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Symposium of Post-mysticism/Part 3
< | Part 2: Soga no Tojiko Part 2: The Current Status of the World Outside Gensokyo |
Symposium of Post-mysticism | Part 3: Nitori Kawashiro Part 4: The Present and Future of the Hated |
> |
第三部 |
Part III | |
Miko |
古典的な妖怪と言えば、天狗とか河童とかですね。昔は山や沼といった所には必ず居たもんです。 |
When you speak of classic youkai, things like tengu and kappa come to mind, right? In the past, you would be sure to find them in every mountain or marsh. |
Marisa |
今もいっぱい居るがな。 |
They're still all over the place, you know. |
Kanako |
幻想郷にはね。もっとも、昔の天狗や河童と大分違うものになってしまっているけど。 |
In Gensokyo, anyway. But they are quite different from the tengu and kappa of the past. |
Miko |
ビックリしました。まさか天狗が高度な社会を築いていたり、河童が高度な文明を持っていたり……。同じ名前の妖怪だけど、全く別物みたい。 |
That was a surprise to me. To think the tengu built an advanced society, or that the kappa would have such an advanced civilization... They seem like completely different youkai despite having the same name. |
Byakuren |
そうですねぇ。天狗は、昔は道を誤った修行僧のなれの果てだ、と言い伝えられていましたが。 |
I believe that's true. In the past, it was said that tengu were monks who had lost their way. |
Miko |
じゃあ、貴方も天狗になるのかしら? |
So that means you're a tengu, too? |
Byakuren |
私は道を誤ってません。むしろ貴方の方が天狗に近い存在だと思います。 |
I haven't lost my way. Rather, I believe you are the one closer to a tengu than I. |
Miko |
ほう? |
Really now? |
[天狗の今と昔] |
The Past and Present of the Tengu | |
Byakuren |
天狗は山に住むとされ、色々な怪異を起こしたりします。最初は人間に被害を与えるだけの存在だったのでしょう。 |
Tengu live in mountains and cause various strange occurrences. At first, they were beings that only did harm to humans. |
Miko |
石を降らせたり、赤子を攫ったり、不気味な音で脅かしたり……。 |
Like dropping rocks on them, stealing their babies, frightening them with eerie noises... |
Byakuren |
それが仏教が伝わり修験道が始まると、天狗が山岳信仰の対象とされる様になります。山に篭もって修行する修験道の山伏を手助けしたり、逆に邪魔したりする精霊のような存在です。厳しい修行を行う山伏(*1)は一般の人間から見て天狗と区別が付かず、次第に同一視されるようになっていきました。その為、今の天狗たちも山伏のような格好をしているのでしょう。 |
But once Buddhism spread throughout the country and Shugendou started, tengu became objects of mountain worship. They were like spirits that both helped and hindered the mountain-dwelling Yamabushi who were training there. From the ordinary person's perspective, the Yamabushi(*1) undergoing intense training were no different from the tengu, and gradually they came to be considered one and the same. Because of that, today's tengu still have a Yamabushi-like appearance. |
Marisa |
詳しいな。 |
You sure know a lot about this. |
Byakuren |
妖怪学に関しては専門ですから。優れた修験者は仙人と呼ばれる事もありましたから、もちろん仙人化した天狗もいたかと思います。 |
Because I specialize in knowledge of youkai. Since the great mountain ascetics were sometimes called hermits, I believe that there were also tengu who have become hermits. |
Marisa |
確かに、今の天狗にも仙人っぽい奴も居るみたいだな。 |
Yeah, there definitely seem to be some hermit-like tengu out there, too. |
Byakuren |
ちなみに人間がよく想像する鼻が高い天狗が定着したのは、江戸時代くらいだったそうです。山伏が修行や祭事の際に着けていたお面のイメージから来ていると思われます。 |
Incidentally, the common image of long-nosed tengu seems to have been established around the time of the Edo Period (1603–1868). I believe the image comes from the masks that the monks would wear while training and performing rituals. |
Miko |
鼻の高い天狗って幻想郷にも居るのかしら? なんか鴉天狗ばっかり見るわ。 |
Does Gensokyo have any long-nosed tengu too? It feels like I only see crow tengu. |
Kanako |
鴉天狗は新聞記者兼配達員なので、麓に下りてくるのはそればっかりですが、実は山奥には他の天狗も沢山居ますよ? 鼻高天狗は事務員なんで、殆ど外には出てこないようですが。 |
The crow tengu are the newspaper reporters and deliverers, so they're the only ones who come down to the foothills, but there are actually lots of other tengu deep in the mountains. The long-nosed tengu are clerks, so it seems they don't get out much. |
Miko |
それも変な話ね。 |
That's odd. |
Kanako |
え? 何がですか? |
What's odd? |
Miko |
鼻の高い天狗のイメージの根底って、猿田彦(*2)のイメージなんでしょう? 猿田彦と言えば道案内の神ですし、さらに言えば道祖神(*3)と同一視される位なんだから、表に出て働かなきゃいけないんじゃないの? |
Isn't the image of the long-nosed tengu based on Sarutahiko(*2)? Sarutahiko is a god of guidance, making him the same as a god of travelers(*3), so shouldn't they be working outside? |
Byakuren |
確かに……。 |
That certainly is odd... |
Kanako |
どうやら鼻高天狗の最近の仕事は、地図を作るのがメインらしいですよ? 最終的に自分が表に出なくても道案内出来るシステムを構築するのが理想とか。GPS(*4)とか何とか言ってました。 |
I've heard that their recent jobs have entailed making maps. They've been talking about their vision of eventually creating a guidance system where they don't even have to go outside. They call it GPS(*4) or something. |
Miko |
横着な猿田彦だこと(笑)。 |
What lazy Sarutahiko (laugh). |
Byakuren |
まあ、猿田彦本人じゃなくて、あくまで天狗が猿田彦と同一視されて真似しているだけですからそんな物かも知れませんね。 |
Well, they aren't Sarutahiko themselves, perhaps they are just regarded the same since they are imitating him. |
Kanako |
本物の猿田彦に謝れと。 |
They should apologize to the real Sarutahiko. |
Marisa |
で、天狗は色んなイメージを植え付けられたから今みたいな姿になったという訳か? |
So the tengu ended up with the appearance they have now because of all those images of them? |
Byakuren |
そう……いや、江戸時代まではそうでした。しかし今は、色んなイメージの集合体、とはちょっと違うかも知れませんね。 |
Yes... Wait, no, they were until the Edo Period. However, I would say they are a bit different now. |
Marisa |
ほう。 |
Huh... |
Byakuren |
昔の天狗は山伏の修行の手助けをしたり、祭りなどで先導役として出てくる事もありました。それが文明開化による民話の迷信化、無宗教化による修験道の衰退、闇を畏れなくなった人心と共に忘れ去られてしまいます。人間と共に活動していた天狗は次第に表に出なくなってしまうのです。それが原因で、妖怪達の存在が危うくなりました。天狗に限らず全ての妖怪が……。 |
The tengu of the past used to help out the mountain monks with their training, and would sometimes also take a leadership role during festivals. But then, because of the Westernization of Japan, folklore became superstition, shugendou gave way to secularism, and they were forgotten about along with humanity's fear of the dark. The tengu who were working together with humans starting appearing less and less. For this reason, the existence of these youkai was endangered. And not just tengu, but all youkai... |
Miko |
その危機を救う為に、幻想郷は隔離された世界になった、という訳ね。 |
And in order to deal with that crisis, Gensokyo became an isolated world. |
Byakuren |
そうですね、その時に居た訳では無いのでどのようにしてそこに至った(*5)のかまでは判りませんが……幻想郷が今の形になって人間の想像の呪縛から解き放たれ、ついに妖怪達は真の自由を得たのです。元々姿形の定まらない彼らは独自の進化を歩む事になりました。どういう変化があったのかは窺い知れませんが、元々天狗は上下関係の厳しい妖怪でしたので今のような社会を築くまでになったのでしょう。 |
That's right. I wasn't here at the time so I don't know how this came about(*5), but when Gensokyo entered its current state, youkai were liberated from the spell of human imagination and obtained true freedom. Since they originally lacked a stable form, they started to develop their own characteristics. I do not fully understand the kind of changes they have made, but because the tengu were youkai that had followed strict hierarchical rules, they were able to build the kind of society they have now. |
Marisa |
なる程なぁ。つまり纏めると、昔の妖怪は人間の想像に影響されて姿を変え、今の妖怪は独自に変化した、という事か? |
I get it. To put it all together, the forms of youkai in the old days had been influenced by human imagination, and youkai nowadays can change on their own. Does that sound right? |
Byakuren |
そうだと思います。だから今の妖怪は多様性があるのです。 |
I believe so. That is why there is so much variety among youkai presently. |
[生まれては消える妖怪] |
Youkai Disappearing After Birth | |
Miko |
うーん、ちょっと待って。私が考えるに、今の妖怪はそれだけでは無いと思いますよ。 |
Hmm, wait a moment. By my reasoning, I don't think all current youkai are like that. |
Marisa |
というと? |
Whaddya mean? |
Miko |
今も人間の想像から生まれる妖怪もいる筈です。妖怪の成り立ちから考えて、理不尽さを自己完結させる手段として生まれた……つまり最初から架空である事を前提とした妖怪がいて当然。 |
The human imagination should still be creating new youkai. Considering the nature of youkai, they come about to rationalize irrationality... In other words, it is natural that some youkai who were meant to be fictitious exist. |
Byakuren |
なる程。存在しない事が明白な存在、としての妖怪……ね? |
I see. As a youkai whose nonexistence is obvious, right? |
Kanako |
神子さんは流石に人間の心理に詳しいわね。当然そういう妖怪もいます。例えば「妖怪リモコン隠し」とか。 |
I must say Ms. Toyosatomimi has a solid grasp of human psychology. Of course, there are those sorts of youkai as well, such as the "remote-control-hiding youkai", for example. |
Marisa |
妖怪リモコン隠し? |
What kinda youkai is that? |
Kanako |
よく使うのに、何故かすぐにどこに行ったか判らなくなってしまう現象を、妖怪の仕業にしたタイプです。 |
A type that was made to blame the phenomenon of some object going missing even though that object is used often, on the doings of a youkai. |
Everyone |
リモコンって何? |
What's a remote control? |
Kanako |
あ、いや。まあ、ちっさな道具(*6)です。もっとわかりやすい例としては、例えば睡魔の様な妖怪もいますね。 |
Ah, um, well, it is a small device(*6). Maybe an example that would be easier to understand is a youkai that causes drowsiness. |
Byakuren |
寝てはいけない時ほど眠くなるという、あれですね? |
Do you mean the one that causes "the more inappropriate it is to fall asleep, the sleepier you become"? |
Kanako |
そう、この手の妖怪は毎日のように外の世界で生み出されています。その都度、幻想郷でも生まれたりしています。 |
Yes, youkai like that are created in the outside world every single day. And every time that happens, it also appears in Gensokyo. |
Byakuren |
でも、自我が保てる程内容が確定していないから、生まれてすぐに消えてしまう。その辺が忘れられてから独自に進化する古典的な妖怪との差、でしょう。 |
But since the details are not sufficiently defined to the point where it can maintain a sense of self, it immediately disappears. That's what makes it different from the classical youkai who can develop their own characteristics after they are forgotten. |
Kanako |
どうしても他愛の無いいたずら妖怪(*7)ばかりですからね(笑)。有名どころでも誰かがパンを落とした時、バターを塗った面を下にする妖怪とか、探し物を必ず一番見つかりにくい場所に隠す妖怪とか、戦地で結婚すると言うと必ず戦死させる妖怪とか。 |
That's because they're all youkai of childish pranks(*7) (laugh). Even the famous ones, like the youkai of "making dropped toast land butter-side down", or the youkai of "always hiding missing things in places hardest to find them", or the youkai of "always killing whoever mentions that they are getting married after the war". |
Marisa |
ちょっ、最後のは他愛の無いいたずらじゃ無いと思うぜ(汗)。 |
Hey, I don't think that last one is a childish prank (sweat). |
[命蓮寺の妖怪] |
The Youkai of the Myouren Temple | |
Miko |
昔は不都合な事とか不思議な事が起きた時は既存の妖怪の所為にしてました。それにより妖怪が成長や変化を繰り返して来たのです。今の幻想郷にいる妖怪は、本を正せば殆どがそれでしょう。 |
Long ago, whenever a troublesome or mysterious event happened, it was made to be the fault of some existing youkai. Through repetition of this practice, youkai matured and changed. Looking at the youkai currently in Gensokyo, most of them are basically like that. |
Kanako |
その中でも貴方のお寺にいる妖怪達はまだ古典的な妖怪の部類よね? |
And the ones living at your temple still fall under this category of classic youkai, don't they? |
Byakuren |
そう、ですね。傘が自我を持った付喪神(*8)、陸に上がった舟幽霊(*9)、大声自慢の山彦(*10)、それからえーっと、大入道を使う入道使い(*11)……後は――。 |
I guess so. There's a self-conscious umbrella tsukumogami(*8), a shore-bound ship phantom(*9), a yamabiko who is proud of her loud voice(*10), and then, um... a controller of a giant nyuudou(*11)... and then... |
Miko |
うーん。 |
Hmm. |
Kanako |
ま、結構古典的な妖怪の方じゃないかしら? |
Well, I suppose most of those would be considered classic youkai. |
Byakuren |
よかった。 |
Thank goodness. |
Marisa |
何が? |
For what? |
Byakuren |
古典的ならばみんな消えなくて済むでしょう? |
If they are classic, they won't end up disappearing, correct? |
Marisa |
そうか、みんなが忘れれば存在を消す事が出来るだったっけ? ふむふむ。今日から茗荷料理(*12)でも振舞うとするか。 |
Ah, that's it. We can make them disappear if everybody forgets about them, right? Mm-hmm... I should serve up some dishes with Japanese ginger(*12) from now on. |
Byakuren |
だから、幻想郷に居る限り古典的な妖怪は簡単には消えないと……。 |
As we have said, as long as they live in Gensokyo, classic youkai will not disappear that easily... |
Marisa |
チッ。 |
Tsk. |
Kanako |
そう言えば山彦なんですけど、最近変な物に凝っていないかしら? |
Speaking of that yamabiko, hasn't she been caught up in something unusual lately? |
Byakuren |
え? |
Huh? |
Kanako |
ちょっと前まで大声でお経を唱えていて――それはそれで迷惑でしたが、最近は夜になると、とてもお経とは思えないような不思議な奇声が聞こえて来るんだけど。 |
Until a short while ago she had been chanting sutras in that loud voice of hers, which was pretty annoying on its own, but during recent nights I have been able to hear strange crying that doesn't really sound like sutras. |
Byakuren |
不思議な奇声……あの子はおうむ返しするだけが能なんですが。誰かの奇声を真似してるのかしら? |
Strange crying... She only has the talent to repeat things like a parrot. Maybe she's just imitating someone else's? |
Kanako |
何でしょう……聞くに堪えない断末魔の様な声が。 |
Perhaps... But that noise was unbearable, like the cry of someone dying in agony. |
Marisa |
ああ、響子の話か。あいつ、最近たちの悪い妖怪と連んで夜な夜な何かして居るみたいだぜ。妖怪パンクライブ(*13)とか言っていたな。 |
Oh, you're talking about Kyouko. Lately she's been hanging out with another bad youkai and they've been up to something every night. Something about a Youkai Punk Concert(*13). |
Kanako |
ライブ? パンク? |
A concert? Punk? |
Byakuren |
あらあの子に、そんな不良仲間が出来て居たのね。人様に迷惑を掛けるなんて、修行中の僧侶としては失格だわ。お仕置きしないといけないわねぇ。で、そのたちの悪い妖怪って……。 |
Oh my, so she fell into bad company. Causing annoyance to other people makes her unqualified as a monk in training. It looks like I need to punish her. So, who is this troublesome youkai? |
Marisa |
ああ、夜雀のミスティアという奴だ。そいつも一緒にしばいてやってくれ。うるさいから。眠れないから。 |
Ah, a night sparrow named Mystia. Do me a favor and do something about her, too. She's so noisy, I can't sleep. |
Byakuren |
判りました。見つけ次第、目一杯しばいておきましょう(笑) |
I understand. As soon as I find her, I'll punish her with all of my might (laugh). |
Kanako |
ライブ……あれって歌だったのね……。もっと音程取る練習した方が良さそうね。あれじゃあ客もどん引きよねぇ。 |
A concert... So that was a song... They should try a little harder to stay on key. It'd be no wonder if even their audience was annoyed. |
Miko |
そっちの問題!? |
That's your problem?! |
Byakuren |
そうねぇ。お経を読むにしても音程やリズム感って大切なのよ。読経って心地よいでしょう? アレって相当練習しないといけないの。 |
She is right. Even in reading sutras, tone and rhythm are important. Sutra chanting should be pleasant, right? It requires sufficient practice, though. |
Marisa |
今度から妖怪読経ライブになってそうだな(汗)。 |
I guess next time it's going to be a youkai sutra live, huh? (sweat) |
[妖怪に修行ができるのか] |
Whether Youkai Can Train | |
Miko |
気になっていたけんだけど[1]、命蓮寺の妖怪ってどういう修行をしているの? |
I've been wondering, how do the youkai at the Myouren Temple train? |
Byakuren |
ええーとですね。仏教の基本に |
Hmm... There are six kinds of methods in the fundamentals of Buddhism called the Six Perfections,[2] and... |
Miko |
あ、知ってる知ってる。布施、持戒、 |
Ooh, I know these. Generosity, Discipline, Forbearance, Diligence, and, um... |
Byakuren |
あとは禅定、智恵、です。そう言えば神子さんは昔仏教をやってたんですもんね。 |
The others are Meditation and Wisdom. Come to think of it, you did practice Buddhism in the past, didn't you? |
Miko |
表向きはね。いやぁ仏教は人心を掌握するのに最適だったわー。 |
Only publicly. But it sure was the best for taking hold of human nature. |
Byakuren |
……その話は後で聞きましょう。 |
...Let us have a discussion about that later. |
Marisa |
ちょっと説明してくれないか? 六なんとかっての。 |
Could you explain any of this about the six whatevers? |
Byakuren |
六波羅蜜ですね。「布施」というのは物を施す事です。 |
The Six Perfections, you mean? "Generosity" means to give donations. |
Marisa |
お寺の妖怪達に何か貰ったことあったっけ? |
I don't remember getting anything from the youkai at the temple. |
Byakuren |
これに関しては |
In regards to that, we have this idea called the "Gift of Fearlessness",[3] where we provide a life without fearing others. Our youkai are putting that into practice. |
Marisa |
結構攻撃されたけどな。この前。 |
They attacked me quite a bit when I went a while back though. |
Byakuren |
まぁ修行中ですので少し大目に……。次に「持戒」ですが、これは殺生しない、盗まない、不倫をしない、嘘を言わない、酒を飲まない、という戒めを守る事です。 |
Well, since they're still in training, try to be a bit forgiving... Next is "Discipline", which means no killing, no stealing, no adultery, no lying, and no drinking. They vow to uphold these precepts. |
Marisa |
だから殺す気で攻撃されたけどな。この前。 |
Like I said, they were trying to kill me when I went a while back though. |
Byakuren |
……「忍辱」は他から与えられる屈辱や苦痛に耐える事。「精進」は修行を続ける努力をする事。 |
..."Forbearance" is to withstand humiliation or pain from others. "Diligence" is to exert the effort needed to continue training. |
Marisa |
そんなもん、みんなやっているぜ、仕方が無くだが。 |
Everyone does that, though not like we have a choice. |
Byakuren |
「禅定」は心を安定させ、迷いを断つ事。「智恵」は真理を見極める事です。 |
"Meditation" is maintaining a tranquil mind and removing distractions. "Wisdom" is having the insight to see through to the true nature of the world. |
Kanako |
最後の二つはえらく抽象的ね。 |
Those last two are quite abstract. |
Byakuren |
でも、皆が思い浮かべる修行っていうと、坐禅や滝行ばかりだと思いますが、それら判りやすい修行の殆どが、最後の二つになります。 |
But when everyone imagines ascetic training, they always imagine people meditating while cross-legged or sitting under waterfalls. Those last two kinds of training are the easiest to imagine. |
Marisa |
あいつ等、そんな修行を行っているようには見えんがな。みんな宴会でよく見るような気もするぜ。獣肉で酒飲んでいる姿が記憶にあるし……。 |
I don't see any of your people doing stuff like that. I get the feeling they show up at a lot of parties. I also remember seeing them eating meat and drinking... |
Byakuren |
……頭の片隅に止めておきましょう。 |
...Let's just never mind that. |
Miko |
そうねぇ、私も宴会している入道を見たわ。他にも頭蓋骨を使って傘回しして稼いでいる傘のお化けとか。 |
Hmm, I think I've also seen a nyuudou at a few parties. As for the others, I saw an umbrella monster making money by spinning a skull on her umbrella. |
Kanako |
三途の川の渡し船に水を入れている舟幽霊とか。 |
And a ship phantom filling the Sanzu River ferry with water. |
Byakuren |
え? 私の知らないところで一体何を……? |
Huh? What exactly have they been doing when I'm not looking...? |
Marisa |
やっぱり、妖怪は妖怪だな。 |
Hey, youkai are youkai, after all. |
[入門を拒否される妖怪] |
Youkai Who Are Denied Entry | |
Miko |
ねぇねぇ、さっきお寺に入門してる妖怪は人様に迷惑掛けちゃいけないって言ってたけど、それって妖怪によっては没個性に成りかねないんじゃない? |
Hey, earlier you said that the youkai who joined the temple shouldn't bother people, but wouldn't that harm the individuality of certain youkai? |
Byakuren |
そうかしら? |
Would it? |
Miko |
だって、殆どの妖怪が人間の敵として生まれたんだから、迷惑を掛けないようにすると何も残らなくなるんじゃない。 |
I mean, since most youkai are born as the enemies of humans, if they stopped bothering people, wouldn't there be nothing else left? |
Byakuren |
んー、そこを乗り越えるのが修行を行う意味なのですが……でも確かに乗り越えられない妖怪も居ますね。つい最近も入門をお断りした妖怪が居まして……。 |
Hmm, overcoming that is the purpose of our training, but... there are certainly some youkai who cannot do so. Recently, I had to refuse some youkai from joining the temple... |
Marisa |
ほう、初耳だな。どんな妖怪でも入門OKって訳じゃないんだな。で、何処の何奴だ? |
Really? This is the first I've heard of that. So it's not like you'll let just anyone enter. So, who from where did you turn away? |
Byakuren |
土蜘蛛の黒谷ヤマメさんと、火車のお燐(*14)さんとか、地底から来た妖怪達ですね。 |
Like the earth spider Yamame Kurodani and the kasha Orin(*14). They are youkai from the underground. |
Kanako |
え? 貴方のお寺にいる妖怪って殆ど地底にいた奴らでしょう? |
What? Aren't most of the youkai at your temple from the underground? |
Byakuren |
そうですが、それは不当な理由で封印されていた者達ですから……。本来は地上にいる筈の妖怪なんです。地底に居る妖怪ではないんです。 |
Yes, but only because they were sealed there for unjust reasons... They originally belonged on the surface. None of them lived underground. |
Kanako |
何か違うの? |
What's the difference? |
Byakuren |
今、地底にいる妖怪の殆どが、地底に棲む事を望んで居ます。表の幻想郷のルールとは異なり、管理されなくなった旧地獄を乗っ取り、無法地帯を楽しんでいるのです。まさに力が正義の世界ですので、一応ルールのあるお寺の妖怪とは判り合えないのです。 |
Nowadays, most of the youkai who live underground want to live there. They have taken over the abandoned Former Hell and enjoy living in a lawless district, unlike how we have rules here on the surface. It is exactly the sort of world where might makes right, so they could not come to an understanding with the youkai at the temple that have some sense of rules. |
Marisa |
力が正義……確かにそんな感じだったなぁ。地底は大変だった。 |
Might makes right... Yeah, it definitely felt like that. I had a really hard time underground. |
Byakuren |
先ほど言った土蜘蛛のヤマメさんは「お寺に来る悩みを持った人間が美味しそうだから(*15)」が入門の理由でしたし、お燐さんは「お寺はお墓がいっぱい有って死体天国だから」でした。これでは断るしか無いですよね(笑)。 |
Yamame, the earth spider I just mentioned, said her reason for joining was that "because the humans that come to the temple with their worries look delicious(*15)," and Orin said "because the temple has so many graves that it's corpse heaven." I had no choice but to refuse them, right? (laugh) |
Miko |
ですねぇ(笑)。 |
Right. (laugh) |
*1 修験道の修行者。ふっさふっさの毛玉を首から提げ、法螺貝を吹いて演奏する山岳音楽団の一員。 |
1: An ascetic of Shugendo. They are members of the mountain music band who hang balls of fluff from their neck and play conch horns. | |
*2 日本神話に出てくる神様。背が高く、鼻も高いと評判なところからイケメンかと思われるが、目が赤く輝いているのが玉に瑕。 |
2: A god who appears in Japanese mythology. He is thought to be handsome since he is well-known for being tall and having a long nose, but the fly in the ointment is that his eyes have a red glint to them. | |
*3 道を通じて悪神や病気などが入ってくるのを防ぐ神様。殆どの人間にお地蔵さんと区別が付けて貰えず、アイデンティティの崩壊に悩む。 |
3: A god that prevents evil gods and illness from traveling via roads. He suffers from an identity disorder, because most humans can't distinguish him from a jizou statue. | |
*4 ごっつい・ポジショニング・システム。 |
4: Great Positioning System.[4] | |
*5 幻想郷の起源はまだ新しく、外の世界でいう明治時代である。幻想郷の多くの妖怪はその時代から生きていることになるが、当然人間にはその時代を知っている者は居ない。 |
5: The creation of Gensokyo was rather recent, in what the outside world would call the Meiji Era (1868-1912). Meaning a lot of youkai in Gensokyo would have been living from that period, but obviously there are no humans who can remember it. | |
*6 リモコンとは下駄の事らしいです。余り無くさない気もしますが。 |
6: I heard that a remote control is like a geta.[5] I doubt that anybody would lose a such thing, though. | |
*7 そういうミニ妖怪を纏めて、マーフィーの妖怪と呼ぶそうです。 |
7: These kind of mini-youkai are collectively called Murphy's youkai. | |
*8 多々良小傘。不明。 |
8: Kogasa Tatara. Unknown. | |
*9 村紗水蜜。普通の妖怪。 |
9: Minamitsu Murasa. A normal youkai. | |
*10 幽谷響子。うるさい妖怪。 |
10: Kyouko Kasodani. A noisy youkai. | |
*11 雲居一輪。普通の妖怪。 |
11: Ichirin Kumoi. A normal youkai. | |
*12 食べると何もかも忘れる恐怖料理。大変美味。 |
12: A fearsome ingredient that allows you to forget anything when eaten. Tastes excellent.[6] | |
*13 私は結構好きです。魂の叫びです。 |
13: I rather like it. It's the roar of the soul. | |
*14 火焔猫燐。不吉な猫 |
14: Rin Kaenbyou. An ominous cat. | |
*15 人間を病気にして食べるのには意味がある。病気は調味料で味付けだからだ。精神病はスパイシー。 |
15: There is a point to her making humans ill before she eats them. Illnesses act as seasonings. Mental illnesses are spicy. |
- ↑ Probably a mispelling. It should be "いたんだけど"
- ↑ The "Six Perfections" (六波羅蜜 "rokuharamitsu" or "ropparamitsu") are the six virtues in Mahayana that a Buddhist must practice in order to reach Nirvana.
- ↑ One of the three traditional "Generosity" (布施 fuse, Sanskrit:दान dāna) according to the Commentary on the Great Wisdom Sutra (大智度論 Daichidoron) In the Great Encyclopedia of Buddhism Words (広説佛教語大辞典) by Hajime Nakamura, it says "to provide fearlessness (無畏 mui) to people, save people from disasters, give the state of fearless and prevent from all sentient beings to have an emotion of fear".
- ↑ In the original Japanese, they use the word gottsui (ごっつい, lit. "thick" or "hard"), as they have no real sense of "global" here.
- ↑ A geta (下駄) is a kind of traditional Japanese footwear. The relation between remote controls and geta comes from rimokon geta (リモコン下駄, lit. "remote-controlled geta") used by Kitarou in Ge-ge-ge no Kitarou (ゲゲゲの鬼太郎).
- ↑ There is a superstition in Japan that when you eat the Japanese ginger, your memory worsens. It comes from the old tale of Gautama Buddha.
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Symposium of Post-mysticism | Part 3: Nitori Kawashiro Part 4: The Present and Future of the Hated |
> |
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