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Sunken Fossil World/Story/Flandre's Scenario
第一話 |
Chapter 1 | |
BGM: 魔法少女達の百年祭 |
BGM: The Centennial Festival for Magical Girls | |
紅魔館 |
Flandre |
……なるほど、地の底ではそんな それで私に何をしろって? |
......I see, so all that fun's been happening underground? And what does that have to do with me? |
Okina |
飲み込みが早くて助かる なんでも破壊できるという貴方には 最悪の獣、饕餮を破壊して貰いたい |
I'm glad you're quick on the uptake. You, who are able to destroy anything, I want you to destroy that beast most vile, Toutetsu. |
Flandre |
やったー! |
Yayy! |
Okina |
その為には、貴方は流水の中での その為の練習相手を用意したぞ |
For that purpose, you must get used So I've prepared several opponents for you to train against. |
Selecting a door
Three Doors APPEAR | ||
Okina |
さあ、好きな扉を選べ! |
Now, pick any door you please! |
When in front of Door A | ||
Okina |
そこは控えめな相手への扉だな 登って扉の前に立てば挑戦できるぞ この程度はお前さんに物足りんかもな |
That door leads to a modest opponent. You can challenge them by climbing up in front of the door. It might not be enough to satisfy you though. |
When in front of Door B | ||
Okina |
その扉の先は中々の敵に繋がっている 登って扉の前に立てば挑戦できるぞ 実戦で流水での戦いを掴んでくるのだ |
That door connects to a fine foe. You can challenge them by climbing up in front of the door. You'll be delving into an actual fight with flowing water. |
When in front of the Door C | ||
Okina |
その扉は強敵揃いだな 挑むのであれば苦行を覚悟するがいい 尤も、奴の本気はもっと強いがね |
That door pits you against a strong foe. You'd best prepare yourself for a tough time if you choose to take it on. In fact, she might even be stronger than you if she's serious. |
Stages 1-4
Vs Marisa (Stage A1)
魔法の森 |
Forest of Magic | |
BGM: 魔法使いの憂鬱 |
BGM: Magician's Melancholy | |
Marisa |
低地には再び黒い水が しかし、あの饕餮って奴の どうすりゃ良いんだ? わあ! 黒い水だー! |
I hear that black water's been gushin' out from the earth again... But it doesn't seem to be that Toutetsu gal's doing either... What to do...? Woah! The black water! |
Flandre Scarlet APPEARS | ||
Flandre |
ここは、魔法の森か? |
Is this... the Forest of Magic? |
Marisa |
何だ何だ!? |
What what what?! |
Flandre |
流水って言っても このくらい朝飯前だ! さあ行くよ! |
This water's no big deal at all! This'll be a cinch! Here I come! |
決闘開始! |
Duel Start! | |
Marisa Kirisame DEFEATED | ||
Marisa |
わ、訳がわからん |
I- I don't get it... What are you doing he- |
Flandre |
じゃあね! |
Bye bye now! |
Flandre Scarlet LEAVES | ||
Marisa |
い、今のは夢、だったのか? |
Wh- was that a dream...? |
Vs Reimu (Stage B1)
魔法の森 |
Forest of Magic | |
BGM: 魔法使いの憂鬱 |
BGM: Magician's Melancholy | |
Reimu |
再び黒い水が吹き出してきたのね うーん、でもまた地底に行って どうやら吹き出している え!? |
Hmm, the black water's gushing out again... But I don't think going back underground to fight Toutetsu would help either... It seems that there is a separate reason behind the water coming up after all... Huh? |
Flandre Scarlet APPEARS | ||
Flandre |
ここは、魔法の森か? |
Is this... the Forest of Magic? |
Reimu |
一体何が始まるって言うの!? |
What's happening now?! |
Flandre |
なる程相手はあんたか |
I see, so you're my opponent? |
BGM: 少女綺想曲 |
BGM: Maiden's Cappricio | |
Flandre |
まあ、ちょちょいと破壊していくか |
Oh well, let's do a little bit of destruction, shall we? |
決闘開始! |
Duel Start! | |
Reimu Hakurei DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
黒い水!? フラン!? |
The black water?! And Flandre?! |
Flandre |
じゃあね! |
Bye bye now! |
Flandre Scarlet LEAVES | ||
Reimu |
幻覚だった…… |
An illusion... |
Vs Yuugi (Stage C1)
旧地獄温泉 |
Former Hell's Hot Spring | |
BGM: 旧地獄街道を行く |
BGM: Walking the Streets of a Former Hell | |
Yuugi |
今日も温泉街は騒々しい あちこちから殺気立った ふふん な、 これは石油だ |
The Hot Spring Town's as noisy as usual today! I hear bloodthirsty howling all over the place! Hmm hmm... Wha-! This is petroleum. |
Flandre Scarlet APPEARS | ||
Flandre |
ここは何処? |
Where's this? |
Yuugi |
何だお前? |
Who're you? |
Flandre |
ここは臭いわね それに苦手な流水だらけで さっさと処理して |
It sure stinks here. And there's flowing water everywhere too so I shouldn't stay long. Let's get this over with quickly |
Yuugi |
やる気か? |
You wanna go? |
決闘開始! |
Duel Start! | |
Yuugi Hoshiguma DEFEATED | ||
Flandre |
よーし、こんなもんで 次の扉を選ぼうっと |
Welp, that should Time to pass through the next door. |
Flandre Scarlet LEAVES | ||
Yuugi |
…… 温泉街は今日も騒々しくて良い 混沌は安泰だ |
... Another noisy day at the Hot Spring Town... Wonderful! Chaos is peace after all. |
Vs Kogasa (Stage A2)
地霊虹洞 |
Rainbow Cavern of Earth Spirits | |
BGM: 暗闇の風穴 |
BGM: The Dark Blowhole | |
Kogasa |
ムラサは黒い水を止めるとか ま、こっちは楽しめるから |
Murasa said something about stopping the black water but that isn't happening at all... Oh well, this is more fun anyways, |
Flandre Scarlet APPEARS | ||
Flandre |
洞窟! こういう狭い場所で |
A cavern! I hate narrow places with flowing water... |
Kogasa |
え!? |
Wow?! |
Flandre |
さくっと破壊しようっと |
Let's get on with the destruction! |
BGM: 万年置き傘にご注意を |
BGM: Beware the Umbrella Left There Forever | |
決闘開始! |
Duel Start! | |
Kogasa Tatara DEFEATED | ||
Kogasa |
つ、強すぎる |
W- way too strong... |
Flandre |
黒い水を止めるにはこの位で |
I can't be afraid of this if I want to stop the black water! |
Flandre Scarlet LEAVES | ||
Kogasa |
消えた…… 黒い水を止めるって言ってたわね 今のも聖様が用意した刺客なのかな …… 趣味が変わったなぁ |
She disappeared... She mentioned something about stopping the black water too. Guess that was another one of Lady Hijiri's assassins. ... Her tastes have sure changed... |
Vs Yamame (Stage B2)
地霊虹洞 |
Rainbow Cavern of Earth Spirits | |
BGM: 暗闇の風穴 |
BGM: The Dark Blowhole | |
Yamame |
洞窟が汚れている…… これは血の池地獄の この緊急事態、地霊殿の彼女じゃあ あー、昔の鬼神達が戻って |
The cavern's all dirty... This is that rotten water from the Hell of Blood Pools. I guess this emergency isn't something the master of Ahh, if only the kishin of old would come back... |
Flandre Scarlet APPEARS | ||
Flandre |
狭い場所だわ 戦いにくくて嫌だなぁ |
What a narrow place. It seems like it'd be hard to fight it, so I'm not a fan. |
Yamame |
誰!? もしかして |
Who are you?! Are you perhaps...? |
Flandre |
鬼神? |
A kishin? |
BGM: 封じられた妖怪 |
BGM: The Sealed-Away Youkai | |
Flandre |
私は全てをぶち壊す破壊神だ! |
I'm a destructive god that's going to destroy everything! |
決闘開始! |
Duel Start! | |
Yamame Kurodani DEFEATED | ||
Yamame |
つ、強い……! でも、このくらい強くないと |
Kuh, how strong...! But I guess you'd have to be this strong |
Flandre |
この黒い水 早く破壊したいわー |
This black water's Can't wait to destroy it! |
Flandre Scarlet LEAVES | ||
Yamame |
地獄からヘルプが来たから やっぱり血の池地獄が これだから臭いもんに蓋をする |
If help's come from Hell So the Hell of Blood Pools was the first to go berserk after all... This is why just covering up what stinks |
Vs Minamitsu (Stage C2)
地底核融合炉 |
Underground Fusion Reactor | |
BGM: 御柱の墓場 |
BGM: Cemetery of Onbashira | |
Minamitsu |
核融合炉が黒い水に沈んでいる…… これは私達の所為じゃない…… |
The black water is flowing around in the fusion reactor too... This shouldn't be our fault... |
Flandre Scarlet APPEARS | ||
Flandre |
わあ、黒い水だらけ! こんな場所でも戦わないと行けないの? |
Woah, the black water's everywhere! Do I have to fight here? |
Minamitsu |
何だ!? |
What?! |
Flandre |
次の相手は…… 船なんてよく乗れるわよね あんな呪われた乗り物 |
My next opponent is... I don't ride boats all that often... Those cursed, cursed vehicles. |
Minamitsu |
安心して! 私の船は |
Be at ease! My boat doesn't exist for riding after all. |
Flandre |
ほう |
*phew* |
BGM: キャプテンムラサ |
BGM: Captain Murasa | |
Minamitsu |
沈めるためにあるのよ!! |
It's for sinking! |
決闘開始! |
Duel Start! | |
Minamitsu Murasa DEFEATED | ||
Minamitsu |
とんでもなく強い…… でも、なんでこんなことを |
What a foe... I wonder why you're doing like this, though. |
Flandre |
黒い水を破壊しに行くのよ この戦いもその為の試練だって |
I'm going to destroy the black water. She said that this is training for that too. |
Flandre Scarlet LEAVES | ||
Minamitsu |
消えた…… で、あいつ、って誰? |
She's gone... Wait who is "she"? |
Vs Kanako (Stage A3)
地底核融合炉 |
Underground Fusion Reactor | |
BGM: 御柱の墓場 |
BGM: Cemetery of Onbashira | |
Kanako |
緊急事態だ! 全炉緊急停止! 何故だ、何故石油が急に溢れてきた 石油を独り占めするから あの化け羊は一体何をしてるんだよ? |
It's an emergency! Halt all reactor operations! Why? Why is the petroleum overflowing now all of a sudden? She said that she was going to monopolize the petroleum so I left her alone to that but what on earth is that sheep youkai doing now? |
Flandre Scarlet APPEARS | ||
Kanako |
誰だ!? |
Who is it?! |
Flandre |
ここは何処? |
Where am I? |
Kanako |
ここは核融合炉です ははーん この石油噴出は第三者による |
This is a fusion reactor. *sigh* there's the possibility of a third party |
BGM: 神さびた古戦場 |
BGM: The Venerable Ancient Battlefield | |
Kanako |
舐めた真似をしやがって |
I won't allow you to mock me! |
決闘開始! |
Duel Start! | |
Kanako Yasaka DEFEATED | ||
Kanako |
変だな、石油を苦手そうに |
How strange, you don't seem to fare very well with petroleum. |
Flandre |
流れる水が苦手なだけよ |
I'm bad with all flowing water, |
Kanako |
ああ、確かにそうだったね だとすると、お前は石油噴出騒動に |
Ah, yes. Which would mean, that it's unlikely that you are related to this whole petrol eruption business. |
Flandre |
さあどうだかね |
I wonder about that? |
Flandre Scarlet LEAVES | ||
Kanako |
何だったんだ? しかも何か扉みたいな物が |
What was that? I think I saw some sort of door-like object... |
Vs Yorigami Sisters (Stage B3)
旧地獄温泉 |
Former Hell's Hot Spring | |
BGM: 旧地獄街道を行く |
BGM: Walking the Streets of a Former Hell | |
Joon |
あっはっは |
Ahahaha! |
Shion |
これで私達の富は約束されたわね! |
Now our fortune is guaranteed! |
Joon |
饕餮なんて、何でも無い奴 |
I guess that Toutetsu girl was just a nobody after all. |
Flandre Scarlet APPEARS | ||
Shion |
な、何!? |
Wh- what? |
Flandre |
わあ、流れる水だらけだわ ここはサクッと破壊して行きたい…… ん? お前達はこの間の! |
Wow, flowing water's everywhere. I just wanna destroy it all right now... Hm? You two are from back then! |
Joon |
あー、ワープトラップで |
Ohh, it's the mystery girl that came out of the warp trap! |
Shion |
またワープしてきたわね 謎の妖怪め |
You warped here as well right? You strange youkai. |
Flandre |
謎の妖怪? フランドール・スカーレット |
Strange youkai? I'm Flandre Scarlet, |
Joon |
我らは泣く子も儲かる なる程、吸血鬼、か |
And we're the petroleum barons that save up even crying children, the Yorigami sisters! I see, a vampire, it all makes sense now! |
Shion |
マジで? |
It does? |
Joon |
地底にある血の池地獄の 地上の生き血だけに飽き足らず |
You're aiming for the blood from the Hell of Blood Pools underground aren't you? To think that even the blood of the living on the surface couldn't satisfy you, what a greedy vampire! |
Flandre |
血の池地獄…… あの慇懃無礼な秘神が 私を引っ張り出してきた |
The Hell of Blood Pools... I guess that's why that smarmy secret god dragged me all the way out here? |
Joon |
でも諦めな! 強欲な吸血鬼よ! |
But you should give up! O' greedy vampire! |
BGM: 今宵は飄逸なエゴイスト ~ Egoistic Flowers |
BGM: Tonight Stars an Easygoing Egoist ~ Egoistic Flowers | |
Joon |
我々の石油だ! |
It's our petroleum! |
決闘開始! |
Duel Start! | |
Joon |
つ、強い |
Ugh, how strong... |
Flandre |
お前らこそな さあて、目的地は 楽しみになって来たわー |
I could say the same for you two. So the goal is the Hell of Blood Pools... I'm starting to see the end of all this! |
Flandre Scarlet LEAVES | ||
Shion |
消えた…… ワープ使いって良いわねぇ |
She disappeared... I wish we could warp around too... |
Vs Kutaka (Stage C3)
旧灼熱地獄 |
Former Hell of Blazing Fires | |
BGM: 不朽の曼珠沙華 |
BGM: Everlasting Red Spider Lily | |
Kutaka |
三途の河の水量は無限です どれだけ水が漏れても 改めて考えてみると しかし、流れていった地の底では この先は昔に捨てられた地獄が 既に忘れ去られていたと言うのに 無限の水量は無情ですね…… |
The Sanzu River has an infinite supply of water. I doubt it'll be drying up anytime soon, regardless of how much water leaks out. It's quite amazing, now that I think about it. Still, I wonder how the bottom of the earth is like now? Further down should be a long-abandoned Hell... Although already forgotten, An infinite amount of water is so misery... |
Flandre Scarlet APPEARS | ||
Kutaka |
!? |
!? |
Flandre |
うわあ! こんな所は無理よ、無理無理! 流れる水しか無いじゃん! |
Woah! This is impossible! Impossible, I tell you! There's nothing but flowing water here! |
Kutaka |
一体何処から……? |
Where on earth did you... |
Flandre |
ああ、もう帰る扉もない こうなったら破れかぶれだ! |
Ahh the door back is already gone! I've got nothing to lose then! |
BGM: セラフィックチキン |
BGM: Seraphic Chicken | |
Flandre |
流水で力が消える前に |
I'll destroy it all before the flowing water takes away all my power! |
決闘開始! |
Duel Start! | |
Kutaka Niwatari DEFEATED | ||
Flandre |
勝ったよね! |
I won! |
Kutaka |
ちょっと待ちなさい 私は庭渡久侘歌です 説明がなさ過ぎて困ります |
Hold on. My name is Kutaka Niwatari. I'm afraid I find this situation rather confusing. |
Flandre |
ああ、それだったら後にして 私はフランドール! |
Ahh that can wait! I'm Flandre! |
Flandre Scarlet LEAVES | ||
Kutaka |
消えた…… 吸血鬼って |
She's gone... Were vampires always |
Vs Utsuho (Stage A4/B4)
旧灼熱地獄 |
Former Hell of Blazing Fires | |
BGM: 業火マントル |
BGM: Hellfire Mantle | |
Utsuho |
最近、何か炉が汚れているなぁ これが聞いていた石油流出って |
The reactor's been really dirty recently... Is this that "petroleum leakage" I've heard about? |
Flandre Scarlet APPEARS | ||
Flandre |
おや? ここは水が余り無い こんなんで練習になるのかな |
Oh? There's basically no water here at all! Is this going to be effective practice? |
Okina Matara APPEARS | ||
Okina |
ここにも石油を噴出させて 全て燃えてしまっているだけです しかし、敵の力量は十分過ぎるほどです 安心して練習してください |
I tried making petroleum but it all just burns away. However, your foe's power should be more than enough to make up for that. Just focus on your training. |
Okina Matara LEAVES | ||
Flandre |
ただ戦うだけでいいのね そりゃ楽勝だわ! |
So I only have to just fight. It's an easy game! |
Utsuho |
聞こえたぞ! 石油を流出させているのは |
I heard you! You're the one making the petroleum come out, right?! |
BGM: 霊知の太陽信仰 |
BGM: Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom | |
Utsuho |
石油とともに燃え尽きれ! |
Burn away along with your petroleum! |
決闘開始! |
Duel Start! | |
Utsuho Reiuji DEFEATED | ||
Flandre |
ふっふっふ 何だか身体の疲れが もしかして、本番前の準情運動 |
Fufufu! I feel somehow refreshed! I wonder if this is supposed to be |
Utsuho |
まだまだ戦える! さあ二戦目だ! |
I can still go on! Come on, round two! |
Flandre |
楽しかったんで 扉が出てきちゃったから |
It was lots of fun, so I'd love to... But the door appeared to my time is up! |
Flandre Scarlet LEAVES | ||
Utsuho |
扉? 消えちゃった 燃え尽きてしまったか |
Door? It disappeared... Maybe it burnt up? |
Final Stage
Route A
石油の海 |
Sea of Petroleum | |
BGM: 大地の底、剛欲の海 |
BGM: Depths of the Earth, Ocean of Avarice | |
Yuuma |
……一つ掘っては金のためー 三つ掘っては憎しみのため…… |
...The first hole's dug for my money~. The third hole's dug for my hatred... |
Flandre Scarlet APPEARS | ||
Flandre |
ここは……? |
This is...? |
Yuuma |
ここは私のテリトリーだ お前は何処から出てきたんだ? |
This here is my territory. Where did you come from? |
Okina Matara APPEARS | ||
Okina |
もう繋がってしまったな 難しい試練を避けてきて こいつが饕餮だ |
I see that you've already met. I feel like you've avoided all the difficult training, but this is Toutetsu. Simply fight to your heart's content. |
Okina Matara LEAVES | ||
Flandre |
なんだ、脆そうな奴じゃん 何で私じゃなきゃ倒せないのかな まあいいや、拍子抜けしたけど |
Huh, she seems pretty fragile. Why do I have to be the one to defeat her? I don't really feel it anymore but, oh well. Let's just destroy her! |
Yuuma |
クックック 何故私を破壊しようとする? 地上の奴らとも話は付いた 私は世界に害を為す |
Keh keh keh! Why on earth are you trying to destroy me? Did those surface dwellers put something in your head? I'm not harmful to the world or anything y'know? |
Flandre |
私は正義の味方では無いよ ただ、破壊しがたい物を |
I'm no hero of justice. I just want to destroy the indestructible. |
BGM: 強欲な獣のメメント |
BGM: Memento of an Avaricious Beast | |
Flandre |
誰もが破壊できなかったお前を さあ行くよ! |
Especially you, who no one else can destroy! Here I come! |
決闘開始! |
Duel Start! | |
Yuuma Toutetsu DEFEATED |
Route B
石油の海 |
Sea of Petroleum | |
BGM: 大地の底、剛欲の海 |
BGM: Depths of the Earth, Ocean of Avarice | |
Flandre |
ここは? |
This is? |
Okina Matara APPEARS | ||
Okina |
地底の底の底…… |
The bottom of the depths of the earth... |
Flandre |
それで、私に破壊させたい奴は |
So, where's the person I have to destroy? |
Okina |
今探している |
I'll find her now. |
Okina Matara LEAVES | ||
Flandre |
この世の憎悪が集まった様な 居心地は悪くない |
All the world's hatred seems to be gathered here, I like it! |
Yuuma Toutetsu APPEARS | ||
Yuuma |
……一つ掘っては金のためー 三つ掘っては憎しみのため…… 誰だ? |
...The first hole's dug for my money~. The third hole's dug for my hatred... Who're you? |
Flandre |
見ーつけた お前が饕餮って奴だね? |
I found you~! You're that Toutetsu girl right? |
Yuuma |
クックック |
Keh keh keh... |
Flandre |
私はフランドール・スカーレット もう一度問う |
My name is Flandre Scarlet. I'll ask again: |
Yuuma |
クックック 私の名前を知っていて 我こそが剛欲同盟長 |
Keh keh keh... You know my name I am the Matriarch of the Gouyoku Alliance, |
Flandre |
なんだ、脆そうな奴じゃん 何で私じゃなきゃ倒せない まあいいや、拍子抜けしたけど |
Huh, she seems pretty fragile. Why does she think I have to be the one to defeat her? I don't really feel it anymore but, oh well. Let's just destroy her! |
Yuuma |
クックック 何故私を破壊しようとする? 地上の奴らとも話は付いた 私は世界に害を為す |
Keh keh keh! Why on earth are you trying to destroy me? Did those surface dwellers put something in your head? I'm not harmful to the world or anything y'know? |
Flandre |
私は正義の味方では無いよ ただ、破壊しがたい物を |
I'm no hero of justice. I just want to destroy the indestructible. |
BGM: 強欲な獣のメメント |
BGM: Memento of an Avaricious Beast | |
Flandre |
誰もが破壊できなかったお前を さあ行くよ! |
Especially you, who no one else can destroy! Here I come! |
決闘開始! |
Duel Start! | |
Battle Pauses | ||
Okina Matara APPEARS | ||
Okina |
まだまだだな そんな戦い方では もっと、力を与えてやる |
This is not nearly the end, You can't defeat Toutetsu fighting like that! Allow me to provide more power... |
棄てられた血の池地獄 |
Abandoned Hell of Blood Pools | |
BGM: 有機体全てのメメント ~ Memory of Fossil Energy. |
BGM: Memento of All Organisms ~ Memory of Fossil Energy. | |
Yuuma |
おお、 力が漲るぞ 血の池の恐怖、哀楽、憎悪、怨嗟 |
Ohh, my power's rising! The blood pools' fear, pleasure, grief, loathing and resentment... |
Flandre |
え? え? |
Huh? What? |
Okina |
何だ? 甘ったれるな 力は強欲な者に流れるだけだ 強欲さは饕餮の方が上だったな |
What is it? Don't be naive. Power only goes to the avaricious. And when it comes to greed, Toutetsu easily wins out. |
Yuuma |
クックック 狂人がまた一人増えたな 何をさせたいのか判らんが 思う存分戦えるぜ! 破壊されるのはお前の方だったな! 世間を舐めてると 吸血鬼のお嬢ちゃんよー! |
Keh keh keh! There's another crazy one! I don't know what you want, but thanks for the power! Now I can fight to my heart's content! You are the one who's going to get destroyed! Underestimate the world and you'll be in for a hard time, you know? Little vampire girl! |
決闘開始! |
Duel Start! | |
Yuuma Toutetsu DEFEATED |
Route C
石油の海 |
Sea of Petroleum | |
BGM: 大地の底、剛欲の海 |
BGM: Depths of the Earth, Ocean of Avarice | |
Flandre |
ここは? |
This is? |
Okina Matara APPEARS | ||
Okina |
地底の底の底…… |
The bottom of the depths of the earth... |
Flandre |
それで、私に破壊させたい奴は |
So, where's the person I have to destroy? |
Okina |
今探している |
I'll find her now. |
Okina Matara LEAVES | ||
Flandre |
この世の憎悪が集まった様な 居心地は悪くない |
All the world's hatred seems to be gathered here, I like it! |
Reimu Hakurei APPEARS | ||
Reimu |
え!? |
Huh?! |
Flandre |
霊夢? って事は、ここは神社? 随分とスッキリさせたわね |
Reimu? ...so this is the shrine? You really freshened the place up! |
Reimu |
そんな訳無いでしょ ここは石油の海よ |
Of course not! This is the Sea of Petroleum. |
Flandre |
ここに誰にも倒せなかった 私はそいつを破壊しに来たんだ それこそ霊夢にも |
I heard that there's a beast here I've come to destroy her. So even you couldn't defeat her, Reimu? |
Reimu |
ぐっ、そんな噂が 誰にも知られていないと思ったのに ただ、石油噴出は饕餮の所為では 倒さなくてもいいかなーと |
Ugh, I can't believe the rumors already spread so far... I thought no one knew... But it doesn't seem like Toutetsu's making the petroleum erupt, so I've been wondering if it'll be fine even if I don't defeat her... |
Flandre |
ふっ、馬鹿な 敵は倒さないと行けないに いつからそんな 私の処へやってきたあんたは |
Ha, how ridiculous. An enemy is to be defeated! When did you become such a coward? Back when you came to our mansion, you aimed to destroy everything! |
BGM: 少女綺想曲 |
BGM: Maiden's Capriccio | |
Flandre |
その頃を思い出せ! |
Recall that time! |
決闘開始! |
Duel Start! | |
Reimu Hakurei DEFEATED | ||
Flandre |
何だ、やれば出来るじゃん それでも饕餮って奴は倒せないの? |
See, you can do it after all! And still you can't defeat that Toutetsu person? |
Reimu |
どうも、あいつは全ての攻撃を 喰らっているように見えて あっ、なる程 |
I think she absorbs all my attacks no matter what I use... She seems to eat it[1], or maybe she was recovering from it? Ah, that's why. |
Flandre |
そう、全てを破壊しにきた 私の破壊の前では吸収など意味は無いわ じゃあね、この辺の |
Yep, I came here to destroy everything. Absorption is useless against my destruction after all! Bye bye! Now where is that girl? |
Flandre Scarlet LEAVES | ||
Reimu |
誰の差し金から? |
I wonder who put her up to this? |
Camera CHANGES | ||
Flandre Scarlet and Yuuma Toutetsu APPEAR | ||
BGM: 大地の底、剛欲の海 |
BGM: Depths of the Earth, Ocean of Avarice | |
Yuuma |
……一つ掘っては金のためー 三つ掘っては憎しみのため…… 誰だ? |
...The first hole's dug for my money~. The third hole's dug for my hatred... Who're you? |
Flandre |
見ーつけた お前が饕餮って奴だね? |
I found you~! You're that Toutetsu girl right? |
Yuuma |
クックック |
Keh keh keh... |
Flandre |
私はフランドール・スカーレット もう一度問う |
My name is Flandre Scarlet. I'll ask again: |
Yuuma |
クックック 私の名前を知っていて 我こそが剛欲同盟長 |
Keh keh keh... You know my name I am the Matriarch of the Gouyoku Alliance, |
Flandre |
なんだ、脆そうな奴じゃん でも、何でも吸収するんだって? |
Oh, well you seem fragile. But you can apparently absorb anything? |
Yuuma |
クックック と言うことはただの餌では |
Keh keh keh... Which I suppose means that you aren't bait. |
Flandre |
ただ、破壊しがたい物を |
I just want to destroy the indestructible. |
BGM: 強欲な獣のメメント |
BGM: Memento of an Avaricious Beast | |
Flandre |
誰もが破壊できなかったお前を |
Especially you, |
決闘開始! |
Duel Start! | |
Battle Pauses | ||
Okina Matara APPEARS | ||
Okina |
まだまだだな そんな戦い方では もっと、力を与えてやる |
This is not nearly the end, You can't defeat Toutetsu fighting like that! Allow me to provide more power... |
棄てられた血の池地獄 |
Abandoned Hell of Blood Pools | |
BGM: 有機体全てのメメント ~ Memory of Fossil Energy. |
BGM: Memento of All Organisms ~ Memory of Fossil Energy. | |
Yuuma |
おお、 力が漲るぞ 血の池の恐怖、哀楽、憎悪、怨嗟 |
Ohh, my power's rising! The blood pools' fear, pleasure, grief, loathing and resentment... |
Flandre |
え? え? |
Huh? What? |
Okina |
何だ? 甘ったれるな 力は強欲な者に流れるだけだ 強欲さは饕餮の方が上だったな |
What is it? Don't be naive. Power only goes to the avaricious. And when it comes to greed, Toutetsu easily wins out. |
Yuuma |
クックック 狂人がまた一人増えたな 何をさせたいのか判らんが 思う存分戦えるぜ!! 破壊されるのはお前の方だったな!! 世間を舐めてると 吸血鬼のお嬢ちゃんよー! |
Keh keh keh! There's another crazy one! I don't know what you want, but thanks for the power! Now I can fight to my heart's content! You are the one who's going to get destroyed! Underestimate the world and you'll be in for a hard time, you know? Little vampire girl! |
決闘開始! |
Duel Start! | |
Before Final Spellcard | ||
Okina |
よし、よく頑張った あいつはもう空腹だろう いま、まさに留めを刺すときだ! やれ! フランドールよ! |
Good job making it all the way here. She should be on an empty stomach by now, Now is the time to end this! Do it! Flandre! |
Yuuma Toutetsu DEFEATED |
- ↑ A Japanese verb kurau (喰らう) mainly means "to gulp, eat in a bad etiquette". And it is also used for "to be attacked and get damaged".