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The Grimoire of Usami/Section 1-5
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平曲「祇園精舎の鐘の音」 |
使用者:九十九弁々 |
User: Benben Tsukumo | |
使用者より |
User's Comment: Hiii everyone! Welcome to our concert! We figured you all might want to hear some music right about now, so we decided to make a concert happen, as of right now! Please enjoy the nostalgic yet fresh sound of my biwa! | |
Reimu |
花火大会で勝手にライブを始めるなって言おうかと思ったら、普通に花火よね……。 |
I was going to tell them not to begin a concert in the contest, but it's just normal fireworks... |
Marisa |
これは楽しい花火だな。二段階の広がり方を見せる美しい弾幕だ。 |
This is pretty fun. The way it spreads in two stages makes for some beautiful danmaku. |
Sumireko |
諸行無常の響きあり、って奴ですよね。確かに刻々と印象の変わる広がり方をしている気がします。 |
So this is the sound that "echoes the impermanence of all things," huh? True, the way it changes my impression of it moment to moment as it spreads gives me that feeling. |
Sanae |
琵琶の音を楽しめ、って言うけど、名前は鐘の音とも言ってるし……本当は何の音なのかな。 |
Um, she told us to enjoy the sound of her biwa, but the name says it's a bell. So which is it? |
Youmu |
音符が楽しそうでワクワクしちゃいます。当たるといたいですけど……。 |
The music notes make it seems so fun that I got excited. It still hurts when you hit them though... |
Final score |
パステルカラーの音符は若々しくて、気分が高揚し、観客からも高評価であった。しかしポップそうに見えて、中々の高密度で鬼畜な弾幕である。 |
With the hip, pastel colored notes and the rising excitement, this one was a favorite even among the audience. But no matter how "pop" it looks, this is one dense and brutal danmaku. |
楽符「ダブルスコア」 |
使用者:九十九弁々 |
User: Benben Tsukumo | |
使用者より |
User's Comment: This next song's a doozy! Its crazy hard melody will shock the audience! Don't you think a quarter rest is even cooler and more stimulating than an eighth note? Well, that's why I threw in a bunch of 'em! | |
Reimu |
うわぁ、結構滅茶苦茶だけど、悪くはない。 |
Wow, that's definitely crazy. Not bad though. |
Marisa |
ゆっくり降ってくる音符は楽しい気分になるな。本人の言うような激しい曲ではないが。 |
The gently falling notes have a fun feel to them. The music's not as extreme as she says though. |
Sumireko |
これって五線譜なんですね。確かに四分休符は雷みたいですもんねえ。ナチュラルもあるとそれっぽいかもしれません。 |
These are pairs of staff notation, huh? She's right, the quarter rest kinda looks like a lightning bolt. It would be better if there were a mass of natural among them. |
Sakuya |
なかなかハードな曲ですね。いや音楽じゃなくて弾幕の方が。 |
That's quite a hard song indeed. No, I mean, as danmaku, not musically. |
Youmu |
音符、結構固いですねぇ。みんな拾って持ち帰ろうとしてるみたいですけど、危なくないのかな。 |
These notes are rock solid, huh? Looks like everyone's picking them up to take home, but is that safe? |
Final score |
琵琶の曲は少々マニアックで、多くの人間に理解されていないようだ。しかも、この楽譜は休符が多すぎる割に激しすぎるという、二面性を抱えている。不思議な魅力がある弾幕だ。 |
Biwa music is a little niche, not many people understand it. Plus, for as many rests as she crammed in there, this music is way too intense. A two-faced composition. Danmaku with a mysterious charm. |
琴符「諸行無常の琴の音」 |
使用者:九十九八橋 |
User: Yatsuhashi Tsukumo | |
使用者より |
User's Comment: And what comes after a biwa but a koto?! If you're getting tired of the hard distortions of the biwa, allow me to heal you with the gentle sounds of the koto! Tonight we'll steal your hearts with the ultimate concert! | |
Reimu |
や、優しくはない。決して優しくはない。 |
Th-This isn't gentle. Whatever else it is, it's not gentle. |
Marisa |
気持ち悪い動きだなぁ。どう動くのか全く読めないぜ。 |
The way the notes move is kinda creepy. I can't predict it at all. |
Sumireko |
ランダムに見えて、何かの法則がある様ですねぇ。まぁ曲も弾幕も難易度が高い事は間違いないですが。 |
It looks random, but it seems like there's some kind of pattern to it. Well, as both music and danmaku it's definitely at a high difficulty level. |
Sanae |
このふよふよした感じ、嫌いじゃないです。 |
I kind of like this whooshing feeling. |
Youmu |
幽霊みたいな動きをしますね。さっきの琵琶より、こっちの音符の方が柔らかそうです……。 |
The notes are moving like a phantom. Also, they look softer than the ones from the biwa earlier... |
Final score |
不規則な動きをする音符をみつめすぎて気持ち悪くなった者もいた。激しい弾幕だが、意外と心安まるという声もあり、人によって印象の変わる弾幕であった。 |
Some people started feeling ill after staring at the irregular movements of all those music notes. The danmaku was fierce, but some people said it was actually quite relaxing. Reactions varied from person to person. |
哀歌「人琴ともに亡ぶ」 |
使用者:九十九八橋 |
User: Yatsuhashi Tsukumo | |
使用者より |
User's Comment: Next up is a soft, sorrowful melody. Whenever the person who tuned it dies, the koto dies too. So every time you see a dead koto, you remember the player's death. That's how I feel as I send this danmaku your way. Aw... it's such a sad story. | |
Reimu |
休符で殺しにかかっているじゃん。何が哀しいのだか。 |
All these rests are literally killing. You call this sad? |
Marisa |
付喪神的には、人間が死んだ方が都合が良いんだよな。そう考えると悪意のある弾幕に見える。 |
To a tsukumogami, isn't the human's death more convenient for them? This danmaku certainly shows that kind of malice. |
Sumireko |
人琴ともに亡ぶ、そんな意味があるんですね。ちょっとうるっときちゃいます。弾幕の意味はわかりませんが。 |
Man and koto, ruined together. So that's what it means. I think I've got something in my eye. But, uh, none of that comes through in the danmaku. |
Sakuya |
また地面から湧く弾幕ね。ただ彼女は、音符が危ないので観客から離れて演技しているところに好感が持てます。 |
More of these gushing up from the ground types. At least this girl realized it was dangerous and held her performance away from the audience. That's a point in her favor. |
Youmu |
やっぱりこっちの琴の音符も固かったです……。 |
No, this koto's notes were hard too... I knew it... |
Final score |
本人から放たれる大量の四分休符は、「人間に永遠の休みを」という意味が込められているらしい。縁起でも無いので評価は下げておいた。 |
Apparently all the quarter rests from her were supposed to mean "a human's eternal rest." Points were deducted for being ominous. |
七鼓「高速和太鼓ロケット」 |
使用者:堀川雷鼓 |
User: Raiko Horikawa | |
使用者より |
User's Comment: And now, the final member of the Japanese instrument band, the taiko! The taiko is always the star of the festival, after all. Without the taiko to keep the rhythm, there IS no festival! Now I'm gonna rock your worlds with a bass you can feel in your gut! | |
Reimu |
大きな太鼓がぶつかってきたけど、もうこれって物理攻撃じゃない? |
If she's hitting you with giant drums, isn't that just a physical attack? |
Marisa |
着弾と同時に火がはじけ飛んだり、遅れて太鼓が破裂したりと結構計算された弾幕なんだよな。 |
With the flames popping out at the same time as the impact, or the slow drums exploding, this is a pretty well thought out danmaku. |
Sumireko |
ロケット花火だー。ぷぷぷ、花火大会でまさかのロケット花火……。 |
Bottle rockets! *snicker* She brought bottle rockets to a fireworks contest! |
Sakuya |
付喪神的も道具を雑に扱うのねぇ。何か意外です。 |
So even a tsukumogami can be rough with her tools. That's a little surprising. |
Sanae |
太鼓を投げてくるって、かなり力持ちなんですね。確かにドラマーって力持ちなイメージがありますが。 |
She must be ripped to throw drums like that. I mean, I guess my image of drummers is pretty muscular anyway. |
Final score |
太鼓を投げるという変化球の弾幕と、激しい太鼓の演奏に観客の評価は上々だった。特に太鼓が地面に到達したときに大きな音が鳴り響き、それも曲になっているような気がした。 |
The audience just ate up this drum-throwing curveball, especially when you throw in the intense drum solo. The best part was how the loud sounds when the drums hit the ground became part of the music. |
「プリスティンビート」 |
使用者:堀川雷鼓 |
User: Raiko Horikawa | |
使用者より |
User's Comment: Drums are the original instrument. And your heartbeat is the original music. That pulsing beat that accompanies your life is sure to get your body and soul shaking! Now, enjoy this percussion concert pretending to be fireworks! | |
Reimu |
長い、辛い、単純。 |
Long, hard, plain. |
Marisa |
忙しそうな弾幕だな。まあ、弾幕はシンプルだが、避けようと思うと休符がキツイなあ。 |
What busy danmaku. Well, the danmaku is simple, but if you wanna dodge it those rests are tough. |
Sumireko |
弾幕にリズム感を入れたというのは新鮮ですねー。よく見たら叩いているのは和太鼓じゃないのね。 |
Danmaku with a rhythm is a pretty fresh feeling. But when I look closely, that's not a taiko drum she's hitting, is it? |
Sanae |
テンポ良くはじける花火なんて珍しいですよね。避ける時はリズムが関係無くなってしまっているのが残念。 |
Fireworks with a bouncing tempo are pretty rare. Too bad the rhythm doesn't help you dodge it though. |
Youmu |
ど、どうしよう、身体の動かし方がよく判らない。私、リズム感無いのかも。 |
Wh-What do I do?! I don't know how to move my body! Do I... do I have no rhythm? |
Final score |
彼女のドラムは、一部の人間にも受けが良い。既にファンもいるようで、花火大会でも演奏が聴けるとは思って無かったと、高評価だった。しかし、花火としてはシンプルである。 |
Her drumming is pretty popular, even with some of the humans. So since she already has fans who didn't expect to hear her at the fireworks contest, she made a big splash. However, as fireworks it was too simple. |
瀑符「シライトフォール」 |
使用者:河城にとり |
User: Nitori Kawashiro | |
使用者より |
User's Comment: Glad to see you're all fired up. But I'm sensing a little dissatisfaction, so here's a little bonus from us on the management side of things. I hear there's a huge waterfall in the outside world called Niagara Falls. Well, this ain't as grand as that, but have a taste of Shiraito Falls. | |
Reimu |
うわぁ、またびっちょびちょ……。 |
Great, now I'm drenched again... |
Marisa |
跳ねっ返りが凄い。これは本気で観客を濡らしにかかっているな。 |
Well, that's a way to throw a literal wet blanket on things. She's seriously splashing the audience. |
Sumireko |
水だけど、光っているんですよね。どういう原理か判らないけどかなり綺麗だと思います。 |
It's water, but it's shining! I dunno how it works, but it sure is pretty! |
Sakuya |
本人はそう言わないけど、実はこれ運営側からの防火対策弾幕みたいですね。気が利いています。 |
She didn't say this, but apparently this was a fire-prevention measure from management. How sensible. |
Youmu |
油断してました……。そうですよね、河童は水を使いますもんね。 |
I let my guard down... Yeah, that's right, kappa use water. |
Final score |
突然の水かけ弾幕だったが、これは河童の運営がここら辺で山火事になる可能性も考え、水をかける弾幕を用意したというのが真相の様である。花火としても楽しめる演出だったので再評価した。 |
We were suddenly splashed with water danmaku, but if you think of it as the kappa trying to prevent a fire, then using water danmaku seems like a practical solution. Even as fireworks they put on an enjoyable production, so it gets high marks. |
< | Section 1-4 | The Grimoire of Usami | Section 1-6 | > |
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