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Strange Creators of Outer World/Who's Who of Humans & Youkai in Gensokyo/Shinmyoumaru Sukuna

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(すく) () (しん) (みょう) (まる)
Who's Who of Humans & Youkai in Gensokyo
Shinmyoumaru Sukuna
Place of Activity
Shining Needle Castle, etc.
Main Abilities
Ability to wield the Miracle Mallet
River-rafting, etc.
針妙丸は小人で、お伽噺に名高い初代一寸法師の末裔だ。「東方輝針城」のラスボスとして初登場、打ち出の小槌を使って幻想郷に下克上を起こそうとしたが、秩序の頂点ともいえる巫女に懲らしめられた。その後は「東方深秘録」書籍「The Grimoire of Usami」などでも活躍している。性格的には真っ直ぐな部分と、小人故のコンプレックスから捻じれた部分が両立しているからか、天邪鬼の正邪に気に入られている。 Shinmyoumaru is an inchling, and a descendant of the famous forefather of fairy tales, Issun-Boshi. First debuting as the final boss of Double Dealing Character, she tried to use the Miracle Mallet to overturn Gensokyo and make the weak rule over the strong, but she was disciplined by a certain shrine maiden, one that can be considered the pinnacle of order. After that, she's made subsequent appearances in Urban Legend in Limbo, The Grimoire of Usami, among other things. Her personality is straightforward while also having some twisted parts to her due to having an inferiority complex towards her inchling ancestors, which is perhaps the reason why the amanojaku Seija had taken a liking to her.
弱き者たちの反乱 Rebellion of the Weak
天邪鬼の正邪にウソを吹き込まれた針妙丸は下克上を起こすため、そそのかされるままに小人族が封印していた秘宝「打ち出の小槌」を使った。小槌にため込まれていた魔力――針妙丸いわく夢幻(むげん)のちから――は、またたくまに幻想郷へと拡がっていった。普段はおとなしい妖怪たちは付喪神となり妖怪の仲間入りを果たす。だが、彼女たちが手に入れた力には代償があった。それは性格が凶暴になることである。こうして力を手に入れた弱き者たちは、大人しくしていれば普段どおりスルーされていたろうに、力を手に入れたばっかりに巫女に退治されることになる。もっとも、巫女に相手にしてもらえただけでもうれしかったのかも知れないが……。 Shinmyomaru, who had been fed lies by Seija, had used the hidden treasure known as the "Miracle Mallet", which the inchlings had sealed away, in order to bring about the weak's dominion over the strong. The magic power stored within the mallet--the power of dreams, according to Shinmyoumaru--had spread to Gensokyo once again. Normally docile youkai and tsukumogami that had become youkai began to join forces, but there was a price to pay for the power they had acquired, that being that this power had caused them to become ferocious. The weak that gained power through this method, if they had continued to be submissive, would've been ignored as usual, but as soon as they got this power, they ended up being exterminated by the shrine maiden. Though, having the shrine maiden simply recognize them as her opponents would've been sufficient enough....
謎の輝針城 The Mysterious Shining Needle Castle
針妙丸をはじめ、小人族が住んでいる城だ。初代一寸法師から何代も下り、打出の小槌の危険性を忘れた一族の末裔が、小槌の魔力で贅沢のかぎりをつくした最後に願った望みが「豪華な城を立てて民を支配する」ことだった。願いはかなえられ、瞬時に城が出現したが代償として一族は城もろとも鬼の世界に幽閉されていた。そんな輝針城が、なぜ今になって幻想郷に現れたのかはいまだに謎のままである。 The Shining Needle Castle is a castle inhabited by Shinmyoumaru and the other inchlings. The descendants of Issun-Boshi, who had forgotten about the dangers of the Miracle Mallet after many generations, made one final wish to "build a luxurious castle and rule over the people", in the hopes of making the most out of the luxury of the mallet's magical power. The wish was fulfilled, and the castle appeared instantly, but in return, both the castle and the family were imprisoned in the world of oni. It's still a mystery as to how the Shining Needle Castle appeared in Gensokyo.

Comment from ZUN Comment from ZUN
ストレートに世界を悪、自分を正義と見ているタイプです。正邪と針妙丸は「輝針城」のなかでも一番面白い関係ですよね。針妙丸には裏が無い。そういう純粋な人がリーダーじゃないと下克上とか革命は難しいかなって。そして力のない存在としてシンプルに小人族を採用しました。 The type who straightforwardly sees the world as evil and themselves as righteous. Her and Seija's relationship is the most interesting in DDC. Shinmyoumaru has no hidden side to her. Without a pure person like that as the leader, it'd be difficult to have a revolution to overthrow the strong or anything like that. So I used inchlings simply as beings without power.