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Ten Desires/Story/Reimu's Scenario
< | Prologue | Story | Extra Story Extra Scenario |
> |
Stage 1
死してなお、愉しく |
Cheerful, Even in Death | |
夜桜の冥界 |
Night Cherry Blossoms in the Netherworld | |
桜に紛れて漂う幽かな神霊は一体何なのだろう |
What are these divine spirits that are scattered and swept away by the cherry blossoms? | |
BGM: 死霊の夜桜 |
BGM: Night Sakura of Dead Spirits | |
Large Divine Spirit ENTERS | ||
Large Divine Spirit DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
さーて、幽霊の親玉を倒さないとね! |
Now then, I'd better beat these phantoms' boss! |
??? |
あらあらお客様? |
Oh, do we have visitors? |
Yuyuko Saigyouji ENTERS | ||
彷徨わない亡霊 |
Stationary Ghost | |
Yuyuko |
ちょっとまってね |
Hold on a moment, |
Reimu |
行かなくて良いよ こんなに霊を暴れさせて |
You don't have to bother. Would you tell me what exactly you plan to do |
Yuyuko |
んー? |
Mm? |
Reimu |
ちゃんと管理してよね! |
You need to keep them in check! |
Yuyuko |
そうね、よく判らないけど |
Well, I don't know exactly what's going on... |
BGM: ゴーストリード |
BGM: Ghost Lead | |
Yuyuko |
霊について調べたければ |
...but if you want to know about the spirits, |
Yuyuko Saigyouji DEFEATED | ||
Yuyuko |
で? |
So? |
Reimu |
まあ、このうようよしている霊? |
Well, you see all these spirits swarming around? |
Yuyuko |
これは神霊の子供よ 霊は霊でも幽霊とは関係無いわ |
These are divine spirit children. Ghostly as they may be, they're not related to the spirits here. |
Reimu |
そうなの |
I see. |
Yuyuko |
ヒントをあげる お寺の裏の墓地が怪しくないわ |
I'll give you a hint. The cemetery behind the temple isn't suspicious. |
Reimu |
ふーん |
Hmm... |
Stage 2
門前の妖怪、習わぬ経を読む |
The Youkai Before the Gate, Reading a Sutra She Never Learned [1] | |
命蓮寺参道 |
The Road to Myouren Temple | |
亡霊の不思議な導きで命蓮寺墓地を目指す |
Heading towards Myouren Temple Cemetery under the strange guidance of that ghost... | |
BGM: 妖怪寺へようこそ |
BGM: Welcome to the Youkai Temple | |
Kyouko Kasodani ENTERS | ||
Kyouko Kasodani LEAVES | ||
Reimu |
確かに冥界よりお寺の方が それにしてもおかしいわねぇ 幽々子は神霊って言ってたけど…… 神霊ってこんなワラワラと出る これじゃあ神霊というか |
There really are more spirits gathering Still, it's strange... Yuyuko said these were "divine spirits"... But are divine spirits really These aren't so much divine spirits as just |
??? |
おはよーございます |
Good morning. |
Kyouko Kasodani ENTERS | ||
??? |
挨拶はきちんとしないとね |
You always gotta give a proper greeting. |
Reimu |
え、あ、おはよーございます |
Er, uh, good morning. |
読経するヤマビコ |
Sutra-Reciting Yamabiko | |
Kyouko |
命蓮寺の戒律の一つ |
One of Myouren Temple's precepts is |
Reimu |
そういえばこのお寺は |
Ah, that's right, |
Kyouko |
そうよ |
Sure is. |
Reimu |
じゃあ即刻退治するしかないわね! |
Well, then I'll have to exterminate you right away! |
BGM: 門前の妖怪小娘 |
BGM: The Youkai Girl Before the Gate | |
Kyouko |
朝の 幻想郷に人間の悲鳴が |
My morning duties are sweeping, cooking, Let human screams |
Kyouko Kasodani DEFEATED | ||
Kyouko |
私を倒しても何にもならないわよー |
Beating me won't help anything, you know... |
Reimu |
まあ妖怪だしね |
Well, you're a youkai. |
Kyouko |
何しに来たの? |
What are you here for? |
Reimu |
ん? 本堂には神霊が集まって 臭いのは墓地、ね |
Hm? The divine spirits don't appear to be It's the cemetery that stinks. |
Stage 3
直線の楽園 |
A Straight Line Paradise | |
命蓮寺墓地 |
Myouren Temple Cemetery | |
墓地に住む者、それは人か幽鬼か妖怪か |
Are those living in the cemetery humans? Specters? Or are they youkai? | |
BGM: 素敵な墓場で暮しましょ |
BGM: Let's Live in a Lovely Cemetery | |
Kogasa Tatara ENTERS | ||
Reimu |
む、あんたは確か |
Hm, you're that— |
お困りの忘れ物 |
Troubled Forgotten Item | |
Kogasa |
やっと来てくれたんだ この先に見た事のない奴が そいつにいくら撃ち込んでも ねえ、何とかしてよ〜 |
You finally came. There's this girl I've never But no matter how much I shoot her, So could you do something about her? |
Reimu |
妖怪に妖怪退治を依頼されるなんて 判ったわ |
A youkai requesting a youkai extermination... Fine, then. |
Kogasa Tatara DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
何処に居るのかしら? ”番をしている”っ言ってたけど |
Where could this She said she was "keeping watch"... |
??? |
ちーかよーるなー! |
Dooon't come any closeeer! |
Yoshika Miyako ENTERS | ||
??? |
これから先はお前達が入って |
This is no place for |
Reimu |
ああん? |
Huh? |
忠実な死体 |
Loyal Corpse | |
Yoshika |
We are |
Reimu |
ゾンビでしょ? |
So you're a zombie? |
Yoshika |
そうゾンビでーす |
That's right, I'm a zombie. |
Reimu |
随分と血色の良いゾンビね |
You've got really good complexion for a zombie. |
Yoshika |
お前は墓参りに来た人間か? |
Did you come to visit a grave? |
Reimu |
私は神霊の調査に来たのよ |
I came to check up on these divine spirits. |
Yoshika |
神霊? |
Divine spirits? |
Reimu |
あら、あんたもハズレ? |
Huh? You're not the one, either? |
BGM: リジッドパラダイス |
BGM: Rigid Paradise | |
Yoshika |
何にしても、この辺をお寺の連中から 我々の仲間になるが良い! |
Whatever the case, I was resurrected to You shall become one of our companions! |
Yoshika Miyako DEFEATED | ||
Yoshika |
うおー! |
Whooorgh! |
Reimu |
さあ吐きなさい! |
Now, spit it out! |
Yoshika |
う、う…… |
U-Uh... |
Reimu |
あれ? |
Huh? |
Yoshika |
ゾンビは永遠に不滅です! お前は誰だ? |
Zombies are eternal and undying! Who are you? |
Reimu |
付き合いきれないわ しょうがない |
I've had enough of this. Oh well. |
Reimu Hakurei LEAVES | ||
Yoshika |
ああ……ついに |
Ahhh... at last... The door to the great mausoleum will finally open... |
Stage 4
加速する嗜欲 |
Accelerating Luxury | |
夢殿大祀廟の洞窟 |
A Hole in the Hall of Dreams' Great Mausoleum | |
神霊はか細かき光の筋となり洞窟の奥を目指す |
The divine spirits, pulled into fine strings of light toward the cavern's depth... | |
BGM: デザイアドライブ |
BGM: Desire Drive | |
Seiga Kaku ENTERS | ||
Seiga Kaku LEAVES | ||
Reimu |
間違い無いわ しかも、もの凄く判りやすく |
There's no question. And it's clearly apparent, too. |
Seiga Kaku ENTERS | ||
??? |
あら、早かったわね |
Ah, that was quick. |
Reimu |
あんた誰? |
Who are you? |
壁抜けの邪仙 |
The Wicked Hermit of Passing Through Walls | |
Seiga |
先ほどは私の可愛い部下が |
It seems you took care of my |
Reimu |
可愛い部下? |
Cute underling? |
Seiga |
ええ、腐ってて可愛いでしょ? |
Yes. She's so rotten and cute, isn't she? |
Reimu |
なる程ね 悪趣味で無意味な番人なんか置いて |
I see. What are you doing, leaving that ill-bred |
Seiga |
悪趣味で……無意味? |
Ill-bred and... pointless? |
Reimu |
無意味よ無意味、頭も腐ってるし |
Yeah, pointless. Her head's rotten. |
Seiga |
それが無意味じゃないのよねぇ |
Ah, but there is a point, after all. |
Yoshika Miyako ENTERS | ||
Yoshika |
ほいよ |
Hup. |
Seiga |
ほら、私のキョンシーは |
See? My jiang shi's selling point |
Reimu |
…… やられたら一回休みって事が |
... So you don't realize that you have to sit out |
BGM: 古きユアンシェン |
BGM: Old Yuanxian | |
Seiga |
さあさあ、もう一戦交えます? |
Now, can you handle another round? |
Reimu |
言われないでも! これではっきりしたわ! |
No need to ask! Now you've made it clear! |
Seiga Kaku & Yoshika Miyako DEFEATED | ||
Seiga |
流石は幻想郷の巫女、ですね |
As expected from one of Gensokyo's shrine maidens. |
Reimu |
さあ、異常な神霊を止めるのよ! |
Now, stop these abnormal divine spirits! |
Seiga |
神霊は私がやっている事じゃないわ |
I haven't done anything to the divine spirits. |
Reimu |
嘘おっしゃい! |
You lie! |
Seiga |
そりゃあ、あのお方が 沢山の欲を抱擁できるお方ですもの |
They are here because she She can embrace many desires, after all. |
Reimu |
悪の大王みたいなのが |
So the evil overlord is about to be resurrected, |
Seiga |
悪の大王? 悪の大王は既に復活したわ |
Evil overlord? The evil overlord has already been resurrected. |
Reimu |
ん? |
Hm? |
Seiga |
あのお方の復活を阻むように ――本当の悪の大王よ この中のお方は未来を背負う賢者です |
The one who set up a temple here She's the true evil overlord. The person within here is a sage upon whose shoulders rests the future. |
Reimu |
ふーん 何にしても私は戦うわ |
Hmmm. Either way, I'm gonna fight. |
Stage 5
隠然たるモノの血 |
Blood of Those with Hidden Power | |
夢殿大祀廟 |
扉の向こうには巨大な遺構が隠されていた |
A huge remnant was hidden behind the doors. | |
BGM: 夢殿大祀廟 |
BGM: The Hall of Dreams' Great Mausoleum | |
Soga no Tojiko ENTERS | ||
Soga no Tojiko DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
これはまた変なお墓ねぇ |
This is another strange tomb, huh... |
??? |
ああ、ついにこの日が来たのか |
Ahh... the fateful day hath finally come. |
Mononobe no Futo ENTERS | ||
??? |
我が復活を祝福する者よ、何者ぞ |
Thou who hast praised my resurrection: speak now, and name thyself. |
Reimu |
祝福してないよ |
I didn't praise anything. |
古代日本の尸解仙 |
Shikaisen from Ancient Japan | |
Futo |
え? じゃあなんで我は復活したのか? |
Hm? Pray tell, what design hath led to my resurrection? |
Reimu |
知らないわよ 私はあんたみたいな得体の知れない奴の |
I dunno. I'm just here to stop suspicious characters like you |
Futo |
ほう つまりお前は完全に復活する為の |
Hm. Art thou the final trial I must conquer, that I may |
Reimu |
何でそうなるのよ |
How did it end up like this? |
BGM: 大神神話伝 |
BGM: Omiwa Legend | |
Futo |
良いだろう! お前を倒して完全に復活しようさ おぬしには怨みはないが 物部の秘術と道教の融合 |
Very well! I shall vanquish thee, and so return to the world of the living in full. Know that I harbor for thee no malice in mine heart. Now, prepare thyself, for I shall demonstrate the fusion of the |
Mononobe no Futo DEFEATED | ||
Futo |
な、なんだと |
Wh-what madness is this...? |
Reimu |
これで終わり? |
Is it over? |
Futo |
こんなにあっさり 我はなんの為に千四百年も |
To have suffered so sound a defeat... To what ends hath I slept for these |
Reimu |
何で眠っていたのに |
How did you keep track of time |
Futo |
む、周りを漂っているのは…… 低俗霊か!? 太子様が復活なされているのだな! こうしてはおられまい 良い闘いだった |
Hmm, these shades that doth linger about thee are... Vulgar spirits?! The Crown Prince hath been resurrected! I cannot remain here like this. 'Twas a rousing battle. |
Mononobe no Futo LEAVES | ||
Reimu |
あ 一人で盛り上がって それにしても何が良い闘い、よ |
Ah. She got all excited Anyway, what's with that "'twas a rousing battle" stuff? |
Stage 6
和を以て貴しと為す |
Hold Harmony Sacred | |
神霊廟 |
The Divine Spirit Mausoleum | |
大量に集まった神霊はまるで星空のようだった |
The massive quantity of gathered divine spirits resembled a starry sky. | |
BGM: 小さな欲望の星空 |
BGM: Starry Sky of Small Desires | |
Reimu |
神霊が集まりすぎて 何というか…… 余り禍々しい様子じゃないわね 私が間違っていたのかしら? |
There's so many divine spirits gathering, Somehow... ...this place doesn't feel very sinister at all. Was I mistaken? |
??? |
君の行動は全て見させて頂いたわ |
I have observed all of your actions. |
Toyosatomimi no Miko ENTERS | ||
??? |
素晴らしい人間ですね いや、学ぶ物がない人間なんて |
You are truly a wonderful human. Well, there's nobody who doesn't have something |
Reimu |
いつから見ていたの? |
How long have you been watching me? |
??? |
君が生まれる前から |
I have looked back to before you were born |
Reimu |
ん? |
Hm? |
??? |
君は妖怪退治を生業としていますが 私の復活を拒もうとした妖怪僧侶達の |
I have seen your occupation as a youkai exterminator, You are friends with the youkai monks who aimed |
Reimu |
白蓮のこと? それより、過去から遡って見たって |
You mean Byakuren? Anyway, what was that about looking |
聖徳道士 |
Shoutoku Taoist | |
Miko |
私は生前、十人の言葉を同時に 長き眠りで信仰の力を得た今では 欲は人間の本質を語ります 十の欲を理解すれば それこそ過去も今も 次に君はこう言うでしょう―― |
While I was alive, I had the ability to understand During my long sleep, I acquired the power of faith, and now, Desire tells of a human's true character. To understand the ten desires of a human In the past, the present... Your next line is...[3] |
Reimu |
いやいや、ちょっと待って! 私にも喋らせてよ! |
Hey, hey, wait a minute! Give me a chance to talk, too! |
BGM: 聖徳伝説 ~ True Administrator |
BGM: Shoutoku Legend ~ True Administrator | |
Miko |
――その必要は無い 何故なら、君の行動は そう、君は私に牙を剥くでしょう |
There is no need for that. Because I have already seen through That's right, you will now bare your fangs at me. |
Reimu |
その通りよ |
That's right. |
Miko |
人間が私の存在を否定し、 さあ私を倒して見せよ |
This era, when humans deny my existence Now, attempt to defeat me! |
During Spell Card 87, 88, 89 or 90 | ||
Soga no Tojiko & Mononobe no Futo ENTER | ||
Tojiko |
やってやんよ! |
Have at it! |
Futo |
われにおまかせを! |
Please let me handle this! |
Tojiko |
おろかものめが! |
You damn fool! |
Futo |
はなしにもならぬわ! |
Your pathetic power isn't worth talking about! |
Tojiko |
やれやれ |
Good grief! |
Futo |
まだまだぁ! |
You haven't won yet! |
Tojiko |
またですか? |
Once again? |
Futo |
もういいでしょ? |
Haven't we done enough? |
Soga no Tojiko & Mononobe no Futo LEAVE | ||
After Spell Card 87, 88, 89 or 90 | ||
Miko |
たわむれはおわりじゃ! |
Enough playing around! |
Toyosatomimi no Miko DEFEATED | ||
If player has continued | ||
Ending No. 09 | ||
If player has not continued | ||
Ending No. 01 | ||
If player has not continued, has 3 bombs or above, played in Normal difficulty or above and cleared Ending No. 1 | ||
Ending No. 02 |
- ↑ A play on the idiom "門前の小僧 習わぬ経を読む" ("an apprentice before the gate reads a sutra he never learned"-- that is, a sutra that he imitates after hearing other, senior priests reciting it). Refers to people picking up influences from their surroundings; compare the English phrase "a saint's maid quotes Latin".
- ↑ This phrase is a kind of mnemonic in Japanese. The letters in "oasis" (オアシス) stand for おはようございます (good morning), ありがとうございます (thank you), しつれいしました (sorry for intruding), and すみませんでした (excuse me), and is a way for children to remember the most common greetings (挨拶).
- ↑ This phrase is a parody of the catchphase used by Joseph Joestar from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.
< | Prologue | Story | Extra Story Extra Scenario |
> |
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