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The Grimoire of Usami/Section 1-7
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「幻想風靡」 |
使用者:射命丸文 |
User: Aya Shameimaru | |
使用者より |
User's Comment: I'd been planning to stick to reporting on this, but that was before I saw the mediocrity of the danmaku on display. It seems that even I have a good shot at winning this, so I made a last minute entry. Now witness the elegant danmaku spread by Gensokyo's fastest. | |
Reimu |
この速度、確かに半端じゃない。やってることは弾をばらまいているだけなんだけど。 |
That speed definitely isn't half-assed. But all she's doing is scattering bullets. |
Marisa |
高速移動しながら、まるで慣性が無いかのように真下に弾を落とす。実はそうとう高度な技術だと思う。 |
Even while moving at high speeds, she's dropping bullets right below her like they have no inertia. To be honest, that takes real skill. |
Sumireko |
縦横無尽に空を飛ぶ姿は格好良いですね。スカイフィッシュみたいといえばそうなんですけど。 |
It's so cool how she's bouncing back and forth through the sky like that. I could say it's like a skyfish though. |
Sanae |
レーザーにしか見えないんですけど、もしかしてどっかに隠れてレーザー撃ってるだけなんじゃない? |
I can only see a laser though. Are we sure she isn't just hiding somewhere off to the side and shooting lasers? |
Sakuya |
本当に飛び交っているのかアレして確かめましたが、確かに一人で飛んでいました。 |
I had to use THAT to confirm it, but no, she really is flitting about like that on her own. |
Final score |
シンプルだがなかなか迫力のある弾幕である。観客も普通の花火大会ではないことに気づき、楽しみ方を変えているようだ。普通の弾幕として不思議な力を見て楽しむ大会になりつつある。 |
Simple, yet fairly impressive danmaku. Even the audience has realized that these aren't ordinary fireworks, and seem to be even more excited now. This is now a contest about having fun watching the mysterious power of ordinary danmaku. |
写真「フルパノラマショット」 |
•使用者:姫海棠はたて |
User: Hatate Himekaidou | |
使用者より |
User's Comment: Looks like things are heating up. I'd heard this contest was instigated by the outsider, but it sure is the kind of event that youkai love, huh? I'll take photos from right in the middle of the fireworks and turn them into the ultimate article! | |
Reimu |
今大会で今のところ最もしょぼい弾幕。 |
Well, this is the lamest spellcard we've seen so far. |
Marisa |
撮影するのはいいが、弾幕の方がおろそかになっているぜ……。 |
Photography's fine, but it's like she forgot to include the danmaku. |
Sumireko |
360度撮影出来るんですね! 花火の中心でとったパノラマ写真。記事が気になります。 |
She can do 360 degree photos! Wow, a panoramic photo taken from right in the middle of the fireworks. I wanna see this article now. |
Sakuya |
あのカメラ。何故か被写体に攻撃出来るみたいねぇ。どういう原理なのかしら。 |
That camera... For some reason it seems like it can attack the subject of the photo. I wonder what the mechanism for that is. |
Sanae |
この天狗が書いた記事って、ちょっと文章が攻撃的なのよね。記事にされるのちょっと怖いなぁ。 |
The articles this tengu writes are written a little aggressively. I'm kind of scared of being put in one. |
Final score |
花火の中心地から全方向に撮影したいという発想は素晴らしかったが、撮影に必死で弾を殆ど出していないという本末転倒な弾幕だった。 |
Omnidirectional photography from inside the fireworks was a wonderful idea, but she was so focused on photography that she put the cart before the horse and hardly fired any bullets. |
脳符「ブレインフィンガープリント」 |
使用者 古明地さとり |
User: Satori Komeiji | |
使用者より |
User's Comment: The surface certainly has changed, if they're holding events for people to boast of their strength like this. Those of us in the Underworld love this sort of thing, of course, so I came here to monitor the contest and stop them from showing up. But would it be alright if I participated for a bit too? | |
Reimu |
なんか爆発の場所が歪に見えるけど……。どういう意味が? |
The point of the explosion looks a little distorted but... what does that mean? |
Marisa |
一旦消えてから爆発しているのは、見る者に残った恐怖の記憶らしい。見る人によって爆発箇所が違うらしいぜ。 |
Seems the way it explodes after disappearing for a bit is the memory of the observer's remaining fear. Apparently different people see the explosions in different places. |
Sumireko |
さとりさんって、心を読むんですってね。お近づきになりたくない妖怪のーつね……。 |
Miss Satori reads people's minds, right? That's one youkai I wouldn't want to meet... |
Sakuya |
溜めからの爆発のタイミングが、普通の感覚より半拍早いというのが、性格の悪さが出ているわね。 |
The timing of the explosions after gathering is half a beat faster than you'd normally expect. Her sadism is showing. |
Sanae |
地底の奴らを監視するとかいって、結局自分も楽しんじゃうという、妖怪の鏡[1]って感じ。 |
She said all that about monitoring the underworld youkai, but in the end isn't she just having fun? It's like, a paragon of youkai. |
Final score |
本人曰く、爆発しているのは見ている人の恐怖の記憶らしいので、見る人によって爆発する箇所が違うらしい。そんな馬鹿なことがあるとは思えないが、正直確かめようがない。確かに天狗の写真とは印象が異なっていたような気もするが……。 |
According to herself, what's actually exploding are the viewers' memories of fear, so their location varies depending on who's watching. Frankly that sounds ridiculous, but there's no way for us to verify it. I do feel like the tengu's photos are different from my impression of it though... |
記憶「DNAの瑕」 |
使用者:古明地こいし |
User: Koishi Komeiji | |
使用者より |
User's Comment: If Sis is doing it, I wanna do it too! But I wasn't planning on this so I don't have anything ready. If whoever surprises them the most wins though, then the underworlders are a step above, huh! Sis stopped us 'cus we might get into trouble, though... | |
Reimu |
変な弾幕……。規則正しそうで何処に行くのか判らないわねぇ。 |
What weird danmaku... It seems to follow rules, but I can't tell where it's going. |
Marisa |
弾幕が不規則に飛び回っているようで、実はこいしを追っかけているんだな。普通は敵を狙うだけに珍しい。 |
It looks irregular, but actually it's chasing Koishi. Normally it'd go after the enemy, so that alone makes it unusual. |
Sumireko |
DNAは生物全体の記憶と言えなくもないし、封じたって聞いたけどサトリっぽい面が出ているんですねぇ。 |
You could say that DNA is the memory of all life, so even though I heard it'd been sealed, she's showing a pretty satori-esque side of her, huh? |
Sanae |
二重螺旋構造は何だか落ち着くんですねぇ。不思議と懐かしい気分になります。 |
The double helix structure is so calming, somehow. It's strange, but it feels so nostalgic. |
Youmu |
真下から見ると意外と目が回ります……。 |
Watching it from directly below is surprisingly tough... It's making my eyes spin... |
Final score |
別に激しいわけでもないし、何か変化があるわけでも無いのに、じっと見てしまう不思議な魅力がある弾幕である。モチーフは本人にも不明だそうだが、何やら生物全体の記憶なイメージしているという噂がある。 |
It's not particularly intense, nor does it have any kind of twist to it, but when you stare at it it's a mysteriously alluring danmaku. The motif is unclear even to its user, but rumor has it that it has something to do with the memories of all life. |
古舟「エンシェントシップ」 |
使用者:物部布都 |
User: Mononobe no Futo | |
使用者より |
User's Comment: Finally mine own turn, is it? I don't really know what makes fireworks so great, but it would seem throwing a danmaku performance in the sky will suffice. Well, why don't I swiftly steal the victory and spread the wonder of Taoism? | |
Reimu |
舟の上から弓を撃つだけなんて……花火を勘違いしている。 |
She's just shooting from a boat... I don't think she knows what fireworks are. |
Marisa |
舟の軌跡が弾幕になるのは悪くない。ただ、もの凄く遅い天狗の幻想風靡という感じ。 |
It's not bad how the boat leaves danmaku in its wake. But this just feels like a really slow Illusionary Dominance. |
Sumireko |
弓矢が驚くほどに目立っていないです。舟の上で弓を引くのは難しいのは判るんですけど……。 |
The bow and arrow are surprisingly low key here. I mean, I understand that it's hard to fire an arrow from a boat, but... |
Sakuya |
この弾幕を楽しむには、古くさくて、のんびりした頭が必要そうですね。 |
I'm sure you need a musty, carefree brain to understand the appeal of this danmaku. |
Sanae |
舟の上からの眺めは楽しそうです。本人の笑顔からもそれが窺えます。 |
It looks so fun up on that boat. You can see her smile peek through too. |
Final score |
ゆっくり空に光の筋が現れるだけの、急に地味な弾幕だが、子供達からは「あの舟に乗りたい」という声が上がり、一時中断して舟に乗せてあげていた。みんな喜んだようである。イベントを盛り上げるというサービス精神に+1点。 |
Lazy trails of light appearing in the sky makes for some plain danmaku, but the children in the audience were saying they wanted to ride the boat, so she took a temporary break to let them do so. It looks like they had great fun. She gets +1 point for helping out the event by being so eager to please. |
聖童女「太陽神の贄」 |
使用者:物部布都 |
User: Mononobe no Futo | |
使用者より |
User's Comment: Ahem. But I'm not content to remain a mere boatman. And thine responses tell me my earlier danmaku was far too restrained. At this rate I will be a disgrace of a hermit. Very well then, I shall show thee the results of my training. Be amazed by my fierce danmaku, superior to any other! | |
Reimu |
こ、これは急に激しすぎる……! 観客にも近いし危ないけど、この方が好み。 |
Th-This is too intense all of a sudden...! And dangerous, what with how close she's getting to the audience. But I kinda like it that way. |
Marisa |
弾自体は回転していないのに、弾幕全体は回転して見える。この錯視的な弾幕は花火としても素晴らしい。 |
The bullets themselves aren't rotating, but the pattern looks like it is. That kind of optical illusion makes for some great fireworks. |
Sumireko |
やっぱり舟に乗っているんですね。今度こそ舟の上からの眺めが最高そうです。カメラ持たせてみたいです。 |
So she's still riding on a boat after all. But this time, the view from on top of the boat looks amazing. I wanna try making her take my camera. |
Sakuya |
普通に痛いエネルギー弾なんですね。妖夢が斬って防いでいなければ、被害が出てるところです。 |
So the usual, painful energy bullets then? If Youmu weren't up cutting them down, they'd be causing some damage. |
Sanae |
そのスペルカード名だと、花火大会の観客が生け贄みたいでどうかと思います。 |
Based on the name of the spellcard, it sounds like she's sacrificing the audience. I don't know what to think about that. |
Final score |
優しい船頭さんののんびり花火から、突然の高密度凶悪弾幕という、加減を知らないところに彼女の天然さが出ているようだ。危険性はあったが、迫力は最高レベルであった。 |
So after the nice boat lady's gentle fireworks, suddenly we have this high density, brutal danmaku. You can tell she's an airhead because she doesn't know the meaning of moderation. It was dangerous, but its impact was top class. |
浸水「船底のヴィーナス」 |
使用者:村紗水蜜 |
User: Minamitsu Murasa | |
使用者より |
User's Comment: Embers and youkai energy are both starting to build up in the area, to the point where we're at high risk of a forest fire, so the kappa asked me to step in. That's right, it's everyone's favorite watering time! Fight fires with floods! | |
Reimu |
もはや、水遊びしているだけなのでは。 |
By this point, this is just playing with water. |
Marisa |
まさか観客席から水を撒きながら現れるとは、とんでもないドッキリだな。 |
Whoa, I can't believe she suddenly appeared from the audience stands while spraying water. I almost had a heart attack. |
Sumireko |
確かに、火災対策は必須でしょうけど、水を撒きながら登場するなんて乱暴すぎてもう笑っちゃいます。 |
Sure, I guess we need to prevent a fire, but spraying water as part of her entrance is so out of line I can't help but laugh. |
Sanae |
底の抜けた柄杓で水をばらまくのって、結構難しいと思うんですが……。意外と器用ですねぇ。 |
It must be pretty hard to throw water with a bottomless ladle... She's surprisingly skilled. |
Youmu |
そろそろ水を使った弾幕が来るころだと思って傘を用意したのに、真横から水をかけられました。 |
I figured this was coming and brought an umbrella this time, but it doesn't help when the water comes from the side... |
Final score |
これは防火行動なのでもはや花火ではないのだが、何故か正式エントリーされていたので一応審査する。水をまきながら登っていく姿は綺麗と言えば綺麗だが、やはりちょっとやりすぎでは無いかと……。 |
This is just a fire prevention measure and not really fireworks, but for some reason she was officially listed as an entrant so we might as well judge it. Ascending while scattering water is definitely pretty enough for what it is, but with that said, isn't she overdoing it...? |
- ↑ [sic]; it should be 鑑 instead.
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