Reimu
Marisa | じゃあな 神社が壊れて元気がないんじゃないか? |
See ya. Down in the dumps because the shrine collapsed? |
Marisa | 地震で建物が倒壊すると屋根が落ちてくるんだな | When buildings get destroyed by earthquake, the roofs are going to come crashing down. |
Marisa | もっと自由に天気を変えられたらいいのにな 出かける時は晴れさせて、 雨風を呼ぶ理由が思い浮かばないな |
It'd be nice if I can change the weather easily... Make it sunny when I'm heading out, Can't really think of a reason to make wind and rain. |
Marisa wins herself
Marisa | イメージトレーニングは百戦百一勝! | I'm winning 101 matches out of 100 in image training! |
Marisa wins Sakuya
Marisa | 天気がこうだと宴会が出来ないな お前の処なら室内だし、そこでやろうぜ |
There can't be a feast in this weather. We could hold it inside your place. |
Marisa wins Alice
Marisa | 人形の首を沢山吊そうぜ そうしたら晴れるに違いない |
Go hang a lot of doll heads. That way it's bound to be sunny. [She's referring to the teru teru bozu.] |
Marisa wins Patchouli
Marisa | 耐水性に優れた本もあるんだな それなら風呂の中でも読めそうだぜ |
You've got waterproof books as well. I bet you could even read those in the bath. |
Marisa | そういえば、お前んとこの何か汚れた本が 混ざってたぜ 本に何かこぼしたら良く拭いておけよ |
Huh, looks like you've let some of your books get pretty dirty. You should wipe 'em off if you spill something on 'em. |
Marisa wins Youmu
Marisa | 天叢雲 (あめのむらくも)って知ってるか?
その剣を持ってる奴が犯人かも知れないぜ |
Do you know the Ame-no-Murakumo?
Clouds hang over the head of the wielder all the time. Maybe the person holding that sword is the culprit. |
Marisa | 剣は雨にも弱いんじゃないか? それとも血糊がつかなくていいのか? |
Isn't it bad for a sword to be in the rain? Or is it good for washing off blood? |
Marisa wins Remilia
Marisa | 雨は苦手なんだろ? 余り出てくるなよ |
Aren't you weak to rain? Don't come out for nothing. |
Marisa wins Yuyuko
Marisa | 幽霊は冷たいからな 雪なんか降らせなくても涼しいじゃん |
Since phantoms are cold, it'd be chilly even if it didn't snow. |
Marisa wins Yukari
Marisa | なんで晴れてるのに雨が降ってるのを 狐の嫁入りっていうんだろうな |
Why is it called a fox's wedding when it rains while the sun is shining?
[According to folklore, at a fox's wedding (kitsune no yomeiri) rain falls from a cloudless sky.] |
Marisa | なんで晴れてるのに雨が降ってるのを 天気雨っていうんだろうな もしかして、晴れ以外は天気じゃないのか? |
Why is it called "weather rain" when it rains while the sun is shining?
Are they saying that weathers other than sunny aren't weathers? [Sunshowers are called weather rain (tenkiame) in Japan.] |
Marisa wins Suika
Marisa | 雲って、何が集まった物なんだ? 何で上に乗れたり乗れなかったりするんだ? |
A cloud is a gathering of things, isn't it? Can't you ride one? |
Marisa wins Reisen
Marisa | 来年こそは筍採りにお前んとこ行くぜ | You better go harvest this bamboo next year. |
Marisa | 筍って美味しいよな まあ旬はもう過ぎたが…… そういえば、竹の筍と書いてタケノコと読む訳だが 大きくなっちゃったら無用の長物って訳か |
Bamboo shoots are tasty but it's out-of-season already... Now that I think of it, the kanji for "bamboo shoot" is read as "takenoko", or "bamboo's child". Growing up would just make it long and useless. |
Marisa wins Aya
Marisa | 良いこと思いついたぜ。新聞に天気予報を 載せてみるんだ。少しは売れるんじゃん? |
I've thought of something nice. Why don't you try putting a weather forecast in the newspaper? Wouldn't that sell? |
Marisa wins Komachi
Marisa | 河童にモーターボートでも作ってもらったらどうだ? 仕事は楽になるぜ |
How about have the kappa make you a motor boat? It'd make your job fun. |
Marisa wins Iku
Marisa | お前は雲を泳げるのか? 気持ちよさそうだな |
You're swimming in the clouds? Looks like it feels good. |
Marisa wins Tenshi
Marisa | 天界暮らしは優雅で良さそうだなぁ 高所恐怖症の奴には気の毒だが |
Living an elegant life in the heavens would be great, unless you're afraid of heights. |
Marisa wins someone
Marisa | 茸にとっては適度な湿度がいいんかな 最近森の茸の成長が早くて不気味だぜ |
Mushrooms need humidity. This recent rapid growth of forest mushrooms is weird. |
Marisa | 雨ばっかだと運動不足になるな 家で運動できればいいんだけど |
I'm not getting much exercise in this rain. It'd be great if I can exercise in my home. |
This page is part of Project Translations, a Touhou Wiki project that aims to ensure the quality of translations of all official material in the Touhou Project. |