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Scarlet Weather Rhapsody/Story/Remilia's Script

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Remilia wins Reimu

Remilia ほう、神社が壊れたって?
So, the shrine was broken?,
Does that mean you're allowed to break those things?

Remilia wins Marisa

Remilia 雨を降らすような奴は邪魔だよ Go away, you rainmaker.

Remilia wins Sakuya

Remilia 退屈だねぇ
So bored.
Go get some interesting fellow here.

Remilia wins Alice

Remilia 折角人形作ってるんだからさぁ
If you're making dolls, why don't you make cuter ones?
You know, like Golems.

Remilia wins Patchouli

Remilia 私も自叙伝でも書こうかな
Maybe I should write an autobiography too.
An autobiography of my summer vacation.
Remilia そうそう、言い忘れてた



Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you.

I spilt black tea while I was reading a book in the library....

I wonder where I put that book?

Remilia wins Youmu

Remilia 何か、幽霊を使った冷房がトレンドって
I heard a rumor that it's a trend
to use phantoms for air conditioning...

Remilia wins herself

Remilia 長生きしたかったら運動は欠かせないね Can't go without exercise if I'm to live long.

Remilia wins Yuyuko

Remilia 雪なら怖くはないね
It's not scary if it's snow,
because it doesn't flow.[1]

Remilia wins Yukari

Remilia もっと外の人間を連れてくるざますよ
Bring in more humans from the outside.
Is this how it's done?

Remilia wins Suika

Remilia なんか、あんたから桃の匂いがする…… Why, you smell of peaches....

Remilia wins Reisen

Remilia あ、団子屋さん
Ah, the dango maker.
I'll take some Mitarashi dango.

Remilia wins Aya

Remilia なんなら新聞の社説欄を書いても良いよ?
If you like, could I write an editorial column in the newspaper?
It sounds interesting.

Remilia wins Komachi

Remilia あいにく河は渡れないんだよ
Unfortunately, I can't cross the river.
Too bad, huh?

Remilia wins Iku

Remilia そんなにふわふわじゃあキビキビ動けないよ Being so lighty and airy, you can't move energetically at all.

Remilia wins Tenshi

Remilia ちょっと地面が揺れたからって何だっていうの?
So what if the ground shakes a little?
I'll be fine once I'm under a table!

Remilia wins someone

Remilia うーむ、暇をつぶせる相手がいない…… Hmm, I can't see anyone to kill time on...

  1. Vampires are unable to cross flowing water