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The Grimoire of Usami/Section 1-3
< | Section 1-2 | The Grimoire of Usami | Section 1-4 | > |
狼牙「血に餓えたウルフファング」 |
使用者:今泉影狼 |
User: Kagerou Imaizumi | |
使用者より |
User's Comment: Hee hee hee, having a fireworks contest on the night of the full moon? You guys sure know what's up. Youkai get stronger when the moon is full, meaning their danmaku is even flashier. By the way, without a target the wolf shadows don't know where they should be pouncing, so... | |
Reimu |
あ、しまった。花火大会は新月の日の方が空が暗くてよかったわね。 |
Oh, crap. We should've held the contest on the new moon when the sky is darker. |
Marisa |
おや? よく見ると狼が目標としている中心に誰かいるみたいだな。弾幕が派手に見える様に協力者がいるって訳か。 |
Oh? If you look closely, the wolves are going after someone in the middle. I guess she has a helper to make the danmaku look flashier? |
Sumireko |
拡散、収縮、絨毯爆撃に性質変化。多くの要素が含まれた見事な花火だと思います。 |
Scattering, contracting, carpet bombing... this changes its nature a lot. I think it's impressive that she can make fireworks out of so many different elements. |
Sakuya |
獣臭い。血に飢えた者でも品は大切です。獣を丸出しなのは残念です。 |
Ew, the stench of a animal. Dignity is important even for a blood-starved beast, you know. You'd do well to hide your beasthood. |
Youmu |
甲高い音に耳がやられそうです。 |
My ears are going mad from high pitched noise. |
Final score |
狼の遠吠えが形となって空を震わしていて迫力があった。弾幕自体も長時間空に残り続けるタイプで、見応えがある。しかし、明らかに妖怪らしい見た目と、攻撃的な弾幕のため、観客から悲鳴が上がる場面もあった。 |
Powerful, like a wolf howl that shakes the very sky. The danmaku itself is also the type that lingers in the sky, very impressive. However, since she's clearly a youkai, and her danmaku looks aggressive, we've been hearing screams from the audience. |
天狼「ハイスピードパウンス」 |
使用者:今泉影狼 |
User: Kagerou Imaizumi | |
使用者より |
User's Comment: Urgh... I just can't suppress it on the night of a full moon... I wanna run around more! I wanna bite more! I wanna shoot more danmaku! But if it looks like I'm gonna hurt a human at an event, then... | |
Reimu |
荒れてるねぇ。でもハチャメチャに飛び回る姿を見るのは面白いかも。 |
Guess she's in a bad mood. But it might be kind of fun watching her jump around all crazily like that. |
Marisa |
弾幕発生源を飛び回って増やす姿は滑稽で、規則正しい動きにワイルドさを感じない。 |
It's a bit silly watching her spawn more danmaku by jumping around. And with those orderly movements, there's no sense of wildness from her either. |
Sumireko |
これも要素の多い弾幕ですね。ちょっと何が起きているのか判りづらいかも。 |
Another one with lots of moving parts. Maybe it's a little too hard to tell what's going on though. |
Sakuya |
どうやら彼女は自我を失いかけているようです。ここは私が観客を守りましょう。こういうのに慣れてますし。 |
Looks like she's lost all sense of self. I suppose I'll protect the audience then. Don't worry, I'm used to this. |
Sanae |
いやいや、動きを見ると至って冷静ですね。暴走しているフリをしているんじゃないですかね。格好良いと思って。 |
No no no, look at those movements: she's perfectly calm. She's just pretending to be on a rampage, thinking it's cool, huh? |
Final score |
夜空を飛び回る姿は、花火というより曲芸の類のようである。遠吠えのような音が山の狼を呼び寄せるのではないかと心配する声も出ているが、大丈夫だろう。狼より強い者ばかりが集まっているのだから。 |
Seeing her leap through the night sky is less fireworks and more of an acrobatic performance. Some have voiced concerns about her howling attracting wolves from the mountains, but it should be fine. Everyone here is stronger than a wolf, after all. |
枯道「ロストウィンドロウ」 |
使用者:秋静葉 |
User: Shizuha Aki | |
使用者より |
User's Comment: It's almost autumn, huh? You know, while it feels like leaves turn red at the start of autumn, actually they have this beautifully transient red color as soon as they sprout. They just hide it during the summer. And now, all those shy leaves will do their best to dance. | |
Reimu |
弾の数は多いんだけど、何か寂しい花火ねぇ。 |
There are so many bullets, but it feels so lonely somehow... |
Marisa |
舞っているのが枯れ葉なのに光って見える。そういう意味不明な部分は大体、神様の力って奴だな。便利だ。 |
Wait, so dancing makes them glow? Even though they're just dead leaves? The power of the gods is usually that sort of cryptic nonsense. How convenient. |
Sumireko |
しなやかで軽やかな動きのある弾幕です。紅葉の神様らしいけど、テーマは落ち葉なんですね。 |
Danmaku with light and graceful movements. How fitting for a god of autumn leaves. But the theme is FALLEN leaves. |
Sanae |
一列だけ欠けているのはわざとですよね。こういうの少し気になって……、ああ、それは風の通り道なんですねー。 |
So she's leaving out one row on purpose, right? That's bugging me a little... Oh, so it's where the wind passes through. |
Youmu |
落葉樹って風情はあるんですけど、掃除が大変なんですよね。庭師の敵です。 |
Deciduous trees have a charm to them, but cleaning up their leaves is awful. The enemy of all gardeners. |
Final score |
しっとりとした植物系の弾幕はレアである。落ち葉の弾幕は地面に届くくらいまで降り注ぎ、観客を沸かせていた。ただ、使用者の無駄にメランコリックなポエム調説明がうざい。 |
Gentle, plant-based danmaku is rare. And the fallen leaf danmaku that pours down all the way to the ground certainly excited the audience. But the performer's needlessly melancholic and poetic explanation was just annoying. |
焼芋「スイートポテトルーム」 |
使用者:秋穣子 |
User: Minoriko Aki | |
使用者より |
User's Comment: It's almost autumn! Meals are about to get tastier and tastier! So as a treat, let me give you an early taste of autumn. There are all sorts of autumn flavors, from grains to fruits to mushrooms, but I've always had a soft spot for these! | |
Reimu |
ああ、ちゃんと食べられる焼き芋だわ……。 |
Yup, those sure are fully baked, ready to eat sweet potatoes... |
Marisa |
商売の邪魔をするなって、屋台を出している連中から文句が来ていたぜ。 |
We're getting complaints from the food vendors that she's ruining their business. |
Sumireko |
スイートルームのスイートは甘いって意味じゃないって、先生が言ってたような……。じゃあ、なんだろう。 |
I think my English teacher told me that the "suite" of "suite room" doesn't mean "sweet". So... what does it mean?[1] |
Youmu |
良い匂いです。こんな癒やし弾幕もあるんですね。 |
What a pleasant smell. So there are healing danmaku like this too. |
Sanae |
本人から出ている光は芋を焼いている時の光なのかしら。誰も弾幕の評価をしていないのが気になります……。 |
Is the light coming out of her the light from the potatoes getting baked? It's bugging me that no one's critiquing the danmaku... |
Final score |
とても美味しい焼き芋だったので、作り方を聞いた。じっくりと時間をかけて加熱することで、より甘みが増すそうだ。使用した焼き芋は全て観客と審査員が美味しく頂きました。 |
This baked sweet potato was so delicious that we couldn't resist asking for the recipe. It seems like the more time you spend heating it, the sweeter it gets. Every last sweet potato used for this spellcard was eaten and enjoyed by the audience or the judges. [2] |
独楽「阿吽の閃光」 |
使用者:高麗野あうん |
User: Aunn Komano | |
使用者より |
User's Comment: Wow, Miss Reimu really must have changed if she's holding a fireworks contest like this. Or maybe it's the youkai who have changed? Well, whatever, as a representative of all friendly youkai, I've just gotta take part! So, uh, is this how you do fireworks? | |
Reimu |
曲がるレーザーは、見てる分には好評なのよねぇ。 |
Curvy lasers are always popular. To watch. |
Marisa |
弾幕は少なく動きもシンプルだが、一番キツイ場所が丁度審査員の真上というところに性格の悪さが出ているぜ。 |
The danmaku's sparse and the movements are simple, but the toughest part winds up right over the judges' heads. That's how you know she's got a mean streak. |
Sumireko |
パステルカラーで可愛いですね。本人が少し天然風に見せて計算高そうなのがちょっと恐ろしいんですが。 |
These pastel colors are just adorable! It's a little scary how she acts like an airhead when she's so calculating though. |
Sakuya |
なかなか迫力のあるレーザーですね。かなりの加速度なので、実戦でも使えそうです。 |
Those lasers aren't half bad. With that acceleration, you could use them in a real fight. |
Sanae |
左右のレーザーが完全にピッタリ同期しているところが、名前の由来ですかね。それともまさか自分の名前を……。 |
Does the name come from the way the left and right lasers are perfectly synced? Or... don't tell me she named it after herself...? |
Final score |
簡単そうにみえて、かなり焦る弾幕である。目立つのは紫のレーザーだが、地味な緑の弾の方が厳しいという意地の悪さが出ている。 |
Simple-looking danmaku that can fluster you. The part that most stands out are the purple lasers, but the real difficulty comes from the plain green bullets. That's where her mischievous nature shows itself. |
狛符「独り阿吽の呼吸」 |
使用者:高麗野あうん |
User: Aunn Komano | |
使用者より |
User's Comment: I am a sacred beast who is two people in one! So I can split into two like this! I can only make the same movements though, and it's kinda tiring, so I don't like doing it for too long. But please watch my two-in-one fireworks, that no one can imitate! | |
Reimu |
分かれても弾幕は同色で、二人になった意味が感じられない。 |
Even though she split, the danmaku's still the same color. What was the point of splitting then? |
Marisa |
二人に別れても同じ動きしか出来ないというのは、ちょっと残念だなぁ。 |
It's a bit of a shame that she can only move together even after she splits. |
Sumireko |
もしかして、片方はドッペルゲンガーですか? |
Wait, is one side a doppelganger then? |
Sanae |
これは複数人で弾幕を撃っていますが、反則ではないんですね? |
So this isn't cheating, right? Even if she's shooting danmaku as a group? |
Youmu |
グルグル回りながら降り注ぐ弾幕はよくありますが、二箇所になるだけで凶悪になりますねぇ。 |
Danmaku where they spin around and rain bullets on you is pretty common, but just by adding a second one it becomes quite brutal. |
Final score |
実態を持ったまま二人になるというのはいろいろと応用が利きそうなのだが、同じ動きしか出来ないのであれば余り意味が無いのかも知れない。ただ、彼女が妖怪化したのはつい最近なので、もっと研究を続けて欲しいと思う。 |
The ability to create a real copy of yourself sounds pretty useful in a lot of situations, but maybe it's just meaningless if it can only move the same way as you. But since she only recently became a youkai, I think I'd like to study it a little more. |
- ↑ In Japanese pronunciation, "suite room" is "suiito ruumu". However, this sound "suiito" usually indicates "sweet" in Japanese.
- ↑ This was misprinted in 1st edition, which was as same as Aunn's general comment. Correction from the press
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