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Strange Creators of Outer World/Who's Who of Humans & Youkai in Gensokyo/Kogasa Tatara

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< Satori Komeiji 
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 Who's Who of Humans & Youkai - Dusk Edition   Minamitsu Murasa >

Kogasa Whos Who.png

() () () () (がさ)

Kogasa Tatara

「星蓮船」組の中でも、ストーリーとほぼ関係の無いキャラクターです。妖怪のイメージとして描かれることの多い唐傘お化けですが、これといった物語もないことが多いですよね。このゲームの登場の仕方もそんな感じです。 Even focusing on just the UFO group, she has very little to do with the story. Karakasa-obake are often described as one's mental impression of a youkai, but they often don't have any legends around them. That's basically Kogasa's ingame appearance.
唐傘お化けは一ツ目で一本足の妖怪ですが、そのままデザインすると幻想郷では浮いてしまって可哀想なので、オッドアイという特徴に落ち着きました。 The Karakasa-obake is a one-eyed, one-legged youkai, but if I were to design it as it, it'd just float through Gensokyo looking pitiful, so I settled on a girl with Heterochromia.
Aya Azuma
お茶目なイメージがあるので、表情含め全体的にコミカルにしがちです。そして脚を見せる構図にもしがちです。主張強めの傘とキャラの可愛さのバランスを取るのが難しいですが、描いていて楽しい所でもあります。 She's got a mischievous image, so she's pretty comical overall, down to the facial expressions. Also, she's often placed in compositions that show off her legs. It was difficult to balance the cuteness of the character and the assertiveness of a strong umbrella, but drawing this scene was incredibly fun.
Character Data
Character Data
Species: Tsukumogami
Place of Activity: Human Village, Myouren Temple, Hakurei Shrine, Moriya Shrine, etc.
Main Abilities: Ability to surprise humans
Appearances: "Undefined Fantastic Object," etc.
Spell Cards
Spell Cards
Large Ring "Hello Forgotten World"
Surprising Rain "Guerrilla Typhoon"
Kogasa is a tsukumogami that became a youkai after a divine spirit came to inhabit an old umbrella. When she first appeared in the 2nd stage of Undefined Fantastic Object, she was trying to surprise a peculiar human she encountered flying through the sky, but her opponent was a youkai extermination specialist, who was focused on a different matter. Even after that, she's often met with a very bad experience whenever she appears, regardless of her relation to the current situation.
人間を驚かせることがイマイチなためになかなか驚いてもらえない。実は鍛冶が得意で霊夢が妖怪退治に使う針を修繕したこともあるが、その直した針で酷い目にあうなど全体的に不憫な立ち位置にいる。 She's not good at surprising humans since her presence isn't very surprising. However, she's a very good blacksmith, even repairing the needles that Reimu uses to exterminate youkai, but Reimu gave her a bad time with those needles, so she's in an unfortunate position nonetheless.