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Subterranean Animism/Story/Reimu and Yukari's Scenario
< | Prologue | Story | Extra Scenario Extra Story |
> |
Stage 1
忘恩の地から吹く風 |
The Wind Blowing From the Thankless Land | |
幻想風穴 |
Fantastic Blowhole | |
BGM: 暗闇の風穴 |
BGM: The Dark Blowhole | |
Kisume ENTERS | ||
Kisume DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
何でこんなじめじめした所に来なきゃ |
Why did I have to come down to such a |
??? |
(……霊夢。聞こえるかしら?……) |
(... Reimu. Can you hear me?... ) |
Reimu |
うぇ? |
Huh? |
Yukari |
(……陰陽玉を通じて会話が (貴方がサボらない様に) |
(... I made it so we can talk (So I can make sure you don't slack off.) |
Reimu |
知るかい 大体、こんな暗くてサボりようのない |
As if! First of all, you sent me into this cave, |
Yamame Kurodani ENTERS | ||
??? |
おお? |
Oh? |
暗い洞窟の明るい網 |
The Bright Net in the Dark Cave | |
Yamame |
地底に遊びに来たのかい? 誰も拒みゃしないから楽しんでおいき |
Did you come to play underground? They won't turn away anyone, so go have fun. |
Yukari |
(……霊夢) (敵よ、霊夢。 倒しなさい) |
(..... Reimu.) (That's an enemy, Reimu. Defeat her.) |
Reimu |
敵かなぁ |
Is it really? |
Yamame |
あらあら大歓迎よ |
Oh, what a warm welcome. |
Reimu |
敵かどうかというとそんなでも 倒す事には変わりはない |
I don't really know if she's an enemy But I guess the usual thing would be to beat her. |
Yamame |
お、独り言の多い人間め |
Hey, you self-talking human. You're looking for the |
BGM: 封じられた妖怪 ~ Lost Place |
BGM: The Sealed-Away Youkai ~ Lost Place | |
Yamame Kurodani DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
独り言が多いってさ |
Do I talk to myself that much? |
Yukari |
(疲れているんじゃない?) |
(Are you getting tired?) |
Reimu |
はあ、疲れるに決まってるじゃない |
Of course I'm getting tired. |
Stage 2
地上と過去を結ぶ深道 |
The Deep Road Connecting the Past and the Above Ground World | |
地獄の深道 |
The Deep Road to Hell | |
BGM: 渡る者の途絶えた橋 |
BGM: The Bridge People No Longer Cross | |
Reimu |
この穴、何処まで続いているのよ! |
Just how far does this hole go!? |
Yukari |
(……もうすぐよ) (もうすぐ、旧都に辿り着く筈) |
(... you're almost there.) (You should reach the Former Capital soon.) |
Parsee Mizuhashi ENTERS | ||
BGM: 緑眼のジェラシー |
BGM: Green-eyed Jealousy | |
??? |
もしかして人間? 人間が旧都に何の用? |
Oh, are you a human? What does a human want in the Former Capital? |
Reimu |
旧都? |
Former Capital? |
地殻の下の嫉妬心 |
The Jealousy Beneath the Earth's Crust | |
Parsee |
まさか私達の呪われた力を目当てに? |
Are you coming to look for our cursed power? |
Yukari |
(……霊夢) (地底の妖怪達は、忌み嫌われた能力を (出会い頭に倒しなさい) |
(...... Reimu.) (All the youkai underground have fearsome, (Just beat her while you're passing by her.) |
Reimu |
むむむ、話が読めないわ 私はただ、温泉が楽しめれば良いのに |
I can never tell what you're going to say next! I just wanted to relax in some hot springs. |
Yukari |
(ふふふ、騙してなどいないわ) |
(Hmhmhm, I'm not tricking anyone.) |
Parsee |
地上の光が妬ましい 貴方には恨みはないけど |
I'm jealous of the light above ground. I don't have anything against you, but |
Parsee Mizuhashi DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
何よ今の奴 |
What was her problem? |
Yukari |
(彼女はこの世とあの世を |
(She is a youkai of jealousy binding |
Reimu |
この世とあの世? なんかあの世にいける奴が多すぎない? |
This world and the next? Aren't there too many people who can go back and forth between |
Yukari |
(それだけ、人間の死は妖怪にとって |
(That's just because human death has a bewitching |
Stage 3
忘れられた雪の旧都 |
The Snowy Forgotten Former Capital | |
旧地獄街道 |
The Streets of a Former Hell | |
BGM: 旧地獄街道を行く |
BGM: Walking the Streets of a Former Hell | |
Yuugi Hoshiguma ENTERS | ||
??? |
あんた、なかなやるね 何者か知らんけど、 暴れる奴には暴れて迎えるのが礼儀ってね! |
Hey, you're pretty good. Dunno who you are, but they say |
Yuugi Hoshiguma STOPS FIGHTING | ||
??? |
気に入った! もっと愉しませてあげるから |
I like you! We'll have lots more fun, so |
Reimu |
あんたと酒呑んでく気は無いんだけど |
But I don't want to go drinking with you. |
Reimu |
うぎぎ |
Geez! |
??? |
あらあら、つれないねぇ |
Oh, you're so cold. |
Yukari |
(……霊夢、話を聞いてあげたら?) |
(... Reimu, why don't we listen to what she has to say?) |
Reimu |
そもそも、目的もよく判らないし |
I don't even know what we're down here for. |
語られる怪力乱神 |
The Spoken-of Anomalies, Strength, Disorder, and Spirits | |
Yuugi |
一体、誰の下に向かってるんだい? |
Just whose tail are you after, anyway? |
Reimu |
知らない |
I don't know. |
Yuugi |
おや、迷子かい? 穴があったから入っちゃったのかな? |
Oh, are you lost? Did you wander into some hole that opened up? |
Reimu |
知らないわよ! |
Whatever! |
Yuugi |
あん? |
Huh? |
Yukari |
(私は地上の妖怪を進入させない約束をした) (そして貴方達は地底に大都市を築いた) (ただ、その代わりに地中に眠る怨霊達を |
(I promised not to let any youkai from above down here.) (And then you all built a great city underground.) (But, in return I believe you promised to make sure the |
Yuugi |
まあな、そういう約束だねって |
Yeah, we have a deal like that, but who are |
Yukari |
(なのに、間欠泉と一緒に怨霊が沸いてくる |
(And yet, the vengeful spirits started pouring out when that |
Yuugi |
え? 地下から沸いてきた? うーん 一人しか知らんな |
Huh? They're pouring out? Well, I can't think of I only know of one, |
Yukari |
(そいつは関係無いわ、きっと |
(She's got nothing to do with this, I'm sure. |
Yuugi |
そうだなぁ…… |
Hm, let's see... |
Reimu |
勝手に話を進めないでよ |
Stop leading the conversation by yourself. |
Yuugi |
お前はその珠の向こうにいる妖怪に言われて |
You came here because the youkai in that jewel |
Reimu |
そうよ、よく判ったわね |
Yep, you got it right on. |
Yuugi |
地霊殿ってのは、旧地獄の中心に建っている そこには偉そうにしている奴らがいるんだよ |
The Palace of the Earth Spirits is a building right in A bunch of stuck-up folks live there. |
Reimu |
ふーん |
Hmm. |
Yukari |
(ふふふ、多分すぐにはいけないわよ? |
(Hohoho, I think it'll be a while before we can set out, |
Reimu |
うん? |
Hm? |
Yuugi |
そこの珠の向こうの妖怪は 我々、鬼の性格が! |
That youkai in the jewel knows Because, we oni |
BGM: 華のさかづき大江山 |
BGM: A Flower-Studded Sake Dish on Mt. Ooe | |
Yuugi Hoshiguma DEFEATED | ||
Yuugi |
お見事! そこまで力があるのなら地霊殿に行っても |
Well done! If you're that powerful, you'll have no problems at the |
Reimu |
何だって? |
What? |
Yuugi |
そうよ? ここは昔、地獄の繁華街だったんだけど、 今や地底はただの忘れられた怨霊達の牢獄 ま、人間はその事を忘れて久しいのかも |
Uh, yeah? Long ago, this was Hell's shopping district, Now it's just a forgotten prison for vengeful spirits. Well, that's an old story, I'm sure humans don't |
Yukari |
(貴方達(おにたち)が約束を破るとは思っていない |
(I wouldn't have thought you oni would break your promise. |
Reimu |
紫、あんた何か隠してない? |
Yukari, you're not hiding something, are you? |
Yukari |
(ああ、神社にあったお茶はいまいち |
(Oh, the tea at the shrine wasn't |
Reimu |
留守中に勝手に飲むな! |
Don't drink it all while I'm gone! |
Stage 4
誰からも好かれない恐怖の目 |
Those Terrifying Eyes Nobody Loves | |
地霊殿 |
Palace of the Earth Spirits | |
BGM: ハートフェルトファンシー |
BGM: Heartfelt Fancy | |
Cat ENTERS | ||
Reimu |
鬼の言う事を真に受けて 肝心なこの館の住人っぽい人が全く見えない ……猫はいたけど |
I know we took that oni at her word and I don't see anyone who looks like they'd be in charge. ... there was that cat, though. |
Yukari |
(ふむ) (さっきの猫に主人を連れてきて貰えば |
(Hmm.) (We should have had that cat take us |
Reimu |
猫に止めを刺せば良かったなぁ |
I wish we could have finished off that cat. |
Satori Komeiji ENTERS | ||
??? |
……来客なんて珍しい ……なるほど、私の猫が迷惑を |
... visitors? How unusual. ... I see, my cat must have |
Reimu |
やっと妖怪らしい妖怪に出会えたわ さあ、色々訊きたい事があるの |
Finally, someone that looks like a youkai. There's a lot I want to ask you... |
??? |
言わなくても判るわ ……神社の近くに不思議な間欠泉? ……え? 喉が渇いたって? |
You don't have to tell me that. ...... a strange geyser near a shrine? ...... Hmm? You're thirsty? |
Reimu |
あー? さっきから何故か暑くて お茶でも出してくれるって |
Huh? I've been hot for some reason for a while but if you're talking about making tea |
BGM: 少女さとり ~ 3rd eye |
BGM: Satori Maiden ~ 3rd eye | |
怨霊も恐れ怯む少女 |
The Girl Even the Vengeful Spirits Fear | |
Satori |
申し遅れました 私には隠し事は一切出来ませんよ 何故なら、貴方の考えている事が |
Oh, excuse me. I'm Satori There's nothing that's hidden from me. |
Reimu |
なんと! 会話いらずね |
What!? I guess we don't need to talk then. |
Yukari |
(……霊夢、最初に言った事を忘れたの?) (地底に棲む妖怪は |
(...... Reimu, I told you before, didn't I?) (You should beat any youkai |
Reimu |
しょうがないじゃない |
Oh well. I still don't know |
Satori |
一体、誰と話しているの……? ……そう、地上に居る妖怪と話しているのね …… ……流石に地上は遠すぎてその妖怪の心は |
Who are you talking to? ... I see, a youkai that's above ground. ... ... I knew it, above ground is too far away, |
Yukari |
(貴方かしら? |
(I wonder if you're the one who could |
Satori |
間欠泉? 間欠泉ねぇ…… |
A geyser? Hm, a geyser... |
Yukari |
(ペット? |
(Pet? |
Satori |
でもそこの人間は「間欠泉は残しても良い」と |
But, it seems that human doesn't mind |
Yukari |
(霊夢…… |
(Reimu... |
Reimu |
んー |
Mmm. |
Satori |
そう「面倒だからみんな倒して地上に帰ろう」 |
Yes, she's thinking, |
Reimu |
その通りよ |
Exactly. |
Satori |
地上の間欠泉は恐らく私のペットか 私が調べても良いのですが…… 貴方には平和的に解決するという |
The geyser was probably caused by one of my pets I don't mind looking into it, but... You don't seem to be of a mind |
Reimu |
当たり前じゃない |
Of course not. |
Satori |
しかし、鬼の言う事は真に受けた 貴方がその妖怪の事を思い出している事が さあ、心に武器を持って! |
But, you trusted that oni... I know everything you remember Now, arm your heart, and do battle |
Satori Komeiji PAUSES | ||
Satori |
さあ、これからが本番よ! 眠りを覚ます |
Now, this is where it really begins! Go and sleep with a trauma so frightful it will wake you up! |
Satori Komeiji DEFEATED | ||
Satori |
あらら |
Oh my. |
Reimu |
どっかで見た事のある弾幕だったわね |
Hm, those danmaku look awfully familiar. |
Satori |
そりゃそうよ、貴方の心の中にあった弾幕だもの。 |
Of course, they're danmaku that stood out in your heart. |
Yukari |
(それはともかく、今度は貴方の心当たり |
(In any case, why don't you tell Reimu |
Satori |
えーっと、間欠泉を止める方法でしたっけ? |
Hmm, how to stop the geyser, was it? |
Reimu |
ペットって猫の事? |
You mean that cat? |
Satori |
猫にはそんな能力はありません この屋敷の中庭に、さらに地下深く その先に居るはずですわ ……え? どうも、私はペットに避けられるのですよ |
The cat isn't that powerful. In the courtyard of this mansion, there's a hole She should be there. ... Hm? My pet has been avoiding me lately. |
Reimu |
ペットだけじゃなくて誰からも |
I don't think anyone likes her, not just her pets. |
Stage 5
昔時の業火 |
Hellfires of Times Past | |
灼熱地獄跡 |
Remains of the Blazing Hell | |
BGM: 廃獄ララバイ |
BGM: Lullaby of Deserted Hell | |
Reimu |
あー暑いわねー |
Oh, it's so hot. |
Yukari |
(それ、冬服だったの?) |
(Those are winter clothes?) |
Reimu |
中庭ってこんな地獄のようなところとは |
I wouldn't have imagined such a hellish place |
Cat ENTERS | ||
Reimu |
……猫? あの猫、地霊殿からずっと付いてくるんだけど |
... a cat? I think that cat's been following me from the Palace, |
Yukari |
(マタタビ持ってる?) |
(Do you have any catnip?) |
BGM: 死体旅行 ~ Be of good cheer! |
BGM: Corpse Voyage ~ Be of good cheer! | |
Cat TRANSFORMS into Rin Kaenbyou | ||
??? |
じゃじゃーん お姉さん、楽しい事してるね! |
Tada~ Looks like you're havin' fun, sis! |
Reimu |
わ! |
Aah! |
Yukari |
(それを言うなら猫が猫車になった、かな?) |
(You mean, the cat turned into a cat-wheelbarrow?) |
地獄の輪禍 |
Hell's Wheel Accident | |
Rin |
猫の姿のままの方が楽なんだけど それに、あのままじゃお姉さんに負けそう |
It's more fun being a cat, Besides, it looked like I was gonna lose to ya, |
Reimu |
さっきのさとりが言ってたペットって |
Are you the pet Satori |
Yukari |
(猫は違うって言ってたような) |
(I think she said it wasn't the cat.) |
Rin |
見てた見てた聞いてたよ 間欠泉を止めるんだって? あいつは危ない奴さ! |
I was watching, and listening. You wanna stop the geyser? She's really dangerous, ya know? |
Reimu |
ここまできて引き下がる訳にいかないでしょ? |
There's no way we can turn back now! |
Yukari |
(そうそう、うちの猫は何処に行ったっけ? (自分の式神なら自分でちゃんとプログラム |
(Hm, I wonder where our cat went off to? (I wish you'd take care to program your own familiar |
Rin |
ま、そんな危険な鳥を相手にする位なら |
Well, if you're gonna go up against that dangerous bird, |
Reimu |
望むところ! |
Perfect! |
Rin |
人間の貴方を殺して、業火の車は重くなる〜♪ |
If I kill you, human, my hellfire cart will get heavy~♪ |
Rin Kaenbyou DEFEATED | ||
Rin |
お見事! |
Good job! |
Reimu |
あー、暑くてやってらんないわ さっさと終わらせよう |
Oh, it's so hot I can't stand it I just wanted to be done with it. |
Rin |
お姉さんならきっとあいつもやってくれるわね! |
Hey, sis, I bet you can beat her for me! |
Reimu |
変な感じねぇ |
What a weird feeling. |
Yukari |
(ここまで来たら後は一本道 |
(It looks like there's only one road up ahead. |
Reimu |
その、この先に居るペットってどんな奴なの? |
I wonder what the pet down that road will be like? |
Rin |
うちらと同じでさとり様のペットなんだけどね 最近、果てしなく強大な力を手に入れたのよ うちら動物は長く生きながらえたり、怨霊や でもあいつは……何処で見つけたのかしらねぇ |
She's one of Miss Satori's pets, just like me, but... She got really powerful lately, it's like she can do anything. We animals get really powerful when we live long, and we But, she's... I wonder where she found it? |
Yukari |
(今の聞いた?) |
(Did you hear that?) |
Reimu |
うん |
Yes. |
Stage 6
荒々しい二つ目の太陽 |
The Tempestuous Second Sun | |
地底都市最深部 |
The Deepest Part of the Underground City | |
BGM: 業火マントル |
BGM: Hellfire Mantle | |
Rin Kaenbyou ENTERS | ||
Rin |
そうそう、一つ忘れてたよ |
Oh yeah, I forgot something. |
Reimu |
? |
? |
Rin |
やっぱりあたいがお姉さんを仕留めないとね! |
If you die around here, you'll burn so hard there won't even be ashes left. If I want your corpse, I'd better take ya down here! |
Rin Kaenbyou DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
だー、もう駄目! こんな所にいたら目的の鳥を見つける前に |
I can't take it anymore! I'm going to be burned to death before we ever find that bird. |
Yukari |
(大丈夫、もう見つかる寸前よ) |
(Don't worry, I'm sure we're about to find her.) |
Reimu |
何の根拠があって言ってるのか判らないけれど |
I have no idea what makes you say that |
Utsuho Reiuji ENTERS | ||
??? |
やっと見つけたわ! 貴方が噂の地上から来た変わり者ね? 私に会いに来るって噂を聞いて |
I finally found you! You're the weird person from above everyone's been talking about, right? I heard you were coming to find me |
Reimu |
ほらね。 私の勘に間違いは無いんだから |
Hm, speak of the devil, eh? I guess my intuition is as good as ever. |
??? |
貴方の目的は間欠泉を止める事ですって? |
You're trying to stop the geyser, right? |
Reimu |
まぁ……そうね 止めるのは一緒に出てくる怨霊だけで |
Uh... right. Though, I wouldn't mind it if the geyser stayed |
??? |
はるか遠くの地上からわざわざ来てくれたのに 間欠泉は止まらないわよ |
You came all the way down here from above ground, The geyser won't stop. |
Yukari |
(何ですって?) |
(What did you say?) |
??? |
間欠泉は私が手に入れた究極の力の余剰分を |
The geyser is just a hole to let the excess |
熱かい悩む神の火 |
Scorching, Troublesome Divine Flame | |
Utsuho |
私はもう究極の力を手にしてしまった その力を使う度に間欠泉が湧くの |
I've already obtained the ultimate power. Every time I use it, the geyser gushes forth. |
Reimu |
究極の力だって? |
The ultimate power? |
Yukari |
(霊夢、貴方なら見える筈 |
(Reimu, you should be able to see it. Which god did that bird eat up?) |
Reimu |
うーん……お湯を沸かす神様? 何にしてもここまで来たらこいつを倒せば |
Hmmmm... the kind that can draw a hot bath? Anyway, we came all this way, so if we |
Utsuho |
ふふふ、そうこなくちゃね! 貴方を倒した後は地上にこの力を試しに行く うふふ、哀れ地上は新しい灼熱地獄に |
Hahaha, I guess it comes to that, after all! Once I beat you, I'm going to go above Hohoho, that pathetic place will be |
Reimu |
ほんと、良かったわね 地上に住む究極の巫女の力で倒されて |
Hm, it's a good thing you ran into You'll be beaten by the power of the ultimate shrine maiden, |
BGM: 霊知の太陽信仰 ~ Nuclear Fusion |
BGM: Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom ~ Nuclear Fusion | |
Utsuho |
黒い太陽、ヤタガラス様 地上に降り注ぐ太陽の光 究極の核融合で身も心も幽霊も妖精も |
Lord Yatagarasu, the Black Sun. The sunlight that rains down on the Earth My ultimate nuclear fusion will burn up |
Utsuho Reiuji DEFEATED | ||
If player has continued | ||
Ending No. 7 | ||
If player has not continued | ||
Ending No. 1 |
< | Prologue | Story | Extra Scenario Extra Story |
> |
This page is part of Project Translations, a Touhou Wiki project that aims to ensure the quality of translations of all official material in the Touhou Project. |
- ↑ The term used here, 魑魅魍魎 ("Chimimōryō"), is a Chinese word which originally referred to spirits and monsters of rivers, forests, and mountains, but it's also an idiom indicating monsters, demons, and all kinds of harmful spirits.