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Scarlet Weather Rhapsody/Story/Yukari's Scenario
< | Prologue | Translation |
Stage 1
浮雲の如し 快晴 |
Like a Floating Cloud Sunny | |
BGM: 風光明媚 |
BGM: Beautiful Nature Sight | |
Yukari |
神社はまだ復興していない |
Seems like the shrine hasn't been repaired yet. |
Reimu Hakurei ENTERS | ||
Reimu |
何よもう |
What's up? |
博麗 霊夢 |
Yukari |
神社の復興はまだ終わらないのかしら? |
Why is fixing up the shrine taking so long? |
Reimu |
だって、天子 [あいつ] が『今日は歌の日』だって |
But that Tenshi girl didn't come down today. |
Yukari |
困ったもんね |
Alas, she could sing on earth, if that's what she wants to do. |
Reimu |
そういう問題でも無いけど |
Well, that's not the point, I guess. |
Yukari |
不義にして富み、かつ貴きは |
Wealth and honor from unrighteousness is to me like a cloud in the sky. |
Reimu |
? |
? |
Yukari |
贅沢暮らしをしている天人と |
I'm talking about celestials that enjoy luxury. |
BGM: 東方妖恋談 |
BGM: Eastern Mystical Tale of Romance | |
| ||
Reimu |
神社は直すわよ、あの天人が |
The shrine will get back to normal. |
Reimu Hakurei DEFEATED | ||
Yukari |
少しお灸を据えに行きましょう |
I'm gonna go and punish her in person. |
Reimu |
何で私が…… |
Why me... |
Yukari |
あら、貴方だって天人みたいなものよ |
Well, you're quite like a celestial yourself. |
Stage 2
働かざる者 快晴 |
She Who Does not Work Sunny | |
BGM: 以魚駆蠅 |
BGM: Swing a Fish to Drive Away Flies | |
Komachi Onozuka ENTERS | ||
Yukari |
.ふう、この歳になって山登りする羽目になるとは |
Huff... I didn't think i would have to climb a mountain at this age. |
Komachi |
おっと、なんか突然出てきたねぇ |
Woah, you just came out of nowhere. |
小野塚 小町 |
Yukari |
貴方は今回の騒動の時は何をしていたの? |
What have you been doing during this disturbance? |
Komachi |
え? 唐突ね。 |
Eh? That's sudden. |
Yukari |
そう、幽霊を彼岸に送っていたの |
You were bringing the phantoms to Higan. |
Komachi |
え? 変化? |
Eh? Different? |
Yukari |
そう、幽霊の数が減少している事に気付いたのね |
So you've realized that the number of phantoms has been decreasing. |
Komachi |
おいおい、何の話だい? |
Hey, hey. What are you on about? |
Yukari |
貴方は何故働かなかった |
Why didn't you work? |
Komachi |
ちょ、ちょっと待ってよ |
H-hey, wait a moment. |
Yukari |
暢気な死神め |
You sloth of a shinigami... |
BGM: 踊る水飛沫 |
BGM: Dancing Water Spray | |
| ||
Komachi |
何だか知らないけど仕事に戻った方が |
I don't know anything, but I get the feeling that I better get back to work. |
Komachi Onozuka DEFEATED | ||
Yukari |
さあ、仕事に戻った戻った |
Now, go back to work, go back to work. |
Komachi |
もう、何なんですか |
Seriously, what's happening? |
Yukari |
山登りが退屈でしてね |
Mountain climbing is boring. |
Komachi |
って、お前さんはワープして出てこなかったか? |
Didn't you just warp here? |
Yukari Yakumo EXITS | ||
Yukari |
ああ山登りは大変ね |
Ahh, mountain climbing is such a pain. |
Stage 3
小人閑居して 快晴 |
The Petty Person Dwells Retired Sunny | |
BGM: 冷吟閑酔 |
BGM: Drunk as I Like | |
Marisa Kirisame ENTERS | ||
Yukari |
あー暑い暑い |
Ah, it's so, so hot. |
Marisa |
のわ! |
Wha! |
霧雨 魔理沙 |
Yukari |
山に人間なんて珍しいから様子をね |
It's rare for humans to be on the mountain so I came to see~ |
Marisa |
ああ、霊夢がこの上に天人が住む世界があるって |
Yeah, Reimu said there's a world where celestials live above here. |
Yukari |
そう、天人の持ち物なんて…… |
Well, the celestials have... |
Marisa |
そうか? だって天界だぜ? |
Really? Ain't we talkin' about the heavens? |
BGM: 星の器 ~ Casket of Star |
BGM: Vessel of Stars ~ Casket of Star | |
Yukari |
小人 [しょうじん] 閑居 [かんきょ] して不善を為す |
The petty person dwells retired and commits misdeeds. |
Marisa |
何? |
What? |
Yukari |
貴方みたいな愚か者は、一人で居ると楽する事ばかり |
A fool like you only thinks of enjoyment when you're alone, that's what I'm saying. |
| ||
Marisa |
いいじゃないか、楽したって |
What's wrong with that? |
Marisa Kirisame DEFEATED | ||
Yukari |
さあ天狗達に気付かれる前に戻った方が賢明よ |
Now, it's best for you to head back before the tengu finds you. |
Marisa |
くそ、天狗よりお前に見つかったのが不運だぜ |
Dammit, seeing you is a greater misfortune than the tengu. |
Yukari |
私は天界に向けて山登りをしているのです |
I'm scaling this mountain to head to the heavens. |
Yukari Yakumo EXITS | ||
Yukari |
天国、パラダイスです |
The astral plane. Paradise. |
Marisa |
紫 [あいつ] も天界に向かっているのか…… |
She's heading to the heavens, too? |
Yukari |
安易に天界に行かない方が身の為よ |
Not heading to the heavens with such a lax attitude is for your own good. |
Stage 4
跡取り娘の行方 快晴 |
The Whereabouts of the Heiress Sunny | |
BGM: 日常坐臥 |
BGM: Usual Days | |
Yukari |
……何処にもいない |
...Nothing anywhere. |
Iku Nagae ENTERS | ||
Iku |
あら、地上に這い蹲っている妖怪? |
Oh, an earth-crawling youkai? |
Yukari |
貴方は…… |
You're... |
永江 衣玖 |
Iku |
ええそうですが |
Yes, that's right. |
Yukari |
今日は何のお使いかしら? |
What messages do you bring today? |
Iku |
いいえ、地震に関しては危険は殆ど無くなりました |
No, the earthquake-related threat is almost taken care of. |
Yukari |
私はある天人を探しているの |
I am looking for a celestial. |
Iku |
総領娘様ですか? |
The Eldest Daughter? |
Yukari |
ちょっと亡き者にしようと |
I'm going to make her become deceased for a bit. |
Iku |
あらあら |
Oh my, |
BGM: 黒い海に紅く ~ Legendary Fish |
BGM: Crimson in the Black Sea ~ Legendary Fish | |
Yukari |
さあ、何処にいる? |
Well then, where is she? |
Iku |
そうですねぇ |
Well... |
Yukari |
あれ? |
Huh? |
Iku |
ここだけの話、自由すぎてあのお方には |
Just between us, that unrestrained one is quite difficult to handle. |
Yukari |
本当は隠しているんでしょ? |
Are you hiding something? |
Iku |
本当に居ないと思いますが…… |
She isn't here, really.... |
| ||
Iku |
総領娘様にお灸を据えるのなら |
If you are going to punish the Eldest Daughter, |
Iku Nagae DEFEATED | ||
Yukari |
さあ居場所を教えなさい |
Tell me where she is. |
Iku |
いえ、本当に居ないのです |
No, honestly, she isn't here. |
Yukari |
ふむ |
Hmph. |
Iku |
もし総領娘様にお灸を据えるつもりでしたら |
If you intend to punish the Eldest Daughter, |
Yukari |
さっき言ったでしょ? |
Didn't I say it just now? |
Yukari Yakumo EXITS | ||
Yukari |
はぁ時間の無駄。時間の無駄 |
Haaa, a waste of time. A waste of time. |
Stage 5
世の中気紛れ 快晴 |
Capricious World Sunny | |
BGM: 日常坐臥 |
BGM: Usual Days | |
Yukari |
神社は壊れたまんま |
The shrine is still damaged. |
Suika Ibuki ENTERS | ||
Suika |
おお、紫? |
Oh, oh, Yukari? |
伊吹 萃香 |
Yukari |
神社がいつ直るのかと見に来ているのです |
I'm here to see when the shrine's going to be fixed. |
Suika |
ああ、時折天女達が降りてきて直しているみたいだよ |
Ah, the celestials come down to fix the shrine from time to time, it seems. |
Yukari |
何故か私が居る時は見かけないわ |
Why don't I see them when I'm here? |
Suika |
嫌われてるんじゃん? |
Aren't you hated already? |
Yukari |
困ったわねぇ…… |
This is troubling... |
Suika |
へ? |
Eh? |
Yukari |
その娘をぎったぎたにしろと |
She wanted me to shred that girl into pieces. |
Suika |
へー、それはまた物騒な |
Ehhhh? That's unsettling. |
Yukari |
そんなに暇じゃないんですけどね |
I don't really have the time for this... Oh well. |
BGM: 砕月 |
BGM: Broken Moon | |
| ||
Suika |
あはは、そんなに弱いからみんなから |
Ahaha, everyone hates you because you're so weak. That must be it! |
Suika Ibuki DEFEATED | ||
Yukari |
今日はもう来そうも無いですわね |
Doesn't seem like she's coming today. |
Suika |
そうね |
Yeah. |
Yukari |
ふう、最近ついてないわー |
Hmph, things aren't going my way lately. |
Suika |
珍しいね |
That's rare. |
Yukari |
まあね |
Ah. |
Suika |
そういえば昼間なのにこっちの世界に居るなんて |
In any case, seeing you on this side of the world in broad daylight sure is rare. |
Yukari Yakumo EXITS | ||
Yukari |
私だって頑張っているって事よ |
I'm working hard here, you see. |
Final Stage
天道是か非か 快晴 |
Is the Way of Heaven Just or Unjust? Sunny | |
BGM: 天衣無縫 |
BGM: Flawless Clothing of the Celestials | |
Tenshi Hinanawi ENTERS | ||
比那名居 天子 |
Tenshi |
さあさあ、新生神社の落成式よー |
Here now, the new shrine's inauguration ceremonyー |
観客(パチパチパチ) |
Audience (applause) | |
Tenshi |
神社は災害により倒壊してしまいましたが、 |
Although the shrine was destroyed in the disaster, |
Yukari Yakumo ENTERS | ||
BGM: 夜が降りてくる |
BGM: Night Falls ~ Evening Star | |
Yukari |
つーかまーえた |
I've-got-you-now. |
Tenshi |
何!? 何!? |
What!? What!? |
Yukari |
こんな神社壊れちゃいなよ |
A shrine like this should be destroyed. |
Tenshi |
いきなり出てきて何よ! |
What are you saying!? |
Yukari |
へぇ、自分の時はいとも簡単に壊した癖に |
Heh, you break things on a whim and yet you won't let others do the same? |
Tenshi |
ぐっ、それは |
Ugh, that's... |
Yukari |
何を仕込んだのさ |
What did you put in there? |
Tenshi |
何の話? |
What are you talking about? |
Yukari |
判っているよ |
I know. |
Tenshi |
ええそうよ、良いじゃないそのくらい |
Well yeah, so what? |
Yukari |
だから壊れちゃいなよ |
So it should be destroyed. |
BGM: 有頂天変 ~ Wonderful Heaven |
BGM: Catastrophe in Bhavaagra ~ Wonderful Heaven | |
Tenshi |
ふふふ、地面を這い蹲っている土くさい妖怪が |
Huhuhu, the filthy earth-crawling youkai said some delightful things. |
Yukari |
この間、天界を見てきたわ |
I've seen the heavens during this time. |
Tenshi |
貧しくても恨む無きは難 [かた] し |
To be poor without murmuring is difficult. |
Yukari |
富みて奢る無きは易し |
To be rich without being proud is easy. ["To be poor..., to be rich..." is a quote from the Analects.] |
Tenshi Hinanawi COLLAPSES | ||
Final Spell ~ Weather changes to Evening Sky | ||
BGM: 幼心地の有頂天 |
BGM: Bhavaagra As Seen Through a Child's Mind | |
Tenshi Hinanawi DEFEATED | ||
Yukari Ending |
< | Prologue | Translation |
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