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The Grimoire of Usami/Section 2-10
< | Interlude | The Grimoire of Usami | Afterword by Sumireko Usami | > |
紅魔符「ブラッディカタストロフ」 |
使用者:レミリア&フランドール |
Sakuya |
あらら、二人とも来てたんですねぇ。水が出る弾幕が多くて危なかったのですが……。 |
Oh my, so you two came after all? It's dangerous here with all the water danmaku though... |
Marisa |
あの姉妹、そんなに仲が良かったか? |
Do these sisters always get along so well? |
永夜符「蓬莱壺中の弾の枝」 |
使用者:永琳&輝夜 |
Yukari |
あの手紙、役に立ったわ。事態を逆転させる能力って便利よねぇ。副産物でこんな珍しい弾幕も見られるなんて。 |
That letter worked very well. The ability to reverse a situation certainly is so convenient. And to think I got to see such rare danmaku as a side effect. |
Reimu |
何の話? |
What are you even talking about? |
神星符「正体不明の怪光人だかり」 |
使用者:マミゾウ&ぬえ |
Okina |
なる程……即興弾幕か。この大会自体を表した弾幕を見せるとは、面白い奴らだな。 |
I see... Improv, is it? What an interesting pair, to show the danmaku expressing the tournament. |
Marisa |
おお、そういうことか。弾幕を見て右往左往する観客達って訳か。趣味が悪い奴らだなぁ。 |
Oh, so that's how it is? The audience moving in confusion by danmaku, huh? What poor taste. |
「許可無く弾幕は撮影禁止です」 |
使用者:霊夢&紫 |
Sumireko |
一杯撮っちゃった……。つか、最後に言わないでよー(汗) |
I took so many photos though... Wait, don't tell us at the end! (sweat) |
Sanae |
天狗達も沢山撮っていましたよ。こういう注意は一番最初にしないと……。 |
The tengu were taking a lot too. You really have to give this sort of warning at the beginning... |
Youmu |
注意したって、天狗達は絶対撮りますって。 |
Even with the warning, the tengu would definitely take them anyway. |
< | Interlude | The Grimoire of Usami | Afterword by Sumireko Usami | > |
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