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Subterranean Animism/Story/Reimu and Suika's Scenario
< | Prologue | Story | Extra Scenario Extra Story |
> |
Stage 1
忘恩の地から吹く風 |
The Wind Blowing From the Thankless Land | |
幻想風穴 |
Fantastic Blowhole | |
BGM: 暗闇の風穴 |
BGM: The Dark Blowhole | |
Kisume ENTERS | ||
Kisume DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
何でこんなじめじめした所に来なきゃ |
Why did I have to come down to such a |
??? |
(……おーい……) |
(... heeellooo...) |
Reimu |
うぇ? |
Huh? |
Suika |
(お、ほんとに聞こえた (紫が用意したんだよ) |
(Oh, hey, you can hear me. (Yukari set them up!) |
Reimu |
へぇ、うるさい陰陽玉ねぇ それは何? |
Huh, annoying little orbs. So, now what? |
Yamame Kurodani ENTERS | ||
??? |
おお? |
Oh? |
暗い洞窟の明るい網 |
The Bright Net in the Dark Cave | |
Yamame |
地底に遊びに来たのかい? 誰も拒みゃしないから楽しんでおいき |
Did you come to play underground? They won't turn away anyone, so go have fun. |
Suika |
(……紫が用意したテレビ付き (……でも、携帯電話って何?) |
(... I've got this TV and this (... so, uh, what's a cell phone?) |
Reimu |
今、目の前に敵らしき節足動物が ただの雑談だけなら喋らないでくれる? |
Are you paying attention? Some living enemy If you're just going to make small talk, don't say anything, okay? |
Yamame |
独り言の多い人間ねぇ |
You sure talk to yourself a lot, human. |
Suika |
(……お、土蜘蛛じゃん |
(... oh, an earth spider! |
Yamame |
私がなつかしい? まあいいわ |
I'm nostalgic? Well, whatever. |
BGM: 封じられた妖怪 ~ Lost Place |
BGM: The Sealed-Away Youkai ~ Lost Place | |
Yamame Kurodani DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
懐かしいって何? |
So, what's so nostalgic? |
Suika |
(……ぐー……ぐー) |
(... Zzz... Zzz ) |
Reimu |
寝ているのか |
Is she asleep? |
Stage 2
地上と過去を結ぶ深道 |
The Deep Road Connecting the Past and the Above Ground World | |
地獄の深道 |
The Deep Road to Hell | |
BGM: 渡る者の途絶えた橋 |
BGM: The Bridge People No Longer Cross | |
Reimu |
この穴、何処まで続いているのよ! |
Just how far does this hole go!? |
Suika |
(……もうついたかえ) |
(...... are we there yet?) |
Reimu |
知らないよ |
How should I know? |
Parsee Mizuhashi ENTERS | ||
BGM: 緑眼のジェラシー |
BGM: Green-eyed Jealousy | |
??? |
もしかして人間? 人間が旧都に何の用? |
Could you be a human? What business does a human have in the Former Capital? |
Reimu |
旧都? |
Former Capital? |
地殻の下の嫉妬心 |
The Jealousy Beneath the Earth's Crust | |
Parsee |
まさか私達の呪われた力を目当てに? |
Don't tell me you're here for our cursed power? |
Suika |
(うんにゃ、そんなの興味ないよ) (あんたは橋姫かい?) |
(No way, who cares about that?) (Are you the bridge princess?) |
Parsee |
私を知っているって、貴方は何者? |
You know about me? Who are you? |
Reimu |
私はあんたの事なんて知らん |
I don't know anything about you! |
Suika |
(嫉妬心に駆られる下賤な妖怪。 |
(She's a lowly youkai driven by jealousy. |
Parsee |
ふん その下賤な力が人間には身近で恐ろしいのに |
Hmph, That lowly power should still be frightening to a human. |
Reimu |
いやだから私はあんたの事なんてしらんけど |
Look, I don't know anything about you, okay? |
Parsee |
封じた筈の恐怖の妖怪 |
Then experience the power of a youkai of fear |
Parsee Mizuhashi DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
勝手に話を進めないでよ |
Stop holding your own conversations! |
Suika |
(そろそろ着くよ) |
(We're almost there.) |
Reimu |
へ? |
Huh? |
Suika |
(我々が住む世界へ) |
(The world where we live.) |
Reimu |
ああん? |
Whaa? |
Stage 3
忘れられた雪の旧都 |
The Forgotten Snowy Former Capital | |
旧地獄街道 |
The Streets of a Former Hell | |
BGM: 旧地獄街道を行く |
BGM: Walking the Streets of a Former Hell | |
Yuugi Hoshiguma ENTERS | ||
??? |
あんた、なかなやるね 何者か知らんけど、 |
Hey, you're pretty good. Dunno who you are, but they say |
Yuugi Hoshiguma STOPS FIGHTING | ||
??? |
気に入った! もっと愉しませてあげるから |
I like you! We'll have lots more fun, so |
Reimu |
あんたと酒呑んでく気は無いんだけど |
But I don't want to go drinking with you. |
Reimu |
うぎぎ |
Geez! |
??? |
あらあら、つれないねぇ |
Oh, you're so cold. |
Suika |
(おう! 誰かと思ったら勇儀じゃないか |
(Oh, I was wondering who that was! Yuugi, |
??? |
あん? |
Huh? |
Suika |
(私だよ私。 暫く地上に遊び行ってた |
(Me, it's me! Don't tell me you forgot me just |
??? |
その酔った声…… |
That drunken voice ... |
Suika |
(また、あんたらと四人で山登りたいねぇ) |
(I wanna go mountain climbing again, the four of us.) |
Yuugi |
あれまぁ、 随分と様変わりしちゃって…… いつからそんな趣味になっちゃったのさ? |
Wow, you sure have changed a lot... When did you pick up those tastes, anyway? |
Reimu |
知るか あんたが話している相手は私じゃないわ |
How should I know? You're not talking to me. |
??? |
うん? |
Huh? |
Reimu |
あいつは地上にいるよ |
She's above ground. |
??? |
地上? |
Above ground? |
Reimu |
知り合いって事は、あんたも鬼なのね? |
If you're friends, you're an oni too, right? |
語られる怪力乱神 |
The Spoken-of Anomalies, Strength, Disorder, and Spirits | |
Yuugi |
もちろん ま、山っていっても今は山に居ないけどね |
Of course. Of course, I can't climb many mountains down here. |
Reimu |
ふーん |
Hmm. |
Yuugi |
あはははは! 地獄だったここも今や我々の楽園 地上の賢者達にも感謝しているよ それより、あんた! 人間の癖に強いし 久しぶりにわくわくしてきたよ! |
Ahahahaha! This place may have been Hell once, but now it's our paradise. We're even thankful for the sages above ground. But more importantly, you! You're strong for a human, I haven't been this excited in a long time! |
BGM: 華のさかづき大江山 |
BGM: A Flower-Studded Sake Dish on Mt. Ooe | |
Reimu |
……どうして私の周りはこんな奴ばかり |
... why am I always surrounded by |
Yuugi Hoshiguma DEFEATED | ||
Yuugi |
お見事! 流石、萃香の知り合いだけあるね! |
Well done! Only a friend of Suika could be this strong! |
Reimu |
で、本当に地上を攻める気はないの? |
So, you really don't want to attack the overworld? |
Yuugi |
ないない 地下に落とされた怨霊達を鎮める代わりに 地底世界は私達の楽園 |
No way. The underworld was given to us The underworld is our paradise. |
Suika |
(それがさぁ、何か最近おかしいんだよ |
(It's been weird lately, though. |
Yuugi |
お、萃香 |
Oh, Suika. |
Suika |
(そう、地霊達と混じって怨霊がね |
(Yep, together with a bunch of earth spirits. |
Yuugi |
……うーむ? |
... really? |
Reimu |
何の話? |
What are you talking about? |
Suika |
(説明してないもん) (ま、そんな訳でこの人間に調査を (我々じゃ、内密に動けないし) |
(That's 'cos nobody's given one.) (Anyway, I asked this human to look into (Since we can't act in secret.) |
Yuugi |
ああ、そうかい! |
Oh, I see! |
Reimu |
何処に行って何を調査すりゃ良いのか |
But I have no idea where to go or |
Stage 4
誰からも好まれない恐怖の目 |
Those Terrifying Eyes Nobody Loves | |
地霊殿 |
Palace of the Earth Spirits | |
BGM: ハーツフェルトファンシー |
BGM: Heartfelt Fancy | |
Reimu |
このお屋敷に怨霊を操っている |
So, does that mean there are enemies in this mansion |
Suika |
(うん、恐らくね) |
(Yeah, probably.) |
Reimu |
勝手に忍び込んじゃったけど…… |
Well, we just snuck in... |
Suika |
(ここは地底一の嫌われ者の館なんだ |
(This is the mansion of the most hated person in the underground. |
Reimu |
地底一の嫌われ者ねぇ |
The most hated person in the underground... |
Suika |
(うんにゃ。性格は大人しいし |
(Naw, she acts really grown-up |
Satori Komeiji ENTERS | ||
??? |
……来客なんて珍しい ……なるほど、私の |
... A visitor? Most unusual. ...... I see, it seems my pet has |
Reimu |
お、嫌われ者かしら? |
Oh, are you that hated person? |
??? |
酷い言われようね ……ふーん ……私と戦う気があるようね |
That's not a very nice way of putting it. ...... hmmm. ...... It seems you're looking for a fight. |
Reimu |
よく判ったわね |
Oh, you catch on pretty quickly. |
??? |
……今、慌てて理由を考えているね |
...... now you're trying to think of one. |
Reimu |
な! |
Hey! How do you know what I'm... |
BGM: 少女さとり ~ 3rd eye |
BGM: Satori Maiden ~ 3rd eye | |
怨霊も恐れ怯む少女 |
The Girl Even the Vengeful Spirits Fear | |
Satori |
私には隠し事は一切出来ませんよ 申し遅れましたが 私の三つ目の目は、貴方の考えている事を |
There's nothing you can hide from me. Perhaps I should have introduced myself sooner. |
Reimu |
考えている事が判るって? |
You can tell what I'm thinking? |
Suika |
(だろ? 一緒にいたくはないわな |
(See? Nobody wants to be with her. |
Reimu |
何とかしなさいよ |
Hey, you're the one that came along, aren't you!? Do something about her! |
Satori |
一体、誰と話しているの……? ……そう、地上に鬼がいるのね |
Who on earth are you talking to...? Oh, I see, there's an oni above ground. |
Suika |
(流石に私の考えている事までは判るまい |
(I knew it, she can't tell what I'm thinking up here. |
Reimu |
ずるいわねぇ、仕様が無い |
That's not fair. Oh well, |
Satori |
「怨霊を操っている私を倒せば鬼も満足するわ」 残念ながら、私を倒したところで何も |
"The oni will be satisfied if I can beat the master of the Palace." Unfortunately, I don't think anything will change |
Suika |
(こいつ相手に長期戦はやばいね |
(Fighting her for too long is dangerous. |
Satori |
「うーん、本当にこいつが黒幕かしら?」 え?「どっちでもいいや、倒しちゃえ」 |
Ah, you're thinking, What? |
Reimu |
ついでに早く地上に帰って温泉に入ろうと |
I just want to finish up my business here and |
Satori |
貴方には平和的に解決するという 私には見えるわ |
It seems you're of no mind I can see it. |
Satori Komeiji PAUSES | ||
Satori |
さあ、これからが本番よ! 眠りを覚ます |
Here's where it really begins! Now, sleep with this trauma that will leave you sleepless! |
Satori Komeiji DEFEATED | ||
Satori |
出来るわね |
Not bad at all. |
Reimu |
うーん |
Hmmmm. |
Suika |
(おいおい、さっきのは私の技だよ |
(Hey, hey, those were my moves before! |
Satori |
貴方の心の奥底にあった技から強そうなのを |
I picked the danmaku that looked the strongest |
Reimu |
え? |
Eh? |
Satori |
あ、今もっと強い技を思い出したわね? |
Oh, you're remembering even stronger ones now? |
Suika |
(そうだ、かくかくしかじか |
(Yeah, just tell her whatever, |
Reimu |
かくかくしかじか |
Blah blah blah blah blah. |
Satori |
言葉は不要ですわ それなら私のペットの管轄ね |
There's no need to use words. One of my pets is in charge of that. |
Reimu |
中庭? |
Courtyard? |
Satori |
中庭から、さらに地下深くへ潜れます |
You can go even farther down from there. |
Reimu |
うへぇ |
Bwuh? |
Satori |
「温泉に入るのがさらに遠くなる」 |
"It'll take me even farther from the hot springs", |
Stage 5
昔時の業火 |
Hellfires of Times Past | |
灼熱地獄跡 |
Remains of Blazing Hell | |
BGM: 廃獄ララバイ |
BGM: Lullaby of Deserted Hell | |
Reimu |
何よここ |
What's with this place? |
Suika |
(あの地霊殿はね) (旧都が地獄でなくなった時に灼熱地獄が (灼熱地獄は怨霊と間欠泉の両方を扱える |
(Well, the Palace of the Earth Spirits... ) (... was built above the Hell of Blazing Fires (We came here because we can take care of both the geyser |
Reimu |
なんだって灼熱地獄だって? |
What, the Hell of Blazing Fires? |
Cat ENTERS | ||
Reimu |
……また猫だ あの猫、地霊殿からずっと付いてくるんだけど |
...... it's another cat. I think that cat's been following us since the Palace of the Earth Spirits. |
Suika |
(怪しいねぇ) |
(It's suspicious.) |
BGM: 死体旅行 ~ Be of good cheer! |
BGM: Corpse Voyage ~ Be of good cheer! | |
Cat TRANSFORMS INTO Rin Kaenbyou | ||
??? |
じゃじゃーん お姉さん、灼熱地獄を楽しんでるかい? |
Tada~ Hey, sis, havin' fun in the Hell of Blazing Fires? |
Reimu |
ありゃ |
Woah, |
Suika |
(いや、十分猫のままだと思うよ) |
(No, I think it's cat enough.) |
地獄の輪禍 |
Hell's Wheel Accident | |
Rin |
猫は猫でも、そんじょそこらの猫と一緒にして ここが本当の地獄であった時代から 死体や怨霊を捕まえて操れるようになったのさ |
A cat's a cat, but don't make the mistake of thinking I'm I've been living here And now I can catch corpses and spirits and control them. |
Reimu |
何だって? つまりこいつはここで仕留めておいた方が |
What? That means we'd better |
Suika |
(ほう、あんたは火の車って訳ね |
(Hey, you're one of those fire chariots, right? |
Reimu |
え? |
Huh? |
Rin |
お姉さん 死体を見つけちゃこの猫車で運ぶんだ お姉さんの死体も運んであげるよ! |
Hey, sis, If I find a corpse, I'll wheel it in this cart I'll take your corpse, too! |
Rin Kaenbyou DEFEATED | ||
Rin |
くー、お姉さんしびれるねぇ |
Man, sis, you really did a number on me. |
Reimu |
何よこいつ でも、こいつを倒したから |
What's with her? But, anyway, we beat her, |
Rin |
いやいや、間欠泉はあたいの管轄ではないね |
Nope, I'm not in charge of the geyser. |
Reimu |
じゃ、案内して |
Well, then, |
Rin |
あいつの所ねぇ うーん……お勧めしないけど じゃんじゃん当って砕けて♪ |
Hmm, her place is... Yeah... I can't recommend it for ya. Can break her right down♪ |
Reimu |
何か自信が付くような不安になるような |
Somehow you seem to make me confident and make me uneasy. |
Suika |
(大丈夫だよ |
(It's okay. |
Reimu |
そりゃあんた。あんたは地底をよく知ってる |
Hey, you. You know lots about the underground, |
Rin |
ささ、心配要らないわ |
Hey, no need to worry. |
Suika |
(こいつに死体拾われたら、もうあの世 (怨霊として地底を彷徨い続ける事に |
(If she picks up your corpse, there's no way (You'll wander the underground as a vengeful spirit |
Reimu |
いいよもう |
Oh, whatever. |
Stage 6
荒々しい二つ目の太陽 |
The Tempestuous Second Sun | |
地底都市最深部 |
The Deepest Part of the Underground City | |
BGM: 業火マントル |
BGM: Hellfire Mantle | |
Rin Kaenbyou ENTERS | ||
Rin |
そうそう、一つ忘れてたよ |
Oh yeah, I forgot something. |
Reimu |
? |
? |
Rin |
やっぱりあたいがお姉さんを仕留めないとね! |
If you die around here, you'll burn so hard there won't even be ashes left. If I want your corpse, I'd better take ya down here! |
Rin Kaenbyou DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
だー、もう駄目! こんな場所、数分と居られないわよ |
Ah, I can't take it anymore! I can't stay in a place like this. |
Suika |
(そりゃ、灼熱地獄だった場所の (多くの罪人が二度と行きたくない地獄に |
(Well, it is the deepest part of (Most sinners chose this place as the hell they'd |
Reimu |
昔の人は大変だったのね |
It must have been terrible long ago. |
Utsuho Reiuji ENTERS | ||
??? |
久しぶりの罪人ね 忘れられた灼熱地獄へ落とされるなんて |
Well, I haven't seen a new sinner in a long time. You must have been pretty thoughtless to be sent |
Reimu |
落とされた訳じゃない |
It's not like I got sent here. |
Suika |
(こいつは地獄鴉 |
(This is a hell raven. |
Reimu |
焼き肉が主食なのね |
She must eat mostly fried meat, then. |
Suika |
(間欠泉が湧くのも怨霊が湧くのも (だから来てみたんだけど……) (でも、どうやらこいつ |
(The Remains of Blazing Hell is the source of (So, I thought we'd come to see what was going on...) (But, it looks like she's |
Reimu |
あん? |
Huh? |
??? |
何をごちゃごちゃ言ってるの? |
What are you mumbling on about? |
Suika |
(何か、地獄には不釣り合いな力を感じるよ (神を飲み込んだね) |
(I can feel something that doesn't belong in hell. (Probably eaten a god.) |
??? |
こうしている間にも、貴方の躰はじっくり 今すぐ食べたいけど焦りは禁物 |
See, your body's getting burned up I want to eat you up right now, but it's not good to rush. |
Reimu |
ふん、その前にあんたが飛べなくなるよ 今の人間は灼熱地獄なんか怖がらない 地上で生ゴミを漁る鴉の方が怖いわ |
Hm, I'll clip your wings before that. Humans these days aren't scared of any Hell of Blazing Fires, The birds that eat raw garbage up above are scarier. |
熱かい悩む神の火 |
Scorching, Troublesome Divine Flame | |
Utsuho |
ふふふ じゃあ、もっと恐ろしい高温高圧の世界なら |
Hohoho. Well, then, what about a much more terrifying |
Suika |
(あちゃー |
(Aw, man, |
Reimu |
ん? |
Hm? |
Suika |
(こいつの体の中から感じる力 |
(The power I can feel inside of her |
Reimu |
八咫烏? カラスの中にヤタガラス? |
Yatagarasu? A sun crow inside a crow? |
Suika |
(八咫烏は究極のエネルギーを操る神様だ |
(A Yatagarasu is a god that controls the ultimate energy. |
BGM: 霊知の太陽信仰 ~ Nuclear Fusion |
BGM: Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom ~ Nuclear Fusion | |
Utsuho |
残念でした 時間すら歪む超高温、超高圧の世界は その究極のエネルギーこそ核融合! |
Too bad, This high temperature, high pressure world that distorts even time The ultimate energy is nuclear fusion power! |
Utsuho Reiuji DEFEATED | ||
If player has continued | ||
Ending No. 8 | ||
If player has not continued | ||
Ending No. 2 |
< | Prologue | Story | Extra Scenario Extra Story |
> |
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