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The Grimoire of Usami/Section 1-8
< | Section 1-7 | The Grimoire of Usami | Section 1-9 | > |
光魔「魔法銀河系」 |
使用者:聖白蓮 |
User: Byakuren Hijiri | |
使用者より |
User's Comment: Now then, I don't suppose the crowd's been warmed up? While of course it's forbidden to use the power of Buddhism for personal benefit, I'm going to be helping people find salvation by showing them its awe-inspiring power. So please forgive me, but I'll be winning this contest! | |
Reimu |
これは見た目とは裏腹にかなり難しい……。 |
Despite its appearance, this one's pretty tough... |
Marisa |
空がまわってみえる不思議な弾幕だな。花火の中心が何処なのか判らず、全体が掴みづらいなぁ。 |
This is a strange one. It looks like the whole sky is revolving. I can't tell where the center is, and it's hard to see the big picture. |
Sumireko |
雄大な感じが出ていると思います。長時間露光した星空写真みたい。 |
Such a majestic feeling. It reminds me of those long exposure photos of the night sky. |
Sanae |
綺麗です……。彼女にしては大人しい弾幕ですが、この位の方が見ていて疲れませんね。避けると難しいんですけど。 |
How pretty... Her danmaku's rather reserved, but that's why I'd never get tired of watching this. Looks hard to dodge though. |
Youmu |
仏法の威力を見せるだなんて言って、めっちゃ簡単そうじゃない?(笑) |
So she wants to show off the awe-inspiring power of Buddhism? By this simple danmaku? (laugh) |
Final score |
一見ゆったりと星が流れている様に見えるが、実は星にはかなりの速度があり、 雄大な時間の流れを感じさせる宇宙的弾幕である。観客のみんなもうっとりしていたようだ。 |
At first glance it seems like a relaxing stream of stars, but in actuality the stars are moving pretty fast. A majestic, space-like spellcard that makes you feel the flow of time. The audience was rapt the whole time. |
「ブラフマーの瞳」 |
使用者:聖白蓮 |
User: Byakuren Hijiri | |
使用者より |
User's Comment: Hmm. I was hoping for a few more points than that. Would adding an element of mystery improve my score? To be honest, the best move would be to surprise you without showing any mysteries, but Buddhism teaches us to use Expedient Means.[1] But if I'm going to do it, it's meaningless unless I aim for the championship. | |
Reimu |
不思議な模様だけど、何だかさっきよりしょぼい気が。 |
It's a mysterious pattern, sure, but somehow it feels more dull than the other one. |
Marisa |
空全域を覆う光の筋は綺麗で、不気味さすら感じるが、一体何の模様なんだろう……。 |
The way the trails of light cover the whole sky is pretty, and you can even feel the mystery, but I just can't make heads or tails out of this pattern. |
Sumireko |
何か仏教的な模様なんでしょうねぇ。全てを包み込むような優しい弾幕に見えます。 |
I'm sure it's some kind of Buddhist thing. I see gentle danmaku that looks like it could entwine everything. |
Sakuya |
彼女は精神力も身体能力も高い筈なのに、何か少し遠慮しているような弾幕ですね……。 |
She's supposed to have incredible physical and emotional strength, but she seems to be holding back a little here... |
Youmu |
あっちにもこっちにも円が……。何だかジャノメチョウの模様みたい。 |
Circles here and there and everywhere... It reminds me of the pattern on a dryad butterfly. |
Final score |
確かに綺麗なのだが、メリハリに欠けるため、花火としては今ひとつなのかも知れない。但し、これもさっきの「魔法銀河系」と同じで、見た目とは裏腹に攻撃としてはかなり難しい部類に入る。敵対する可能性がある、審査員だけが判る脅威である。 |
While it's certainly pretty, it's missing variety, which makes it lacking as fireworks. However, just like the previous "Magic Milky Way" this one's a fairly difficult attack despite its appearance. It's a threat that only some judges, who can be hostile to her, recognize. |
名誉「十二階の冠位」 |
使用者:豊聡耳神子 |
User: Toyosatomimi no Miko | |
使用者より |
User's Comment: First of all, I'd like to thank my opening act for warming up the audience. And now it's time for the finale. While it seems there are a plethora of malicious youkai lined up behind me, I doubt any in this mediocre contest are a match for me. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be taking the championship with the most peaceful of danmaku. | |
Reimu |
こ、これは認めざるを得ない。 |
I-I gotta admit, she's good. |
Marisa |
観客を驚かせつつ、独特な色彩感覚で空を埋める。流石の腕前だな。 |
Without forgetting to surprise the audience, she fills the skies with this peculiar sense of color. Just what I'd expect from her skills. |
Sumireko |
下から黒、白、黄、赤、青、紫……。冠位十二階の階級になってるんですね。上に行くほどレア度が高いのかな? |
Starting from the bottom, black, white, yellow, red, blue, purple... These are the 12 courtly ranks. Do they get rarer the higher up they go? |
Sanae |
色を変えながら打ち上がっていく、ありそうであまり無い花火です。色彩的にも密度的にも素敵。 |
There must be some, but there aren't many fireworks that change color as they ascend. It's wonderful in both color and density. |
Sakuya |
観客の少ない所から打ち上げていて、その辺の配慮も素晴らしいです。 |
And so considerate too. I love how she launched them from places with less people. |
Final score |
調和の中に不規則性があり、美しい色彩が自然と馴染んでいくような、そんな弾幕だった。密度は高いがゴチャゴチャしている訳では無く。その辺に悔しいがセンスを感じる。 |
It's the sort of danmaku that has a hint of chaos within harmony, and a variety of beautiful colors that feel perfectly natural. It's dense, but without feeling cluttered. As much as I hate to admit it, she's got good taste. |
光符「グセフラッシュ」 |
使用者:豊聡耳神子 |
User: Toyosatomimi no Miko | |
使用者より |
User's Comment: Perhaps that was a bit much to start off with. I'm sure you'd prefer to see something closer to ordinary fireworks. In which case, I shall oblige. Witness the most orthodox, brightest, and most colorful fireworks you've ever seen! | |
Reimu |
これは……私の「夢想封印」に似ているけど、ぐぬぬ。 |
This... looks just like my "Dream Seal"... Grr. |
Marisa |
基本的な弾幕なので似たようなのは沢山あったが、圧倒的な光量と持続性とスピード感だ。お見事。 |
As an orthodox danmaku it resembles a lot of things, but that overwhelming light and speed and persistence make it stand out anyway. Marvelous. |
Sumireko |
ランダムではないようですが、密度の偏りがない規則性に弾幕に対する美学を感じます。 |
It doesn't seem random, but it's not clustering anywhere either. It really makes you appreciate the aesthetics of orderly danmaku. |
Sanae |
確かに熱量の高い弾幕なんですけど、ちょっとシンプルで力押し過ぎないですかね。 |
This is definitely intense danmaku, but because of its simplicity, it doesn't go overboard with the brute force either. |
Youmu |
この光。とても大きいのに当たっても優しい感じがします。グセって救世って意味ですよね? |
What light... These bullet are really large, but even when you hit them it feels so gentle. "Guse" means "salvation" here, right? |
Final score |
弾幕の構造は基本的で単純なものだが、もしかしたら、最も花火らしい弾幕だったかも知れない。もの凄い光量の花火に観客のボルテージは高いままだ。 |
While the structure is purely orthodox, this may be the most firework-like danmaku we've seen tonight. All that light is certainly keeping the crowd energized. |
「我こそが天道なり」 |
使用者:豊聡耳神子 |
User: Toyosatomimi no Miko | |
使用者より |
User's Comment: Oh? So the previous spellcard didn't have enough light for you? I see you know no fear. Then allow me to show you true brilliance, like a sun illuminating the world of man! Indeed, I AM the way of heaven! | |
Reimu |
眩しすぎ。驕りすぎ。 |
Too bright. Too arrogant. |
Marisa |
観客の熱気を光に変えて凝縮し、炸裂させたんだな。連続した弾幕で興奮させて一気に心を奪われたという訳か。 |
She's transmuting the audience's enthusiasm into concentrated light before making it explode. So this whole chain of spellcards was just so she could steal our hearts in one swoop? |
Sumireko |
ま、眩しいです。天道ってのはテントウムシの事では無いんだよねぇ。そりゃ違うよね。 |
S-So bright! So, uh, tentou (way of heaven) doesn't have anything to do with tentoumushi (ladybug), right? Yeah, that's just dumb, ignore me.[2] |
Sakuya |
昔の魔術師は鏡で人心をコントロールしたという。これは凝視すると心まで支配される奴ね。 |
They say that long ago, a sorcerer controlled people's minds with a magic mirror. This is the same. Gaze into it, and you'll be under her control. |
Youmu |
くやしいです。何だかひれ伏してしまいますー。 |
I hate to admit it, but I ended up bowing down before her on instinct. |
Final score |
とんでもない光量で驚かしてきたが、徐々にその驕り高ぶった態度が鼻につくこともあり、評価は割れた。彼女はしばしば調子に乗って人を支配しようとする癖がある。出来れば優勝させたくはないのだが……。 |
While at first we were dazzled by the extraordinary amount of light, after a while you just get sick of her grandstanding, so points were deducted. She has a bad habit of getting cocky and trying to dominate people. I really don't want her to win this contest, but... we'll see. |
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