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Touhou Hisoutensoku/Gameplay/Stages

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Sanae Kochiya

Stage 1 - VS Cirno

Shore of Misty Lake, Broken Spectre

Spell Cards
氷符「アイシクルフォール」 (Ice Sign "Icicle Fall")
凍符「マイナスK」 (Cold Sign "Minus K")
Pre Battle: 甲論乙駁 (Argue for and Against)
Battle: おてんば恋娘 (Tomboyish Girl in Love)

Stage 2 - VS Hong Meiling

Scarlet Devil Mansion Clock Tower, Evil Red Star of the Mainland

Spell Cards
彩翔「飛花落葉」 (Colorful Flip "Fluttering Petals and Falling Leaves")
彩符「極彩沛雨」 (Colorful Sign "Vivid Color Downpour")
Pre Battle: 冷吟閑酔 (Drunk as I Like)
Battle: 上海紅茶館 ~ Chinese Tea (Shanghai Scarlet Teahouse ~ Chinese Tea)

Stage 3 - VS Reimu Hakurei

Catwalk in Geyser, Sleeping Titan of the Underworld

Spell Cards
御守「妖怪足止めお守り」 (Amulet "Youkai Repelling Charm")
霊符「夢想封印 円」 (Spirit Sign "Dream Seal -Circle-")
神霊「夢想封印 瞬」 (Divine Spirit "Dream Seal -Blink-")
Pre Battle: [伝説の巨神 (The Legendary Titan)
Battle: 二色蓮花蝶 ~ Ancients (Dichromatic Lotus Butterfly ~ Ancients)

Stage 4 - VS Utsuho Reiuji

Fusion Reactor Core, Giant Guignol Fire

Spell Cards
熱符「ブレイクプロミネンス」 (Heat Sign "Break Prominence")
核熱「核反応制御不能ダイブ」 (Atomic Fire "Uncontainable Nuclear Reaction Dive")
「ホットジュピター落下モデル」 ("Hot Jupiter Descent Model")
核熱「人工太陽の黒点」 (Atomic Fire "Artificial Sun's Spot")
Battle: 霊知の太陽信仰 ~ Nuclear Fusion (Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom ~ Nuclear Fusion)

Stage 5 - VS Suwako Moriya

Fusion Reactor Core / Somewhere Above Gensokyo, Ah This-might-be-that Robot

Spell Cards
合掌「だいだらぼっちの参拝」 (Clap "Daidarabotchi's Worship")
神具「洩矢の鉄の輪」 (Divine Tool "Moriya's Iron Ring")
「獄熱の間欠泉」 ("Hellish Heat Geyser")
「マグマの両生類」 ("Magma Amphibian")
空に浮かぶ物体X (The Floating Objects in the Sky X)
Pre Battle 1: 伝説の巨神 (The Legendary Titan)
Pre Battle 2: ぼくらの非想天則 (Our Hisou Tensoku)
Battle: アンノウンX ~ Unfound Adventure (Unknown X ~ Unfound Adventure)
Last Spell: 空に浮かぶ物体X (X, the Floating Objects in the Sky)


Stage 1 - VS Sanae Kochiya

Shore of Misty Lake, Daidarabocchi

Spell Cards
蛇符「雲を泳ぐ大蛇」 (Snake Sign "Great Snake Swimming in the Clouds")
奇跡「ファフロッキーズの奇跡」 (Miracle "Miracle of Fafrotskies")
Pre Battle: 甲論乙駁 (Argue for and Against)
Battle: 信仰は儚き人間の為に (Faith is for Transient People)

Stage 2 - VS Hong Meiling

Scarlet Devil Mansion Clock Tower, Needlessly Worrying Alone

Spell Cards
彩翔「飛花落葉」 (Colorful Flip "Fluttering Petals and Falling Leaves")
彩符「極彩沛雨」 (Colorful Sign "Vivid Color Downpour")
Pre Battle: 冷吟閑酔 (Drunk as I Like)
Battle: 上海紅茶館 ~ Chinese Tea (Shanghai Scarlet Teahouse ~ Chinese Tea)

Stage 3 - VS Marisa Kirisame

Mouth of Geyser, A Cup of Sake after a Bath

Spell Cards
星符「エキセントリックアステロイド」 (Star Sign "Eccentric Asteroid")
流光「シューティングエコー」 (Light Flow "Shooting Echo")
魔符「マジカルR360」 (Magic Sign "Magical R360")
Pre Battle: 以魚駆蠅 (Swing a Fish to Drive Away Flies)
Battle: 恋色マジック (Love Colored Magic)

Stage 4 - VS Utsuho Reiuji

Fusion Reactor Core / The Geyser Underground Center Entrance, Dazzling Hellfire

Spell Cards
熱符「ブレイクプロミネンス」 (Heat Sign "Break Prominence")
核熱「核反応制御不能ダイブ」 (Atomic Fire "Uncontainable Nuclear Reaction Dive")
「ホットジュピター落下モデル」 ("Hot Jupiter Descent Model")
核熱「人工太陽の黒点」 (Atomic Fire "Artificial Sun's Spot")
Battle: 霊知の太陽信仰 ~ Nuclear Fusion (Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom ~ Nuclear Fusion)
Post Battle: 以魚駆蠅 (Swing a Fish to Drive Away Flies)

Stage 5 - VS Alice Margatroid

Forest of Dolls, Daidarabocchi

Spell Cards
人形「セミオートマトン」 (Doll "Semi-automaton")
騎士「ドールオブラウンドテーブル」 (Knight "Doll of Round Table")
犠牲「スーサイドパクト」 (Sacrifice "Suicide Pact")
試験中「レベルティターニア」 (Testing "Level Titania")
試験中「ゴリアテ人形」 (Testing "Goliath Doll")
Pre Battle:人形のある風景 (The Scenery of Living Dolls)
Battle: アンノウンX ~ Unfound Adventure (Unknown X ~ Unfound Adventure)

Hong Meiling

Stage 1 - VS Patchouli Knowledge

Scarlet Devil Mansion Library, Taisui Xingjun's Calamity

Spell Cards
火符「リングオブアグニ」 (Fire Sign "Ring of Agni")
水符「プリンセスウンディネ」 (Water Sign "Princess Undine")
Pre Battle: 伝説の巨神 (The Legendary Titan)
Battle: ヴワル魔法図書館 (Voile, the Magic Library)

Stage 2 - VS Alice Margatroid

Scarlet Devil Mansion Clock Tower, Ambush the Shadow of the Unlucky Star

Spell Cards
人形「セミオートマトン」 (Doll "Semi-automaton")
騎士「ドールオブラウンドテーブル」 (Knight "Doll of Round Table")
Pre Battle: 甲論乙駁 (Argue for and Against)
Battle: the Grimoire of Alice

Stage 3 - VS Marisa Kirisame

Scarlet Devil Mansion Clock Tower, Demons Disguised as Humans

Spell Cards
星符「エキセントリックアステロイド」 (Star Sign "Eccentric Asteroid")
流光「シューティングエコー」 (Light Flow "Shooting Echo")
魔符「マジカルR360」 (Magic Sign "Magical R360")
Pre Battle: 以魚駆蠅 (Swing a Fish to Drive Away Flies)
Battle: 恋色マジック (Love Colored Magic)

Stage 4 - VS Reimu Hakurei

Scarlet Devil Mansion Clock Tower, Reimu Fears Not of Exorcism

Spell Cards
御守「妖怪足止めお守り」 (Amulet "Youkai Repelling Charm")
霊符「夢想封印 円」 (Spirit Sign "Dream Seal -Circle-")
神霊「夢想封印 瞬」 (Divine Spirit "Dream Seal -Blink-")
「最も凶悪なびっくり巫女玉」 ("Most Evil Surprise Miko Orbs")
Pre Battle: 日常坐臥 (Usual Days)
Battle: 二色蓮花蝶 ~ Ancients (Dichromatic Lotus Butterfly ~ Ancients)

Stage 5 - VS Giant Catfish

Scarlet Devil Mansion Field, Does the story end in that way?

Spell Cards
ナマズ「ほらほら世界が震えるぞ?」 (Catfish "See? The World is Shaking!")
ナマズ「液状化現象で大地も泥のようじゃ!」 (Catfish "The Earth Liquefies into Mud!")
ナマズ「発電だって頑張っちゃうぞ?」 (Catfish "I'm Charging Up!")
ナマズ「オール電化でエコロジーじゃ!」 (Catfish "All-Electrical for Ecology!")
大ナマズ「これで浮き世もおしまいじゃあ!」 (Great Catfish "With This Ends the Fleeting World!")
Pre Battle: ぼくらの非想天則 (Our Hisou Tensoku)
Battle: アンノウンX ~ Unfound Adventure (Unknown X ~ Unfound Adventure)