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The Grimoire of Usami/Section 2-6
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獄炎「かすりの獄意」 |
使用者:クラウンピース |
User: Clownpiece | |
殺意を見せ合う まるで |
A fireworks contest where we try to kill each other?! It's like a hellish hell! | |
Seija |
なかなか見所のある妖精じゃないか。私は妖精のような立場の低い奴が活躍するのが大好きなんだ。 |
Now that's one promising fairy. I always love it when low-status people like fairies do great things. |
Yukari |
地獄の妖精って割には、大人しい攻撃ですこと。 |
What a reserved attack, for a hell fairy. |
Sumireko |
おお、レイムッチ達が観客を守ろうとしていることで、円形の弾幕が歪んでそれが面白い、狙ってるのかなぁ? |
Ooh, so when Reimers and the others try to defend the audience, the circular danmaku warps a bit. That's kinda cool. Is that on purpose? |
獄符「スターアンドストライプ」 |
使用者:クラウンピース |
User: Clownpiece | |
どうだ、これなら 見たことのない |
How about THIS? I'm declaring this a new, never before seen Hell! | |
Seija |
うーん、あと一歩なんだよなー。ふふ、打ち出の小槌を借りてこいつに使ってやろうか……。 |
Hmm, just one more push oughta do it... Hee hee, I think I'll borrow the Miracle Mallet and let her use it... |
Okina |
おお地獄の妖精。お前のご主人に会うことが出来たよ。感謝するぞ。 |
Ooh, the Hell fairy. Thank you for letting me meet your master. |
Sumireko |
これはどういう弾幕なのかな。名前や服装からして、星条旗みたいだけど……。 |
So, uh, what kind of danmaku is this? Judging from that name and those clothes, it looks like the Star-Spangled Banner... |
異界「逢魔ガ刻」 |
使用者:ヘカーティア・ラピスラズリ |
User: Hecatia Lapislazuli | |
殺しの技を見せ合う 地上も |
So this is a contest where we show off our killing techniques to each other? So now the Earth is just like Hell, huh? | |
Seija |
な、なんだこいつ。誰だ、とんでもない奴を連れてきたのは。 |
Wh-What's with is this chick? Who brought someone this ridiculous? |
Okina |
ようこそ地獄の女神様。私の呼びかけに良く応じてくれたな。思う存分地上で暴れて行くがいい。 |
Welcome to Gensokyo, goddess of Hell. I appreciate you accepting my invitation. Feel free to rampage across the Earth as you please. |
Sumireko |
何かが起こりそうな禍々しさを感じる……。会場が一気に異様な空気に包まれた気がするわ。 |
I get the bad feeling that something is happening here... The mood of the entire festival changed in an instant. |
「トリニタリアンラプソディ」 |
使用者:ヘカーティア・ラピスラズリ |
User: Hecatia Lapislazuli | |
あらいやだ。 |
What? No! I would never! | |
Shinmyoumaru |
なあんだ、地獄の女神だって言うもんだから吃驚したけど、地獄の様に退屈な弾幕じゃない。 |
Aw... I was shocked after all that about her being a goddess of Hell, but the only thing hellish about this is the boredom. |
Yukari |
弾幕の弱点は炸裂地点にある。密かにそこを塞いでいる辺りに意地の悪さが感じられるわね。 |
The weak point of danmaku is in where the bullets explode. You can sense her spitefulness in how she's subtly blocking it. |
Sumireko |
あら、普通の連発花火? 長くて数は多いけど、少ししょぼいかも……。 |
Oh, so they're just normal repeating fireworks? It's long, and there are a lot them, but it might be a little dull... |
「月が堕ちてくる!」 |
使用者:ヘカーティア・ラピスラズリ |
User: Hecatia Lapislazuli | |
ここにいる人間達は、 罪人が見る月は、 |
I'd like the humans here to see the moon in comfort, with no crime committed.[1] The moon seen by sinners may be like this. | |
Okina |
お見事! 月が砕け散るなんて痛快じゃないか。月が砕けるということは……、次も楽しみだねぇ。 |
Bravo! Isn't seeing the moon just break and fall into pieces so exhilarating? Breaking the moon is just so... well, let's just say I'm looking forward to the next one. |
Yukari |
隠岐奈、勝手な真似をして……。中途半端だったら承知しないわよ? |
What are you playing at, Okina...? Don't you dare to leave this half-baked, huh? |
Sumireko |
こっわ! 巨大隕石が落ちて地球が火の海になる動画を思い出しちゃった。 |
Whoa, scary! Reminds me of that movie where a huge asteroid comes down and turns the Earth into a sea of fire. |
「掌の純光」 |
使用者:純狐 |
User: Junko | |
なるほど、これが妖怪達による |
I see. So this is the banquet where youkai celebrate life. | |
Shinmyoumaru |
こ、これは、私くらい小さい奴じゃないと避けられないくらい狭い! |
Th-This is so narrow you'd have to be as small as me to dodge it! |
Okina |
そう、その力が見たかった。やはり地獄の女神に声をかけて正解だった! |
Yes, this is the power I wanted to see! I knew inviting the goddess of Hell was the right decision! |
Sumireko |
紫さんも防衛班に行っちゃった。レイムッチ達だけじゃあ危ないってことかな。ブルブル。 |
Even Miss Yukari got up to help defend the audience. Does that mean this lady is so dangerous that even Reimers isn't enough? *Shiver* |
「純粋なる狂気」 |
使用者:純狐 |
User: Junko | |
死を恐れよ。命を惜しめ。 人間も妖怪も生命を |
Fear thine death. Treasure thine lives. Both human and youkai must realize the weight of life, | |
Seija |
なんだこいつ。何か気になる奴だな。判ったよ、死は怖れない、命など要らぬ。 |
Something's bugging me about her... Okay, I got you. I won't fear my death, I don't need my life. |
Okina |
狂っている。これが純粋な狂気の光なのか。参考になるな。 |
How maddening. So this is the light of pure madness? This should make a good reference. |
Sumireko |
うわー、何が何だか判らないけど格好良い! あと、紫さんのお陰で急に安全になった気がする。 |
Whoa! I'm not sure that makes any sense, but it sure sounds cool! Also, I feel a little safer thanks to Miss Yukari. |
「震え凍える星」 |
使用者:純狐 |
User: Junko | |
さてさて、みんな気を抜いて良いわよ。 では驚かしたお詫びに、 |
Alright then, you can all relax now. Then allow me to apologize by showing you my purest and most beautiful fireworks! | |
Shinmyoumaru |
うわー、この隙間を抜けるのは至難の業だ……。でも、これを潜れるのが私くらいなら、大きくならなくても良いかも……。 |
Wow! It'd be next to impossible to squeeze through those cracks! But if I'm the only one who could dodge it, maybe being big's not all it's cracked up to be... |
Okina |
あっはっは、演出の所為で純粋な弾幕が狂気にしか感じない。熟練した大道芸を見させて貰った。実は私は大道芸の神でもあるのだよ……。 |
Ha ha ha... thanks to her acting, I could only see that pure danmaku as madness. Quite a performance there. Actually, I'm even a god of performers myself... |
Sumireko |
今度は至って単純な弾幕……、って小人じゃないと避けられる気がしない! |
And now it's just super pure danmaku... Wait, how is anyone but an inchling supposed to dodge this?! |
- ↑ Literally translated, "I'd like the humans here to see the moon in blameless exile." This is a reference to a quote by Minamoto no Akimoto, a kugyou from the Heian era, which suggests how elegant it would be to gaze upon the moon in solitude(as if you had been exiled) and yet at ease, with no crime committed.
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