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Scarlet Weather Rhapsody/Story/Demo Scenario
Stage 1
快晴 |
Before Disaster Strikes
Sunny | |
BGM: 日常坐臥 | BGM: Usual Days | |
Reimu | 何よ、私を呼びつけておいて出迎えもないの? | What, you call me all the way here and don't even greet me? |
Marisa Kirisame ENTERS | ||
Marisa | お、やっと来たか | Oh, you finally arrived. |
霧雨 魔理沙 |
Magician of Misty Rain | |
Marisa | ちょっと気になる事があったんで呼んだんだ もしかして異変の予兆じゃないかと |
I've noticed something strange happening, so I called you. Maybe it's a sign of disaster. |
Reimu | 何? | What is it? |
Marisa | 最近気温が低いじゃん それにいつまで経っても降り止まぬ…… ……あれ? |
It's pretty cold these days, isn't it? And it hasn't stopped raining since God knows when... ...Huh? |
Reimu | だから何よ! | So what's your point!? |
Marisa | いや、ここの所不自然な天気だったもんで ちょっとお前に注意して貰おうと思ったんだが しとしと降る雨は止まないし、 |
Well, the weather has been strange lately, so I wanted you to talk to whoever's responsible for it or something. It just keeps raining all the time, |
Weather changes to Drizzling Rain | ||
Reimu | あら、久しぶりに雨が降ってきたわね | Oh, it started raining. I don't think we've seen it rain for a long time. |
Marisa | ほら、まただ こんな天気ばっかだから気温が上がらないんだ この雨、何か不自然だと思わないか? |
See, it's happening again. It's never gonna get warmer like this. Don't you think this kind of weather is a little strange? |
Reimu | 冷夏って言いたいの?
あいにく、私も暇じゃないんでね |
So you're saying it's rather cold this summer?
Sorry to tell you this, but I'm not that bored. |
Marisa | そうか……じゃ、私が調査に出るか | I see... Well, I guess I'll start investigating. |
Reimu | でも、抜け駆けは許さないわ! |
But, I won't let you leave me behind! |
BGM: 地の色は黄色 |
BGM: The Ground's Color is Yellow | |
*If player loses | ||
Marisa | こんなに雨続きじゃ 洗濯物も出来やしないぜ |
If it keeps raining like this, I won't be able to do the laundry. |
Marisa Kirisame DEFEATED | ||
Weather changes to Sunny | ||
Reimu | まだ何も起きてないんだから あんたは大人しくしてなさい |
Nothing has happened yet, so you should just stay home and keep quiet. |
Marisa | うーむ 今日はころころ天気が変わるな こんなに暑くならないんじゃ |
Hmm. The weather is so unstable today. I'm worried that we might not have enough food |
Reimu | ……異変の予兆だとか言って、 暇だっただけっぽいわね |
...You said some sort of disaster was going to happen, but it seems that you were just bored. |
Stage 2
快晴 |
Hail-damaged Forest
Sunny | |
BGM: 甲論乙駁 | BGM: Argue for and Against | |
Reimu | 迷いの竹林より魔法の森の方が迷いやすい気がする
帰り道はこっちであってたっけ? |
I think I get lost more easily in the Forest of Magic than in the Bamboo Forest.
Let's see... Is this the way home? |
Alice Margatroid ENTERS | ||
Weather changes to Hail | ||
Alice | おや珍しい顔 | Oh, an unexpected visitor. |
アリス・マーガトロイド |
Puppeteer of Hail | |
Reimu | あ、丁度いいところに…… って もしかして雹? |
Ah, how convenient... Er... Is this hail? |
Alice | 丁度いいところって、道に迷ったのね?
それはともかく、雹は困るわよねぇ |
"How convenient"? You've gotten lost, haven't you?
Anyway, this hail is troublesome. |
Reimu | あんまり雹なんて降らないけどね | I don't think we've had much hail. |
Alice | そう? 最近、毎日雹が降るわよ? |
Really? You haven't gotten it every day lately? |
Reimu | 魔理沙のところは雨続きって言ってたし 魔法の森全体が腐ってるんじゃない? それはともかく、帰り道なんだけど…… |
Marisa said it's been raining all the time in her area. Maybe the entire forest is being rotted or something? Anyway, do you know how I can get back to my... |
Alice | 道に迷っておいてただで帰れると思ってたの? | You think you can simply walk out of the forest when you get lost? |
Reimu | ……まあいいけどね | ...Well, if you insist. |
BGM: 香る樹葉花 | BGM: Fragrant Plants | |
*If player loses | ||
Alice | 降り止まない雹…… それにおかしな色の雲…… 私の予想が当ってなければいいんだけど…… |
Endless hail... and those oddly-colored clouds... I hope my hunch is nothing more than my imagination... |
Alice Margatroid DEFEATED | ||
Reimu | さ、帰り道を教えて! | Now, tell me how to get home! |
Alice | はいはい、人形を一人付けますよ
それにしても……この雹といい 私の予想が当ってなければいいんだけど…… |
All right, I'll have one of the dolls guide you out of here.
Anyway... This hail, I hope my hunch is nothing more than my imagination... |
Reimu | あんたの予想なんてどうせ当らないから | Don't worry. Your predictions never come true. |
Aya Shameimaru ENTERS | ||
Weather changes to Tempest | ||
Aya | 毎度お馴染み射命丸です 新聞をお届けに…… |
Hi. Your friendly reporter Shameimaru is here. I've delivered your copy of my news... |
射命丸 文 |
Crow of Wind and Rain | |
Aya | おや? こんな処に貴方がいるなんて珍しいですね |
Oh? How unusual for you to be here. |
Reimu | 何もネタになるような事はしてないわよ? | I haven't done anything news-worthy, have I? |
Aya | 何も言ってないのに怪しい…… | I didn't say anything... You're kind of suspicious... |
Alice | うわぁ…… 天気が荒れてきたわ |
Uwaah... It's getting stormy. |
Reimu | 本当、酷いもんね | You're right, it's getting pretty bad. |
Aya |
天気なんてどうでもいいのです 例えば巫女が嵐に飛ばされるとか |
Don't worry about the weather. Everything's all right as long as I get some news material. For example, "The shrine maiden blown away by the storm". |
Reimu | 喧嘩を売ってるのね? | You're picking a fight with me, aren't you? |
Aya | いえいえ、ちょいと巫女が風に飛ばされる絵が 思い浮かんだだけで…… |
Of course not. I just thought that a shrine maiden blown away by the wind would make for a good picture. That's all... |
Alice | どうでもいいけど、ここで遊ばないでくれる? 私は雹害の調査をしたいし…… |
Either way, would you go play somewhere else? I want to start inspecting the damage from the hail... |
Reimu | む | Hmph. |
Stage 3
風雨 |
End of the Ordinary
Tempest | |
BGM: 踊る水飛沫 | BGM: Dancing Water Spray | |
Reimu | 貴方のお陰で人形の道案内なんて要らなかったわね | Because you knew the way out, I didn't need the doll to guide me. |
Aya | 道案内は天狗の得意分野ですから
あーあ、何か大きな事件が起きないかなぁ |
Of course. Guiding people is a tengu's forte.
Aah, I wonder if something big will happen soon. |
Reimu | 貴方の言う大きな事件って例えば? | "Something big" like what? |
Aya | 神社が倒壊したり巫女が下敷きになったり | The shrine collapsing, and the shrine maiden getting crushed by the debris. |
Reimu | 物騒な事件ばっかね | That sounds quite serious. |
Aya | たまには壊れてみたって、いいんじゃないの? | Don't you think it's a good idea for your shrine to collapse once in a while? |
*If player loses | ||
Aya | さてと、今日はぼろぼろの巫女を写真に収めて 帰りますか |
Well, now that I have my pictures of an exhausted shrine maiden, shall I head home? |
Aya Shameimaru DEFEATED | ||
Weather changes to Sunny | ||
Reimu | 物騒な事ばっかり考えているから そんな目に遭うのよ! |
You deserve what you get because you're always looking for trouble! |
Aya | 冗談ですよ冗談
簡単に神社が壊れる訳ないじゃないですか |
I was just kidding.
Your shrine won't collapse that easily, right? |
Reimu | それにしても今日は雨がふったり、雹が降ったり、 突然風が吹いたり、一日中、天気がおかしかったわね こういう日は、神社で大人しくしていた方がいいかな |
Anyway, the weather was just strange the whole day today. It was raining, then there was hail, and suddenly the wind picked up. Maybe I should stay in the shrine on a day like this. |
Aya | それでは面白い記事は書けません 何か動いて貰わないと…… |
Then I won't be able to write any good articles. I want to see you move around and do something... |
Reimu | 何かあったら動くわよ! 本当に神社が壊れたりしたら、ね |
When something happens, I'll do something about it! Like if my shrine collapses for real. |
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