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Touhou Hisoutensoku/Story/Cirno's Scenario
< | Prologue | Story |
Stage 1
「だいだらぼっち」 |
霧の湖の辺 |
Around the Misty Lake | |
BGM: 甲論乙駁 |
BGM: Argue for and Against | |
Cirno |
さっきのアレは…… アレは伝説の大妖怪 あいつを手懐ければ怖いもん無しだ! |
That thing just now... It had to be that legendary If I can tame it, I'm not gonna be scared of anything ever again! |
Sanae Kochiya ENTERS | ||
Sanae |
確かこの辺で消えたような |
It seems that it was here before it disappeared. |
Cirno |
お? 大きいのが消えたと思ったら |
Oh? As soon as I thought the big thing disappeared, |
Sanae |
そこの妖精さん。この辺で巨大ロ……、 |
Hey, over there, Miss Fairy. In this vicinity, have you seen a giant ro... |
Cirno |
だいだらぼっちなんて見てないよ |
I haven't seen a Daidarabotchi. |
Sanae |
だいだらぼっち? |
Daidarabotchi? |
Cirno |
あ、いや、何でもない。 |
Ah, no, never mind. |
Sanae |
まさか、貴方が何か企んでいるのかしら? |
I wonder if you could be plotting something? |
BGM: 信仰は儚き人間の為に |
BGM: Faith Is for the Transient People | |
Sanae Kochiya DEFEATED | ||
Cirno |
うん。 さぁて |
Hmm. Now then, |
Cirno LEAVES | ||
Sanae |
あいたたた。 |
Owie. Ow. |
Stage 2
「ひとり杞憂」 |
"Needlessly Worrying Alone" | |
紅魔館時計台 |
Scarlet Devil Mansion Clock Tower | |
BGM: 冷吟閑酔 |
BGM: Drunk as I Like | |
Meiling |
さっきのが太歳星君なら、こうしてはおられない もうすぐ、災禍に見舞われてしまう! |
If that was the Taisui Xingjun, then this could be bad. Pretty soon we'll be visited by a catastrophe! |
Cirno ENTERS | ||
Cirno |
何をぶつくさ独り言を言ってるんだ? |
What are you grumbling to yourself? |
Meiling |
な、何ですか? |
Wh-what is it? |
Cirno |
妖精だよ。 |
Yep, a fairy. |
Meiling |
そう、私はこれから大きな事を だから、さっさと通りすがりなさい |
Okay. I have a very important task So, just finish passing by and go away. |
Cirno |
さっき、何か慌ててたじゃん。 |
Weren't you getting all hot and bothered over something just now? |
Meiling |
!? 妖精の出る幕じゃないわ! |
!? It's nothing for a fairy to worry about! |
Cirno |
だいだらぼっちより |
This may be more interesting than |
Meiling |
しょうがない、さっさと邪魔者を追っ払おうか |
I've no choice then... looks like I'll have to chase the pest away first. |
BGM: 上海紅茶館 ~ Chinese Tea |
BGM: Shanghai Scarlet Teahouse ~ Chinese Tea | |
Hong Meiling DEFEATED | ||
Cirno |
ええーっと、何をしようとしてたんだっけ? |
Ermmmmm, what was I going to do? |
Meiling |
え? |
Eh? |
Cirno |
んーっとんーっと。 |
Err, umm. |
Meiling |
え? あー、そうそう! |
Eh? Ah, I know! |
Cirno |
そうだ! だいだらぼっちを探してたんだ! |
Oh yeah! Searching for the Daidarabotchi! |
Cirno LEAVES | ||
Meiling |
…… |
... |
Stage 3
「湯上がりに一杯」 |
"A Cup of Sake after a Bath" | |
間欠泉地下センター入口 |
The Underground Geyser Center Entrance | |
BGM: 以魚駆蠅 |
BGM: Swing a Fish to Drive Away Flies | |
Marisa |
ここの温泉は体に良く効くなー これでよく冷えた酒でもあれば最高なんだが |
The hot spring here sure does wonders for the body. Now if there was only some well-chilled sake around then that'd be the best... |
Cirno ENTERS | ||
Cirno |
この辺だったかなぁ |
Was it over here? |
Marisa |
おっ。よく冷えた妖精が。 |
Oh, a well-chilled fairy. |
Cirno |
この辺でだいだらぼっちを見たりしてない? |
Have you seen a Daidarabotchi around here? |
Marisa |
だいだらぼっちだと? |
A Daidarabotchi? |
Cirno |
ものすごーく大きな妖怪だよ! |
A gigantically huge youkai! |
Marisa |
ほうほう。大きい妖怪ねぇ。 |
Ho ho! A big youkai, is it? |
Cirno |
え? 本当に? |
Eh? Really? |
Marisa |
内緒だ。 |
Not telling. |
Cirno |
痛い目に遭って全て吐き出すが良いね! |
So then it'll be OK if I hurt you and force you spit it all out? |
BGM: 恋色マジック |
BGM: Love-Colored Magic | |
Marisa Kirisame DEFEATED | ||
Cirno |
さあ! 何処にいるのさ! |
C'mon! Where is it! |
Marisa |
あいたたた。 そいつは……。 |
Owie. Ow. That thing... |
Cirno |
本当!? 私が一番乗りだ! |
Really!? I'll be the first one there! |
Cirno LEAVES | ||
Marisa |
さてと、全て嘘なのだが あの中は彼奴には暑すぎるだろうな。 しかし、だいだらぼっちって何だろう……。 |
Well then, that was a total lie. It's gonna be too hot for her in there. But what was that about a Daidarabotchi...? |
Stage 4
「業火絢爛」 |
"Dazzling Hellfire" | |
間欠泉地下センター通路 |
The Underground Geyser Center Passageway | |
Cirno ENTERS | ||
Cirno |
暑いよ! これは耐えられない! |
So hot! This is unbearable! |
Utsuho Reiuji ENTERS | ||
Utsuho |
異物発見! |
Foreign substance detected! |
Cirno |
わわわわわ! |
Wawawawawa! |
BGM: 霊知の太陽信仰 ~ Nuclear Fusion |
BGM: Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom ~ Nuclear Fusion | |
Cirno |
これは暑い! |
This is hot! |
Utsuho |
ここから排除するまで逃がすもんか! |
Do you think I'll let you escape before I eradicate you!? |
Cirno |
排除される前に逃げてやる! |
I'll escape before I get eradicated! |
Utsuho |
私から貴方が逃げ切れるか 勝負よ! |
Will you really manage to escape from me? It's a fight! |
Utsuho Reiuji DEFEATED | ||
Cirno |
今がチャンスだ! |
Now's my chance! |
Cirno LEAVES | ||
Utsuho |
さあ、次の攻撃は避けられまい! って、あれー? 火力あげすぎて跡形もなく蒸発しちゃったかなぁ ちょっとやり過ぎたけど、ま、いっか。 |
Now then, you can't possibly escape from my next attack! Eh, what? I've raised the firepower so much that she got vaporized without a trace? I've overdone it a bit. Well, whatever. |
Utsuho Reiuji LEAVES | ||
間欠泉地下センター入口 |
The Underground Geyser Center Entrance | |
BGM: 以魚駆蠅 |
BGM: Swing a Fish to Drive Away Flies | |
Cirno ENTERS | ||
Marisa |
おや、お早いお帰りだな |
Oh, you certainly returned quickly. |
Cirno |
とんでもないよ! |
It was unbelievable! |
Marisa |
そうだろうな。 |
I guess so. |
Cirno |
だいだらぼっちがそんな中に棲んでいるんじゃ |
If the Daidarabotchi is in that kinda place |
Marisa |
まあ、待て。 |
Come on, wait a second. |
Cirno |
? |
? |
Marisa |
さっき、森の方に何か大きな妖怪を見たぜ。 |
I saw a big youkai in the forest's direction just now. |
Cirno |
ほんとに!? |
Really!? |
Marisa |
ああ、今度も嘘じゃない。 |
Yeah, this time I'm not lying. |
Cirno |
ほんとだ。 |
Oh wow! |
Cirno LEAVES | ||
Marisa |
あれは……何だろうな。 |
That thing... I wonder what it could be. |
Final Stage
「本物のだいだらぼっち」 |
"The Real Daidarabotchi" | |
人形の森 |
Forest of Dolls | |
BGM: 人形のある風景 |
BGM: The Scenery of Living Dolls | |
Alice |
まだまだ研究が必要ね |
Further research is still necessary. |
Cirno ENTERS | ||
Cirno |
この辺かなぁ のあ! |
It's here somewhere. Noa! |
Alice |
おや、珍しい顔ね。 |
Oh, an unusual face. |
Cirno |
い、いや迷ってなんかないよ。 |
N-no, I'm not lost. |
Alice |
この辺で? |
Around here? |
Cirno |
だいだらぼっちを見なかった? |
Didn't you see a Daidarabotchi? |
Alice |
だいだらぼっち? |
A Daidarabotchi? |
Cirno |
ものすごーく大きな妖怪だよ! |
A gigantically huge youkai! |
Alice |
大きな妖怪……。 |
A big youkai... |
Cirno |
見たの? |
You've seen it? |
Alice |
知ってるわ。多分。 |
I do know. Probably. |
Cirno |
見たい見たい! |
I wanna, I wanna! |
Alice |
まだ実験段階だけど、 |
It's still in an experimental phase but... |
Cirno |
はやく!はやく! |
Hurry! Hurry! |
Alice |
魔法再充填まで少し力が必要なの。 |
To replenish the magic, a little energy is necessary. |
BGM: アンノウンX ~ Unfound Adventure |
BGM: Unknown X ~ Unfound Adventure | |
Alice Margatroid DEFEATED | ||
Cirno Ending |
< | Prologue | Story |
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