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The Grimoire of Usami/Section 1-9
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龍魚「龍宮の使い遊泳弾」 |
使用者:永江衣玖 |
User: Iku Nagae | |
使用者より |
User's Comment: The excitement on the surface has been reverberating even above the clouds. What you're doing here looks fun. I've been busy again lately, so I'd been hoping for this sort of peaceful event. Please watch the elegant danmaku of the heavens. | |
Reimu |
天空の優雅な? 嵐みたいにも見えるけど。 |
What elegance of the heavens? I just see a storm. |
Marisa |
一気に光量が減って物足りなく見えるな。だが、これはこれで、ちょっとホッとする。 |
The sudden drop in brightness makes me feel like something's lacking here. But, well, that's not her fault so I'll try to ignore it. |
Sumireko |
リュウグウノツカイ……雲の中に棲んでいるんですか? だとしたら龍宮は雲の上にあるってことなのかな。 |
What, why is a messenger of the dragon palace living in the clouds...? Does that mean the Dragon Palace is above the clouds? |
Sakuya |
貴方が出てきたのが、地震の前触れではないってことで安心しました。弾幕の評価はほどほどです。 |
It's reassuring to hear that you didn't show up to warn of an earthquake. Your danmaku's... okay. |
Sanae |
グルグル回る弾幕って、発射口から少し離れた場所の密度が濃くなるんですよね。 |
The danmaku moving in circles gets really dense a little ways away from where it appears, huh? |
Final score |
花火大会の音と熱気が雲の上まで届いていたらしい。これ程の規模の平和的イベントは、幻想郷で初めてだろう。彼女が来たということは、もう一人面倒な奴がやってくるかも知れない。 |
Apparently the noise and heat of the contest reached above the clouds. That goes to show how large this peaceful event started in Gensokyo is. But if she's showing up, maybe we can expect a certain other annoyance. |
珠符「五爪龍の珠」 |
使用者:永江衣玖 |
User: Iku Nagae | |
使用者より |
User's Comment: Ooh, I got quite a harsh score for that... To be honest, I was thinking of this contest as simply playing around, so I might have underestimated it. And that hermit's performance was right before mine too. Then I'll try to be as flashy as possible! | |
Reimu |
これは格好いい……、こんなレーザ一の使い方は始めて見たわ。 |
Now this is cool. This is the first time I've seen lasers used like that. |
Marisa |
く、こういうのは私がやりたかった奴だ。レーザーで星を作る、か。メモしておこう。 |
Gah, this is the kinda thing I wanted to do... Stars made out of lasers, huh? I should take notes. |
Sumireko |
夜空に浮かぶ大量の五芒星に、中二的な心を揺さぶられます。 |
A night sky covered in pentagrams just moves my little chuuni[1] heart. |
Sanae |
五芒星は私も得意なんですけどね。悔しいかな、彼女の方がスマートな気がします。 |
Pentagrams are MY thing though. Well, it's a little frustrating, but I think hers are more stylish. |
Youmu |
えーっと……これって避けること出来るの一? 頭がこんがらがってきました。 |
Um... is it possible to dodge this? My head's spinning. |
Final score |
大量の五芒星が重なり合い、万華鏡のように姿を変える美しい弾幕だった。眩しすぎないところも〇。謎の多い龍宮の使いだが、実力は高いのだと思われる。 |
Beautiful danmaku that creates a kind of kaleidoscope effect with lots of overlapping pentagrams. It also gets a pass for not being too bright. This messenger of the Dragon Palace may be full of mysteries, but it seems her skill is the real deal. |
気性「勇気凛々の剣」 |
使用者:比那名居天子 |
User: Tenshi Hinanawi | |
使用者より |
User's Comment: Oho, so you were holding something this fun?! Well, how about it, aren't you all bored of watching the meager danmaku of the trash on the surface?! Then leave it to me! I'll burn everything with the glory of a celestial! | |
(0) |
(安全管理の為、欠席) |
(Absent to handle safety concerns.) |
Marisa |
馬鹿野郎。本物の魔力弾をぶつけてくるんじゃない! 霊夢と妖夢が弾きに行っていなければ地上は丸焦げだぞ……。 |
That idiot, she's shooting real magic bullets! If Reimu and Youmu hadn't stepped out to repel the bullets, this surface would be ash... |
Sumireko |
こ、これはあぶないけど……レイムッチの弾裁きと相まって凄い迫力です。これはこれでありかも……。 |
Th-This is dangerous! But... combined with Reimers deflecting the bullets it's pretty impressive. This is kinda cool in its own way... |
Sakuya |
そろそろ勘違いしてる奴が出てきてもおかしくないと思ってたわ。 |
I figured it was only a matter of time before these sorts of confused people started showing up. |
Sanae |
それにしても凄い剣……、持っているのがあんな奴じゃなければ平和なのに。あと、妖夢さんも凄い剣裁きねぇ。 |
Still, what an amazing sword... although I'd feel more at ease if anyone else was using it. Also, Youmu's swordsmanship is amazing too. |
Final score |
確かに弾幕は天地が裂けるかのような迫力のあるものだったが、実際に危険だった為、今回は審査の対象から外した。しかし、一部の観客からは、この様な危険と隣り合わせの弾幕に興奮していたようである。 |
While her danmaku does seem to have the power to split heaven and earth, since it's actually dangerous we won't be judging it. Although a portion of the audience seems to find it exciting to have this danger alongside the danmaku. |
要石「カナメファンネル」 |
使用者:比那名居天子 |
User: Tenshi Hinanawi | |
使用者より |
User's Comment: I see... So in order to show these to the humans, we have to play pretend like it's a safe fireworks contest. Sorry about that, seriously. At the same time, this contest suddenly became way less interesting, but oh well. Then I guess I'll do some fake fireworks. | |
Reimu |
なんと、自分が花火みたいなのを沢山投げたのね。急に地味で笑える。 |
What the heck, now she threw out a bunch of fireworks looking things. It's so plain that it's almost funny. |
Marisa |
要石を花火に見立てて投げたのか。この大会は自分自身を花火に見立てるもんなんだけどなぁ。いつもズレてる。 |
So she just threw her keystones out like fireworks, huh? In this contest you're supposed to be the fireworks yourself though. Guess she's always missing the point. |
Sumireko |
すぐに過ちを認めるところは、さすがだと思います。自信が服を着て歩いているみたいな人だからこそ、かな。 |
I think it's impressive how she immediately admitted her mistake? Maybe that's precisely because she's one of those people who wears their confidence like a cloak. |
Sanae |
うーん、もっと要石が派手に破裂しても良かったんじゃ無いですかねぇ。 |
Hmm, shouldn't the keystones have had flashier explosions? |
Sakuya[2] |
久々に真剣に弾を斬りました。何だろう、さっきみたいな方が、個人的には面白いかも……。 |
It's been a while since I seriously chopped bullets. How do I put this... Personally, I think I liked the previous one better. |
Final score |
十分美しい弾幕だと思うのだが、さっきの迫力に気圧されてしまって、盛り上がりに欠けた。弾幕と花火。恐怖と安全。何か引っかかるものがあるのも確かである。 |
While this danmaku is plenty beautiful, after the intensity of the previous one it can only feel like a let-down. Danmaku and fireworks, fear and safety. There has to be a middle ground. |
- ↑ Chuuni refers to Chuunibyou, a modern term meaning "2nd year middle school disease, and refers to the aesthetics of a middle schooler who thinks edgy things are cool
- ↑ Sakuya's portrait could be a misprint here. The comment sounds more like something Youmu would say, given her history with cutting things and the fact that she went out slashing bullets in the previous spell card.
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