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Ten Desires/Story/Youmu's Scenario
< | Prologue | Story | Extra Story Extra Scenario |
> |
Stage 1
死してなお、愉しく |
Enjoyment, Even in Death | |
夜桜の冥界 |
Night Cherry Blossoms in the Netherworld | |
桜に紛れて漂う幽かな神霊は一体何なのだろう |
What are these divine spirits that are scattered and swept away by the cherry blossoms? | |
BGM: 死霊の夜桜 |
BGM: Night Sakura of Dead Spirits | |
Large Divine Spirit ENTERS | ||
Large Divine Spirit DEFEATED | ||
Youmu |
うーむ どうやら神霊達は里の方面に |
Hm... It would seem the spirits are all |
??? |
あら妖夢? |
Ah, Youmu? |
Yuyuko Saigyouji ENTERS | ||
彷徨わない亡霊 |
Stationary Ghost | |
Yuyuko |
こんな時間にどこに行くの? |
Where are you going at this time of night? |
Youmu |
あ、幽々子様 |
Ah, Lady Yuyuko! |
Yuyuko |
え? |
Huh? |
Youmu |
え? |
Huh? |
Yuyuko |
何の話? |
What do you mean? |
BGM: ゴーストリード |
BGM: Ghost Lead | |
Yuyuko |
ここから出て行くと言うのなら |
...if you say you're going to leave, |
Youmu |
理不尽なー |
How irrational... |
Yuyuko Saigyouji DEFEATED | ||
Yuyuko |
あら、やるじゃない |
Hm, not bad at all. |
Youmu |
ええ、暇だったのですね |
You must have had a lot of time on your hands... |
Yuyuko |
何か? |
What is it? |
Youmu |
幽々子様はこの神霊を |
What do you think of these |
Yuyuko |
何か、厄介な奴が復活しそうとか お寺の裏の墓地に秘密があるとか |
I doubt that some troublesome individual is about to make a return, |
Youmu |
ん? と、とにかく行ってきます |
Hm? A-anyway, I'll be off. |
Yuyuko |
お土産よろしくねー |
Bring me back a souvenir! |
Stage 2
門前の妖怪、習わぬ経を読む |
The Youkai Before the Gate, Reading a Sutra She Never Learned [1] | |
命蓮寺参道 |
The Road to Myouren Temple | |
亡霊の不思議な導きで命蓮寺墓地を目指す |
Heading towards Myouren Temple Cemetery under the strange guidance of that ghost... | |
BGM: 妖怪寺へようこそ |
BGM: Welcome to the Youkai Temple | |
Kyouko Kasodani ENTERS | ||
Kyouko Kasodani LEAVES | ||
Youmu |
このお寺は随分と妖怪が多いわね この変な神霊も、お寺のお坊さんの なんか釈然としないけど |
This temple has quite a lot of youkai about. Could these odd spirits, too, That isn't a very satisfying explanation, though. |
??? |
危ないわね! |
That's dangerous! |
Kyouko Kasodani ENTERS | ||
??? |
参道で刃物を振り回すなんて |
What are you doing, swinging |
Youmu |
別に良いじゃないの |
It's fine, isn't it? |
読経するヤマビコ |
Sutra-Reciting Yamabiko | |
Kyouko |
お寺では殺生禁止なのー! |
The temple has a strict ban on killing! |
Youmu |
あ、いや、まあ |
Um, er, well, |
BGM: 門前の妖怪小娘 |
BGM: The Youkai Girl Before the Gate | |
Kyouko |
お寺で刃物を振り回して ここで死んでしまえ! |
Anybody swinging around sharp swords ...is to die here! |
Kyouko Kasodani DEFEATED | ||
Youmu |
貴方達、妖怪はいつも通り元気ねぇ で、神霊について何か知っていること |
You youkai are as energetic as ever... So, would you happen to know anything |
Kyouko |
神霊って何? |
What's a divine spirit? |
Youmu |
……そうよねぇ 神霊を集めて得をするのは神社くらいだし 妖怪の仕業って感じがしないわねぇ しかし、本体無き神霊を具象化させても これじゃあ、ただ単に欲が |
...as expected. Only a shrine would benefit from gathering divine spirits. But even if these formless spirits materialize, They're nothing but essence of greed that's visible to the eyes |
Stage 3
直線の楽園 |
A Straight Line Paradise | |
命蓮寺墓地 |
Myouren Temple Cemetery | |
墓地に住む者、それは人か幽鬼か妖怪か |
Are those living in the cemetery humans? Specters? Or are they youkai? | |
BGM: 素敵な墓場で暮しましょ |
BGM: Let's Live in a Lovely Cemetery | |
Kogasa Tatara ENTERS | ||
Youmu |
なにかしら? |
What do you want? |
お困りの忘れ物 |
Troubled Forgotten Item | |
Kogasa |
あ、剣を振り回している人だ この先に見た事のない奴が そいつにいくら撃ち込んでも ねえ、何とかしてよ〜 |
Ah, someone swinging swords around... I saw this girl I've never But no matter how much I shoot her, So hey, do something about her〜 |
Youmu |
妖怪から助けを請われるなんて |
Plead of help from a youkai? |
Kogasa |
へっへっへー |
Heh heh heh! |
Kogasa Tatara DEFEATED | ||
Youmu |
幽々子様は墓地に行けと 言ってなかったかも知れないけど 何だか幽霊達が騒がしいわね |
Well, Lady Yuyuko told me to Although she may not have actually said it... Anyway, the spirits are really making a racket. |
??? |
ちーかよーるなー! |
Dooon't come any closeeer! |
Yoshika Miyako ENTERS | ||
??? |
これから先はお前達が入って |
This is no place for |
Youmu |
来たわね ……既に事切れている? |
Ah, hello. ...Are you already dead? |
忠実な死体 |
Loyal Corpse | |
Yoshika |
We are |
Youmu |
え? キョ? |
Uh? Jia...? |
Yoshika |
そうだ、判ったらここから去れ |
Right, so knowing that, you should leave. |
Youmu |
仲間ですか…… しかし死してなおこの世に未練を残し かわいそうね あれれ? |
Companions...? Sorry to say, But to still be loitering around this world I feel sorry for you. Huh? |
BGM: リジッドパラダイス |
BGM: Rigid Paradise | |
Yoshika |
我々は未練があってこの世に 全てはあのお方をお寺の連中に |
We aren't stuck in this world It is all so that she shall not be |
Yoshika Miyako DEFEATED | ||
Yoshika |
なんだぁとぅー! |
Whaaaaat!!? |
Youmu |
はいはい、死んでます死んでます お札を貼ったキョンシーって事は |
Yes, yes, we get it, you're already dead. A jiang shi with a charm stuck on her head... |
Yoshika |
そうだっけ? |
Was there? |
Youmu |
さっき自分でも親玉が居るって |
Of course, you also reeked of |
Yoshika |
え? 臭うだと? |
Huh? I stink? |
Youmu |
ゾンビギャグ…… まあ、貴方の操り主を探してみましょう |
Sigh, zombie jokes... Well anyways, I'll go search around for who's controlling you. |
Yoshika |
私の主だと?? なんだと…… まさか、あの悲しき宗教戦争が って誰だっけ? |
My... master?? What the... Wait, does that mean ...Er, who was that? |
Stage 4
加速する嗜欲 |
Accelerating Luxury | |
夢殿大祀廟の洞窟 |
A Hole in the Hall of Dreams' Great Mausoleum | |
神霊はか細かき光の筋となり洞窟の奥を目指す |
The divine spirits, pulled into fine strings of light toward the cavern's depth... | |
BGM: デザイアドライブ |
BGM: Desire Drive | |
Seiga Kaku ENTERS | ||
Seiga Kaku LEAVES | ||
Youmu |
ここは…… うん、ここはお墓ね |
Here... Yes, this place is a tomb. |
Seiga Kaku ENTERS | ||
??? |
いらっしゃい |
Welcome. |
Youmu |
さっきも会いましたね |
We just met back there, right? |
壁抜けの邪仙 |
The Wicked Hermit of Passing Through Walls | |
Seiga |
私は霍青娥 |
I'm Seiga Kaku. |
Youmu |
仙人…… んーと、それはつまり? |
A hermit... |
Seiga |
仙人は仙人ですよ 貴方も同じような者みたいね |
A hermit is a hermit. It seems you're the same sort of being. |
Youmu |
いやまあ死にますけど |
No, uh, I can die. |
Yoshika Miyako ENTERS | ||
Yoshika |
死ぬ、だとぉ! 死ぬのはいかん |
Die, you say!? Dying's no good. |
Seiga |
あら、おはやいお還りで |
Oh, my, you're back quick. |
Youmu |
ありゃりゃ |
My oh my. |
Seiga |
……なになに? |
...What's that? |
BGM: 古きユアンシェン |
BGM: Old Yuanshen | |
Seiga |
じゃあ、もう一戦交えますか? |
So, will it be another round? |
Youmu |
貴方が其奴の主だったのね! |
So you're that thing's master! |
Seiga |
忠実なる我が僕よ |
My faithful servant. |
Seiga Kaku & Yoshika Miyako DEFEATED | ||
Seiga |
あららら、お見事です |
Oh, my, my, my, how splendid. |
Youmu |
まあ、私は強いですからね で、貴方に聞きたい事があるの |
Well, I am strong after all. Now, I have something to ask you. |
Seiga |
大丈夫、大丈夫 |
It's okay, it's okay. |
Youmu |
準備? 何の? |
Preparation? For what? |
Seiga |
この神霊に見える霊は 放って置いたらすぐに消えるし |
These spirits that look like divine spirits If you leave them be, they'll disappear soon. |
Youmu |
…… |
... |
Seiga |
もうすぐあのお方が復活するの それは異教の預言者が 盛大で神聖な物になるはずよ |
She will be revived very soon. Compared to that foreign prophet who resurrected ...this will be much more divine and magnificent. |
Youmu |
何を企んでいるのか知らないけど 死者が復活するなんて ……ような気がします |
I don't know what you're scheming, but... ...the dead being resurrected can't be ...or so I think so. |
Stage 5
隠然たるモノの血 |
Blood of Those with Hidden Power | |
夢殿大祀廟 |
扉の向こうには巨大な遺構が隠されていた |
A huge remnant was hidden behind the doors. | |
BGM: 夢殿大祀廟 |
BGM: The Hall of Dreams' Great Mausoleum | |
Soga no Tojiko ENTERS | ||
Soga no Tojiko DEFEATED | ||
Youmu |
随分と大きなお墓ね |
This is quite a big tomb. |
??? |
ああ、ついにこの日が来たのか |
Aah, this fateful day hath finally come. |
Mononobe no Futo ENTERS | ||
??? |
我が復活を祝福する者よ、何者ぞ |
Thou who hast blessed my resurrection: speak now, and name yourself. |
Youmu |
おおっと |
Whoops, |
古代日本の尸解仙 |
Shikaisen from Ancient Japan | |
Futo |
おぬしは……人間では無いようだな |
Thou art... inhuman, it wouldst seem. |
Youmu |
む、貴方の体から死の匂いが |
Mmph, your body is covered |
Futo |
死んでたからな おぬしも尸解仙……だな? |
Aye, for I art no longer among the living. Art thou not also a shikaisen? |
Youmu |
え、違いますけど |
Huh? No, I'm not. |
Futo |
……え? そ、そうか、ならば勘違いだ |
...Come again? I s-see. Then I have judged thee in error. |
Youmu |
貴方は尸解仙ですか…… |
You're a shikaisen...? |
BGM: 大神神話伝 |
BGM: Omiwa Legend | |
Futo |
だとしたら、何用か? |
Aye, and? What wouldst thou do? |
Youmu |
自然の理に逆らう者を |
Defeat those who rebel against the natural order |
Futo |
そうか残念だ 物部の秘術と道教の融合 |
Alas. Thou who thinkest thou couldst return this fusion of the secret art of the Mononobe |
Mononobe no Futo DEFEATED | ||
Futo |
何だと? |
What is this? |
Youmu |
はいはい、ただ者じゃないですよー |
Yep, I'm no ordinary beingー |
Futo |
その余裕、余程 |
For my defeat to have come to pass so readily... |
Youmu |
だから、仙人じゃないって |
I'm telling you, I'm not a hermit. |
Futo |
ご謙遜なさるな おぬしも太子様の復活を |
Thou needest not play at humility. Didst thou not come to bless |
Youmu |
…… ここは合わせておいた方が そ、そうね |
... (Maybe it's better if I T-that's right. |
Futo |
判った判った おぬしの様な強い者に祝福されれば ではこちらに…… |
I understand, I understand. For wouldst not a blessing from one so powerful as thee Now, come this way... |
Stage 6
和を以て貴しと為す |
Hold Harmony Sacred | |
神霊廟 |
The Divine Spirit Mausoleum | |
大量に集まった神霊はまるで星空のようだった |
The massive quantity of gathered divine spirits resembled a starry sky. | |
BGM: 小さな欲望の星空 |
BGM: Starry Sky of Small Desires | |
Youmu |
さっきの人に、「仙人だ」って騙して それにしても、こんなに生気に それにこの神霊、いやこれは 欲霊……生き霊の一種で低級な霊 こんなの集めて得する奴なんて…… |
I fooled that person back there to get in Still, this is the first tomb I've seen And these divine spirits-- no, they're just Vulgar spirits... the low grade spirits among the living spirits. [3] Who could stand to gain something from gathering these things here... |
??? |
違う、勝手に集まってきただけよ |
No. They have gathered of their own volition. |
Toyosatomimi no Miko ENTERS | ||
??? |
欲望が私の元に集まって来るのです 毎日毎日、十の要望を同時に |
Desires gather at my side. Because I was made to listen to ten desires |
Youmu |
…… |
... |
??? |
……あれ? 十あるはずの欲望のうち |
...Hmm? From among the ten that I expected, |
Youmu |
あいにく、私は既に |
Sorry, but I'm afraid that |
聖徳道士 |
Shoutoku Taoist | |
Miko |
そうですか、君も同朋ですね? |
Is that right? Then you and I are comrades, are we not? |
Youmu |
え? |
Huh? |
Miko |
不老不死を最終目標とする道士でしょう? いや、もう仙人、尸解仙なのかも |
Those who walk a path toward eternal life as its endpoint? Well, although you may already be a hermit |
Youmu |
いやいやいや 仙人である事はさっき否定しました |
No, no, no, no. I just denied being a hermit a second ago. |
Miko |
隠す必要は無いわ 私には全て判る あいにく、君の欲が不足しているので |
There's no need to hide it. I see and understand all. Regrettably, your desires are lacking, |
Youmu |
いやだから、間違ってますよー |
Wait, no! I'm telling you, that's not itー |
BGM: 聖徳伝説 ~ True Administrator |
BGM: Shoutoku Legend ~ True Administrator | |
Miko |
同朋ならばこれから |
As a comrade, you understand |
Youmu |
判りません! |
No, I don't! |
Miko |
不老不死として蘇った者同士 さあ私を倒して見せよ! そして不老不死の為政者として |
Two beings revived to eternal life Now, try to defeat me! And I will be resurrected |
During Spell Card 87, 88, 89 or 90 | ||
Soga no Tojiko & Mononobe no Futo ENTER | ||
Tojiko |
やってやんよ! |
Have at it! |
Futo |
われにおまかせを! |
Please let me handle this! |
Tojiko |
おろかものめが! |
You damn fool! |
Futo |
はなしにもならぬわ! |
Your pathetic power isn't worth talking about! |
Tojiko |
やれやれ |
Good grief! |
Futo |
まだまだぁ! |
You haven't won yet! |
Tojiko |
またですか? |
Once again? |
Futo |
もういいでしょ? |
Haven't we done enough? |
Soga no Tojiko & Mononobe no Futo LEAVE | ||
After Spell Card 87, 88, 89 or 90 | ||
Miko |
たわむれはおわりじゃ! |
Enough playing around! |
Toyosatomimi no Miko DEFEATED | ||
| ||
Ending No. 12 | ||
| ||
Ending No. 07 | ||
| ||
Ending No. 08 |
< | Prologue | Story | Extra Story Extra Scenario |
> |
This page is part of Project Translations, a Touhou Wiki project that aims to ensure the quality of translations of all official material in the Touhou Project. |
- ↑ A play on the idiom "門前の小僧 習わぬ経を読む" ("an apprentice before the gate reads a sutra he never learned"-- that is, a sutra that he imitates after hearing other, senior priests reciting it). Refers to people picking up influences from their surroundings; compare the English phrase "a saint's maid quotes Latin".
- ↑ This might be a reference to a youkai antenna power of Kitarō from GeGeGe no Kitarō.
- ↑ Living spirits: Spirits that originate from a living human's strong emotions, able to roam freely and independently from the person.