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Strange Creators of Outer World/Who's Who of Humans & Youkai in Gensokyo/Reimu Hakurei

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Magazine Content

Let's introduce some excerpts from "Who's Who of Humans and Youkai in Gensokyo", a publication that contains profiles of all of Gensokyo's characters. Be sure to see Mr. ZUN's individual commentary on each!
Who's Who of Humans & Youkai in Gensokyo
Reimu Hakurei
Places of Activity:
Hakurei Shrine
All of Gensokyo
Main Abilities:
Capable of flying through the air
Abilities as the Hakurei Shrine Maiden
Incident resolution
Gathering donations for the shrine
Example Spell Cards:
Spirit Sign "Dream Seal"
Dream Sign "Evil-Sealing Circle"
Black hair with ribbon
Red and white clothes
妖怪を退治する巫女さん The Youkai-Exterminating Shrine Maiden
博麗神社の巫女にして、そのお仕事は妖怪退治――それが博麗霊夢の日常だ。神社は幻想郷の東の端っこ――「外の世界」との境目に建てられているが、いつもは参拝客がほぼ来ないことも手伝って、のんびりお茶を飲んだり掃除のふりをして過ごしている。なぜ霊夢が妖怪退治をしているかというと、彼女には幻想郷の存立にかかわる「博麗の巫女」としての大役が課せられているからなのだ。 As the Hakurei Shrine Maiden, her job is to exterminate youkai: that's Reimu Hakurei's everday life. The Hakurei Shrine is built on the eastern edge of Gensokyo, on the border with the "Outside World", but because most of the time there are very few worshipers, she spends her time lazily drinking tea or pretending to sweep the grounds. If you asked her why she exterminates youkai, she'd say it's the duty imparted to the "Hakurei Shrine Maiden", who is tied to Gensokyo's very existence.
博麗神社は、閉じられた楽園「幻想郷」と「外の世界」を隔てる結界「博麗大結界」を見張るための神社であり、代々の巫女は結界をおびやかしかねない「異変」の解決を生業としてきた。どうして結界が貼られているのか、また貼られるまでの経緯については別途記事を参照して欲しい。 The Hakurei Shrine exists to watch over the "Great Hakurei Barrier" which separates the sealed paradise of "Gensokyo" from the "Outside World". Generations of shrine maidens have made their living resolving any "Incidents" that might endanger it. If you want to know why the barrier was created, or about the events leading up to its creation, please refer to its own article.
博麗の巫女の務め The Duty of the Hakurei Shrine Maiden
博麗の巫女の務めは「博麗大結界の維持・管理」とされている。が、結界は、あくまで幻想郷のバランスを保つため、そして逆説的ではあるが幻想郷のバランスが保たれることで成り立っている。幻想郷のバランス――それは人間と妖怪のバランスが一定に保たれているということだ。「妖怪は人間を襲う、人間は妖怪を恐れる」という図式である。これをおびやかす要因を排除することこそが、博麗の巫女の仕事であり、幻想郷を守るということなのだ。 The duty of the Hakurei Shrine Maiden is to "Maintain and Manage the Great Hakurei Barrier". However, the barrier only really exists to preserve Gensokyo's balance-- and paradoxically, it is maintained by Gensokyo's balance at the same time. To preserve the balance of Gensokyo is, namely, to preserve a fixed balance between humans and youkai. Essentially, "youkai attack humans, and humans fear youkai." Eliminating factors that would jeopardize this relationship is itself the Hakurei Shrine Maiden's duty, which is what it means to protect Gensokyo.
もちろん、人間を襲い過ぎるような妖怪は危険な存在として退治されるわけだけれど、霊夢が人間だからといって、警戒の対象が妖怪とは限らない。たとえ人間だとしても、幻想郷をおびやかすような行いに対して、博麗の巫女は容赦なく鉄槌を下す。……ただし霊夢は、妖怪に対しては問答無用で退治することが自らの仕事だと考えているフシがあるので、妖怪の方が損(?)なのかもしれない。 Of course, while this does involve exterminating dangerous youkai who attack humans too often, the fact that Reimu is human doesn't mean that youkai are the only things she needs to be wary of. If, for example, a human were to do something that threatened Gensokyo, she would also mercilessly bring down the hammer. ...On the other hand, since Reimu personally considers exterminating all youkai, no questions asked, to be part of her job, the youkai may be at a disadvantage in this regard.
主人公として As the Protagonist
これまで発売されてきたゲーム作品は、幻想郷の中で起こった異変を解決するために霊夢が博麗神社を出発、調査に乗り出す……という流れでストーリーが進んでいく。通りすがりの妖怪や旧知の人妖、何らかの目的や事情を抱えた者、異変を成就しようと立ちはだかる強敵など、いろいろな人物との出会いや軽妙洒脱な会話、そして意思のぶつかりあいと華麗な弾幕の応酬が繰り広げられるのだ。 In all the games released so far, the basic story flow is that some incident is happening in Gensokyo, so Reimu departs the Hakurei Shrine on an investigation to go resolve it. Along the way, she meets random youkai passersby, old friends, those who have their own goals or who happen to know something, and formidable opponents who wish to see the incident to completion and stand in her way. They exchange witty repartee, ideals clash, and magnificent exchanges of danmaku unfold.
普段は暢気で危機感の無い霊夢だが、いざ戦いとなるとその恵まれた天賦の才をいかんなく発揮し、あらゆる敵に立ち向かう。弾幕での戦いは、あくまでも擬似的な命のやりとりをすることで、妖怪と人間の関係に緊張感を維持するためのもの。「本気の遊び」とでも言うのが適当だろうか。 While Reimu is normally carefree and lacks a sense of danger, when fighting she displays all of her god-given natural talents, facing every last opponent. In a danmaku fight, by pretending to fight for their lives, they can maintain a sense of tension between humans and youkai. Perhaps you could say that they're "putting all of their effort into playing around."
彼女はその立ち位置から人間にも妖怪にも分け隔てなく接するので、力のある妖怪には好かれ、力の無い妖怪には恐れられている。こういう姿は物語の主人公として、とても魅力的に描かれている。また、そういった妖怪に好かれることもあって、神社は人間よりも妖怪の方が多く訪れる状態となっていて、里の人間が寄り付かない一因にもなっているのは皮肉な結果だ。 As her position causes her to come into contact with both humans and youkai indiscriminately, powerful youkai are fond of her while weak youkai are terrified of her. As that sort of protagonist, she paints quite the charming picture. Although ironically, because of those youkai who are fond of her, the shrine has more youkai visitors than human ones, which in turn keeps the human villagers away.
人間くさい道化 A Merely Human Fool
そんな「楽園の守護者」然とした凛々しい霊夢の姿を見られるのは、基本的にはゲームの中だけだったりする。ZUN氏が原作を執筆している漫画や小説に登場する霊夢は、物語の主要人物ではあっても主人公ではない場合がほとんどだ。里の人間や妖怪に振り回されたり、神社の参拝客を増やそうとするたびに失敗したりと、博麗の巫女としての側面以外の部分――人間としての怠惰な部分や欲深い部分などが強調され、ある種の道化的な立ち位置に居ることが多い。このあたりの姿は現在連載中の漫画『東方鈴奈庵』『東方茨歌仙人』(sic)などに詳しいので、ゲームとあわせて読むと霊夢に対する認識がまた変わってくることだろう。 This heroic "Guardian of Paradise" side of Reimu basically only shows up in the games. In the original comics and novels written by Mr. ZUN, she may show up as an important character, but rarely as the protagonist. She gets yanked around by human villagers and youkai alike, her plans to attract more visitors to the shrine inevitably end in failure, and generally shows a side of herself apart from the Hakurei Shrine Maiden. Her very human laziness and greed are emphasized, and she's often put in the role of a fool. These are detailed in the ongoing comic series "Forbidden Scrollery" and "Wild and Horned Hermit", so if you read them alongside the games, your perception of Reimu is sure to change.
博麗の巫女という謎 The Mystery of the Hakurei Shrine Maiden
巫女が家柄によって継承されているのか、それとも何か別の要因によって選ばれているのか、現在のところ明言されていない。「そろそろ新しい巫女を探さなきゃいけない時期ってことか」(『東方儚月抄』~ Silent Sinner in Blue. 底巻)という射命丸文(天狗)のセリフのみから推察すると、巫女が妖怪によって選ばれているとも受け止められる。まだまだ謎だらけの存在だ。 It has never been stated whether the position of shrine maiden is inherited through blood or chosen through some other means. Based only on the line "Are we going to have to find a new shrine maiden soon?" spoken by Aya Shameimaru (a tengu) in "Silent Sinner in Blue", one can speculate that the shrine maiden is chosen by the youkai. It remains a position filled with mysteries.

Comment from ZUN Comment from ZUN
これまで、霊夢の視点で何かを作ったことはないんです。ゲームは全部神視点だから本人の性格は、本人しか知らない。僕にはちょっとよくわからない。霊夢が何を考えているか実はよくわからないし、作品によっても立ち位置が異なるから、見る人によって霊夢は変わるんです。人間から見た霊夢、妖精から見た霊夢、妖怪から見た霊夢も違う。そこが他の作品の主人公とはちょっと違う立ち位置になった理由でしょうね。あと、作品が変わっても全く成長していない。わりとラスボスくらいの立ち位置かもしれませんね。……『深秘録』ではついにラスボスから脱却して本来の姿を見せましたが(笑)。 I've never made anything from Reimu's point of view. The games are written in third person omniscient, so only she knows what she's really like. I don't know very well either. We have no idea what's going on in Reimu's head, so she changes depending on whose perspective we see her from. The Reimu that humans see, the Reimu that fairies see, and the Reimu that youkai see are all different. That's probably why she's in a bit of a different position from the protagonists of other works. Also, no matter what work she's in she never grows up at all. She might actually be pretty similar to a final boss. ...In "Urban Legend in Limbo" she finally overcomes that final boss side of herself and shows her true character, though (lol).

Book Content

Page 4-5
 Who's Who of Humans & Youkai - Dusk Edition   Marisa Kirisame >

Reimu Whos Who.png

(はく) (れい) (れい) ()

Reimu Hakurei

これまで、霊夢の視点で何かを作ったことはないんです。ゲームは全部神視点だから本人の性格は、本人しか知らない。僕にはちょっとよくわからない。霊夢が何を考えているか実はよくわからないし、作品によっても立ち位置が異なるから、見る人によって霊夢は変わるんです。人間から見た霊夢、妖精から見た霊夢、妖怪から見た霊夢も違う。そこが他の作品の主人公とはちょっと違う立ち位置になった理由でしょうね。 I've never made anything from Reimu's point of view. The games are written in third person omniscient, so only she knows what she's really like. I don't know very well either. We have no idea what's going on in Reimu's head, so she changes depending on whose perspective we see her from. The Reimu that humans see, the Reimu that fairies see, and the Reimu that youkai see are all different. That's probably why she's in a bit of a different position from the protagonists of other works.
あと、作品が変わっても全く成長していない。わりとラスボスくらいの立ち位置かもしれませんね。……『深秘録』ではついにラスボスから脱却して本来の姿を見せましたが(笑)。 Also, no matter what work she's in she never grows up at all. She might actually be pretty similar to a final boss. ...In "Urban Legend in Limbo" she finally overcomes that final boss side of herself and shows her true character, though (lol).
ご存知主人公の博麗霊夢さんです。当時「外來韋編」は新規層に向けて東方 project を紹介する側面があるというようなことを伺い、なるべく原作ゲームのイメージを踏襲しようかなと思っていたものの、東方は作品によっデザインが違ったりするので、結局自分の霊夢像で描いてしまったかもしれません。人物だけだと寂しいかなと思って、キャラクターに関連するワンポイントを背景に入れる方針も最初に決めました。 The all-too-familiar main character herself, Reimu Hakurei. At the time, I was told that "Strange Creators of Outer World" was intended to introduce Touhou Project to a new audience, so I tried to follow the image of the original games as much possible, but Reimu's design tends to change across the various Touhou games, so I ended up drawing my own version of her. I thought that just having a single person would make things rather lonely, so I began adding ornaments which related to her character in the background.
Character Data
Character Data
Species: Human
Places of Activity: Hakurei Shrine, etc.
Main Abilities: Ability to fly through the air
Abilities as the Hakurei Shrine Maiden
Spell Cards
Spell Cards
Spirit Sign "Dream Seal"
Dream Sign "Evil-Sealing Circle"
The shrine maiden of the Hakurei Shrine, which is built on the eastern edge of Gensokyo, on the border of the "Outside World". However, since there are very few worshipers most of the time, she spends her time relaxing and drinking tea. Reimu's role as the "Hakurei Shrine Maiden" is such a major one that it affects Gensokyo's very existence.
博麗神社は、閉じられた楽園「幻想郷」と「外の世界」を隔てる結界「博麗大結界」を見張るための神社であり、代々の巫女は結界をおびやかしかねない「異変」の解決を生業としている。 The Hakurei Shrine exists to watch over the "Great Hakurei Barrier" which separates the sealed paradise of "Gensokyo" from the "Outside World", and generations of shrine maidens have made their living resolving any "Incidents" that might endanger it.
もちろん、人間を襲い過ぎるような妖怪は危険な存在として退治されるが、たとえ人間だとしても、幻想郷をおびやかすような行いに対しては、博麗の巫女の容赦ない鉄槌が下るだろう。 Of course, this involves exterminating dangerous youkai who attack humans too often, but Reimu will mercilessly bring down her iron hammer on anything that threatens Gensokyo--including humans.
普段は暢気でダラついている霊夢だが、いざ戦いとなると天賦の才をいかんなく発揮し、あらゆる敵に立ち向かう。また人間にも妖怪にも分け隔てなく接するので、力のある妖怪には好かれ、力の無い妖怪には恐れられている。 Reimu is normally carefree and lacks a sense of danger, but when fighting, she displays all of her inborn talents while taking on all kinds of opponents. Also, she treats both humans and youkai indiscriminately, therefore powerful youkai are fond of her while weak youkai are terrified of her.