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Scarlet Weather Rhapsody/Story/Yuyuko's Scenario
< | Prologue | Translation |
Stage 1
白い暑中見舞い 快晴 |
White Summer Greeting Sunny | |
BGM: 日常坐臥 |
BGM: Usual Days | |
Yuyuko |
さあ、こんな暑い夏はもうおしまいよー |
Now, this stiflingly hot summer will end soonー |
Reimu Hakurei ENTERS | ||
Reimu |
はあ、暑いからねぇ |
Ahh, it's really hot today. |
博麗 霊夢 |
Yuyuko |
さあ、これを見てもそんな台詞を |
Well, I wonder if you'll still be able to say that |
Weather changes to Snowing | ||
Reimu |
え? |
Wha? |
Yuyuko |
さあ、暑い夏のある世界とはおさらばよ |
And thus, bid farewell to the hot and sunny summer world. |
Reimu |
何か危険な気がするわー! |
You're planning something dangerous!! |
BGM: 地の色は黄色 |
BGM: The Ground's Color is Yellow | |
| ||
Reimu |
どうやって雪を降らせたのかしら? |
How did you make snow fall here? |
Reimu Hakurei DEFEATED | ||
Yuyuko |
涼しくなったかしら? |
Have you cooled off now? |
Reimu |
寒いってばさー |
But it's freezing cold nowー |
Yuyuko |
それは良かったわ |
That's good. |
Stage 2
朝寝坊の宵っ張り 雪 |
Late Riser Stays up Snowing | |
BGM: 冷吟閑酔 |
BGM: Drunk as I Like | |
Marisa Kirisame ENTERS | ||
Marisa |
何だか今日は冷えるなぁ…… |
Why the hell is it so cold today... |
Yuyuko |
おはようございます |
Good morning. |
霧雨 魔理沙 |
Marisa |
やっちまった~ |
Oh nooo... |
Yuyuko |
あらあら、お憑かれの様子ね |
Oh dear, you look as if you were possessed. [This phrase is normally written as "お疲れ" (otsukare, tiredness), but a pun is used jokingly here to use "憑かれる" (tsukareru, to be possessed)]. |
Marisa |
憑かれてないぜ |
I'm not possessed. |
Yuyuko |
では憑かれましょう |
Then let's possess you. |
Marisa |
止めてくれー |
Stop it alreadyー |
BGM: 香る樹葉花 |
BGM: Fragrant Plants | |
| ||
Marisa |
うわー今日は何月何日? |
Whaaa, what's the date today? |
Marisa Kirisame DEFEATED | ||
Yuyuko |
涼しくなったでしょう? |
It's cooler now, isn't it? |
Marisa |
え? な、夏だよな? 今 |
Eh? Is it summer? Now? |
Yuyuko |
こんなに雪が降っても冷静になれないの? |
How weird. Can't you keep your cool even with this snow falling around? |
Marisa |
なれるもんか! |
It'd be weird if I could! |
Stage 3
自由に死ぬ 雪 |
Die Freely Snowing | |
BGM: 日常坐臥 |
BGM: Usual Days | |
Yuyuko |
山には雪が一番美しい |
Mountains are at their prettiest when covered with snow. |
Komachi Onozuka ENTERS | ||
Komachi |
おや、これはこれは西行寺の…… |
Oh? Would this by any chance be the Saigyouji... |
Yuyuko |
あらどうも |
Oh greetings. |
小野塚 小町 |
Komachi |
ギクッ |
Ack... |
Yuyuko |
世の中にはまだまだ不思議がいっぱいです |
The world is full of strange things. |
Komachi |
って、貴方が雪を降らせてるんじゃ? |
In other words, you're making it snow? |
Yuyuko |
そうですが何か |
I suppose so. What about it? |
Komachi |
やっぱり変わったお方だ |
You're really a very peculiar lady. |
Yuyuko |
で、この河は |
And, this river isn't your workplace, is it? |
BGM: 踊る水飛沫 |
BGM: Dancing Water Spray | |
| ||
Komachi |
判りました判りました |
I understand, I understand. |
Komachi Onozuka DEFEATED | ||
Yuyuko |
冷静になれば天気を変える事だって簡単です |
If you can keep a cool head, it's easy to change the weather. |
Komachi |
いやぁ、流石にそんな真似は出来ないねぇ |
Uhh, I don't think it's that simple to get your own way... |
Yuyuko |
ただ、好きな天気に変える為にはちょっとだけ |
However, in order to change the weather to something you prefer, |
Stage 4
真夏の冬山 雪 |
Midsummer's Winter Mountain Snowing | |
BGM: 日常坐臥 |
BGM: Usual Days | |
Yuyuko |
ここも雪で涼しくしましょう |
Let's cool this place with snow too. |
Weather changes to Tempest | ||
Aya Shameimaru ENTERS | ||
Aya |
あれ? |
Huh? |
Yuyuko |
あやや、 |
Ayaya, |
Aya |
何があったのか判りませんが…… |
I don't really understand what's going on, but... |
射命丸 文 |
Aya |
何人たりとも入山禁止です |
Nobody is allowed to enter the mountain. |
Yuyuko |
おやおや、雪が吹き飛ばされてしまいました |
Oh dear, the snow got blown away. |
Aya |
雪? |
Snow? |
Yuyuko |
ええ、山を魅力的に変える私の雪が |
Yes, the mountain-beautifying snow of mine. |
BGM: 嘲りの遊戯 |
BGM: Ridiculous Game | |
| ||
Aya |
さあ、帰って帰って |
Now, go. |
Aya Shameimaru DEFEATED | ||
Yuyuko |
残念、私の力不足ね |
Regrettably, my power is insufficient. |
Aya |
はい? |
I guess? |
Yuyuko |
私の儚い雪では貴方の嵐には勝てないわ |
My ephemeral snow cannot defeat your tempest. |
Aya |
いえ、負けました |
No, I lost... |
Yuyuko |
もっと、意識を捨てないと、ね |
It seems that I need to throw the thought away. [Yuyuko' aim is Hisouten or Spere of Non-Perception, where Tenshi lives.] |
Stage 5
異変の兆し 気質 |
Disaster's Omen Clear | |
BGM: 雲外蒼天 |
BGM: Skies Beyond the Clouds | |
Yuyuko |
流石に雲の中は寒いわー |
As expected, it's cold inside the clouds. |
Iku Nagae ENTERS | ||
Iku |
緋色の雲が出来はじめている |
The scarlet clouds are forming again. |
Yuyuko |
おや、貴方はもしや…… |
Oh, aren't you... |
永江 衣玖 |
Iku |
そう、龍宮の使いです |
Yes, I'm the messenger from the dragon palace. |
Yuyuko |
あの蒲焼きや白焼きで有名な |
...famously grilled in soy-sauce, or just grilled plain... [In Japan, eel is usually eaten as Kabayaki or Shiroyaki (white-grilled).] |
Iku |
きっと違いますがね |
Most certainly not. |
Yuyuko |
何? |
What? [In Japan, a catfish was believed to cause earthquakes.] |
Iku |
まだ判りませんが要観察って処です |
I'm not sure, but we are now investigating the matter. |
Yuyuko |
あらあら、しょうがないわねぇ |
Oh dear, I guess it can't be helped. |
Iku |
貴方は何者です? |
Who are you anyway? |
Yuyuko |
皆に涼しさを分けてまわる |
I'm just a wandering ghost [This is a pun of shiganai" (insignificant, only) and shi ga nai" (there is no death).] |
Iku |
亡霊? |
A ghost? |
BGM: 黒い海に紅く ~ Legendary Fish |
BGM: Crimson in the Black Sea ~ Legendary Fish | |
Iku |
ははーん、この雲の上は天界があります |
Aha, above these clouds is the realm of heaven. |
| ||
Iku |
まだまだね |
You're not there yet. |
Iku Nagae DEFEATED | ||
Yuyuko |
さて、と、次は天界ねー |
And now, next, the Heavens. |
Iku |
強いですねぇ |
You're really strong. |
Yuyuko |
あら残念 |
Oh, I'm sorry, but I can't. |
Final Stage
非想天 気質 |
Thoughtless Heaven Clear | |
BGM: 天衣無縫 |
BGM: Flawless Clothing of the Celestials | |
Yuyuko |
天界は冥界よりも広い |
Heaven is even larger than the Netherworld. |
Tenshi |
天地の道は |
The way of the heavens and earth |
Tenshi Hinanawi ENTERS | ||
Tenshi |
And breaks at the fullest![1] [Tenshi refers to Huainanzi's sentence of tenth (or seventh) paragraph of the twentieth volume, "天地之道,極則反,盈則損。" (original text). The whole part says "things will change with time passing, so anything the saint, i.e. the governor, does cannot be neither old style and newstyle. for the purpose of accomodating the current issue in each era". Tenshi is making sarcastic remark for Yuyuko leading untimely snow to Heaven, who is out of the order of the world with staying at the Netherworld in her death.] |
Tenshi Hinanawi | Tenshi Hinanawi | |
Tenshi |
貴方は何故夏に雪を降らす? |
Why are you making it snow in the middle of summer? |
Yuyuko |
同じ雪でも、夏の方が数倍魅力的だからです |
Snow in summer is many more times more charming than the same snow in winter. |
Tenshi |
しかし、どうやって雪を? |
But... how are you making it snow? |
Yuyuko |
さあね |
Well, see, [The subtitle of Yuyuko's third stage is "die freely".] |
Tenshi |
あはははは |
Ahahahaha. |
Yuyuko |
?? |
? |
Tenshi |
貴方の目的は、私を倒して天気を元に戻す |
Your purpose here is to defeat me and return the weather to normal. |
Yuyuko |
いやいや、とんでもない |
No, no, absolutely not. |
BGM: 有頂天変 ~ Wonderful Heaven |
BGM: Catastrophe in Bhavaagra ~ Wonderful Heaven | |
Tenshi |
え? |
Eh? |
Yuyuko |
折角の夏の雪 |
After all that effort invested in making this summer snow, |
Tenshi |
何と…… |
Wha... |
Yuyuko |
いえいえそんな……有頂天の貴方にそんな事 |
No, no... I wouldn't do that to your Highness. ["有頂天" (Bhavaagra, Summit of the existent world) is another word of "非想天" (Hisouten, Sphere of non-perception), so Yuyuko seems to praise Tenshi's nobleness. But common meaning of the word is "very haughty attitude as if s/he were on the top of the world.] |
Tenshi |
まあいいや |
Well, whatever. |
Tenshi Hinanawi COLLAPSES | ||
Final Spell ~ Weather changes to Evening Sky | ||
BGM: 幼心地の有頂天 |
BGM: Bhavaagra As Seen Through a Child's Mind | |
| ||
Tenshi |
地上の奴らも思ったより強いのね |
The earth-dwellers are stronger than I've thought. |
Tenshi Hinanawi DEFEATED | ||
Yuyuko Ending |
< | Prologue | Translation |
This page is part of Project Translations, a Touhou Wiki project that aims to ensure the quality of translations of all official material in the Touhou Project. |