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Touhou Hisoutensoku/Translation/Aya's Script
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Aya wins Reimu
Aya | もしかして、この神社の御利益って ネタ発見祈願でしょうか? |
Hm, perhaps this shrine's blessing is the discovery of new news material? |
Aya | あいも変わらずネタを提供してくれている神社には 何かお礼をしないといけませんね |
As always I'm able to find news at the shrine. I must pay my respects to it somehow. |
Aya wins Sakuya
Aya | 凄いです! 貴方がここまでのジャグリングの名手だと知りませんでした! | Amazing! I didn't know you were such a good juggler! |
Aya | 手品師の方ですね? 今度は人体切断とか見てみたいです |
Are you a stage magician? Next time, I want to see you cut a body in half. |
Aya wins Alice
Aya | 今度、是非取材させてください 人形に火薬を仕込んでいる処を見たいです! |
Next time, please let me interview you! I want to see where you put the gunpowder in the dolls! |
Aya | 人形といえば非想天則をみましたか? あれもなかなかの自然な動きをする人形ですよ |
Speaking of dolls, have you seen the Hisou Tensoku? That seems to move very much like a doll as well. |
Aya wins Yukari
Aya | 参考までに、外の世界の新聞も見てみたいです やっぱり嘲笑ネタが一番受けるのでしょうか? |
I'd like to see a newspaper from outside for reference. Certainly topics of mockery are the most well-received? |
Aya | テレビ欄……ですか? なんだか判りませんが面白そうですね! |
A television... guide? I don't know what that is but it sounds interesting! |
Aya wins Suika
Aya | 地底も楽しそうでしたね 私達も地底に移り住んでも良いのでしょうか? |
It seems like fun underground too. You think we can live underground too? |
Aya | 貴方が活動的だと、何か事件が起きている 気がしてなりません 何か、隠していませんか? |
Even though you are active, I can't imagine you starting up incidents. Are you hiding something? |
Aya wins Komachi
Aya | 来週の死者コーナーは不評でしたね 余りにも的中率が低くて |
The "Next Week's Deceased Corner" was unpopular. It didn't seem to be very accurate. |
Aya wins Iku
Aya | 果たして、地震の完全予知は可能なのでしょうか? それは本当に興味がありますね |
Just as I thought, it's possible to predict earthquakes, isn't it? I'm very interested in that. |
Aya | 龍宮の使いの生態調査の記事はインテリ層に 好評でした。記事内容は想像でしたが |
The article on the habitual behaviors of the oarfish was a hit with the intellectuals. Even though I just filled it with imagination. |
Aya wins Tenshi
Aya | 天界の貧しいと言われる料理が一体どの位貧しいのか興味は尽きないです | I'm dying to know just how bad the fabled poor cuisine of Heaven is. |
Aya | 天人様は新聞を読んだりしないのですか? 天声人語とか書いて見ません? |
Do the Celestials not read my newspaper? Haven't you heard the saying "Voice of Heaven & Speech of Man"? [1] |
Aya wins Sanae
Aya | あ、ネタを提供しない方の巫女ですね 最近も何か山の為に動いて居るのでしょうか? |
Ah, the miko who couldn't give me any scoops. Are you still running around for the mountain lately? |
Aya wins Cirno
Aya | 実は、妖精が一番面白い事をするのです そこにある者が、一番面白い |
Actually, I think fairies are the most interesting. And the one over there is the most interesting of fairies. |
Aya wins Meiling
Aya | 紅魔館はいつもお世話になっております ネタを提供して、しかも大量購読もしてくれてます |
I have a lot to thank the Scarlet Devil Mansion for. Providing scoops, and the mass subscriptions, too. |
Aya wins Utsuho
Aya | 麓の温泉は好評のようですね。 これで山の経済も潤います。核融合、流石です! |
The hot spring beneath the mountain was a success. With it, you improve the mountain's economy. Just as expected from nuclear fusion! |
Aya wins Suwako
Aya | 非想天則を考えたのは貴方でしたか どういう仕組みなんでしょう? |
So you were there one who thought of the idea of the Hisou Tensoku? How does it work? |
- ^ The "Voice of Heaven & Speech of Man" or "TenseiJingo" is the most famous article in Japanese newspapers; a small column of Asahi Newspaper. Why Aya solicits Tenshi is that a Celestial, viz. Person of Heaven (天人) is appropriate for 天声人語 (Voice of Heaven & Speech of Man), which is originally named as "there is Voice in Heaven, Heaven has man speak it". (Ten ni koe ari, hito wo shite katarashimu. 天に声あり、人をして語らしむ)
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