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The arrangement table was initially designed to list guest arrangements for AZITAMATEISHOKU's circle page but can be used to list any assortment of arrangements as a drop down table for any circle or arranger, it's made up of 3 simple parts;
The first part is the ArrangementTable template, it should be placed on a Template namespace similar to the format Album navboxes use (Example: "Template:Diao ye zong Guest Arrangements"). The ArrangemetTable has 3 parts; a "name" field where the template's location/name [?] should be entered, a "header" field that determines the table's title and a "body" field that we will use for the actual table (explanation below).
{{ArrangementTable | name = ArrangementTable/doc | header = Example Arrangement Table | body = }}<noinclude> [[Category:Arrangement table templates]] </noinclude>
the above code returns this
- Note that because this example table was placed in the documentation for the template you are reading about the location/name should be "ArrangementTable/doc" or every example on this page
- If the "name" field is left blank the "v • d • e" for "view, discuss and edit" that normally appear to the left will be absent
- If the "header" field the title will default to "Arrangement Table"
- Note that all arrangement tables should be placed in the Arrangement table templates category using <noinclude></noinclude>
Basic Usage
The second part is the ArrangementItem template and it will make up the majority of the table, it has 7 parts;
{{ArrangementItem|year |con |[[circle ]]|[[album ]]|trackno |[[Lyrics: title |title ]]|{{lang|ja|originaltitle }}|}}
- The first field is for the year (example: 2012-12-30)
- The second field is for the convention (example: Comiket 83)
- The third field is for the circle (example: [[Sound CYCLONE]])
- The fourth is for the album (example: [[東方モテタイ2012]])
- The fifth is for the track number (example: 02)
- The sixth is for the title (example: [[Lyrics: Alice so Cute! ~silent night ver.|Alice so Cute! ~silent night ver.]])
- The seventh is for the original theme(s) (example: {{lang|ja|ブクレシュティの人形師}})
- Subsequent themes are listed on the following line beginning with an asterisk (*)
The ArrangementItem template goes inside of the "body" field of the ArrangementTable template, so if we fill it in like this;
{{ArrangementTable | name = ArrangementTable/doc | header = Example Arrangement Table | body = {{ArrangementItem|2012-12-30|Comiket 83|[[Sound CYCLONE]]|[[東方モテタイ2012]]|02|[[Lyrics: Alice so Cute! ~silent night ver.|Alice so Cute! ~silent night ver.]]|{{lang|ja|ブクレシュティの人形師}} *{{lang|ja|人形裁判 ~ 人の形弄びし少女}}|}} }}<noinclude> [[Category:Arrangement table templates]] </noinclude>
it will come back like this;
Eighth Field & Beyond (More Usages)
As you might have noticed there's an unused eighth field in the example above, in addition to the 7 fields already explained there are additional fields that the "ArrangementItem" template can use. These additional fields are primarily used to format the table for when 2 or more arrangements fall under the same event or album. In cases like this the "sameyear" & "samealbum" fields are set using the eight (and ninth) fields like this;
{{ArrangementTable | name = ArrangementTable/doc | header = Example Arrangement Table | body = {{ArrangementItem|2015-05-10|Reitaisai 12|a circle|an album||||sameyear=3}} {{ArrangementItem||||another reitaisai 12 album|01|an interesting arrangement||sameyear=carryover|samealbum=2}} {{ArrangementItem|||||02|another interesting arrangement||sameyear=carryover|samealbum=carryover|last=yes}} }}<noinclude> [[Category:Arrangement table templates]] </noinclude>
- Note that fields can be left blank if they are unknown
- The "sameyear" field is set in the first "ArrangementItem" template for the number of templates that will fall under the same event
- Subsequent templates simply set the "sameyear" field to "carryover" to appear under the same event
- The "samealbum" field functions in the exact same way as the "sameyear" field but combines items in the album column
- The "last" field can be set on the last "ArrangementItem" template to remove that unsightly gap which appears at the bottom of the arrangement table when expanded
The example listed above will come back as;
The third and final part is the ArrangementYear template and it acts as a divider for the table, it has only 1 part; the first field is used to define the header
{{ArrangementYear|headertitle }}
For example this
{{ArrangementTable | name = ArrangementTable/doc | header = Example Arrangement Table | body = {{ArrangementItem||||||||}} {{ArrangementItem||||||||}} {{ArrangementYear|- 2016 Arrangements -}} {{ArrangementItem|2016-05-08|Reitaisai 13|[[IOSYS]]|[[ROCKIN'ON TOUHOU VOL.5]]|05|[[Lyrics: come she will|come she will]]|{{lang|ja|人恋し神様 ~}} Romantic Fall|}} {{ArrangementItem|2016-12-29|Comiket 91|[[MagentaSpiral]]|[[Re-birth]]|03|[[Lyrics: Being (MagentaSpiral)|Being]]|{{lang|ja|時代親父とハイカラ少女}}|}} }}<noinclude> [[Category:Arrangement table templates]] </noinclude>
Comes back as this
Once you have completed your Arrangement Table as a template (eg. Template:Diao ye zong Guest Arrangements) you can call the table to another page (eg. Diao ye zong's circle page) as you would any other template ({{Diao ye zong Guest Arrangements}}).
Known Issues, Workarounds and Other Useful Tips
How to Handle Long Links (That Break Your Table)
Navboxes will not linebreak links the same way they do regular text which can result in your arrangement table not displaying correctly when expanded, take this table for example;
- Note that while the "ArrangementItem" template will wrap the Event link, Artist, Album and Arrangement links will not wrap like normal text
- To fix tables that end up like this we have the yeswrap template, simply enter the text you want to wrap normally into the template's first field like this;
{{ArrangementTable | name = ArrangementTable/doc | header = An Arrangement Table Saved by yeswrap | body = {{ArrangementItem|2011-03-13|Reitaisai 8|[[Riverside]]|[[Edis révir|{{yeswrap|Edis révir -Riverside vocal best album & ryuno's art works vol.1-}}]]|18|[[Lyrics: ○月×日「妖精日和」|○月×日「妖精日和」]]|{{lang|ja|妖精大戦争 ~}} Fairy Wars|}} {{ArrangementItem|2012-05-11|Kageki no Utage|[[(有)はしやすめwithオンパシラオールスターズ]]|[[Yet unalterable Apologue love|{{yeswrap|Yet unalterable Apologue love}}]]|16|[[Lyrics: ゆうかりん体操37564|ゆうかりん体操37564]]|Lotus Love|}} {{ArrangementItem|2017-05-07|Reitaisai 14|[[アオイツキヲミテタ]]|[[其の少女は、藿香薊の花が枯れるのを待ち侘びた。e.p.|{{yeswrap|其の少女は、藿香薊の花が枯れるのを待ち侘びた。e.p.}}]]|02|[[Lyrics: 仄暗い感情は壮大な渦を起こし妖艶な光を放つが、時を経て許容量を超えてしまえば、衝動的な感情の洪水を起こした後、破滅を齎らす。|{{yeswrap|仄暗い感情は壮大な渦を起こし妖艶な光を放つが、時を経て許容量を超えてしまえば、衝動的な感情の洪水を起こした後、破滅を齎らす。}}]]|U.N.{{lang|ja|オーエンは彼女なのか?}}|}} }}<noinclude> [[Category:Arrangement table templates]] </noinclude>
which will come back like this;
How to Handel Long Text Without Punctuation
Another potential issue is very long english text without punctuation which even as plain text can do this to a table;
- Note that beacause the text actually pushes the expanded table off of the screen
- To fix this we can use the <wbr> tag to specify word break opportunities like this,
{{ArrangementTable | name = ArrangementTable/doc | header = An Arrangement Table Saved by wrb | body = {{ArrangementItem|||[[FictionalCirclewhoHatePunctuation|FictionalCirclewho<wbr>HatePunctuation]]|[[PunctuationIsTheDevil(Mostly)|PunctuationIsTheDevil<wbr>(Mostly)]]|01|HappyWithWhatYouHaveToBeHappyWith:<wbr>YouHaveToBeHappyWithWhatYouHave:<wbr>ToBeHappyWithWhatYouHave:<wbr>HappyWithWhatYouHaveToBeHappyWith:<wbr>YouHaveToBeHappyWithWhatYouHave:<wbr>ToBeHappyWithWhatYouHave:<wbr>YouHaveToBeHappyWithWhatYouHaveToBeHappyWithWith||}} }}<noinclude> [[Category:Arrangement table templates]] </noinclude>
which will result in a table like this;
Event Override
There is an additional field that can be set called "eventoverride", it is used to give direct control over how the convention appears in the table. This is useful for when an event has a long name without punctuation.
{{ArrangementTable | name = ArrangementTable/doc | header = Example Arrangement Table | body = {{ArrangementItem|2008-06-08|eventoverride=[[:category:ComicCommunication12|Comic<wbr>Communication12]]||[[ふぉれすとぴれお]]|[[東方夢三月]]|01|{{lang|ja|迎夏と山風に添えて}}|{{H:title|{{lang|ja|妖怪の山 ~}} Mysterious Mountain|(The Youkai Mountain ~ Mysterious Mountain [Stage 4 boss - Aya Shameimaru's theme]}}}} }}<noinclude> [[Category:Arrangement table templates]] </noinclude>
Sometimes the best way to learn is to see it for yourself, here are some circle pages with functioning Arrangement Tables to look to as examples.