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Super Marisa World
Super Marisa World (also stylised as SuperMarisaWorld and sometimes in katakana スーパーマリサワールド) is a Touhou Project fangame that is a platformer by Double Cluster. It stars Marisa Kirisame as the only playable character, along with Koakuma and Rumia as supporting characters throughout her adventure. The game is a parody to the popular SNES game Super Mario World (hence the name), but other Mario games are paid homage as well. Like many fangames, it's unknown if ZUN knows about this game.
Background Information
The gameplay mechanics of Super Marisa World are based around the Super Mario series, primarily Super Mario World. It also make references to other Mario games, including the original Super Mario Bros., along with keeping common elements from the Touhou Project, such as the pause screen & other in-game text uses the font & colour font that's used in Touhou games, having dialogue before a boss battle, and the music, as well as a fight against Kaguya Houraisan is a horizontal shoot 'em up. The graphics, just like a Touhou game, has 2D gameplay with 3D background. The choice of having Marisa Kirisame as the playable character would involve many reasons, some including; her name been similar to the popular character Mario, she cannot fly without her broom and has a hobby involving mushrooms.
The dialogue in this game makes a lot of references to the actual Touhou games and other aspects related to the Japanese fanbase and the Mario series, thus continuously breaking the fourth wall.

The game starts with three slots that the player can choose from. If you want to delete these, you've got to go into the SaveData folder and delete the files there. The main object of the game is to work your way through the stages and worlds. At the end of each stage, there is a chibi Koakuma that marks as the end of the stage. In select stages, you can also find a normal-sized Koakuma who marks the secret exit, opening more levels. Finding her will unlock another stage (for Worlds 1 to 7) or another world (for World 0). Koakuma makes a strong resemblance to Mushroom Retainers, hence the mushroom on her headss, along with there having two official appearances in design in Touhou; one in Embodiment of Scarlet Devil and Strange and Bright Nature Deity.
Marisa gets a total of 5 lives per stage. If you lose a life during a stage, you'll be sent back to where you've start the stage. However, all stages contain at least one Magic Circle (魔方陣), a checkpoint that sends Marisa back to where this circle was if she dies once, preventing the player from re-playing the whole stage again from the start. If you lose all 5 of your lives or run out of time on a stage, you'll be sent back to the stage select screen. You may try a stage as many times as you wish.
The Hit box is roughly the same size as Marisa's sprite, i.e. two square blocks vertically, which is unusual for a Touhou game so it can make it harder to dodge bullets. That's right, danmaku in resemblance those seen in the Touhou Project are rather common in this game; you haven't got the capacity of dodging these as you do in Touhou, but only the capacity from a typical Mario game, hence the difficulty of the game is actually harder compared to a Mario, which also makes reference to how much of a bullet hell Touhou can be. There are also no 1ups or spell card bombs.
The game may be played using either a keyboard or a gamepad. Default keyboard controls are as follows:
- Left and Right arrow keys move Marisa left or right
- Down allows Marisa to crouch, enter pipes and do a drill kick in the air. Crouching also makes Marisa's hit box to a size of one blobk, although she can't walk but jump.
- Up while jumping allows Marisa to enter downwards-facing pipes or throw black yin-yangs if you have the Miko powerup
- Z makes Marisa jump, where the height of the jump depends on how long you hold down the button, and to fly and hover with the broom
- X picks up flattened enemies, shoots Yin-Yang balls if you have the Miko powerup, swings if you have the broom powerup and takes you back to the title screen
- Left Shift pauses the game and brings you to the in-game menu
- Right Ctrl brings up stage data on the world map
- Esc exits the game
- Home produces a .bmp screenshot in the /SnapShot directory.
The game is endlessly filled with obstacles, which includes the enemies.
- Brick Block
Brick Blocks, resembling Brick Blocks, are breakable objects. Marisa can jump into from beneath, drill kick them from above or swinging her broom on its side. Hitting them from below will also defeat an enemy.
- Pipe
A grey Ductile Pipe (ダグタイル管) resembles the Warp Pipe from the Mario series, apparently made of metal. By pressing the down key, Marisa can quickly transport to different rooms and hidden areas, although some pipes aren't transportable. They also appear upside down, where the player can press the up key to enter these if Marisa's head is touching them. These can be hazardous because a Piranha Kedama can pop out of them. The pipe also makes reference to the ductile iron pipe.
- Screw
A Screw (ねじ) have an appearance similar to the screws in some airship stages of Super Mario Bros. 3, but behave like the stumps from the Yoshi's Island series. They are one-block width-sized objects prevents Marisa from accessing certain areas or stars; their height are dependable. By getting on top of them and drill kicking on them, they'll become shorter by one block. Once the whole screw has been screwed, only the tip of the screw remains.
- Pits
Pits, resembling Pits from the Mario series, can result Marisa to losing a life if she falls into an opening without a ground. However, by having Rumia, Marisa is then able to walk on these.
- Lifts
These lifts are used to aid Marisa to cross large pits or accessing unreachable places. These resemble the taijitu and have different functions; red and yellow ones move vertically, green ones move horizontally and blue ones stay still and only fall if Marisa were to step on them once.
- Power Block
Power Blocks (パワーブロック) can aid Marisa in giving her an item to power up, such as her miko suit, if she were to hit them from under. However, these can also give out kedamas. They resemble the ? Block from Mario, but take on the appearance of a Power Item from Touhou, referencing that they power-up the character.
- Bomb Block
Bomb Blocks (ボム・ブロック) will convert invisible-marked blocks into solid green block and making already-existing green blocks invisible. The green blocks will have a number on it, starting at 9, and will disappear again when it reaches 0. Bomb Blocks can only be re-used if Marisa exits the room. They somewhat resemble the P-Switch from Mario, but take on the appearance of a Bomb Item from Touhou.
- Ice Blocks
Ice Blocks are slippery blocks that makes harder to control Marisa on where she can slide to, such as a pit or a Kedama. Jumping and drill kicking will quickly make you stay still. these can also come in 2×2 sized blocks.
- Jumping
Similar to the Super Mario series, jumping is your primary form of attack. Unlike the Mario series however, you have little to no vertical tolerance for jumping on enemies. Unless your feet are completely above the enemy when you land on them, you will get hit. If you try to jump on an enemy and you hit their side even a tiny bit, you will be hit.
If you press down while in the air, you will perform a drill kick. This move can kill most enemies instantly, as opposed to flattening them. If you can't kill them with a drill kick, you will at least bounce off them (which you can do repeatedly). This technique is often used to get to higher places by bouncing off a Thwomp Kedama. The drill kick will cancel out most if not all bullets without harming you, so it can be used to give you some breathing room, just make sure you don't miss. Another handy use for the drill is to stop horizontal momentum on Ice Blocks.
Like a normal jump, the drill kick also has no vertical tolerance. Also beware, the hit box is exactly at your feet; if a green Piranha kedama is low enough into a pipe, you will hit the pipe first, cancel the drill, and then get hit by the kedama.
- Waki Miko Marisa
By finding a red Yin-Yang Orb, Marisa will now dress as a Shrine Maiden in appearance of Reimu Hakurei, called "Waki Miko Marisa" (腋巫女マリサ, Lit. "Armpit Shrine Maiden Marisa"). This power is a combination of Fire Mario and Hammer Mario.
Press X to shoot red Yin-Yang orbs, representing fireballs. These can kill any enemy that you can instantly kill by drill kicking. You can have 5 out at a time, and they are blocked by walls.
Hold Up and press X to throw black Yin-Yang orbs, representing hammers. These powerful orbs pass through walls, and can kill all enemies in one hit, including Thwomp Kedama, Chain Kedama and Wiggler Kedama. Like red orbs, you can only have 5 out at a time.
- Broom Marisa
Once Marisa obtains a broom, she become "Broom Marisa" (箒マリサ) and is accessed additional abilities, referencing the fact that Marisa needs her broom in canon. By pressing X, Marisa can swing her broom and destroy Brick Blocks and certain enemies to gain access to places. This power is similar to the Cape Mario.
If Marisa runs at maximum speed and a sound outputs, you can hold Z to take off and fly for a limited time. Holding Z makes you go up and letting go will make you go down. You can still swing your broom while flying, and can even fly while holding an enemy.
When descending from the air, you can press and hold Z to spin your broom and hover, similar to how Yoshi does it. You can chain these together to cover long distances, or slowly descend down to see what is below you.
- Rumia
Finding meat will let you ride Rumia (representing Yoshi from the Mario games) for a limited time. During this time, you are completely invincible, equivalent to Invincible Mario. Running through enemies will kill them, and running through bullets will cancel them. You can walk over spikes and even bottomless pits without problems, just be sure to be on safe ground when it wears off. You will keep whatever powerup you had before you picked up Rumia.
You get 100 points for each enemy you jump on (flattening them) or kill. If you kill multiple enemies without touching the ground (bouncing off multiple enemies, drilling through multiple), the value of the each enemy increases until you touch the ground, where it resets back to 100. The point values are 100, 200, 400, 800, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 10000, and 10000 for each after the 9th enemy. Also, destroying a Brick Block is worth 10 points.
There are 100 stars in each stage; these are apparently called "stardusts" (星屑) that are from the original Touhou comics. When you complete the stage, you will receive stars² × 10 points, up to a maximum of 100000 for all 100 stars. They're also used for the special score calculation when you complete the stage. However, at the end of each stage, the player is awarded a point bonus based on their performance throughout the stage. The bonus is calculated as follows:
Score (score from the stage) Lives × 10,000 (remaining lives) Stars ^ 2 × 10 (number of stars collected) Time × 100 (time remaining)
The special score is calculated as follows:
Lives × 10 (remaining lives) Stars / 2 (stars collected)
If you get a special score of 100 in all stages of a particular world, you will get an @ next to your save file on the main screen.
There are 8 worlds in the game. Worlds 0–3 have 6 stages each, while Worlds 4–7 have 8 stages each.
- World 0: Forest of Magic
- World 1: Ice World (Presumably the Misty Lake)
- World 2: Sky World (Heaven? Moon?)
- World 3: Hills/Volcano World (Unknown, somewhere near the SDM)
- World 4: Scarlet Devil Mansion
- World 5: Netherworld/Hakugyokurou
- World 6: Eientei
- World 7: Yukari Space
You start the game with only World 0 unlocked. To unlock Worlds 1, 2, and 3, you must find the secret exits in stages 0-2-3, 0-2-2, and 0-2-1 respectively. To unlock Worlds 4, 5, 6, and 7, you must beat the boss in stage x-2-4 from previous worlds.
Stages x-2-1 and x-2-3 can be unlocked by finding the secret exit in stages x-1-1 and x-1-3. The only exception is that 7-1-3 will not unlock 7-2-3, you have to beat 7-2-2 for that. It is unknown whether this is a glitch or intentional.
Marisa Kirisame is the playable character of the game; the protagonist. Shw goes to find Patchouli Knowledge the princess by defeating irrational enemies. Rumia is a supporting character by making Marisa invincible, while Koakuma waits for Marisa at the end of each stage.
The only known stage enemy in the entire game is the Kedama, each having a (°д°) face that resembles the FOE.
Name (Unofficial) | Image | Description |
White Kedama | ![]() |
These resemble the Galoombas from the original SMW. They'll aimlessly walk side to side, and will hurt you if touched. They can be squashed via jumping on them and can be picked up to throw. Having them touch another enemy will result in both enemies been defeated. There's also another version that resembles the Boo, where they'll home in on you if Marisa's not looking at them, but will stop, face away and become transparent if Marisa looks at them. Only a black yin-yang or a drill kick can defeat these. |
Yellow Kedama | ![]() |
These vaguely resemble Koopa Paratroopas. They'll move regularly on platforms, but never fall off an edge, and then they'll do two small hops and one long jump. They're easily defeated by jumping on them. |
Monty Kedama | ![]() |
These resemble Monty Moles that pop out of random spots in the ground to surprise Marisa, who'll charge directly at her. They can be defeated by jumping on them. |
Chargin' Kedama | ![]() |
These resemble Chargin' Chucks, where they'll charge towards Marisa and can jump rather high. They take up to three hits on the head to be defeated. |
Piranha Kedama | ![]() |
These resemble Piranha Plants hiding in pipes, where they'll pop slowly out of a pipe and shoot one red bullet towards Marisa and hide back in the pipe again, keeping some Touhou elements. Jumping on then will result in losing a life, so only using a drill kick or a yin-yang can defeat these. Having a number of these shooting bullets will become hazardous. |
Rex Kedama | ![]() |
These resemble Rex. They'll aimlessly walk side to side slowly, and if Marisa were to jump on one, they'll shrink in size to a normal size kedama and move faster. Another jump on the head will defeat them. |
Chain Kedama | ![]() |
These resemble the Chain Chomp from Super Mario Bros. 3, where they're attached to a block and try to lunge at Marisa. They cannot be defeated via jumping on then, but using a drill kick or a black yin-yangs does. |
Wiggler Kedama | ![]() |
These resemble the Wiggler, although this is a group of kedama instead of been one entity. They'll walk side to side with an 8-bit Fire Flower on the head. If Marisa jumps on them, they'll lose their flower and start flashing, ending up red and getting angry, charging faster towards Marisa. Only a black yin-yang or carrying another kedama can defeat these. |
Kedama Paratroopa | ![]() |
These resemble the Koopa Paratroopas. They have the same capacity as an ordinary white kedama, except that they'll fly up & down, left & right or in a wavy pattern towards one direction. |
Hammer Kedama | ![]() |
These resemble the Hammer Bro. from the original Supter Mario Bros.. They'll throw light blue bullets at Marisa as they move around. Jumping on them can defeat them. |
Thwomp Kedama | ![]() |
These resemble the Thwomp that if Marisa were to go near under them, then they'll fall to try and squash her. They're useful to try and get to higher places by drill kicking on them, but only a black yin-yang or holding a kedama can defeat them. |
Raven Kedama | ![]() |
These resemble the Ravens that are originally from Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, where they're seen walking on floating rocks that has its own gravitational pull as though they're planets, but this doesn't affect Marisa. A drill kick is enough to defeat them. |
Podoboo Kedama | ![]() |
These resemble the Podoboo, were they'll jump out from a pit in a simple pattern to try and hurt Marisa. Jumping on then will lose a life, but frill kicking them or having a black yin-yang will defeat them; the former wouldn't be a recommendation. |
Spiny Kedama | ![]() |
These resemble the Spiny, which are the rarest enemy in the game, only appearing on World 7-2-2. Yukari Yakumo throws these through her gap and the only thing that can defeat them are black yin-yangs. |
In certain stages, you will face a boss at the end. These battles are mostly against a Touhou Project character, from post-PC-98 to pre-Mountain of Faith, paying homage to various boss battles throughout the Mario series. Not only do they follow Mario bosses however, they also implement the use of character's abilities and official spell cards of danmaku, changed to fit with the overall gameplay. The boss stages tend to be short and usually trivial, so you can expect to have full lives against the boss.
World 0 has no boss battles. For Worlds 1 to 3, stages x-1-3 and x-2-3 are boss battles. For Worlds 4–7, stages x-1-2, x-2-2, x-1-4 and x-2-4 are boss battles. The area before the boss itself will usually provide a clue as to who the boss is and what the battle is going to be like.
This is a list of known glitches, bugs or other unusual capabilities that aren't suppose to be part of the original gameplay.
- It's possible to make Kedama get stuck in certain areas. When a Monty Kedama is below a certain length in the ground and that it pops out, it will be shown to be stuck just below the ground. It can only be escaped if it runs to an edge. Also, holding a Kedama, walking up next to a wall, and letting it go will result in the Kedama been stuck in the wall. Furthermore, by jumping up just below a ground and letting go off a kedama will also result in it "floating"; this is hit-or-miss, but having a pipe in the way and having Marisa hitting her head on it will show the same result.
One day at Marisa Kirisame's home in the Forest of Magic of Gensokyo, a letter arrives there. Not knowing what this is about apart from giving an excuse for violence, it says "Marisa!! Help!! By Patchouli." Marisa took off immediately, but there was something strange as though Gensokyo has been changed, or bewitched. Walking through the forest, Marisa encounters Rumia wearing a Yoshi suit who says that the "princess" (Patchouli) has been kidnapped. It's then up to Marisa to travel across Gensokyo to save her.
Marisa takes a couple of long visits throughout Gensokyo in hope to find Patchouli, including the Misty Lake, Netherworld, Eientei and even the Scarlet Devil Mansion (Even though the princess lives here). Eventually, as Marisa travels through the Yukari Space, she discovers that the culprit is Suika Ibuki (although Marisa says that she knew who it was from the start). After she's defeated, Patchouli is saved and reveals that Gensokyo is once again peaceful. Marisa doesn't know what was happening, but Patchouli reveals that all this was her "magic experiment".
There are a total of 16 arrangements in this game. The arrangements mostly contain themes from the Touhou Project, but also contain melodies that are from the Mario series, such as the World 5 theme containing a arrangement of "Eastern Ghostly Dream ~ Ancient Temple" and the Sub Castle BGM from Super Mario World.
The game is specifically made for those who are fans of both Touhou and Mario; Touhou-only fans may also take interested. Despite been released after Super Marisa Land, this game was involved in popularising various aspects that are noticeable amongst the Touhou fanbase. This includes Marisa having a Mario-based life with mushrooms, Remilia Scarlet can often be seen wearing her Rex outfit in fanart, and popularising the use of kedama with their FOE facial expressions. It's also one of the earliest known fangames to present Yukari Yakumo's gap as some kind of alternative world that is nowadays a common subject.
The Western fanbase may use the abbreviation "SMW" to refer to this game, but this may be ambiguous because Super Mario World can also be abbreviated to this. If talking amongst the Touhou fanbase, then "SMW" would likely refer to this fangame.