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Sunken Fossil World/Story/Marisa's Scenario
Stage 1
第一話 |
Chapter 1 | |
魔法の森 |
Forest of Magic | |
BGM: 魔法使いの憂鬱 |
BGM: Magician's Melancholy | |
Marisa |
……なんだ、ただの水か あちこちから黒い水が この辺は黒い水に冒されていないようだ と言うことは森には原因が無さそう…… |
...Just regular water, eh? I panicked when black water started but this area doesn't seem to be affected by the stuff. Guess that means the source isn't in the forest... |
Reimu Hakurei ENTERS | ||
Marisa |
おー、霊夢か |
Oh, if it isn't Reimu! |
Reimu |
黒い水の出所を調査しに |
I decided to go underground to find out |
Marisa |
……やっぱりか |
I knew it. |
Reimu |
魔法の森に黒い水で塞がれていない それが何処にあるのか |
I heard that the Forest of Magic had an entrance to an underground You would know where that is, |
Marisa |
それならば、私が調べに行くところさ そうだ、勝った方が先に |
Actually, I was just about t' head I know. How 'bout the winner |
Reimu |
良い考えね あんたなら練習に丁度良いわ |
Good idea. so you'll be the perfect practice for a fight! |
BGM: 少女綺想曲 ~ Dream Battle |
BGM: Maiden's Cappriccio ~ Dream Battle | |
Marisa |
こう見えても水の扱いには 地下洞窟に行くのは私が先だ! |
It may come as a surprise, Too bad for you! |
決闘開始! |
Duel Start! | |
Reimu Hakurei DEFEATED | ||
Marisa |
よし勝った! 私が地底に降りて調査してくるぜ |
Heck yeah, I win! I'm gonna head underground to investigate. |
Reimu |
黒い水の正体が判らないし、 こういう時は徒労に終わることが |
We don't know what the black water is, Times like these often end up being wasted effort, |
Stage 2
第二話 |
Chapter 2 | |
地霊虹洞[2] |
Rainbow Cavern of Earth Spirits | |
BGM: 暗闇の風穴 |
BGM: The Dark Blowhole | |
Marisa |
この洞窟に入るのは初めてだが…… 旧地獄まで続いているという |
This is my first time bein' in this cavern, but... I've heard rumors about it leadin' all the way |
Yamame Kurodani FALLS ON HER | ||
Marisa |
あいた! |
D'oh! |
Yamame |
よし捕まえた! って、魔理沙!? |
Yes, gotcha! ...Wait, Marisa?! |
Marisa |
何だ何だ!? |
What the heck?! |
BGM: 封じられた妖怪 |
BGM: The Sealed-Away Youkai | |
Marisa |
洞窟だって、誰か掃除しないとな |
Someone's gotta clean up the place, even in a cave! |
決闘開始! |
Duel Start! | |
Before Yamame's first Spell Card | ||
Yamame |
水の扱い方 でも真水以外ならどうかな? |
You're pretty good But what about water that's not pure? |
Yamame Kurodani DEFEATED | ||
Yamame |
やっぱり強いー |
You're as strong as ever... |
Marisa |
土蜘蛛が棲み着いているということは |
If there's tsuchigumo crawlin' around here, |
Yamame |
知らなかったの? ここは旧地獄との通路としては |
You didn't know? This is around the 5th largest |
Marisa |
え!? 5番目? そんなに旧地獄に |
Huh?! Fifth? Are there seriously that many |
Stage 3
第三話 |
Chapter 3 | |
BGM: 旧地獄街道を行く |
BGM: Walking the Streets of a Former Hell | |
Marisa |
臭いな…… 異変の匂いではないけど…… この匂い、硫黄の匂いか? |
This place stinks... It's not the smell of the incident, but... Is this smell sulfur? |
旧地獄温泉 |
Former Hell's Hot Spring | |
Marisa |
やっぱり温泉だ! 何だか賑やかで楽しそうな場所だ! |
Aha! It is a hot spring! Seems like a fun, lively kinda place! |
Yuugi Hoshiguma ENTERS | ||
Yuugi |
この匂いは硫黄の匂いではないぞ |
That's not sulfur you're smelling, |
Marisa |
おっと、勇儀か |
'Ey, it's Yuugi. |
Yuugi |
地上の奴はよく勘違いするが |
You above-grounders get the wrong idea about this a lot, |
Marisa |
そうなのか? |
Really? |
Yuugi |
この匂いは怨霊の怨みの匂いだ 硫黄は無臭なんだよ ところで、何の用で来たんだ? |
It's the smell of the vengeful spirits' grudges, y'see. Sulfur is actually odorless. By the way, what brings y' here? |
Marisa |
実はこの匂いとは別の匂いのする |
I'm actually here t'see about some stinky |
Yuugi |
……なる程、地上に湧き出ていると ふっふっふ、その黒い水は |
...I see, so it's gushing up above ground. Heh heh heh. You won't find any of that |
Marisa |
ほう |
Oho. |
Yuugi |
その水は旧地獄の中でも 呪いに呪われた液体だ 使い方を間違えなければ それを手にする者には 人間の世界では何て言ったかな 石のあぶらと書いて…… |
That water comes from a zone that's considered It's an utterly cursed liquid. They say that if you're careful with how you But it's also said that those who obtain it What'd they call it in the human world, again...? They wrote it as "stone oil"... |
Marisa |
石油? |
Petroleum? |
Yuugi |
ただ、何故地上に湧いているのかは |
I've got no clue as to why it's |
Marisa |
そうか、邪魔したな その石油を調査する方が先だ |
A'ight, sorry to bother you. But investigatin' the petroleum comes first. |
Yuugi |
ちょっと待ちな |
Hang on a sec. |
BGM: 華のさかづき大江山 |
BGM: A Flower-Studded Sake Dish on Mt. Ooe | |
Marisa |
勿論そのつもりだ |
'Course I am! |
Yuugi |
やめておけ お前の身だけではなく |
You'd better not. Not just for you, |
決闘開始! |
Duel Start! | |
First Spell Card Defeated | ||
Yuugi |
やるじゃないか ここは最高の温泉街だ いっちょ派手に |
You're good! This is the best hot spring town around. So I may as well come at'cha |
Yuugi Hoshiguma DEFEATED | ||
Yuugi |
はあはあ |
Huff, huff... |
Marisa |
石油のことを教えてくれるんだから |
You told me 'bout the petroleum. It showed |
Yuugi |
ふふふ 石油はここより しかし、今現在そこに |
Heh heh. The petroleum sleeps somewhere But these days, there's no |
Marisa |
え? |
Eh? |
Yuugi |
何か不思議な力によって まあ諦めるんだな |
There's some mysterious power Well, let's forget about the plan. |
Stage 4
第四話 |
Chapter 4 | |
BGM: 御柱の墓場 |
BGM: Cemetery of Onbashira | |
Marisa |
ここが……神奈子が管理するあの しかし寒いな…… しかも水没している |
Is this... that underground fusion reactor Sure is cold, though... And it's flooded, to boot. |
Minamitsu Murasa ENTERS, accompanied by boat | ||
Minamitsu |
どけどけーい! |
Move, move, MOVE! |
Marisa |
何だと! |
What the?! |
Minamitsu |
事態は一刻を争うんだ! |
Every second counts in this situation! |
Marisa |
このやろう 慌てていれば何でも |
Can't you even apologize, Being in a hurry isn't a |
BGM: キャプテンムラサ |
BGM: Captain Murasa | |
Marisa |
礼儀を教えてやる! |
Time to teach you some manners! |
決闘開始! |
Duel Start! | |
Minamitsu Murasa DEFEATED | ||
First Spell Card Defeated | ||
Minamitsu |
意外と水の扱いに慣れているね でも私ほどではあるまい 大 |
You're unexpectedly good at water management. |
Minamitsu Murasa DEFEATED | ||
Minamitsu |
はあはあ、ごめんなさい |
*Pant, pant...* I'm sorry! |
Marisa |
そうだ、最初から で、なんでお前が核融合炉に? |
'Ey, see? That was all you So, why the heck are you down here at the reactor? |
Minamitsu |
それは……内緒です |
That's... a secret. |
Marisa |
私は石油……いや黒い水の調査で ここが最深部に繋がる |
I wanna reach the deepest level of the underground And apparently, this is the one an' only |
Minamitsu |
ほう、やっぱりそうだったのですか ならば私がこれ以上 実は私も同じ調査で来てました |
Ah, so that was it after all. No reason for me to keep you here I'm actually here to investigate the same thing. |
Marisa |
さっきは、時間が無いって |
Didn't you say you were short |
Minamitsu |
最深部に行くには灼熱地獄を それは熱すぎて不可能なの だから三途の川底に穴を開けて 灼熱地獄が十分に冷えたら |
Well, you have to go through the Hell of Blazing Fires But it's too hot to even do that right now. So we opened a hole in the bottom of the Sanzu River Once the Hell of Blazing Fires is cold enough, I can reach the deepest level safely. |
Marisa |
なる程、判った お前の方が十分準備していた事が 有難く利用させて貰うぜ |
Gotcha, gotcha. Welp, sorry to do this when you were clearly way But I'll be usin' that path for myself, thanks! |
Stage 5
第五話 |
Chapter 5 | |
BGM: 不朽の曼珠沙華 |
BGM: Everlasting Red Spider Lily | |
旧灼熱地獄 |
Former Hell of Blazing Fires | |
Marisa |
こ、これは水浸しにも程があるぞ これじゃあ、最下層に石油がある ……待てよ というか、黒い水が地上まで湧いて出ているのは この大量の水の所為なんじゃないのか? |
T-there's such a thing as TOO flooded, y'know? At this rate, even if there's petroleum down beneath here, ...Wait. Speakin' of which, is the black water popping up above-ground... ...specifically BECAUSE of all this water floodin' the caves? |
Kutaka Niwatari ENTERS | ||
Kutaka |
これはまた大きな仕事になりそうね これじゃあ、三途の河ならぬ三途の滝ね |
Seems like we have another big job on our hands... It's more of a Sanzu Waterfall than a Sanzu River at this point. |
Marisa |
む、お前は……確か |
Hm, you're... that bird, right? |
Kutaka |
もしかして、貴方の仕業ですか? |
Kutaka Niwatari, yes. This wouldn't happen to be your doing, would it? |
Marisa |
え? |
Huh? |
Kutaka |
三途の河はこの世とあの世を繋ぐ これを利用して、地獄へと 畜生界の出来事はカムフラージュ |
The Sanzu River is the sole boundary Are you trying to take advantage of Was all that business in the Animal Realm |
BGM: セラフィックチキン |
BGM: Seraphic Chicken | |
Kutaka |
なる程、やはり危険人物でしたねぇ ここから立ち去って貰います! |
That must be it! I knew you were a dangerous individual. I'm going to need you to leave this place at once! |
決闘開始! |
Duel Start! | |
First Spell Card Defeated | ||
Kutaka |
このまま落下し続けると大変です! 本気で追い返さないと! 見捨てられた最悪の地獄に |
It's going to be very bad if you keep falling at this rate! I have to get serious about driving you out! Before you arrive at the most loathsome, |
Kutaka Niwatari DEFEATED | ||
Kutaka |
はあはあ |
*Pant, pant...* |
Marisa |
はあはあ、誤解だ この滝に関しては |
*Pant, pant.* You've got it all wrong! I'm totally innocent, 'least as far as |
Kutaka |
そうなんですか…… では何故こんな場所に? |
Oh? Really... Then what brings you down here? |
Marisa |
私はただ黒い水の出所を |
I'm just tryin' to figure out |
Kutaka |
黒い水? |
Black water? |
Marisa |
地上が黒い水で汚染されて 地の底の底から湧いてきている その原因を突き止めたいだけだ |
There's tons of black water polluting the surface. And y'see, people were sayin' that it was flooding So I'm just here to figure out what's up. |
Kutaka |
なる程……黒い水に関しては 悪意はないとお見受けしました ただ、これより下にあるのは 本物の地獄とも言えるような 生半可な覚悟では行かない方が |
I see... I'm not particularly well-informed but I sense no malicious intent from you. However, the place below here is It's a hopeless place, worthy of For your own safety, I'd advise against |
Marisa |
なる程、気を付ける |
Gotcha. I'll keep an eye out. |
Stage 6
第六話 |
Chapter 6 | |
Marisa |
滝ゾーンはもう終わったみたいだが…… どこまで落ち続けるんだー!? |
Well, it looks like I'm past the waterfall zone... But how long am I gonna be falling for?! |
Marisa LANDS | ||
Marisa |
こ、ここは…… |
T-this is... |
石油の海 |
Sea of Petroleum | |
BGM: 大地の底、剛欲の海 |
BGM: Depths of the Earth, Ocean of Avarice | |
Marisa |
黒い水? 辺り一面黒い水! |
The black water? Yeah, as far as the eye can see! |
Yuuma Toutetsu ENTERS | ||
??? |
……一つ掘っては金のためー 三つ掘っては憎しみのため…… 誰だ? こんな所にいるなんて お前、ただ者じゃないな 私と同類か? |
...The first hole's dug for my money~. The third hole's dug for my hatred...[4] Who're you? If you're down in a place like this... Then you sure aren't some average shmuck. In the same boat as me, maybe? |
Marisa |
こんな地の底にも |
Dang. Can't say I expected to see |
??? |
それはこっちの台詞だ あ、その格好 霧雨魔理沙だろ |
Took the words right outta my mouth. Oh, your outfit. You're Marisa Kirisame, aren't you. |
Marisa |
え? |
Huh? |
Yuuma |
畜生界では部下のオオワシが 私は剛欲同盟の長
あいつは単純で力馬鹿な奴を クックック |
I heard about how you helped out some I'm the matriarch of the Gouyoku Alliance. I also heard that Kurokoma from the Keiga Figures. She's always liked Keh-heh-heh! |
Marisa |
もしかして、畜生界の奴か!? 何故、こんな地の底に…… |
Are you sayin' you're from the Animal Realm?! Then why're you so far underground...? |
Yuuma |
そうか、地上の人間も 素晴らしいよなぁ 何より、この世の何よりも だがな、一歩遅かったなぁ ここに埋蔵されている石油は 石油に纏わる |
I see. So you surface humans have your It's wonderful, isn't it? And above all else, it's the most cursed Hate to break it to you, though, but you're one step too late. All the petroleum buried here is mine. And everything wrapped around it-- every joy, every convenience, |
BGM: 強欲な獣のメメント |
BGM: Memento of an Avaricious Beast | |
Yuuma |
一滴残らず私のもんだ! |
Every last drop of it is MINE! |
決闘開始! |
Duel Start! | |
Yuuma Toutetsu DEFEATED |
- ↑ Marisa's attribution is categorized into Water in Five Phases. It is mentioned frequently such as Futo's script of Antinomy of Common Flowers.
- ↑ The kanji spelling of 虹洞 (koudou / "rainbow cavern") is a neologism here: probably a pun of 坑道 (koudou / "mine, tunnel").
- ↑ No stage name is displayed.
- ↑ A wordplay of the phrase of Japanese Buddhist hymn for Jizou Bosatsu ― "Sai-no-Kawara Jizou Hymn" (賽の河原地蔵和讃). "First stack of stones, this is for their fathers. Second stack of stones, this is for their mothers" (一つ積んでは父のため、二つ積んでは母のため). There are some variants of the hymn, but they always include this part. This part illustrates the torture of still-born babies in the hell. They are enforced to stack stones in vain and its towers will be broken by oni, which repeats infinitely. They insists that the babies deserve to be in agony because their parents are crying for their babies' abortive birth and suffering in the hell.
This serious context and Yuuma's action don't seem to match, but it might remind us of manual workers in plants. She is being bored in infinte routine and singing a song relinquishes her a little.