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The Grimoire of Usami/Section 2-5
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怨霊「入鹿の雷」 |
使用者:蘇我屠自古 |
User: Soga no Tojiko | |
うらめしやー! ついに積年の怨みを |
Boo! Did I scare you? I heard we're doing a haunted house contest now. It's finally time to show off my centuries-old grudge! | |
Shinmyoumaru |
肝試し大会とは言ってないけど……。やってることは同じようなもんか。 |
No one ever said it was a haunted house... But fine, you're doing the same thing anyway. |
Yukari |
怨霊が集まって来ているわ。霊夢達も頑張り甲斐があるでしょうね。 |
So vengeful spirits are starting to gather. Looks like Reimu's hard work is paying off. |
Sumireko |
放射状でありつつカクカクした不思議な文様。雷のような、生物のような不思議な動きです。これは正統派の変化球ですね! |
What a strange pattern, radiating out all wobbly like that. It's like lightning, or a living thing. What an orthodox curve ball! |
神光「逆らう事なきを宗とせよ」 |
使用者:豊聡耳神子 |
User: Toyosatomimi no Miko | |
何だと? |
What's this? The contest I thought I'd already won is still going? It seems some of the entrants from the first half are coming back too. Very well then. I will show you a victory that cannot be questioned. | |
Seija |
こいつ嫌い。正論に独善、自分には寛大で他人の不正は認めない奴だぜ? |
I hate this lady. She's all "reasonable" and so self-righteous, lenient with herself while she doesn't forgive others' wrongdoings! |
Okina |
あっはっは、滅茶苦茶だ。それに弾幕はイミテーションで安全を確保したまま、圧倒的な威圧感。見事だ! |
Ha ha ha, how absurd! Not to mention how it's so overwhelmingly intimidating while still being an imitation for safety reasons. Bravo! |
Sumireko |
うわー、なんじゃこれー。それにスペルカード名酷すぎるww |
Uwah, what the heck? And the spellcard name is just too cruel, lol! |
「十七条の憲法爆弾」 |
使用者:豊聡耳神子 |
User: Toyosatomimi no Miko | |
まだまだ、ダメ押しだ! くくく、あはは、 |
No, it's still not enough! They must see my brilliance from point-blank range. Heh heh heh, ah ha ha! This will win me the contest three times over, with change to spare! | |
Shinmyoumaru |
まだ花火大会のつもりなのがウケるー。もう優勝でも何でもあげちゃえー。 |
It's so funny how she still thinks this is a fireworks contest. But fine, I'll give you the win, I'll give you anything! |
Okina |
ハッタリで恐怖を植え付ける手法が見事である。余程の天邪鬼で無い限り、ひれ伏すだろう。 |
What a splendid way of instilling fear through a bluff. Only the most stubborn amanojaku wouldn't bow down before her. |
Sumireko |
もう眩しすぎて何が何やら……。この人を敵に回すのだけは避けないといけないな。 |
It's too bright! I can't tell what's what... I really can't afford to make this lady my enemy. |
「ワイルドカーペット」 |
使用者:二ッ岩マミゾウ |
User: Mamizou Futatsuiwa | |
何じゃ、 獣と鳥の |
What, it's still going? Then I'll throw in another one for free. This is the revelry of bird and beast. | |
Shinmyoumaru |
うわうわ、キツイキツイ。小人にとって動物も鳥も恐怖なんだよー。 |
Uwah, that's harsh! To an inchling, even birds and animals are scary. |
Okina |
ほう、連続した弾幕で溜まりに溜まった妖気を、獣と鳥達が捕食しているのか。なかなか粋な真似をするな。 |
Oh? Are the birds and beasts feeding on the youkai energy that's been building up from all the danmaku? Quite a sophisticated trick. |
Sumireko |
これだけ動物がいるのに、鳴き声もなく生き物の感じがしないのが不気味です……。 |
With this many animals and none of them making a sound, it's kinda creepy. They don't feel alive at all. |
牙符「咀嚼玩味」 |
使用者:犬走椛 |
User: Momiji Inubashiri | |
獣が大量に駆け巡ったかと思ったら、 |
I thought there were animals running around, but then they all turned into bullets. This is an insult to the dignity of all beasts. I'll show you a real beast! | |
Seija |
そうそう、獣は豪快に食らい付くくらいじゃないとな! |
Yeah, you know it, girl! Beasts have gotta be snapping at you like... beasts! |
Yukari |
あら、使役者と観客とは別の世界の観測者に噛みついたのね。妖怪らしい表現だわ。 |
Oh? But her target is neither the staff nor the audience, but rather she's bit at some observer from another world. How youkai-like. |
Sumireko |
よく判らないんだけど、画面が噛みつかれたってこと? みんなにはここにゲーム画面か何かが見えてるの? |
I don't really get it, but you're saying she's biting at the screen? Is there some kind of game screen around here everyone's looking at? |
「死体繁華街」 |
使用者:火焔猫燐 |
User: Rin Kaenbyou | |
へっへっへ、お客さん。 そう、 |
Heh heh, hey there folks. Don't you think this contest is lacking something? That's right, it's missing the scent of death! | |
Okina |
火車か、縁起でも無いな。まさか会場に死人が出るとでも思っているのか? |
A kasha, huh? I hope this isn't a bad omen. Don't tell me she thought people would actually be dying here? |
Yukari |
確かに、死の匂いが少ないと盛り上がらないんですもんねぇ。でも霊夢達が見ているから期待には添えないでしょうけど。 |
True, it's difficult to get excited without the scent of death. But with Reimu and the others watching, I wouldn't get my hopes up. |
Sumireko |
あの妖精達……みんなゾンビ化してるの!? ウォーキングなんちゃらみたい。 |
Those fairies... did they all turn into zombies?! It's like that Walking Whatever show! |
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