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The Grimoire of Usami/Section 1-4
< | Section 1-3 | The Grimoire of Usami | Section 1-5 | > |
魔符「ペットの巨大弾生命体」 |
使用者:矢田寺成美 |
User: Narumi Yatadera | |
使用者より |
User's Comment: Everyone's working so hard to shoot their own bullets, huh? Haven't they ever heard of "work smarter, not harder"? The bullets I shoot are all living beings. Prepare to be surprised by my cute little pet giant fireball! I'm sure you'll all fall in love with her cuteness! | |
Reimu |
観客スレスレまで近づいてきたのでちょっとヒヤヒヤしたわ。でも炎はイミテーションだったので安心。 |
I got chills when it got close enough to the audience to graze them. But the fire was fake so don't worry. |
Marisa |
あの巨大弾、本当に生きているのかぁ? 奥で操っているだけにしか見えないが……。 |
Is that giant bullet really alive...? I can only see it as her controlling it from inside... |
Sumireko |
至近距離で花火を見ると迫力がありますねぇ。ただ単にスリルを味わえるというか。 |
Seeing fireworks from up close sure it impressive. Or is just pure thrill? |
Sanae |
生きている巨大弾、可愛い、ですかね? その辺の価値観は共有しかねます。 |
A giant living bullet is... cute? I think this is where we agree to disagree. |
Youmu |
か、可愛いかも。物言わないペットって良いですよね。 |
I-I think it's cute! Maybe. A pet that never speaks sounds nice. |
Final score |
巨大な火の玉が観客スレスレまで近づくというパフォーマンスは、驚かすという点では優れていた。同時に安全面も考慮されていたみたいで評価は高い。しかし、これは花火の楽しみ方なのか? という疑問は残る。 |
The performance of sending that fireball close enough to graze the audience certainly gets points for being surprising. At the same time, she also scores well for taking their safety into consideration. On the other hand, we're left with the question, is this really why people come to see fireworks? |
地蔵「業火救済」 |
使用者:矢田寺成美 |
User: Narumi Yatadera | |
使用者より |
User's Comment: Hee hee, the last danmaku was just laying the groundwork for this next one. My pet fireball was spreading living bullets all over the ground. A never-before-see firework that shoots up from the audience! No surprise can match this! | |
Reimu |
こ、これは危なすぎる! |
Th-This is way too dangerous! |
Marisa |
なる程、観客席から火の弾か……って、危ないなぁ! |
I see, I see, fire bullets shooting up from the audience... wait, that's dangerous! |
Sumireko |
さっきのペットがばらまいてたのは、この火だねだったんですねぇ。審査員を騙すなんて、なかなかの策士です。 |
So the pet from earlier was spreading all these fire seeds, huh? She's a pretty good schemer, if she could fool even the judges. |
Sakuya |
さっきのは偽物で、今度の弾幕の炎は本物のようですね。やってくれますねぇ。 |
Last time it was imitation flame, but this time it seems to be the real thing. Now she's done it. |
Sanae |
よくよく考えたら……、地面から火の弾って意外でも何でもなく、実はオーソドックスな花火なんじゃあ……。 |
Okay, think about this really, REALLY, carefully. Shooting fire from the ground isn't surprising, that's the most orthodox firework there is! |
Final score |
地面からの突然の発火に、会場はパニック状態となった。彼女の目的である、驚かすことには成功したようだが、誰も花火を見ていなかった。彼女には花火大会の趣旨が伝わっていない様子である。 |
The crowd went into a panic when fire suddenly shot up from the ground. If her goal was to surprise them then she succeeded, but no one was watching the fireworks. It seems she doesn't understand the purpose of the contest. |
蝶符「花蝶風月」 |
使用者:西行寺幽々子 |
User: Yuyuko Saigyouji | |
使用者より |
User's Comment: Tee hee, she just doesn't get it. What's most beautiful when rising up from the ground isn't fire, after all. Allow me to show you the most beautiful, shining night there ever was. | |
Reimu |
うわぁ、蝶の密度濃すぎじゃない? |
Whoa, aren't these butterflies TOO dense? |
Marisa |
また地面から湧く系だが、怯えていた観客は癒されたみたいだぜ。 |
It's another "gushing from the ground" type, but at least this time it seems to have helped the audience get over their fear. |
Sumireko |
もの凄い量の蝶ですね……。これは幻想的です。ただ、ちょっと……多すぎじゃないですかね。 |
Whoa, look at all those butterflies... It's like something out of a dream. But... maybe that's a few TOO many butterflies. |
Sanae |
蝶は何処から湧いているんでしょう? まさか昼間の内に大量にイモムシをばらまいてたりしないですよね。 |
So where are all these butterflies coming from? Don't tell me she went around scattering caterpillars earlier in the day. |
Youmu |
って幽々子様……。今日はうちで寝てるって言ってたから審査員を引き受けたんですが……。 |
Wait, Lady Yuyuko... It's because you said you'd be sleeping at home that I took on the post of a judge... |
Final score |
もの凄い量の蝶に悲鳴が入り交じったような歓声が上がっていた。蝶も多すぎると優雅には見えない。少なすぎると花火には見えないからだろうが、もう少し何とかならなかったのだろうか。 |
An incredible amount of butterflies that had some screams mixed in with the cheers. So many butterflies that it wasn't even elegant anymore. Too few and it wouldn't have looked like fireworks, but there has to be a middle ground, right? |
桜花「桜吹雪花小町」 |
使用者:西行寺幽々子 |
User: Yuyuko Saigyouji | |
使用者より |
User's Comment: Oh, were butterflies not to your taste? Then how about this one? Although perhaps it's a little out of season. | |
Reimu |
オーソドックスだけど悪くない。 |
Orthodox, but not bad. |
Marisa |
スピード感がある弾幕だな。このぐらい判りやすい方が花火としての見た目は優れているのかも。 |
Danmaku with a sense of speed. Maybe fireworks look best when they're as easy to parse as this. |
Sumireko |
そういえばこれって弾幕ですよね。さっきの蝶もそうだけど、本当に避けれるのかしら……。 |
Oh right, this is supposed to be danmaku, huh? The butterflies were like this too, but can you really dodge it...? |
Sakuya |
ゆっくり降ってくる遅い弾がアクセントになっていて良いと思います。 |
I think the slow, gently falling bullets accent it nicely. |
Youmu |
あ、いやその。まあ10点です。 |
Oh, wait, um... 10/10. |
Final score |
色は一色だけだが、極めて速い花びらと、ゆっくり降ってくる弾の組み合わせが美しく見える。満開の桜に突風が吹いて散らしているかのようだ。 |
It's only one color, but the extremely fast petals combine with the slowly falling bullets to make something beautiful. It's like cherry blossoms in full bloom being struck with a sudden gust of wind. |
< | Section 1-3 | The Grimoire of Usami | Section 1-5 | > |
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