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Touhou Hisoutensoku/Story/Prologue
Story | Sanae's Scenario Cirno's Scenario Meiling's Scenario |
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その日の朝は日射しが遮られ、僅かに暗かった。 こんな夏に季節外れの朝霧が出ているのだろうか。 |
That morning was a little dark, as if something was blocking the sunlight. Could it be because of the morning fog that had unexpectedly appeared in the middle of summer? | |
暑さを忘れさせてくれる霧を期待して家を飛び出した君は、 目の前に揺らめく「それ」を見て驚愕したに違いない。 |
Having leapt out of your home into the mist you were expecting to let you forget about the heat, it is no wonder you would be surprised to see "that" swaying before your eyes. | |
人型の「それ」は、生ぬるくて気持ちの悪い蒸気を放ち、 山を見上げるようにゆらゆらと動いていたのだ。 |
This human-shaped "that", venting disgusting tepid steam, staggered forward and looked as if it were gazing up at the mountain. | |
――いつものように暑く、いつものように騒がしい夏の山。 彼女は人型の「それ」を見下ろしていた。 |
--From up on the mountain, as hot and noisy as it always was in the summer, she gazed down upon the human-shaped "that". | |
幻想郷に来てから早二年経とうとしていた。 初めは異形なる者に対して畏怖から、まともに儀式も行えなかったが、 |
It had already been two years since she first came to Gensokyo. At first, she was so scared of its strange inhabitants that she squarely refused to even perform her rituals, but now she was on friendly terms with them, and could perform her usual work just fine. | |
もう、多少の事では驚かないと思っていた。 勿論、そう思ってしまったら必ず驚かされるのが幻想郷である。 |
She thought she would not be surprised by anything any more. But of course, Gensokyo is the kind of place that will surprise anyone who believes so. That is one of Gensokyo's strong points in comparison to the outside world. | |
彼女は、守矢神社から見える巨大な人影を見ていた。 人影は神社よりも遥かにでかい、彼女にとっての古典的な表現では |
From the Moriya Shrine, she had seen the shape of a giant human. It was taller by far than the shrine itself. In her own old-fashioned terms, it was on the scale of a ten-story highrise. | |
しかし、ロボットと言うには動きが滑らかすぎた。 まるで生きているかの様に動く人影は、時には山に望み、時には里を睨み |
But for a robot, it moved too smoothly. It moved as if alive, sometimes looking longingly at the mountain, sometimes glaring down at the village. | |
その事を神奈子に報告すると、それは「ブロッケンの妖怪」だと教えてくれた。 ブロッケンの妖怪とは、自分の影が霧に映り巨人に見える気象現象である。 |
When she informed Kanako of what she had seen, Kanako told her about the "Brocken Spectre". The Brocken Spectre is a weather phenomenon where your own shadow is reflected in the mist as a seemingly giant figure. | |
実際何らかの気象現象かなんかであろう、 そう考えてしまう自分の思考回路が面白くなかった。 |
But no matter whether it actually was just a weather phenomenon, just accepting that would take all the fun out of imagining what it could be. So she decided to believe it was a giant robot attacking the village below. | |
そう、アレは決して霧に映った影などではない。 霧が出てきたのは人影が出た後だったし、 |
Yes, this was definitely no shadow reflected in the mist. The mist had appeared after the human-shaped form, but most importantly, this was Gensokyo, a place where nothing, no matter how unexpected, is ever strange. | |
小さな妖精はいつものように興奮していた。 今日は山よりも大きいアレを見たからである。 |
The little fairy was excited as ever. Today it was because she had seen that thing that was taller than a mountain. | |
勿論、実際には山よりも遥かに小さいのだが、 視覚から感じる印象は大差はない。 |
Of course, it was also further away than the mountains, so it wasn't very big, but from looking at it, she felt there wasn't much of a difference between them. It had quickly been enveloped in mist and she lost sight of it, but she was sure of what she'd seen. | |
普段はどこに住んでいるのか判らないが、 珍しい妖怪を見たと興奮したのもつかの間 |
With no idea where it would live, but filled with excitement at seeing such a rare youkai, the shrine maiden had left the Youkai Mountain. | |
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巫女はそういうと、霧の中を探し始めたのである。 | Asked the shrine maiden, starting her search through the mist. | |
小さな妖精は何故か焦燥感に駆られ、 自分が先に見たんだから自分の物だと思う様になった。 |
The little fairy for some reason felt annoyed by this, and felt that since she had seen it first, it should belong to her. | |
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そう答え、巫女を牽制した。 彼女はただの好奇心から自分で大妖怪を探そうと思ったのである。 |
She answered, to fool the shrine maiden. She then set out to search for the great youkai on her own, out of pure curiosity. | |
いつも騒がしい紅魔館。その日も例外なく騒がしかった。 門番である彼女は、紅魔館の主であるレミリア・スカーレットに |
The Scarlet Devil Mansion was as busy that day as it always was. The gatekeeper was giving a report to the mistress of the house, Remilia Scarlet, who was cheerfully paying it no mind. | |
彼女は漠然とした不安を感じていた。 朝方、山の麓に巨大な人影を見たのである。 |
The gate keeper was feeling a vague sense of unease. During the morning, she had seen the shape of a giant human at the foot of the mountain. | |
アレは一体何だったのか。 大鵬の様な大きな影、吐き出された禍々しい霧、彼女は確信していた。 |
What could it have been? It was as big as the giant bird Peng, and spewed ominous smoke. She was sure of it. | |
アレは凶事の顕形「 |
It was the shape of "Taisui Xingjun", the Embodiment of Misfortune. | |
ついに幻想郷の全妖怪が 手を取り合って戦わないといけない凶神が現れたのだと、 |
Finally, all the youkai of Gensokyo must stand together and fight this evil god that has appeared in their midst, she reported to the mistress of the Scarlet Devil Mansion. | |
勿論それは聞き入れられなかった。 | Needless to say, her recommendation was not heeded. | |
彼女は思っていた。 退屈な毎日を少し楽しくする為に、わざと誇張しましたけどね、と。 |
That was what she thought. But perhaps she exaggerated a bit, in order to liven up her dull everyday life a little. |
Story | Sanae's Scenario Cirno's Scenario Meiling's Scenario |
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