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The Grimoire of Usami/Section 1-2
< | Section 1-1 | The Grimoire of Usami | Section 1-3 | > |
蝶符「真夏の羽ばたき」 |
使用者:エタニティラルバ |
User: Eternity Larva | |
使用者より |
User's Comment: A danmaku fireworks festival?! Sounds fun! Fireworks means summer. So obviously that means a summery storms of butterfly scales! They sparkle in the light, so they should look like fireworks. And I'm the only one who can put out that many scales at once! | |
Reimu |
何か生理的に嫌。そもそも鱗粉って何で出来ているのよ。 |
Um... gross? By the way, what are butterfly scales made from? |
Marisa |
あちこちで弾幕が交差するのは見応えがある。ただ、この手のスペルカードは多くあるが、これは薄い方。 |
I do like the how danmaku criss-crosses all over the place, but plenty of spell cards do that. And this is a weaker one. |
Sumireko |
規則正しさが美しさを生んでいると思います。幾何学的な中にも生物らしさがあって、面白いです。 |
I think the regularity of it gives it beauty. It's interesting how it conveys the sense of a living being within the geometry. |
Sakuya |
こちらに迫り来る感覚が迫力があって良いわね。スリリングな花火っていうか。 |
The sense that it was coming towards us gave it a nice impact. I suppose you could call it thrilling? |
Youmu |
はっくしょん! 何だか目が痒くて見てられないですー。 |
A-CHOO! My eyes were too itchy to see anything. |
Final score |
蝶の羽ばたきのような花火というのは画期的であった。弾幕は巨大な鱗粉で出来ている様だが、それを感じさせない規則正しさが高評価である。だが、全体的には地味であり、また、一部にアレルギー反応が出ているのがマイナスである。 |
A groundbreaking danmaku like the flap of a butterfly's wings. While it's unpleasant that it's made of scales, you'd never think that from its orderly geometry. However, overall it's quite plain, and it gets a demerit for triggering allergies in some people. |
春符「サプライズスプリング」 |
使用者 リリーホワイト |
User: Lily White | |
使用者より |
User's Comment: Yay! I've been waiting for this kind of peaceful danmaku event! I don't get to move around as much as I'd like outside of spring, so I've got a lot of stress built up. So I'm gonna take this chance to go wild! Just watch, I'm announcing spring, just for here! | |
Reimu |
悔しいかな、バランスは悪くない。 |
I hate to admit this, but the balance is not bad. |
Marisa |
春になるとよく見る弾幕だな。春じゃなくても出すことが出来たんだ。 |
I often see this danmaku in spring, but I didn't know she could use it outside of spring. |
Sumireko |
綺麗なパステルカラーな花火なんて珍しいかも。優しい気分になれる花火ねぇ。 |
I don't think you see many fireworks with these sorts of pretty pastel colors. It's like a gentle kind of firework. |
Sakuya |
スピード感に欠けると思ったら……これって花びらなのね。 |
At first I thought it was lacking in speed, but... these are flower petals, aren't they? |
Youmu |
遅すぎて、何だか眠くなります……。 |
Too slow, it's making me sleepy... |
Final score |
規則性と不規則性、調和と多色、稠密と疎散、それぞれバランスが取れていて、見た目には良く出来ていた。それも使用者が普段表に出てくるような妖精ではないことの表れのようにも見える。でも地味。 |
Regularity and irregularity, harmony and colorfulness, density and scattering, she's managed to balance a lot of things with this. You'd hardly believe the user is a fairy who rarely shows her face. But still, it's plain. |
氷符「フロストキング」 |
使用者:チルノ |
User: Cirno | |
使用者より |
User's Comment: I was wondering what the big fuss was, and it's a fireworks contest?! Guess even the shrine maiden's losing her edge, huh? But MY spellcards aren't just some dumb fireworks, I'm gonna freeze the whole place solid! | |
Reimu |
なんかスカスカでしょぼい。それに危ない。 |
It's just kinda empty and dull. Also dangerous. |
Marisa |
おいおい普通に氷の塊じゃないか。見た目はスカスカだけど、避けようと思うと厳しいな。 |
Whoa there, is she just throwing normal lumps of ice? It looks hollow, but when you try to dodge it it's a little tricky. |
Sumireko |
単色で地味そうに見えて、彼女なりの美学を感じます。その美学は私にはちょっと……。 |
It shows her aesthetics though it looks simple and plain. But, well, it just doesn't do it for me... |
Sanae |
よく見ると本人は腕を組んで仁王立してるだけで、何もしてないんですねぇ。 |
If you look closely, she's just standing in the middle with her arms crossed trying to look imposing. She's not actually doing anything... |
Sakuya |
こんなに早くて難しそうな弾幕も撃てたんですね。侮れないわ。 |
So she can shoot such fast and complicated-looking danmaku? We shouldn't look down on her. |
Final score |
発射口が複数あり、それぞれ連携しているところと、テーマを氷で統一しているところに美しさを感じた。ただし、花火としては地味。しかも本人は花火大会だと思っていない節がある。 |
She's firing from multiple places at once, so coordinating all of that while also unifying everything with the theme of ice does give a sense of beauty. But as fireworks it's just boring. We also have to take into account that she doesn't think she's in a contest. |
瞬光「フェイタルフラッシュ」 |
使用者:サニーミルク |
User: Sunny Milk | |
使用者より |
User's Comment: I was waiting for a festival like this! So I can go as wild as I want without being afraid! Awesome! As a sun fairy, I've got all this sunlight saved up inside me, and I'm gonna let it all out in one go! Let me show you the result of all the sunbathing I do! | |
Reimu |
眩しいけど悪くない。まるで昼間の太陽みたい。 |
It's bright, but not bad at all. Almost like the noontime sun. |
Marisa |
光が強すぎて火が出ているな。日光浴でこんなに光を溜められるなんて、妖精を舐めてはいけないな。 |
The light's so strong it's starting fires. She can seriously store this much light just by sunbathing? Shouldn't look down on fairies. |
Sumireko |
え? もしかして火が出ていない? 火事よー、火事だわー。 |
Huh? Don't tell me she's seriously starting fires? Fire! Fire! |
Sakuya |
熱量、密度、威圧感、それぞれ申し分ないわね。うちにもこういう妖精がいれば助かるんだけどねぇ。 |
Its heat, density, and imposing air leave nothing to criticize. We could do with a fairy like this around the house. |
Youmu |
あちちちち。火の粉が……。 |
Ow ow ow! The sparks are hitting me... |
Final score |
光を炸裂させるだけという単純な弾幕だが、本物の日光を使っているらしく、其の分だけ迫力があった。直視した者の中で数名、不調を訴えた者さえいた。妖精の底力を感じる花火である。 |
You could say it's simple danmaku that's just an explosion of light, but it sounds like she's using real sunlight, so the authenticity of it is impressive on its own. Although we're told that some in the audience have been blinded by staring at it directly. A firework that shows off the hidden potential of fairies. |
月符「ルナティックレイン」 |
使用者 ルナチャイルド |
User: Luna Child | |
使用者より |
User's Comment: Super-high density danmaku, like moonlight! But don't ask me how it's like moonlight, cuz I dunno. Surprising people is important in fireworks. I'm not losing to Sunny, I'M the one who's gonna show you the coolest danmaku! | |
Reimu |
驚いたけど、随分とゆっくりの花火なのね。こけおどしというか。 |
I mean, I guess I'm surprised, but man are these some laid-back fireworks. Was it just a bluff? |
Marisa |
なる程、脅かし系の弾幕なんだな。花火としてはただ落ちてくるだけだけど、まあ綺麗かもな。 |
I see. So this is threatening-type danmaku. As fireworks, they just kinda drift down, but I guess they're pretty. |
Sumireko |
ナイアガラ系の花火ね。一つ一つの光は弱いので、全体的には薄く感じるのが残念ね。 |
Waterfall fireworks again. What a shame though: each individual light is weak, so it doesn't give much of an impression overall. |
Sanae |
月の光の妖精でしたよね。こういうイベントだと妖精達がいきいきするんですねぇ。 |
She was a moonlight fairy, huh? Fairies sure love these sorts of events. |
Youmu |
月の光を反射させているあれ……、よく見ると鱗粉じゃない!? |
Wait, the moonlight is reflecting something... Are those butterfly scales?! |
Final score |
ナイアガラ系の弾幕である。妖精のくせに一瞬にしてどうやって弾幕を敷き詰めているのか興味が尽きないが、なかなかの迫力であった。 |
A waterfall-type danmaku. I'm dying from curiosity about how she managed to fill the whole sky with danmaku in an instant when she's just a fairy, but it was pretty impressive. |
星符「シューティングサファイア」 |
使用者:スターサファイア |
User: Star Sapphire | |
使用者より |
User's Comment: You two have no artistic sense at all. Something that just explodes or falls down isn't beautiful. True beauty is twinkling! Starlight that blazes brightly in one moment, only to fade away the next! I'm the best fairy in this contest! No, I'm winning this thing! | |
Reimu |
表現が下手。 |
Awful execution. |
Marisa |
炎が星を生むという発想が何処から生まれたのか判らないが、悪くはない。メモメモ。 |
I dunno where the idea that the stars are born in flame came from, but it's not bad. Gotta write this one down. |
Sumireko |
惜しいわねぇ。綺麗になる要素は一杯持っているのに分かり難い見た目になっているわ。 |
So close, yet so far. It's got plenty of pretty elements that are pretty on their own, but throw them all together and it's just hard to follow. |
Sakuya |
綺麗と言えば綺麗だと思いますが……。星がおまけみたいなのが残念。 |
I think it's pretty enough for what it is, but... I'm sad to see the stars playing second fiddle. |
Sanae |
何か禍々しいです。 |
Something feels ominous about this. |
Final score |
星の儚い光を取り入れた弾幕という発想は良かったが、表現力が劣っている。これでは闇雲に火を放つ暴発砲台にしか見えない。しかし、妖精としてはレベルは高い。 |
Danmaku based on the idea of transient starlight was a nice idea, but the execution was lacking. Shooting out flames at random like that just brings to mind a gun battery. Still, it's pretty high level, for a fairy. |
光星「オリオンベルト」 |
使用者 光の三妖精 |
User: Three Fairies of Light | |
使用者より |
User's Comment: Arguing didn't seem to get us anywhere, so we decided to work together! We're like Orion's Belt, the three stars of the strongest constellation, and we're gonna knock your socks off with this danmaku! When the three strongest fairies work together, nothing can stop us! | |
Reimu |
ズレているわ。ちゃんと練習したの? |
You're out of sync. Have you even been practicing? |
Marisa |
さすがに三人いたら凄い密度だな……って、複数人参加もありなのか? 大会ルールはどうなってるんだよ。 |
Yeah, they sure can make some crazy density when they're together... wait, can people even compete in groups here? What happened to the rules? |
Sumireko |
凄い星の数。オリオンって、サソリに負けちゃうので最強かどうかと言うと……。 |
So many stars... But Orion actually lost to Scorpio, so I dunno if it's the strongest... |
Sakuya |
惜しいわね。スターとルナの位置が入れ替わっていたら、信号機って呼んであげたのに。 |
How... close. If only Star and Luna switched places, we could call it a traffic light.[1] |
Youmu |
わあ、こんなのどうやって避けるんです? 妖精とは言え、三人がかりは怖いわね。 |
Wah, how are you supposed to dodge this? It's only three fairies, but it's so scary. |
Final score |
星弾よりも本体の方が早く動くという変則的な弾幕である。その効果も出ていて面白い動きを見せていた。しかし大会として公平を欠くので、複数人で行った今回の弾幕は無効とした。 |
An irregular danmaku where the users move faster than the star bullets. As a result, we got to see some interesting moves. But in the interest of fairness, this group entrant is invalid. |
- ↑ The pattern of the three faries is Luna−Star−Sunny ー yellow−blue−red (from left to right). The order of the colors used in the traffic light for cars is green−yellow−red. In traditional manner of Japanese, green is sometimes called "blue" (青 ao), and they also apply it to traffic lights. So when we follow its custom, that pattern would be "blue"−yellow−red.
< | Section 1-1 | The Grimoire of Usami | Section 1-3 | > |
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