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Reading cards
Shrine Maiden of Paradise
Hakurei Reimu
Ability :
Flying in the air
Theme :
Maiden's Capriccio ~ Dream Battle
Spell card :
[Fantasy Nature]
Exterminating youkai like you is my job!
Ordinary Magician
Kirisame Marisa
Ability :
Using magic
Theme :
Love-Colored Master Spark
Spell card :
Love Sign [Master Spark]
Right now, I'm not thinking about anything else but fighting her!
Youkai of the Dusk
Ability :
Manipulating darkness
Theme :
Apparitions Stalk the Night
Spell card :
Moon Sign [Moonlight Ray]
Oh? Is that so!
Ice Fairy of the Lake
Ability :
Manipulating cold
Theme :
Tomboyish Girl in Love
Spell card :
Ice Sign [Icicle Fall]
When it comes to me, I'm the strongest.
Chinese Girl
Hong Meiling
Ability :
Usage of Qi
Theme :
Shanghai Alice of Meiji 17
Spell card :
Colorful Brilliance [Rainbow Taichi]
I am a youkai who loves Gensokyo with all her heart!
The Unmoving Great Library
Patchouli Knowledge
Ability :
Using magic (mainly elemental magic)
Theme :
Locked Girl ~ The Girl's Sealed Room
Spell card :
Fire Water Wood Metal Earth Sign [Philosopher's Stone]
What? Are you here again?
Perfect and Elegant Servant
Izayoi Sakuya
Ability :
Manipulating time
Theme :
Lunar Clock ~ Luna Dial
Spell card :
Silver Sign [Perfect Maid]
Your time is also mine...
The Eternal Scarlet Young Moon
Remilia Scarlet
Ability :
Manipulating fate
Theme :
Septette for a Dead Princess
Spell card :
Divine Spear [Spear the Gungnir]
The moon is so red tonight, I will end your life.
Sister of the Devil
Flandre Scarlet
Ability :
Destroying absolutely anything
Theme :
U.N. Owen Was Her?
Spell card :
Taboo [Lävatein]
Will you play with me?
What Winter Left Behind
Letty Whiterock
Ability :
Manipulating chilliness
Theme :
Crystallized Silver
Spell card :
Cold Sign [Lingering Cold]
I'm the mastermind, but I'm normal.
Black Cat of Bad Omens
Ability :
Handling sorcery
Theme :
Diao Ye Zong (withered leaf)
Spell card :
Oni God [Soaring Bishamonten]
Watch out this time! I'm a totally new shikigami now!
Seven-Colored Puppeteer
Alice Margatroid
Ability :
Handling dolls
Theme :
Doll Judgement ~ The Girl who Played with People's Shapes
Spell card :
Curse Sign [Shanghai Doll]
Nothing is better than strength in numbers. Big things are a combination of small things!
Poltergeist Violinist
Lunasa Prismriver
Ability :
Performing on musical instruments without hands or feet
Theme :
Phantom Band ~ Phantom Ensemble
Spell card :
Divine Strings [Stradivarius]
You're a little too excited, so calm down.
Poltergeist Trumpeter
Merlin Prismriver
Ability :
Performing on musical instruments without hands or feet
Theme :
Phantom Band ~ Phantom Ensemble
Spell card :
Trumpet Spirit [Hino Phantasm]
Hey, if you listen to my performance you'll be happy!
Poltergeist Keyboardist
Lyrica Prismriver
Ability :
Performing on musical instruments without hands or feet
Theme :
Phantom Band ~ Phantom Ensemble
Spell card :
Nether Keys [Fazioli Nether Performance]
See, aren't I the greatest?
Half-Human Half-Phantom
Konpaku Youmu
Ability :
Handling sword techniques
Theme :
Hiroari Shoots a Strange Bird ~ Till When?
Spell card :
Human Sign [Slash of Present World]
Now then, today's training is done.
Stationary Ghost
Saigyouji Yuyuko
Ability :
Manipulating death
Theme :
Bloom Nobly, Ink-Black Cherry Blossom ~ Border of Life
Spell card :
[Resurrection Butterfly]
Our flower viewing shall be lively and exciting.
Scheming Nine-Tailed Fox
Yakumo Ran
Ability :
Using shikigami
Theme :
A Maiden's Illusionary Funeral ~ Necro-Fantasy
Spell card :
Shikigami [Dakini's Heavenly Possession]
I am leagues different from Chen. Leagues, columns, digits, and colors.
Mastermind behind the Spiriting Away
Yakumo Yukari
Ability :
Manipulating boundaries
Theme :
Spell card :
Yukari's Arcanum [Danmaku Barrier]
You cannot scurry away, Beyond here only lies the worst of Hell.
A Bug of Light Wriggling in the Dark
Wriggle Nightbug
Ability :
Manipulating insects
Theme :
Wriggling Autumn Moon ~ Mooned Insect
Spell card :
Firefly Sign [Meteor on Earth]
It's a waste not to enjoy a moonlit night, isn't it?
Wonder of the Night Sparrow
Mystia Lorelei
Ability :
Driving people insane by singing
Theme :
Deaf to All but the Song
Spell card :
Bird Sign [Mysterious Song]
There's no human I can't lure with my song!
Half Beast of Knowledge and History
Kamishirasawa Keine
Ability :
Eating history
Creating history
Theme :
Plain Asia
Spell card :
Future [Gods' Realm]
I'll help myself to all of your history!
Bare White Rabbit of Good Fortune
Inaba Tewi
Ability :
Conferring good luck to humans
Theme :
White Flag of Usa Shrine
Spell card :
Runaway Rabbit [Fluster Escape]
There sure are a lot of cute rabbits around here.
Mad Moon Rabbit
Reisen Udongein Inaba
Ability :
Manipulating insanity
Theme :
Lunatic Eyes ~ Invisible Full Moon
Spell card :
[Stare of the Hazy Phantom Moon (Lunatic Red Eyes)]
You can generally understand the personalities of those whose wavelengths you see.
Brain of the Moon
Yagokoro Eirin
Ability :
Making any drug
Theme :
Gensokyo Millennium ~ History of the Moon
Spell card :
Leading God [Omoikane's Device]
From eternity's point of view, you are but a mere instant.
The Sinner of Eternity and the Instantaneous
Houraisan Kaguya
Ability :
Manipulating the eternity and the instantaneous
Theme :
Flight of the Bamboo Cutter ~ Lunatic Princess
Spell card :
New Impossible Request [Seamless Ceiling of Kinkaku-ji]
I'm afraid you can't see the true full moon from anywhere but here.
Figure of the Person of Hourai
Fujiwara no Mokou
Ability :
Not dying
Theme :
Reach for the Moon, Immortal Smoke
Spell card :
[Possessed by Phoenix]
The bullets of this evening will be the young lady's eternal trauma.
Tiny Night Parade of a Hundred Demons
Ibuki Suika
Ability :
Manipulating density and sparseness
Theme :
The Fabled Land of Onigashima ~ Missing Power
Spell card :
Oni God [Missing Purple Power]
No rush, no rush! Break time, break time!
Traditional Reporter of Fantasy
Shameimaru Aya
Ability :
Manipulating wind
Theme :
Wind God Girl
Spell card :
[Illusionary Dominance]
It's me. Pure and Honest Shameimaru.
Little Sweet Poison
Medicine Melancholy
Ability :
Manipulating poison
Theme :
Poison Body ~ Forsaken Doll
Spell card :
Poison Sign [Poison Breath]
What's wrong? Taken poison?
Flower Master of the Four Seasons
Kazami Yuuka
Ability :
Manipulating flowers
Theme :
Gensokyo, Past and Present ~ Flower Land
Spell card :
Flower Sign [Reflowering of Gensokyo]
The sunflowers are getting tired, I see.
Guide of the Sanzu River
Onozuka Komachi
Ability :
Manipulating distance
Theme :
Higan Retour ~ Riverside View
Spell card :
Death Price [Price of Life]
Don't worry, I'm not taking anyone's soul.
Supreme Judge of Paradise
Shiki Eiki Yamazanadu
Ability :
Establishing as clear good and evil
Theme :
Eastern Judgement in the Sixtieth Year ~ Fate of Sixty Years
Spell card :
Judgement [Last Judgement]
So, did you do some good deeds?
Symbol of Abundance and Harvest
Aki Minoriko
Ability :
Governing plentiful harvest
Theme :
Because Princess Inada Is Scolding Me
Spell card :
Autumn Sign [The Autumn Sky and a Maiden's Heart]
Gods always put a great deal of care into their odor.
The Hidden God Nagashi-bina
Kagiyama Hina
Ability :
Stockpiling misfortune
Theme :
Dark Side of Fate
Spell card :
Bad Luck Sign [Bad Fortune]
If you like, I can take on all of your tragedies.
Super Youkai Warhead
Kawashiro Nitori
Ability :
Manipulating water
Theme :
Akutagawa Ryuunosuke's Kappa ~ Candid Friend
Spell card :
Kappa [Monster Cucumber]
Okay, let's go, let's go! The power I want is almost at hand!
The Petty Patrol Tengu
Inubashiri Momiji
Ability :
Seeing a thousand Li ahead
Theme :
Fall of Fall ~ Autumnal Waterfall
Spell card :
Dog Sign [Rabies Bite]
We tengu would likely find it lacking.
Newbie Goddess of the Mountain
Kochiya Sanae
Ability :
Causing miracles
Theme :
Faith Is for the Transient People
Spell card :
Esoterica [Gray Thaumaturgy]
You can't let yourself be trapped by common sense in Gensokyo, right!?
The Avatar of Mountains and Lakes
Yasaka Kanako
Ability :
Creating Qian
Theme :
The Venerable Ancient Battlefield ~ Suwa Foughten Field
Spell card :
[Mountain of Faith]
Who is it that calls for me?
The Epitome of Native Gods
Moriya Suwako
Ability :
Creating Kun
Theme :
Native Faith
Spell card :
Scourge Sign [Mishaguji-sama]
Pay more respect to the earth! Otherwise, who knows? You might even get cursed.
Beautiful Scarlet Cloth
Nagae Iku
Ability :
Reading the atmosphere
Theme :
Crimson in the Black Sea ~ Legendary Fish
Spell card :
Fish Sign [Dragonfish Drill]
I'll have you learn from a painful experience for once.
Girl of the Sphere of Neither Perception nor Non-Perception
Hinanai Tenshi
Ability :
Manipulating the earth
Theme :
Catastrophe in Bhavaagra ~ Wonderful Heaven
Spell card :
[Scarlet Weather Rhapsody of All Humankind]
So I caused one. A disaster, I mean.
The Bright Net in the Dark Cave
Kurodani Yamame
Ability :
Manipulating illness (mainly infectious disease)
Theme :
The Sealed-Away Youkai ~ Lost Place
Spell card :
Trap Sign [Capture Web]
You're looking for the power of the youkai who got banished down here, right?
The Jealousy Beneath the Earth's Crust
Mizuhashi Parsee
Ability :
Manipulating jealousy
Theme :
Green-Eyed Jealousy
Spell card :
Jealousy [Jealousy Bomber]
I'm jealous of the light above ground. I'm jealous of the gentle breezes.
The Spoken-of Unexplainable Phenomena
Hoshiguma Yuugi
Ability :
Having anomalies, strength, disorder, and spirits
Theme :
A Flower-Studded Sake Dish on Mt. Ooe
Spell card :
Big Four Arcanum [Knock Out In Three Steps]
A rowdy welcome is best for a rowdy guest!
The Girl Even the Vengeful Spirits Fear
Komeiji Satori
Ability :
Reading minds
Theme :
Satori Maiden ~ 3rd eye
Spell card :
Recollection [Terrible Souvenir]
There's nothing that's hidden from me.
Hell's Traffic Accident
Kaenbyou Rin
Ability :
Carrying away corpses
Theme :
Corpse Voyage ~ Be of good cheer!
Spell card :
[Rekindling of Dead Ashes]
I'd better take ya down here!
Scorching, Troublesome Divine Flame
Reiuji Utsuho
Ability :
Manipulating nuclear fusion
Theme :
Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom ~ Nuclear Fusion
Spell card :
[Subterranean Sun]
Must eradicate that higher power's lowly foreign substance!
The Closed Eyes of Love
Komeiji Koishi
Ability :
Manipulating the unconscious
Theme :
Hartmann's Youkai Girl
Spell card :
[Subterranean Rose]
I've already closed my satori eye.
The Dowser Little General
Ability :
Finding sought-for items
Theme :
A Tiny, Tiny, Clever Commander
Spell card :
Jeweled Pagoda [Greatest Treasure]
If you're looking for treasure, don't look in the sky.
The Cheery Forgotten Umbrella
Tatara Kogasa
Ability :
Surprising humans
Theme :
Beware the Umbrella Left There Forever
Spell card :
Rainbow Sign [Umbrella Cyclone]
Hmm, will you be surprised if I do this?
The Great Wheel, Having Guarded and Been Guarded
Kumoi Ichirin
Ability :
Using nyuudou
Theme :
The Traditional Old Man and the Stylish Girl
Spell card :
Iron Fist [An Unarguable Youkai Punch]
Unzan would have no reason to lie.
The Ghost Left From the Shipwreck Accident
Murasa Minamitsu
Ability :
Causing shipwrecks
Theme :
Captain Murasa
Spell card :
Capsize [Dragging Anchor]
Fall out of this ship and bathe in the cursed oceans!
Disciple of Bishamonten
Toramaru Shou
Ability :
Gathering treasures
Theme :
The Tiger-Patterned Bishamonten
Spell card :
Jeweled Pagoda [Radiant Treasure]
It's true that I'm a youkai, but I'm also a devotee of Bishamonten.
Demonic Chief Priest of Youkai Temple
Hijiri Byakuren
Ability :
Using magic (specializing in magic that increases her physical abilities)
Theme :
Emotional Skyscraper ~ Cosmic Mind
Spell card :
[Yugyou Hijiri]
Now, namusan―!
The Unidentified Fantastic Flying Girl
Houjuu Nue
Ability :
Making objects unidentifiable
Theme :
Heian Alien
Spell card :
[Nightmare of Heiankyou]
It's over for you right now, though!
Modern-Day Thoughtography Reporter
Himekaidou Hatate
Ability :
Using spirit photography
Theme :
Spell card :
Continuous Shooting [Rapid Shot]
A reporter's talent isn't just to move around.
Mischievous Sunlight
Sunny Milk
Ability :
Refracting light
Theme :
Sunny Rutile Flection
Spell card :
Sunlight [Sunshine Blast]
But she shouldn't be able to see us.
Pouring Starlight
Star Sapphire
Ability :
Detecting moving things
Theme :
Like the Brilliance of Fairies
Spell card :
Shooting Star [Comet Stream]
You can count on my ability.
Silent Moonlight
Luna Child
Ability :
Muting sound
Theme :
Can't Sleep Because It's Nighttime
Spell card :
Moonlight [Silent Storm]
But are they gonna be tricked?
Echoing Sutra Chant
Kasodani Kyouko
Ability :
Reflecting sound
Theme :
Youkai Girl at the Gate
Spell card :
Mountain Echo [Long-Range Echo]
You're too quiet!
Loyal Undead
Miyako Yoshika
Ability :
Eating anything
Theme :
Rigid Paradise
Spell card :
Recovery [Heal By Desire]
We were revived to protect the mausoleum!
Wicked Hermit who Passes Through Walls
Kaku Seiga
Ability :
Passing through walls
Theme :
Old Yuanxian
Spell card :
Evil Sign [Yang Xiaogui]
Corpses can't die, you know. Isn't it wonderful?
Ghost of the Children of the Gods
Soga no Tojiko
Ability :
Causing lightning
Theme :
The Hall of Dreams' Great Mausoleum
Spell card :
Thunder Arrow [Gagouji's Cyclone]
Have at it!
Shikaisen from Ancient Japan
Mononobe no Futo
Ability :
Manipulating feng shui
Theme :
Legend of the Great Gods
Spell card :
Heaven Sign [Rainy Iwafune]
Thou who hast praised my resurrection, speak now, and name thyself
Shoutoku Taoist
Toyosatomimi no Miko
Ability :
Listening to ten people's conversations at the same time
Theme :
Shoutoku Legend ~ True Administrator
Spell card :
Discernment [Laser of Seventeen Articles]
Desire overflows from within you.
Bake-danuki with Ten Transformations
Futatsuiwa Mamizou
Ability :
Disguising things and herself
Theme :
Futatsuiwa from Sado
Spell card :
Racoon Sign [Full Moon Pompokolin]
I was called so that saint wouldn't be allowed to have her way.
The Sealing Club
Usami Renko
Ability :
Telling the current place and the current time.
Theme :
Youkai Bird of the Moon, Illusion of the Bakeneko
Spell card :
You're 2 minutes and 19 seconds late.
The Sealing Club
Maribel Hearn
Ability :
Seeing border of boundaries
Theme :
Merry the Magician
Spell card :
Yes, that was how it went. Yesterday, I saw this kind of dream.
The Unmoving Used Goods Seller
Morichika Rinnosuke
Ability :
Knowing the names and utility of tools
Theme :
Spell card :
Hearing such things is one of the benefits of being an item-smith.
The Ninth Maiden of Are
Hieda no Akyuu
Ability :
Not forgetting things seen once
Theme :
Child of Are
Spell card :
The part about being very knowledgeable is right though.
The Moon Princess Possessed Around by Divine Spirits
Watatsuki no Yorihime
Ability :
Theme :
Watatsuki's Spell Card ~ Lunatic Blue
Spell card :
After all, an ocean of the living is an impure ocean.
The Moon Princess that Connects Sea and Mountain
Watatsuki no Toyohime
Ability :
Connect sea and mountain
Theme :
Watatsuki's Spell Card ~ Lunatic Blue
Spell card :
Simply living and dying here on the earth is sin enough.
The One-Armed, Horned Hermit
Ibaraki Kasen
Ability :
Theme :
Spell card :
Aren't you lacking in self-consciousness as a shrine maiden?