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Subterranean Animism/Story/Marisa and Alice's Extra
< | Main Scenario Extra Story |
Story | Extra epilogue | > |
Extra Stage
地獄のラブリービジター |
The Lovely Visitor from Hell | |
守矢神社 |
Moriya Shrine | |
BGM: ラストリモート |
BGM: Last Remote | |
Sanae Kochiya ENTERS | ||
Sanae |
あら、この寒い中参拝に来たのですか? うふふ私もここでの挨拶の仕方を学びました この幻想郷では常識に囚われてはいけないのですね! |
Oh, did you come to visit the shrine in this cold weather? Hehe, I've learned how to do the greetings here. You can't let yourself be held back by common sense in Gensokyo, right!? |
Sanae Kochiya DEFEATED | ||
Marisa |
うおーい冬山は寒いぜー 温泉も湧いたし怨霊も湧かなくなったもうそれだけで十分だったかもな |
Woah, it's cold up on the mountain. The hot springs appeared and the spirits went away, isn't that enough work for now? |
Alice |
(ほら、クリア後のおまけダンジョンよ |
(Look, it's the extra dungeon for after you beat the game. |
Marisa |
ったく、誰がそんなもん付け始めたんだ? ゲームなんて一回クリアすればそれで十分じゃないか おまけがあるのが当たり前だと、そのうちラスボスは中ボスに成り下がるぜ |
Geez, who started that, anyway? Isn't it enough to have cleared the game in the first place? If there's always an extra dungeon, then the last boss just becomes a midboss! |
Alice |
(身も蓋も無いこと言わないの (山の神様から核融合の力を |
(Don't be so blunt. (She got the power of nuclear fusion |
Marisa |
そうだったな私も御利益を受けようと来たんだった |
Yeah, that's right. I came here to get some sort of divine blessing, too. |
Koishi Komeiji ENTERS | ||
??? |
あのーすみません ここの神社の人は見ませんでしたか? |
Um, excuse me ... Have you seen anyone from this shrine? |
Marisa |
さっきあっちで倒したぜ |
Yeah, I just beat her over there. |
??? |
倒した、ですって? |
You beat her? |
Marisa |
あっちから襲いかかってきたんだ正当防衛だぜ |
She came at me from over there, so it was in self-defense. |
??? |
あらら、どおりで誰も居ない訳ねぇ困ったわ |
Oh my, it looks like no-one's here. What a shame. |
Marisa |
どうした?学業成就祈願か? 何なら、麓の神社紹介してやるよ |
What's wrong? Coming to pray for good grades? I'll introduce you at the shrine below the mountain. |
??? |
麓じゃなくて山の神社が良いの |
I'd rather visit the shrine on the mountain. |
Alice |
(守矢神社の御利益って何?) |
(What's the divine blessing of the Moriya Shrine, anyway?) |
Marisa |
さあな、鴉に核融合の力を授ける様な御利益だろ? |
I don't know, something good, like the nuclear fusion power she gave that crow, right? |
??? |
鴉に核融合?もしかして、おくうの事を言っているの? |
Nuclear fusion, crow? Are you talking about Okuu? |
Marisa |
おくうって誰だ? |
Who's Okuu? |
Alice |
(あの空っていう地獄鴉の事じゃない?) |
(She's talking about that hell raven, Utsuho.) |
Marisa |
ああ、空だからおくうか |
Oh, it's 'cos her name is written with the kuu character for "empty". |
??? |
貴方達、おくうの事を知っているって何者なの? |
You two know about Okuu? Who are you? |
Marisa |
大魔法使いの霧雨魔理沙だ覚えておくがいい そういうお前は誰だ?こんな場所にある神社に参拝って怪しいぜ |
I'm the great magician, Marisa Kirisame. Don't forget it. Anyway, who are you? Any pilgrim to this shrine is pretty suspicious, if you ask me. |
閉じた故意の瞳 |
The Closed Eyes of Love | |
Koishi |
おくうはお姉ちゃんのペットだもの 私はおくうのパワーアップを見て羨ましかったわ ここに来たら私のペットだってもっと強くなれるって思ってね |
Okuu is one of my sister's pets. I was so jealous of her power-up. I thought if I came here, my pets could become more powerful, too. |
Alice |
(もしかして、さとりさんの妹!?) |
(Are you Miss Satori's younger sister!?) |
Marisa |
何だと?あのさとりにこんな妹が居たのか? |
What's that? Did Satori have a little sister like her? |
Koishi |
あれー? おくうだけじゃなくてお姉ちゃんの事も知っているの? 貴方達もしかして…… |
Oh? You even know about my big sister? Are you two ... |
Marisa |
だから大賢者の魔理沙 |
Like I said, I'm Marisa, the Great Sage. |
Koishi |
この間家に来たっていう、人形を使うシーフ? |
Are you the doll-using thief that they said visited our house? |
Marisa |
なっ |
Wha- |
Alice |
(クスクス) |
(Tee hee.) |
Koishi |
私は古明地こいし 山の神様は見つからなかったけど良い遊び相手が見つかったわ 泥棒はいけない事よ?地上の人間さん |
I'm Koishi Komeiji. I couldn't find the gods of the mountain, but it looks like I found a good playmate. Stealing is bad, okay? Miss Above Ground Human. |
Marisa |
しょうがないな私も神奈子か諏訪子を捜してたんだが 居ないみたいだし遊んでやるか |
Well, whatever. I did beat Kanako and Suwako, though. It looks like they're not around, so I'll play with you. |
BGM: ハルトマンの妖怪少女 |
BGM: Hartmann's Youkai Girl | |
Koishi |
お姉ちゃんやおくうから話は聞いたわ そのシーフはまるで宙を舞う紙くずのようにひらりひらりと弾幕をかわし 背中を這う蚤のように生理的に気持ち悪い動きをしたとね 貴方を倒して持ち帰れば、お姉ちゃん達との話の種になるに違いないわ! |
I heard about you from my sister and Okuu. That thief dodged danmaku just like bits of paper dancing in the air. She said you were psychologically unsettling, like a flea crawling up your back. If I beat you and take you back home, I'll definitely become the talk of the house! |
Koishi Komeiji DEFEATED | ||
Koishi |
強ーい!こりゃお姉ちゃんが負けるのも無理はないわ |
You're stroooong! I can see how you beat my sister. |
Marisa |
余裕で撃破だぜ! |
Yep, I crushed you easily! |
Alice |
(本当に余裕だったのかなー?) |
(Was it really that easy?) |
Koishi |
付き合ってくれてありがとう! 生け捕りは出来なかったけど、話の種にはなりそうだわ |
Thanks for spending time with me! I couldn't take you alive, but this will probably be worth some talk back home. |
Marisa |
あ、そうだお前、さとりの妹って事は…… そう、そのなんだお前もやっぱり心を読んだりするのか? |
Uh, oh yeah, you're Satori's little sister ... So, uh, can you read minds, too? |
Koishi |
ううん、もう閉ざしちゃったわ私の第三の眼 |
Nope, I closed my third eye. |
Marisa |
第三の眼? |
Third eye? |
Koishi |
人の心を見抜く第三の眼 私は、人の心を読めるから無意識に負けるって事に気付いたわ だから、私は心を読まないの |
The third eye, which can see through people's minds. I realized that mind reading made me lose to people's unconscious. So I don't read people's minds anymore. |
Marisa |
よく判らんが安心したぜ |
I don't get it, but thank goodness. |
Alice |
(勿体ないわねぇ。そんな力があれば |
(What a shame. You could control people |
Koishi |
そんな甘くはないわ 生物は考えている事だけで行動してる訳じゃない 意識と無意識の両方で行動しているのよ |
It's not that great. People don't just act on what they consciously think. They act on both the conscious and the unconscious. |
Marisa |
ふーんそうかい そろそろおいとまするか |
Hmm, I see. Guess I'd better be heading home. |
Alice |
(あらら? |
(What? |
Marisa |
山の神と地底の間で何があったのかそれを調べるのは霊夢がやってくれるさ 後で聞けばいいや |
Well, Reimu will take care of seeing if there's anything between the underground and the mountain gods. I'll just ask her later. |
Alice |
(なんて他力本願 |
(You're so easygoing. |
Marisa |
それよりも重大な事に気付いているか? |
Besides, I figured out something really important. |
Alice |
(……? |
(... ? |
Marisa |
今、神社はもぬけの殻なんだ |
The shrine's totally empty now. |
Koishi |
あら泥棒はいけない事よ? |
Oh my, thieving is bad, you know? |
—— |
『この後、家捜しをした魔理沙は こっぴどく絞られましたとさ |
"Later, Kanako caught Marisa "She got put through the wringer. |
< | Main Scenario Extra Story |
Story | Extra epilogue | > |
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