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The Grimoire of Usami/Section 2-4
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鵺符「鵺的スネークショー」 |
使用者:封獣ぬえ |
User: Nue Houjuu | |
はあはあ、遅れちゃったー。 最高に不思議で |
*pant* *pant* I'm late... But lucky me, looks like the fireworks contest is still going past the scheduled time. Now I'm gonna show you the most mysterious, cryptic, unidentified fireworks you've ever seen! | |
Shinmyoumaru |
声かけてない奴も来ているな。霊夢が用意したぬるま湯花火大会はもう終わってるんだけど、まあいいか。 |
This isn't one of the ones I called. I guess she doesn't know that Reimu's half-assed contest is over, but whatever. |
Yukari |
なかなか綺麗な弾幕じゃないの。意味不明って程でも無いと思うけどねぇ。 |
The danmaku's pretty enough. I'm not sure I'd call it "cryptic" though. |
Sumireko |
凄い……、こんなシンプルなのに見飽きないです。ただ、ちょっと……殺意が感じられないと物足りないような。 |
Amazing... it's so simple, but I can't look away. It's just... It doesn't feel like it's trying to kill me, so something's lacking. |
「遊星よりの弾幕X」 |
使用者:封獣ぬえ |
User: Nue Houjuu | |
え? まあいいや、 |
Huh? The fireworks contest is over? Then what're we doing now then? Well, whatever, just watch this! I went through all the trouble of preparing it, after all! | |
Seija |
ぬるいぬるい。弾幕もイミテーションじゃないか。 |
Weak. Ain't the danmaku just an imitation too? |
Okina |
無意識なのか判らないが、この弾幕は背中の力で異世界から弾幕を呼び寄せているな。こいつ、私が見ている事が判っているに違いない。正体不明の化け物め。 |
Maybe she's doing this unconsciously, but this danmaku is using the power of the back to summon danmaku from another world. I've no doubt that she knows I'm watching too. What an unidentifiable monster. |
Sumireko |
◯△□✕……、プ、プレステみたいだー! 私には正体判りますw! |
◯△□✕... I-It's a PlayStation! Guess I identified it, lol! |
「平安京の悪夢」 |
使用者:封獣ぬえ |
User: Nue Houjuu | |
なる程ね、 問答無用で最高の |
Oh, I get now. So the ban on killing's been lifted, and it's just a danmaku contest? Guess I don't need to hold back then. Watch THIS, the unequivocally ultimate unknown! | |
Seija |
おお? これは癖があるな。殺意も感じないし花火感も無いが、何故か惹かれる。 |
Oh? Now this is weird. I don't feel the desire to kill, but it sure ain't fireworks either. But... it draws you in. |
Yukari |
今度は連続体と粒子の境界を操る弾幕か。何処まで本気なのかも判らないけど、ほんと、正体不明の化け物ねぇ。 |
It's danmaku that manipulates the boundary of particle and continuum this time, is it? I don't know how serious she's being, but really, she is an unidentifiable monster. |
Sumireko |
碁盤の目って奴ですね。三つ連続で見ましたが、どういう関連性があったのかなぁ。格好も意味不明だし、不思議な妖怪で興味惹かれました! |
So now it's like a go board, huh? She did three in a row, but what's the connection? I don't get why they look like that, but I sure am interested in this mysterious youkai! |
湊符「幽霊船永久停泊」 |
使用者:村紗水蜜 |
User: Minamitsu Murasa | |
さっきは運営側だったけど、 |
Last time I was with management, but now that anything goes, no way am I sitting back chewing my ladle[1]! Gaze at the all-sinking anchors! | |
Shinmyoumaru |
うわあ、お椀のお舟が沈められるー。溺れ死ぬー。 |
Wah, my bowl boat is sinking! I'm gonna drown! |
Okina |
大きな錨を軽々と投げつけるなんて、なかなかの力持ちのようだな。水難事故を起こすだけの能力では勿体ない。 |
She must be pretty strong to throw around anchors like that so easily. What a waste that her ability is only to drown. |
Sumireko |
弾幕の激しさも凄いけど、それより水量も凄い。またびしょびしょだ……。スマホが完全防水じゃなければぶち切れるところよ、何なのこの花火大会。 |
The intensity of that danmaku is amazing, but what's even more amazing is how much water she's throwing around. Now I'm all soaked again... I'd be pissed if my phone weren't waterproof. What kind of fireworks festival is this? |
「コンプリートクラリフィケイション」 |
使用者:寅丸星 |
User: Shou Toramaru | |
ふふふ、 獣の血が |
Heh heh, so the ban on killing intent is lifted, eh? I knew it, that's how danmaku has gotta be. My beast's blood is boiling...! | |
Sumireko |
もの凄く整った弾幕から崩れて散っていくまで、変化に富んだ弾幕です。格好良いなぁ。 |
It's so cool how the perfectly ordered danmaku just crumbles and scatters like that. A nice, transforming danmaku. |
Yukari |
これはね、法の光に見せかけて、竹林の中に潜む獰猛な虎を表現しているのよ。人間なんか一呑みする妖怪だわ。 |
So this represents the facade of the light of Dharma falling away, revealing the ferocious tiger lurking in the woods. A youkai who could swallow a man whole. |
Seija |
獣のくせに格好付けてんじゃねーよ。本能のままに肉を食え、酒を呑め。 |
A beast trying her best to look cool? Yeah, not buying it. If you're really acting on instinct, then eat some meat! Drink some sake! |
大魔法「魔神複誦」 |
使用者:聖白蓮 |
User: Byakuren Hijiri | |
あらあら、 |
Oh my, so this sort of surprise was being prepared? What a tasteful festival. I'm sure this will be fine, with Reimu and the other judges there to block it. | |
Shinmyoumaru |
良いなぁ。大きい奴は努力しないでも迫力があってさ。 |
Wow, big people can be so impressive without even trying... Wish I could do that. |
Okina |
ほほう。これはこれは、お経を唱えているだけのお寺の坊主だと思ったら、こんな裏の顔を持っていたなんて。 |
Oho! And here I'd been thinking of her as just another monk at the temple, chanting her life away with sutras. So she had this hidden side of her too. |
Sumireko |
もの凄く圧迫感があって、何かゲームのボスの攻撃を見ている気分です。 |
What an oppressive feeling. It's like I'm watching a boss's attack in a video game. |
- ↑ Wordplay on 指を咥えて待つ (lit. to wait while sucking one's finger), which means "to wait with nothing to do."
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