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The Grimoire of Usami/Section 2-1
< | Section 1-10 | The Grimoire of Usami | Section 2-2 | > |
逆転「リバースヒエラルキー」 |
• 使用者:鬼人正邪 |
• User: Seija Kijin | |
これから何が起こるか判らないって? |
You say you don't know what'll happen next?! | |
Sumireko |
と、突然の乱入者です。霊夢さんもいなくなっちゃったし、花火大会はこれからどうなってしまうのでしょうか!? それにしても天地がひっくり返ったような不思議な弾幕です! |
A-An intruder! And Reimu's not here either, so what's going to happen to this contest?! And what's with this weird spellcard that's flipping heaven and earth?! |
Youmu |
派手な登場でしたが、普通に弾幕を見せるんですね。これも演出の一つなのかな? |
You made quite the entrance, but the danmaku you're showing us is normal. Is this all part of the show? |
逆弓「天壌夢弓の詔勅」 |
• 使用者:鬼人正邪 |
• User: Seija Kijin | |
もうふざけたぬるま湯花火大会はおしまいだ。 |
This lukewarm contest has gone on long enough! Danmaku is beautiful because it's deadly! And now we'll be seeing our sympathizers popping up one after another. | |
Sumireko |
ロックです! 激しくて危険な感じが格好いいです! 歓声も上がっていて、観客もこの変化を喜んでいるようです! |
Now that's metal! This intense feeling of danger is so cool! And based on these cheers, the crowd eating this up too! |
Sanae |
ちょっ、この弓矢。本物よ! こんなの落ちてきたら死人が出るわ! もしかして彼女の言っていることって本気なの? |
Hold on, these arrows are real! If one these lands on someone, people are going to die! Don't tell me she's being serious?! |
獄符「地獄の蝕」 |
• 使用者:クラウンピース |
• User: Clownpiece | |
こんな機会滅多にないぜー! |
You don't get this chance every day! If I can go all out with hellish danmaku, then it's my time to shine! | |
Sumireko |
あ、暑い……。これは洒落にならないです。でも、あの巨大な岩石がガードしてくれている様にも見えるけど……。 |
S-So...hot... This is no joke. But it looks like that huge rock is blocking some of it for me... |
Seija |
よっこらしょ、0点。ふーここで審査員として地獄を眺めるとするか。よろしくな、外の人間。これから面白くなりそうだろ? |
Hyup! 0 points. Phew, guess I'll watch over Hell from over here with the judges? Good to work with ya, outsider. Don't ya think things are getting interesting? |
細綱「カンダタロープ」 |
• 使用者:黒谷ヤマメ |
• User: Yamame Kurodani | |
人間を傷つける弾幕は使っちゃ駄目って聞いてたから興味なかったけど、 |
I wasn't interested when I heard we couldn't use danmaku that'd hurt humans, but if we can go all out now then this is cool as heck! | |
Shinmyoumaru |
直接狙うだけの弾幕なんて、露骨に殺しにかかってるなぁ。愉快だけど芸は無い。 |
Aimed bullets that are clearly meant to kill, huh? Amusing, but artless. |
Seija |
これは芥川龍之介の『蜘蛛の糸』だな。こんな土蜘蛛にも、救ってやりたい恩人がいるのかねぇ。 |
So this is from Ryunosuke Akutagawa's "The Spider's Thread"? I wonder if there's anyone out there this earth spider wants to save. |
Sumireko |
あれ? 審査員の入れ替えですかー? |
Huh? Are we switching up the judges? |
嫉妬「ジェラシーボンバー」 |
• 使用者:水橋パルスィ |
• User: Parsee Mizuhashi | |
妬ましい……。 |
I'm so jealous... The surface is having such a fun fireworks contest while the underworld dwellers aren't even allowed to participate? If it weren't for that inchling, I'd be forced to stay under my bridge, all by myself, cursing you all... | |
Seija |
おうおう、共鳴力の高い人間どもが心を痛めているぜ。いい気味だ。 |
Ooh, she's dealing a lot of damage to the humans with a lot of sympathy. Serves them right. |
Shinmyoumaru |
天邪鬼のお前がいい気味っていうことは……まあね、口では反対を言うけどそういう奴だって知ってたよ。 |
Wait, so if an amanojaku like you says "serves them right" then that's double sarcasm, so, uh... Whatever, you say the opposite of what you mean, but I already knew you were like that. |
Sumireko |
何か胸が締め付けられる思いがします……何なのでしょう、あのハートの弾幕。 |
It's like, these feelings are making my chest feel tight... What is this heart danmaku? |
災禍「呪いの雛人形」 |
• 使用者:鍵山雛 |
• User: Hina Kagiyama | |
私の最凶弾幕でこんな楽しげなイベントなんて |
Bringing my most ominous danmaku to a joyful event like this will curse you. Curse you, I say! Curses until the cows come home! | |
Seija |
だんだん会場もざわついてきたな。急に不吉な弾幕になってたのに戸惑っているようだ。クックック……。 |
This place is getting noisier by the minute. Guess they don't know what to think about this unlucky danmaku out of nowhere. Heh heh heh. |
Shinmyoumaru |
雛人形も、使い方次第でこんな厄だらけになっちゃうだねぇ。まるで藁人形だなぁ。 |
So depending on how you use them, even Hina dolls can bring about this much misfortune, huh? It's almost like a straw doll. |
Sumireko |
凶の字になってるんですかね。何とも禍々しいです……。霊夢さん達も帰ってこないし……、もしかして、この大会に何か起こっているのかな。 |
Wait, does it write out the kanji for misfortune? How ominous... Reimu and the others aren't coming back either... Don't tell me something's happening to the contest? |
飛首「エクストリームロングネック」 |
• 使用者:赤蛮奇 |
• User: Sekibanki | |
目指せ幻想郷最長記録! |
I'm aiming to set a new record in Gensokyo! Just how long can I stretch my neck?! If I can get right up close to everyone in the audience, be sure to applaud! | |
Seija |
まるでびっくり妖怪ショーだな。こういうのも弾幕って呼んでも良いのか? いや、良いに決まっているな。 |
What is this, a youkai variety show? Can we even call this danmaku? Whatever, of course it's allowed. |
Shinmyoumaru |
審査員の真似事をしていたけど、全部0点なら点数なんて要らないんじゃない? |
We've been playing judge here, but if we just give everything a 0 then why bother giving scores at all? |
Sumireko |
うわあ、ろくろっ首だー。古典的妖怪だー! って、こっちに誰か来ますよ……? 新しい審査員なのかな。 |
Uwah! It's a rokurokubi! The classic youkai! Wait, is that someone else coming over here? Another new judge?
- ↑ Based on the idiom 捨てる神あれば救う神あり, meaning "when one god abandons, another one saves" meaning "when one opportunity is lost, another one opens." Except replacing god with "hell."
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