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Subterranean Animism/Story/Reimu and Aya's Scenario
< | Prologue | Story | Extra Scenario Extra Story |
> |
Stage 1
忘恩の地から吹く風 |
The Wind Blowing From the Thankless Land | |
幻想風穴 |
Fantastic Blowhole | |
BGM: 暗闇の風穴 |
BGM: The Dark Blowhole | |
Kisume ENTERS | ||
Kisume DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
何でこんなじめじめした所に来なきゃ |
Why did I have to come down to such a |
??? |
(……あーあーあー |
(... ah, ah, ah- |
Reimu |
晴天って洞窟の中よ |
Bright and sunny? This is the middle of a cave! |
Aya |
(……私です。清く正しい射命丸です。) (その陰陽玉(オプション)は交信が出来るのですよ) |
(...... it's me. Pure and Honest Shameimaru.) (Those yin-yang orbs allow us to communicate.) |
Reimu |
へぇ、紫(あいつ)の仕業か |
Huh, I bet that's her doing. |
Aya |
(……貴方には地底の闇を暴いて貰おうと |
(Well, I would like you to reveal |
Yamame Kurodani ENTERS | ||
??? |
おお? |
Oh? |
暗い洞窟の明るい網 |
The Bright Net in the Dark Cave | |
Yamame |
何処から声を出していたの? |
I wonder where that voice is coming from? |
Aya |
(何か変なのが来ましたね) |
(Something weird showed up, eh?) |
Reimu |
陰陽玉の向こうからワクワクしている様子が |
I can tell you're excited, even when you're talking |
Aya |
(ワクワク) |
(So excited!) |
Yamame |
へえ、地上では流行っているの? 人を無視する事 |
Hm, is that popular up there now? Or are you just ignoring people? |
Reimu |
ああ、無視はしないわよ やり場のない私の憤りをあんたにあげる |
Oh, I'm not ignoring you. I'll take out my anger at having nothing to do on you! |
Yamame |
地下に落とされた妖怪の力が |
I'll show you how great the power of |
BGM: 封じられた妖怪 ~ Lost Place |
BGM: The Sealed-Away Youkai ~ Lost Place | |
Yamame Kurodani DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
はいはい、良く見ましたよ |
Yep, she sure showed me |
Aya |
(……今のは土蜘蛛ですね。 |
(... that was an earth spider. |
Reimu |
あんたに嗾けられたから降りてきているけど 地下に何があるのかしら |
I only came down here because you incited me to. I wonder what's down here in the underground. |
Stage 2
地上と過去を結ぶ深道 |
The Deep Road Connecting the Past and the Above Ground World | |
地獄の深道 |
The Deep Road to Hell | |
BGM: 渡る者の途絶えた橋 |
BGM: The Bridge People No Longer Cross | |
Reimu |
この穴、何処まで続いているのよ! |
Just how far does this hole go!? |
Aya |
(……深いですね) (地下にこんな穴が空いていては |
(... it's deep, isn't it?) (It can't be good for the above ground world |
Parsee Mizuhashi ENTERS | ||
BGM: 緑眼のジェラシー |
BGM: Green-eyed Jealousy | |
??? |
地上の心配って、地震の心配の事? 地下に降りてきたって地震の事は |
Are you worried about above ground because of the earthquakes? If you came down here to see about that, then you don't know |
Reimu |
ん? 地震ならもう心配は要らないわ |
Huh? No need to worry about the earthquakes, |
地殻の下の嫉妬心 |
The Jealousy Beneath the Earth's Crust | |
Parsee |
そうなの? |
Really? |
Aya |
(何かでましたよ? (何か面白い事をしてくれるの |
(Did something show up? (Are you going to do |
Parsee |
面白い事? 面白い事は貴方がしてくれるなんでしょ? |
Something interesting? You're the ones that are going to do something interesting, right? |
Reimu |
面白い事をしたくてこんな地下深くに降り 大体、面白い事なんていつでも |
If we were, there's no reason we'd come so deep into Besides, we can always go see |
Parsee |
他に面白い事があるって言うの? そんな妬ましい貴方は、退屈な私に面白い事を |
So, you can always go see something interesting? If that's the case, then you need to show me something interesting |
Parsee Mizuhashi DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
私は取材に来た訳じゃないの |
I didn't just come down here to get material for your paper. |
Aya |
(取材はついでですよ |
(Well, this is a good opportunity for that, |
Reimu |
大体、あんたが自分でやればいいのに |
Why don't you just do it yourself? |
Aya |
(妖怪には苦手な力もあるって事ですよ) |
(There are some things even youkai don't like.) |
Reimu |
人間だって、地下は苦手よ |
Humans don't like being underground, either. |
Stage 3
忘れられた雪の旧都 |
The Snowy Forgotten Former Capital | |
旧地獄街道 |
The Streets of a Former Hell | |
BGM: 旧地獄街道を行く |
BGM: Walking the Streets of a Former Hell | |
Yuugi Hoshiguma ENTERS | ||
??? |
あんた、なかなやるね 何者か知らんけど、 |
Hey, you're pretty good. Dunno who you are, but they say |
Yuugi Hoshiguma STOPS FIGHTING | ||
??? |
気に入った! もっと愉しませてあげるから |
I like you! We'll have lots more fun, so |
Aya |
(や、これは不味い事になりましたね) |
(Well, this has gotten a bit out of hand.) |
Reimu |
うぎぎ |
Geez! |
??? |
あらあら、つれないねぇ |
Oh, you're so cold. |
Aya |
(どうもどうも |
(Ah, hello, hello. |
??? |
あん? ふーん、見た感じ天狗だとは思えんが… |
Huh? I wouldn't have guessed it by looking at you... |
Reimu |
いや私は天狗じゃない |
No, I'm not a tengu, |
??? |
あーん? |
Huh? |
Aya |
(いえいえ人間の振りをした天狗なのです |
(No, no, I'm a tengu pretending to be a human. |
Reimu |
ちょっ |
Just a- |
Aya |
(天狗のままでは不味いと思いまして |
(I didn't think it would be a good idea for a tengu to be down here, |
??? |
ほう、天狗がここに降りてくるなんて… |
Hm, strange to think a tengu would come down here... |
語られる怪力乱神 |
The Spoken-of Anomalies, Strength, Disorder, and Spirits | |
Yuugi |
我々と出会うのを嫌がって避けているかと |
I thought you didn't want to meet us, so you were |
Aya |
(いえいえそんな |
(No, no, I thought I'd |
Yuugi |
へぇ、それで人間の振りして? 私はそういう天狗の調子の良い嘘が |
Hmm, and you're pretending to be a human? You know, I really hate good tengu lies |
Aya |
(滅相もない |
(I'm so very sorry. |
Reimu |
ふーん、文(あんた)が自分で動かないで私を地下に |
Hm, so did you send me down here because you couldn't |
Yuugi |
ふふん。 ま、天狗(めいゆう)の事だし許してやっても |
Hoho. Well, since we're such good friends with tengu, I'll |
BGM: 華のさかづき大江山 |
BGM: A Flower-Studded Sake Dish on Mt. Ooe | |
Yuugi |
許せるのは強い奴と勇気のある奴だけだ! |
I only forgive the strong and the brave! |
Yuugi Hoshiguma DEFEATED | ||
Yuugi |
お見事! その腕に免じて用件を聞いてやろう! |
Well done! Now, let's see what I'm forgiving such a strong person for! |
Aya |
(へへぇ。有難うございます (地上に怨霊が出ようとしています |
(Heheh. Thank you very much. (Vengeful spirits have begun to appear above ground. |
Reimu |
え? 怨霊だって? |
What? Vengeful spirits? |
Yuugi |
え? 何だって? |
Huh? What's that? |
Aya |
(放っておけば貴方達にとっても不都合 |
(It would be a problem for you, as well, if they were to |
Yuugi |
ふーむ |
Hmmmm. |
Aya |
(どうして私が嘘をつきましょう |
(Why would I be lying? |
Yuugi |
そうか、ま、今回はその強さと酒に免じて |
I see, well, I'll trust you this time, based on what |
Aya |
(へへへ、有難きお言葉で) |
(Hehehe, you're far too kind.) |
Reimu |
あんたら、徹底的に私を無視して進行する |
You two are going to go right along and keep |
Stage 4
誰からも好まれない恐怖の目 |
Those Terrifying Eyes Nobody Loves | |
地霊殿 |
Palace of the Earth Spirits | |
BGM: ハートフェルトファンシー |
BGM: Heartfelt Fancy | |
Reimu |
この家が怪しいって言うの? |
Isn't this place suspicious? |
Aya |
(はい、ネタの臭いがプンプンします) |
(Yes, I can quite clearly smell a dope.) |
Reimu |
地上まで臭いが伝わるのかしらね ところでさっきの話なんだけど |
Hm, the smell reaches all the way up there? By the way, what were you saying earlier |
Aya |
(ああ、怨霊ですか……間欠泉から怨霊が (地底で貴方が自由に動けるように |
(Ah yes, the spirits... it's quite certain that (I just used them so that you'll be |
Reimu |
はい? |
Huh? |
Aya |
(ま、気にせず…… |
(Well, never you mind... |
Satori Komeiji ENTERS | ||
??? |
……珍しく騒がしいわ この地霊殿に訪客なんていつ以来かしら? |
...It's unusually busy here. How long has it been since we've had visitors in the Palace? |
Reimu |
おっと、何かいたわよ? |
Oh, somebody's there? |
??? |
そりゃいますよ |
I should say I am. |
Aya |
(一応挨拶した方が良くありませんか?) |
(Perhaps we should introduce ourselves?) |
Reimu |
およよ、地上からきました巫女の霊夢です |
Oh, hey there, I'm Reimu, the shrine maiden from above ground. |
怨霊も恐れ怯む少女 |
The Girl Even the Vengeful Spirits Fear | |
Satori |
私はさとり、この地霊殿の主です ……ふーん ……随分と私を警戒してるわね |
I'm Satori, the master of the Palace of the Earth Spirits. ...... hmmm. You're being awfully cautious of me |
Reimu |
いや別に警戒なんてしてないけど |
No, I'm not, really. |
Aya |
(貴方の屋敷が見事でしたので |
(Your mansion looked so splendid |
Satori |
……ん? |
...... hmm? |
Aya |
(え?) |
(Eh?) |
BGM: 少女さとり ~ 3rd eye |
BGM: Satori Maiden ~ 3rd eye | |
Satori |
私に一切隠し事は出来ません 貴方の考えている事は口から出る言葉より |
Nothing can be hidden from me. What you're thinking speaks volumes beyond anything |
Reimu |
どゆこと? |
What do you mean? |
Satori |
……「面倒だから温泉を諦めようかなぁ」 |
... "This is such a pain, maybe I should give up the hot springs." |
Reimu |
ギク |
eek |
Satori |
……「何で考えている事が判るのかしら?」 |
... "How does she know what I'm thinking?" |
Reimu |
ひえー |
Yeeek! |
Satori |
……「気持ち悪いから口を封じよう」 |
... "She's creepy, I'd better shut her up", |
Reimu |
心が読めるって言うのね? |
You mean you can read my mind? |
Aya |
(何と言うことでしょう (……ふむふむ |
(What's this? (... hm, hm, |
Reimu |
……ニヤニヤ |
...... griiin. |
Satori |
……「さーてどうやって退治しようかな」 |
... "Now, how am I going to beat her?" |
Reimu |
もっと心を読んで |
Go on,
Satori |
……「こんな弾幕が良いのかなー」 |
... "Hm, how about this danmaku?" |
Aya |
(一体何を想像しているのでしょうか?) |
(What on earth are you imagining?) |
Satori |
愚かな人間ね 無駄な考えが自らの心象に苦しめられる |
Such a foolish human. You're only spelling out |
Satori Komeiji PAUSES | ||
Satori |
さあ、本番はこれからよ 眠りを覚ます |
Here's where it really begins. Now, sleep with this trauma that will leave you sleepless! |
Satori Komeiji DEFEATED | ||
Satori |
出来るわね |
Well, not bad. |
Reimu |
こんな大きな館に住んでるからどんな奴と |
I was wondering who lived in such a big house, |
Aya |
(今の技は……) |
(Those techniques were...) |
Satori |
貴方は何故こんな地底深くまで降りてきた 心の中にはまだ迷いが多すぎて目的がよく |
Why ever did you come so far underground? There are too many questions in your mind, I can't |
Aya |
(あ、んーそうですね。地上で間欠泉と共に (いくつか訊ねてみましたが、今のところ |
(Ah, well, that's right. A geyser has appeared above (We've asked a few people about it, but so far |
Satori |
間欠泉? 怨霊? うーむ……もしかしたら心当たりがあるかも |
A geyser? Vengeful spirits? Hmmm... maybe you've come to the right place |
Reimu |
え? |
Eh? |
Satori |
そんな事が出来るのは私のペットぐらい |
I think one of my pets could have done something |
Aya |
(ペット…… |
(Pets... |
Satori |
調べたいのなら |
If you want to look into it, |
Reimu |
中庭? |
Courtyard? |
Satori |
中庭から、さらに地下深くへ潜れます |
You can get farther underground from there. |
Reimu |
乗りかかった船ね |
Well, I've gone too far to turn back. |
Satori |
「面倒な事言わなくても良いのに」 済みませんね |
"You didn't have to go say something like that", Well, I'm sorry |
Stage 5
昔時の業火 |
Hellfires of Times Past | |
灼熱地獄跡 |
Remains of the Blazing Hell | |
BGM: 廃獄ララバイ |
BGM: Lullaby of Deserted Hell | |
Reimu |
さっきから猫がちょろちょろ出てくるけど |
That cat keeps creeping up on us, |
Aya |
(ふむ。もしかしたらあの猫、 |
(Hmm. Perhaps that cat |
Reimu |
ま、最低でも普通の猫じゃ無いと思うけどね |
Well, I don't think there's any way it could be |
Aya |
(さっきのさとりさんの話だと |
(According to what Miss Satori said, |
Reimu |
次に現れたら確実に仕留めるわ |
Next time it comes I'll get it for sure. |
Cat ENTERS | ||
Reimu |
でた! 今度こそ逃がさないわ! |
There it is! This time I won't let you get away! |
BGM: 死体旅行 ~ Be of good cheer! |
BGM: Corpse Voyage ~ Be of good cheer! | |
Cat TRANSFORMS INTO Rin Kaenbyou | ||
??? |
願ったり叶ったりよ! お姉さん、強いねぇ |
Speak of the devil and she will appear! You're pretty strong, Sis. |
Reimu |
!? |
!? |
Aya |
(妖怪です! 退治しましょう! |
(It's a youkai! Let's defeat it! |
Reimu |
I think things'll get out of hand if you keep telling me that. |
地獄の輪禍 |
Hell's Wheel Accident | |
Rin |
あはは、妖怪変化って それで何かい? さっき聞いてたよ |
Hahaha, I turned into a youkai? Well, how 'bout it? I heard it before! |
Reimu |
話が早いわ |
Well, straight to the point. |
Aya |
(……ふむ |
(...... hmm. |
Reimu |
? |
? |
Rin |
間欠泉だとしたらもっと地下深くだね |
If you're lookin' for the geyser's source, ya gotta go deeper. |
Reimu |
鳥? |
Bird? |
Rin |
でも、行かせはしない |
But, I can't let ya get down there. |
Rin Kaenbyou DEFEATED | ||
Rin |
くー、お姉さんやるねぇ |
Phew, you're pretty good, Sis! |
Reimu |
地底に人間がいるのかしら? |
Are there even any humans underground? |
Rin |
さて、その強さならもしかしてあいつに少しでも |
Okay, if you're that strong, ya might even be |
Reimu |
そんなに強いの? |
Is that bird |
Rin |
うちら動物は長く生きながらえたり、怨霊や でもあいつは何処で見つけたのかしらねぇ とんでもない力を手に入れたのさ |
We animals get powerful by living really old, or I wonder where she found it, though? She got really powerful, ya know. |
Reimu |
ふーん |
Hmmm. |
Aya |
(神様の力……? |
(The power of a god...? |
Reimu |
それにしても暑いわー |
It's so hot down here, though. |
Stage 6
荒々しい二つ目の太陽 |
The Tempestuous Second Sun | |
地底都市最深部 |
The Deepest Part of the Underground City | |
BGM: 業火マントル |
BGM: Hellfire Mantle | |
Rin Kaenbyou ENTERS | ||
Rin |
そうそう、一つ忘れてたよ |
Oh yeah, I forgot something. |
Reimu |
? |
? |
Rin |
やっぱりあたいがお姉さんを仕留めないとね! |
If you die around here, you'll burn so hard there won't even be ashes left. If I want your corpse, I'd better take ya down here! |
Rin Kaenbyou DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
だー、もう駄目! よく考えたらどんな奴かも聞いてないのに |
Ah, I can't take it anymore! If you think about it, there's no way we'd be |
Aya |
(さっきの猫が言ってましたよ (そんな雰囲気のある方向を目指せば |
(The cat before said it, right? (Shouldn't we be looking for a place |
Reimu |
そんな雰囲気ってねぇ 神を飲み込んだって言われても |
Hm, that kind of atmosphere... But we don't even know what kind of god |
Aya |
(実は私、その神様に思い当たる節がある |
(Actually, I happen to remember a god |
Reimu |
え? |
What? |
Utsuho Reiuji ENTERS | ||
??? |
今は誰も訪ねて来ない地獄の底の底に お燐から話は聞いたわ。間欠泉を止めたい って人間一人しかいない |
Welcome to the depths of the depths of hell I heard about you from Orin. She said a human and a youkai But all I see is a human. |
Reimu |
おっと、また妖怪変化よ! |
Hey, someone else turned into a youkai! |
Aya |
(であえであえ) |
(Come out and fight!) |
??? |
であえ、って貴方一人じゃないの |
Come out and... You're not alone, are you? |
Reimu |
一人でも二人でも百人力よ |
One person or two, I've got the power of a hundred! |
熱かい悩む神の火 |
The Scorching, Troublesome Divine Flame | |
Utsuho |
私がこの灼熱地獄跡を守っている空(うつほ) 間欠泉の事だけどねー |
I'm Utsuho, and I'm in charge of guarding the Remains of Blazing Hell. Well, about the geyser... |
Aya |
(これは…… (貴方が唆されて神を飲み込んだ者ですね?) |
(This is... (Are you the one who was tempted into eating that god?) |
Reimu |
ん? |
Hm? |
Aya |
(貴方は地上進出を企んでるのですか? |
(You're planning on taking over the above ground world, aren't you? |
Utsuho |
え? 何を言ってるの? |
Hm? What are you talking about? |
Aya |
(そうです。山の神様が不穏な行動を (どうやら強大な力を地底世界に送り込んで |
(That's right. She was up to no good, (Somehow she brought an incredible power down here, |
Reimu |
何を言ってるのか |
What are you talking about? |
Utsuho |
ふふーん この神の力を持って地上に侵略しようと それで何? |
Hmhmmm. I'm also the one who's plotting to invade the above ground And, so what? |
Aya |
(いえいえ、面白そうなので独占密着取材 |
(No, no, I guess that depends on whether or not |
Reimu |
なっ!? |
Wha-!? |
Aya |
(『密着! 地獄の鴉の七日間地上侵略戦争』 |
("Full coverage! The Hell Crow's Seven Days War" |
Reimu |
ちょっと待ってよ! |
Now, just a minute! |
Utsuho |
良いですわ。思う存分私を取材して |
Very well. Will you interview me as much as you like |
Reimu |
良いんですか ……って言うとでも思ったの? |
Oh, is that okay? ... did you really think I'd say that? |
BGM: 霊知の太陽信仰 ~ Nuclear Fusion |
BGM: Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom ~ Nuclear Fusion | |
Utsuho |
あら、空気の読めない人間ねぇ |
Oh, you have no sense of atmosphere, do you? |
Aya |
(む、巫女vs地獄鴉、新しいスクープの予感 |
(Hm, Shrine maiden VS Hell crow, here comes another scoop! |
Utsuho |
私が飲み込んだ神の炎! |
The divine flames that I've absorbed... |
Utsuho Reiuji DEFEATED | ||
If player has not continued | ||
If player has continued | ||
Ending No. 9 | ||
If player has not continued | ||
Ending No. 3 |
< | Prologue | Story | Extra Scenario Extra Story |
> |
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